Review by Strato

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blockland Arena
Level rating: 6.1

A few questions…Why did you call me wisety?And what would you consider a full sized level?

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blockland Arena
Level rating: 6.1

When you’ve got breakfast foods as a beta tester, what can go wrong?

I’m sorry. That did not have any relevance, but I wanted to say that for some reason. Anyway, this is a fairly spiffy Infinite Spaz level that shows quite a bit of skill. It uses the somewhat (okay, maybe a tad bit more than somewhat) overused MEZ02 tileset by Mezz (of course). And it uses it very well. The waterfalls are well-done and this level, unlike many other MEZ02-based levels, actually is not bad-looking. Background eyecandy is present and accounted for. Now that I’ve gotten that done with, time for the review.

TILESET/TILESET USE: MEZ02 is an easy tileset to use. However, it is also an easy tileset to abuse. Rarely do you see a level that truly looks very nice that uses this tileset. Sure, MEZ02 rarely looks really amazing, and this is not anything super-wow-gee-whiz-that’s-cool, but it is very nice for the tileset which is used, which definitely gets it bonus points in the tileset use category. Overall, spiffy.
Pros: Looks nice, especially considering it uses a GASPGASPGAPGAPGAPGPAGPAGPAPGA Mezz tileset!
Cons: Mez02 just is not capable of anything amazing.
Rating: 6.7

WEAPON/ITEM PLACEMENT: I have to say that this level has some pretty nice weapon placement. It also uses food which is, while not really necessary, an eyecandy improver. The debate over whether or not food is good for multiplayer levels is a long-running one. After all, most players do not consider sugar rushes when they are strategizing what to do next. Also, it’s impossible to tell the difference between someone with a sugar rush and someone without. For those who oject to food in multiplayer, you will not like this. Still, generally in this sort of small-ish battle level, the food plays very little of a roll and is just there for some harmless, if rarely useful, decoration. As weapon placement goes, this level yet again was fairly good. The only thing that was odd was that there was a seeker powerup in the middle of the level, but still that did not detract from quality. Placement is nicely done. Three cheeses for Infinite Spaz.
Pros: Placement is generally well-done and thought over.
Cons: If you dislike food, you might object to this level. The seeker powerup’s positioning felt odd.
Rating: 7.2

ORIGINALITY: Originality is really a tough thing to rate on this level. I have never really seen this kind of eyecandy used that much in a Mez03 level, so I am confused as how to go about rating the eyecandy’s originality. As for gameplay: there really is nothing super-original here. It is a basic level, more or less. There are not many surprises, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. For now, I just will not rate level originality.
Rating: N/A

GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: The first thing one notices about this level, after the eyecandy of course, is that it is not that big. In fact, all of it is one room with many platforms and “tunnels” to go through. There is no hiding in this level, so do not expect any cool strategic duel action or strategy of any kind. Where this level truly shines, however, is a quick battle with a lot of people and not much lag. In that case, this is pretty much a no-brainer. For games featuring less people, however, this is not the sort of level you want.
Pros: Good layout for a battle level, fun to play.
Cons: Small.
Rating: 7.0

REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: This is probably the area where the level fares the worst. Sure, it has some interesting eyecandy, but the level is small enough that constant play will become quickly tiresome. It is true that this sort of level is indeed original in many ways, but not enough to take away from the fact that this just is not a level that you can play many times without becoming tired of it. I can imagine, however, this being hosted frequently and it would be enjoyable to play it occasionally – just not a lot at once.
Pros: Good level, good eyecandy.
Cons: It is small, so replay is not great.
Rating: 5.0

OVERALL (not an average): Small battle levels featuring little more than a few platforms seem to be the level of choice for new levelmakers who have some degree of talent but not enough to make a full-fledged level that is worthy of getting a good score. It is not often you find a level that is of such high quality and diminuitive size at once. It is obvious that plenty of thought and effort went into this level. While my score is significantly lower than the average of the previous scores, that is mainly because of the fact that this is a really small level and does not require as much work as a large one. Regardless, everyone should play this, and this is possibly one of the best levels of this size to come along in quite a long time. Download recommendation? I suppose
Pros: This is a really good level, especially for this size. Better eyecandy than 90% of Mez02 levels.
Cons: Can’t really be played a lot. Small.
Rating: 6.2

Flow: B
Layout: B-
Creativity: B+
Bugs: B+

Tileset use: A -
Eyecandy look: B
Creativity: A -
Bugs: A

Weapons: B-
Carrots: B+



+ PROS: Even for its size, this is quite a good level. Mez03 rarely looks this good.
- CONS: Limitations of the tileset have some pulldown effect on the overall eyecandy of the level. The level is quite small, which some may not like. Since it is so small, you can not simply play it over and over without becoming bored of it. Regardless, it’s still not good enough to warrant much play at all. Too small, but still features a lot of quality stuff. Keep up the good job.

NOTE: Score accidentally set incorrectly on first review – my apologies. Also, the level rating seems out of proportion to the scores on the grading sheets. This is because of the size of the level itself, which is not taken into consideration except in the final rating, as well as a few other measures.

- Trafton

EDIT: The more I play this level, the more I find a few problems with it. Various score corrections having to do with this have been aplied. The problem with small levels such as this is that with more play, they tend to worsen in quality. I recommend that you make a full-sized level.

EDIT 2: Hahahaha, I’m sorry for calling you Wisety. I had copied another review of mine to use as a template and left that little snippet behind. My apologies, Infinite Spaz. Goes off laughing to death at his own stupidity.

EDIT 3: I would consider a full-fledged level a level with more than one room. You know what I mean. ;P[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blockland Arena
Level rating: 6.1

“But it still is a good level.” That’s for us to decide, and you to find out!

TILESET/TILESET USE: The level uses the white and blue Mez tileset which I somehow forgot the number of. There is some inventive tileset use, such as the waterfalls and the pool in the bottom, but overall I don’t really like the eyecandy. The background, to be honest, is uninspired, and looks too solid. The waterfalls would do better in the background, and there is not much to speak of in layer 4.
Pros: Some interesting parts.
Cons: Didn’t really captivate me, too boring, background looks solid.
Rating: 6.0

WEAPON/ITEM PLACEMENT: The weapons are really just placed semi-randomly. There are also a few caches of large quantities of food, which is actually a rather good idea, as you need a significant amount of food to get a sugar rush.
Pros: The food is done well.
Cons: Everything a little too random for my tastes, and the seeker powerup is way too powerful for a level covered in one ways.
Rating: 5.5

ORIGINALITY: The level is a series of platforms, and I can’t say I care much for the eyecandy. I will, however, be lenient and not rate this factor.
Pros: N/A
Cons: N/A
Rating: N/A

GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: The design is pretty unthinking, as you might expect from an incarnation of “boredrom”. There is little that is interesting about it, and gameplay will probably consist of running around shooting powered up seekers around randomly. Not my favorite part of this level.
Pros: The level is playable..
Cons: Too random, too seeker based.
Rating: 5.2

REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: This level, by the looks, is not too entertaining, as it does not seem to be paticularly skill based. Sugar Rushes are not paticularly useful except in cramped levels, and this is quite certainly not cramped.
Pros: You can hold a battle here for a while..
Cons: ..before people end up getting bored.
Rating: 5.5

OVERALL (not an average): This is a bland, uninspired level, with eyecandy which needs work but is kind of good. I’m not really sure I recommend it for download, but that’s up to you.
Pros: I’m probably underestimating this level, the eyecandy’s decent.
Cons: I don’t really like the design.
Rating: 5.7

Review by RSPSS FR

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Psych 3
Level rating: 8.1

Pretty good, but the additions wern’t really necciary- except for the spikes fix.

Review by Alister

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Contention
Level rating: 7.8

Contention. The name suggested to me that your engaging in battle with the enemy is a major part of the gameplay.
But it turned out that you engage in battle with the level.

“Contention” is an intricately constructed level. Every tile is carefully chosen so that the level is a challenge without being frustrating. The tileset is also superb: there is a variety of colour, without any of it clashing or any tiles veering away from the theme. It’s quite reusable. I was distracted by what looked like misuse of the set, but as I never played the game, I don’t know whether or not this was intentional.
As I have said, the very structure of the level forms an entity against which you battle. There were some bits that came as a nasty surprise, but this merely adds to the replayability.
However, this level will depend on its replayability, as it is rather short. The problem is reduced by the well distributed secrets, but still stands.
As for the comments about the arches, ignore them. They scroll.

I know I can’t prod Wakeman into making more levels, but that’s not going to stop me. Prod.[This review has been edited by Toxic Bunny]

Review by GAMER(CR)

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lonely Night
Level rating: 6.7

I like the first level, but I didn’t end it.Still, a hard 7.

Review by GAMER(CR)

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Inferno Infiltration v4.0
Level rating: 5.1

I past this level in 5 minutes (What? Im not a pro on JJ2. But I like it:))

Anyway, I don,t see any oweruse of enemies. Exept, that the level is way easy, and it needs more Environment ant Gameplay events, as this lev isnt wery original. Don’t know about you, guys, but my PC worked fine, wile playng this SP, even if I have pentium 2(340HZ).Old, huh? My father will update it soon, or my name isn’t GAMER)
Sorry, that I reviewd a lot of nonesence. Best wishes.

GAMER[This review has been edited by GAMER]

Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: the Lost World episode
Level rating: 9.1

What can i say??
E.X.T.R.E.M.L.Y C.O.O.L!!!!!
Nice level,but short i give: 50%
Nice Tileset,Very cool i give: 100%
Nice cutscene’s,Nice! i give: 100%
Storyline,It’s nice! i give: 80%
Total:Enough for a 10

Review by Taz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Psych 3
Level rating: 8.1

The conversion of Psych is, like the other BluredD-JJ2-edits, very nice.
The extra things are the nice remake of the spikes, wich is a total level maked for it, the waterfall, wich is a very nice addition for background.
Other things are the rain, wich can be used in big ans little drops.
Anyway, the tileset Psych-remake is a very amazing idea and this tileset will be used much times. The problem is, it’s totally different themed, wich is normally okay, but it does like Trafton said not as Psych anymore. The coleed world is a bit falled in a old black-white stone area.
I like this set anyway, and it’s very userfriendly so I’ll give a eight point two and download reccomendation.

Review by Superjazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Niek level-pack 1
Level rating: 1.9

I say: Let’s go!

Well I don’t think that there are any story or explains for this episode. So I must to give it 1.

Well, this is not much better. You used quite few tiles, and the kitfond tileset, what was called rayman were really bad, but I give this 2.

I know that this is not a copy from anywhere but kitfond. Only 2.

I think this has more levels than 3 but because the missing tileset for level 4, or was it 5, I can’t play those other levels. But I believe that this has some gameplay anyway, though.

The level difficulties are ok except end bosses are too hard, cause the amount of them and the arenas are so badly created.

No way! Level names haven’t the same starting initials and the tileset is missing.

Too bad. Enemies are strangely placed in systems and there is too many pickups in some places. Hope you know what I mean.

The fishes are floating in the air, no water, and no other effects or anything special.

+ or – extra points
1- You used the ugly rayman tileset. It makes your episode worse.

Overall 1.625 Level rank: Poor level
Download recommendation: no!

Looks like you too should practice in level and tileset making. And the other author didn’t seem to be much better than you. See ya! Have this 1.7 anyway.

Review by niek

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Niek level-pack 1
Level rating: 1.9

It are simply levels

Review by JJ Tublear

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fire and Ice
Level rating: 6.1

Ha, YA DARN right don’t play it on hard. Because I also added enemies on hard.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Psych 3
Level rating: 8.1

Let me just first say that this one I liked more than your castle one. Though I sometimes despise the set psych, I really like this version. My first impression was wow. I had never really expected it to be this good. Firstly, the backround has a nifty color to it, the blue is amazing. The backround mountains look cool too, I especially liked the ones with the musical instruments. next, the color of those rocks is an amazing idea. I espicially like that you’ve added in the unmasked rocks to make some scenery look cavish. The rock color i loved. The colors of varius things such as the magical hat or the guitar or mushrooms was also done quite well, really nice to look at. The spikes are made well, I couldnt get stuck in them, though I tried many times to. Also, it seems that BlurredD has added in some extra tiles. Not to much, but the tiles he added in are really useful and boosted the mark up by some. There is some small rain. Though I dont like how it’s drawn, it still is a good addition. There is the beautiful looking waterfalls which I really like, they’re definately a good addition and make the set more interesting. Also some unmasked rock scenery to make caves and stuff, which also makes the set more interesting and less “one themed”. The palette is quite good. The reason I didnt give this like a 9 or something is mainly because, it just doesnt feel like psych anymore. Sure, the colors are great and everything, if this tileset was the first of its kind, I would rate much higher. When I played it I felt like I was in a completely different place, not psych, but a mountanous region. Though this doesnt stop people from using this set, I still lowered the mark by a bit for it, because it feels like a completely different set, not a remake of psych. But like Trafton mentioned in his review, I completely admired the idea of a stormy psych =)

The vedict: This is a great set, with no real cons that interfere with levelmaking. The idea is great, and I do like this more than the original psych. Not only that but there are extra very useful tiles to make the set more interesting and different themed. The infamous spike bug is fixed here, so you wont have to type in jjk and loose lifes every time you get stuck in a level with this set. Anyways, its really great and all, but not too original. A definite download reccomendation from me.

Review by Shiverz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: devil traps 1 of 3[full version] [re uploaded
Level rating: 1.2

This level was weird and the floor blocks werent used instead a tank block

No download recommeneded unless you want to play on a level with loads of tanks. Couldnt find the tilesets for the POKEMONSTERS

Review by GAMER(CR)

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: KissEva
Level rating: 4.3

Nothing left to say. Others said it all.Exept, you don’t kiss Eva, she kisses you.

Review by GAMER(CR)

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spank 'em!
Level rating: 2.2

They don’t deserve spanking. You do.

Review by leole

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Iceman's Return
Level rating: 3.9

if many peaple did not like it try to upload it and see what te effekt is

(I was under the impression the author had already uploaded this file. Oh well. Upload barely mentioned, unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by leole

Posted more than 21 years ago
Level rating: 4.6

some things level to littel aantal poor creation funny and the tileset not good bud to not bad a and a 5 because pokemon is funny wil jou to make ther 1 with a medabots tileset?[total a 5.7

Review by Superjazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Psych 3
Level rating: 8.1

I have seen that ya make many good conversions and editions. This is also good one, but the xample levels were not good. They were so short. so 0.5 points because that. Make good example levels or not at all. See ya!

Review by Superjazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: devil traps 1 of 3[full version] [re uploaded
Level rating: 1.2

So I don’t write any comments or replies, because seems that others have said those for you already so I just give the points. And now new point in my point review: Difficulty!

Design 2/10
Eyecandy 1/10
Originality 1/10
Gameplay 1/10
Difficultiness 1/10
Including 2/10
Weapon and enemy placement 2/10
Effects + other 2/10

+ or – extra points
-1 points because there are places where I can fall down and then I can’t get back to up.

Overall 1.375 Rank: Poor level

Don’t use too simple tilesets. Use better tilesets and practice a lot, I don’t think those levels are good. 1.5 anyway.

  1. 1
  2. 761
  3. 762
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