First of all this is a 1.24 file…
And honestly I don’t see any tileset here? This could be an interesting background… but nothing more.
Work a little bit more on it – add some paths, etc.
The lowest rating – 1
Download recommendation – nope sorry not this time.
[This" target="_blank">[This review has been edited by DanX]
Actually, this is only an edit of Treasure Hunt 1. The only added things were hundreds of ennemies. Indeed, it wasn’t that easy to finish this lvl. That’s why you get a 1.2, and not a 1.
No download recommandation.
Waz’s Wise Words: NEVER edit levels(this goes to all of us)!! And don’t place too much ennemies, even if the level is supposed to be hard.
TILESET/TILESET USE: This level uses Agama’s confusing Egypt tileset, which is not included (but two .txt files are). Now, the first thing (probably) that will strike you about this level is the tileset use. It is radically different from any other uses of Egypt I have seen. However, this also means it is horribly done, is just parts of the tileset sprinkled here and there on the level, and the author has no clue on how to use masking. While it allows you a fun little game of “find a safe path through the random tiles”, I wanted to play a battle level, not that.
Pros: There are no pros. This is unexcusable.
Cons: It IS a con.
Rating: 1.0
WEAPON/ITEM PLACEMENT: There are no weapons or items. I can’t decide if this is a good thing or not, actually.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: N/A
ORIGINALITY: The fact that the level is just random sections of the tileset jumbled together with no attention paid to mask or appearance is kind of original. However, I don’t like that, so that’s a problem.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: 1.0
GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: Is there a design? No. What is gameplay like? PLEASE, no.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: The author obviously did not care about this factor at all, or indeed, about anything. I am surprised he included a layer 8.
Rating: 1.0
Pros: None.
Cons: It exists.
Rating: 1.0
OVERALL (not an average, but it might as well be): Do not download this. Do not recommend this to your worst enemy. If you are making a comparison between the best level made (which is a matter of opinion) and the worst, consider this for the second field.
Pros: None.
Cons: It still exists.
Rating: 1.0
Gameplay: 1,3
Choosen: 1,5
event placement: 1
Eyecandy 1
General 1,2
All at all, not an bad CTF lvl. Only its TSF, No powerups, ( that isnt always bad ) A good choosen tileset. but what can i say, to many open spaces.
[This review has been edited by BúññyÉlmér]
Gameplay: 0
Choosen: 0,2
event placement: 0,2
Eyecandy 0,8
General 0,4
An very messed up lvl, a bad choosen tileset with not many tiles. To many tubes. Way to many.
Gameplay: 0,8
Choosen: 2
event placement: 0,6
Eyecandy 1,6
General 1,5
You have choosen a very nice tileset and good music, But the lvl is a bit messed up, maybe a bit to small. And no new, idea’s or any other posable gameplay is in it.
Gameplay: 0
Choosen: 2
event placement: 0,3
Eyecandy 1
General 0,8
Extra : stolen lvl – 0,5
I unzip it to my 1.23 folder and it does not work, so say that its tsf plz thx.
As i walked trough the lvl ( non-stop killing ) i see this lvl is just stolen. To many enemies cause my gameplay to be given a 0 and event placement a 0,3/2
[This review has been edited by BúññyÉlmér]
Mask: 1
Drawing: 1,6
tiles: 1,4
animation: 0
General: 1,2
Extra : Nice lvl wich shows good tricks with the tileset + 1,3
Good tileset but some ripped tiles.
Useless. How can we learn to make tilesets with this ?
Mask: 0
Drawing: 0,5
tiles: 0,5
animation: 0
General: 0
Mask: 0,1
Drawing: 0,3
tiles: 0,1
animation: 0
General: 0
awfull tileset, not worth to download.
Mask: 1
Drawing: 0
tiles: 0,5
animation: 0
General: 1,2
Extra: night version + 0,5
ITs jsut to bad you ripped the tiles and didnt draw them yourself.
Mask: 1
Drawing: 0,5
tiles: 0,4
animation: 0
General: 0,4
Extra: all looks small and bad but actely you can do a lot with it trough : + 1
3,3 Sorry.
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
I’ll just quote what Unknown said:
“This is an interesting idea with a bad level backing it up. The tileset is used well, but the level itself makes me think about waiting for the author to try this again.”
Also, on the third level, not only can one of the people with the shields get all the powerups, but the person with all the powerups can get to one of the shields (via Electro blaster)
So, Nice consept, just work on the level a bit more. I would like to see all the start pos seperated, so that everyone doesn’t start in the same place, and there ar a few dead-ends in the battle, which is not a good thing.
All seven of the points are for the concept.
Well, I Do happen to have the tileset, and thus am not forced to give meaningless reviews like “foo”.
TILESET/TILESET USE: The author uses his own (I believe) Dust Hill Zone tileset, which is some sort of mythical Sonic area. Or something like that. Anyway, it is used well, as you might expect, though I still can’t say I approve of how much flipping and layer 5 is required to use the tileset.
Pros: Everything looks good.
Cons: No background eyecandy.
Rating: 7.5
WEAPON/ITEM PLACEMENT: This really varies between the levels. In level 1, there is nothing but fastfire and a blaster powerup, which are placed reasonably well. In level 2, there’s ammo and food, but not enough ammo, and too much food. Not all that strategically placed, either. As for the third level, it’s like the first level, only there’s a ton of powerups for one of the players (I might add that one of the shield players (if not more.. I didn’t check this too throughly) can steal some, if not all, of said powerups. That’s right, you get shields (usually) when you join or respawn.
Pros: The Blaster stuff is placed well, and this section. is obviously the main idea behind these levels.
Cons: Sadly, it’s not carried out too well, what with bugs and problems with the normal ammo.
Rating: 7.0
ORIGINALITY: I can’t decide if this is original or not. On the one hand, it’s just a remix of other stuff, but on the other, it does seem newish.
Pros: None.
Cons: None.
Rating: N/A
GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: The level is divided into two horizontal halves (there’s no dividing wall or anything, it just IS). The left side is a flat (ok, there are lots of slopes, but it’s still just flat) sandy surface. The other side is in the temple or whatever, and has a little more variety, but not much. There are also a whole lot of horizontal springs. As for gameplay, it looks like it could vary significantly depending on who is playing. Some people may choose to hide somewhere with the shield and then attack everyone with the blaster powerup, others may decide the whole thing is too weird and slink off to another server. Or not. Still, it should make for some interesting play, which I may or may not try to verify.
Pros: Interesting. Looks like fun gameplay should be had by some.
Cons: I can’t say I care for the design.
Rating: 7.0
REPLAY VALUE: Well, there are three different versions of the level (Beta probably being the worst), so in addition to the multiple strategies, you can play this several times, doing something new each time. Afterwards, feel free to just have some fun with your old favorites. That sounded like a tourist pamphlet.
Pros: See above.
Cons: Few.
Rating: 8.2
OVERALL (still not an average): This is an interesting idea with a bad level backing it up. The tileset is used well, but the level itself makes me think about waiting for the author to try this again.
Pros: Looks fun, good tileset use.
Cons: The level is just dull.
Rating: 7.2
One thing waaaaaaaaaaaaay to many enemies. I had to use cheats for this level which is never a good sign. Basically I don’t think it’s even winable without using cheats. There’re no other events except some wepponry and enemies (too much of those btw.). And of course this level is a rip of Treasure Hunt A… So tileset use and design looks ok… except for some of the edited parts…
My scale:
10 – Best Of The Best (BB)
9.7-9 – Great! (GR)
8.7-8 – Very Good (VG)
7.7-7 – Good (G)
6.7-6 – Average Hi (AH)
5.7-5 – Average Lo (AL)
4.7-4 – Playable (P)
3.7-3 – Bad (B)
2.7-2 – Very Bad (VB)
1.7-1 – Horrible (H)
The level is not playable IMHO… without cheats you can’t win (or you’re very unlikely).
The final rating is: Average “B” = 3,5.
An excellent level. A tad cramped, yes, but verra good nonetheless. Excellent tileset choice, good music… well, music that probably would befit a swamp CTF level, anyway… This is an excellent duel or 2v2 level, as it is small, but for the small size there is enough eyecandy to keep my brain on a sugar rush for a week and a half. About the only con I can find with it is that sometimes one could get confused with the ground in the sprite layer and the ground in the foreground layer.
Other than that, all my 8.5 are belong to this. (God, I did not just say that…)
I’m too tired to write bigger review. I just say
Overall 8.7
FS’s review for Rather Useless CTF:
I’ll cover the gameplay aspect first. This level may be hard to navigate and confusing, but after playing for a while, it was fun having a variety of paths and warps to enter. However, in my opinion it would’ve been better if there was only one warp to the place where you choose the seeker or bouncer P/U but there hasn’t been any real problem with this and it’s personal interest. So it doesn’t effect my rating. The gameplay is ok – good. And the flow was decent but could use a bit more work as the area between the RF P/U and the full NRG has an annoying float up that should be removed.
The gameplay for 2vs2s/3vs3s looks decent, in fact even better for them than duels. The bases seem to be designed for camping as they are down in holes only allowing a one – way entry.
Eyecandy is the best overall aspect of this level. It totally amazed me at first when I saw it, unlike most good CTF levels where the eyecandy just looks good and/or well designed. The eyecandy here added feeling to the level along with the music. However I didn’t like how the BG was white. It looked very weird but thats just personal.
The level not only looks good but also has some original uses like the windows for example. Although not much separates it from other levels that use the CS tileset like CelL’s Chromosphere.
Weapon and Ammo placement was ok I didn’t have much of a problem with that. The seek P/U and the RF should have switched places but then again thats more of a personal opinion.
The replay value is good, but as most have stated this is not a very fun/easy-to-learn level at first so you HAVE to play it a lot.
Overall this is a very nice level from Unhit and Flash, the gamplay may be a bit rough but it’s fun once you play it more and the eyecandy is enough to catch players attention as well.
Please download this if your a CTF freak or not. I reccomend it to all.
Also reccomended: Knightmare Castle by Unhit
-fs[This review has been edited by Fire Sword!]
This is bad. Just put in JJRUSH. Then the rush will activace also.
Blackraptor made another CTF level.
Well, you happened to place the bases in what could be my least favorite positions: one base somewhat in the middle of the level and the other in a corner. A layout like this could be hard to trully balance. As for the flow, it’s almost alright. The idea with the different tube route depending on where you enter is a nice change from the ordinary (may be the best feature of this level). However, there are several places where you can get stuck because of one ways. And you probably should have used some faster method for setting the triggers at the start. It takes too much away from gameplay (the tube doesn’t have to make players wait that long).
Good, but average, in a sense. It’s a little new in several places but overall done before. The background is somewhat different, but just a slight variation of what FireSword did in High Volume CTF. I think it would be hard to squeeze much more original eye candy, but since you haven’t used this set too often (most likely), be my guest and try.
There’s a full energy carrot between the two bases. And then there’s a warp at the top right to a +1 carrot, and a tube to +1 carrot on the right side of the level. All carrots are pretty much easily accessible from the top half of the level and would be harder from the bottom half. This could complicate gameplay, and you only really need one extra +1 carrot if any. Ammo placement seems a little scarce but alright and the powerups are placed well enough (from a glipse at least).
Not too often. The level is alright, but I liked the Starlight level more. 7.2 is the rating.
The level revised: The start now takes less time so that’s good. And there’s now a spring at 25,25 so that’s also good. There were some other fixes along with improved eye candy (as Blackraptor claims), but I can’t really find that so I’ll just take his word for it. Anyway, while I’m in the mood for generosity, I’ll give this a 7.7 just because (but that’s as high as I’ll go).[This review has been edited by BlurredD]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.