Thanks for the review Mr Player :P
I tried using a warp to get back to the start, but it just warps to wherever the last Limit X Scroll was touched. If you go up the sucker tube, you meet some Spike Bolls which reduce your health until you restart back at the start (It was the only way I could get round the scrolling) By which time the gems should’ve regenerated for you again.
Also, I would’ve made it bigger, but thought it would’ve gotten slightly too repetitive so I left it the size it was.
Thanks for the review though, I’ll try to act on what you said :)
This is really an interesting level. It is not a traditional treasure level. You go collecting tems throughout a wind tunnel. In the wind tunnel, the level slowly scrolls and you can not go back if you miss gems. The only problem I see is if no one makes the gem amount, well…the level is stuck. Also, the regenerator on the gems is thirty seconds, which is way too long. Depending on how fast you go, you could end up with all of the gems or none of the gems. It is in some ways the luck of the draw. This sort of treasure hunt mode shows promise, though it would be better if there was a warp after the exit that went back to the start in case the player did not get all of the gems. Also, faster regen times would have been nice. This level suffers from first-generationalism and the author probably did not think a huge amount about how the level would function. Regardless, this level shows a good degree of promise. I definitely mean this. This level shows a great though process that takes most JCS users quite a while to format. Making a new, viable gamemode on your second level and a level that looks good and does not play bad is quite an accomplishment. You should definitely continue to make levels, as this, despite its buginess, is quite good.
TILESET/TILESET USE: This level uses Disguise’s “Spacey Universe” tileset (the same one that Zaitox CTF uses) though in a different than usual way. This level only uses the metallic parts of the tileset and foregoes the crater tiles. Still, it does not look bad. I like the scrolling belt and background effect and the colors on the left. This level’s eyecandy reminds me a lot of eyecandy one would find in Survivor. It’s quite good, and creatively done. The layer four eyecandy is nothing interstesting, though, and is just the metallic tiles. The level does not look boring at all and eyecandy was done quite well.
Pros: Looks good. Creative eyecandy use.
Cons: The layer four metallic tiles do not look increadibly interesting.
Rating: 7.7
WEAPON/ITEM PLACEMENT: Since this level is a treasure hunt level, I will talk about gem placement instead. Gem placement is, well, everywhere. The level’s flow is very well matched with the gem placement, and players are offered choices to get a greeen gem or a gem ring. That sort of stuff shows great knowledge of how players play the game and is neat to see. Since this level is so linear (not necessarily a bad thing) and gem placement is set, I can not give this a rating.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: Not applicable.
ORIGINALITY: This level is probably one of the more original things I have seen in quite a while. While the level does not function as well as it could, the gameplay idea itself is quite viable and creative. The eyecandy also shows great creativity. The level is not very big at all and is completely linear, but it is still definitely fresh and new.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: 8.7
GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: Gameplay is new. A non-traditional treasure level, it is centered mainly upon the fact that you can not return to get most gems if you miss them. I like this idea, but there are a few problems, namely if no one gets 100 the level will not cycle to the next. Still, the design is quite good. Since the gameplay is not fully functional, I will not rate this aspect.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: Not applicable.
REPLAY VALUE: After a while of playing this level, it gets old. This is similar to Survivor in that while playing each level many times is not very fun, playing a lot (20 or so) of these levels consecutively is enjoyable. More creatively and well-made levels for this gamemode could result in it becoming pretty popular. The level alone is not fun to play over and over (which is reflected in my replay score) but many of these levels together would be enjoyable.
Pros: If there were more of these levels, playing them over and over again would be fun.
Cons: Alone, the level does not have a very high replay value.
Rating: 6.2
COMPATIBILITY: Not applicable for this gameplay mode.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: Not applicable.
OVERALL: This level definitely shows a lot of promise. Both the gamemode and the author could be very good one day. It is rare to get a level author who demonstrates such creativity on their second creation, let alone their tenth. Simply put, this is a fun and enjoyable level. Still, it is buggy and I will not rate it because it often does not function properly. I would like to see the author persue and improve this gamemode so it becomes very playable. I enjoyed playing this level a lot. Keep making levels, as this shows a lot of promise, especially for only a second level.
Pros: Creative, well-done, and playable. Not bad at all for a first level.
Cons: Buggy.
Rating: Not applicable.
OVERALL RATING (Not an average): Not applicable. I will not rate this as it does not function properly. Still, it is very good.
-Broken Record Player
EDIT: Heh. I am glad you tried to do that. Anyway, I have decided to give it a rating. Even though it does not work, I think this is very underrated so I will give it 7.7.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Thnx, i always seem to forget things. Anyways, the file is reuploaded with the tileset, and Ive fixed one mistake which I forgot to fix before.
I can not review this level since the author did not include the tileset in the upload. Please upload it with the tileset.
TILESET/TILESET USE: Not applicable.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: Not applicable.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: Not applicable.
ORIGINALITY: Not applicable.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: Not applicable.
GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: Not applicable.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: Not applicable.
REPLAY VALUE: Not applicable.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: Not applicable.
COMPATIBILITY: Not applicable.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: Not applicable.
OVERALL: Not applicable.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: Not applicable
OVERALL RATING (Not an average): Not applicable. Reupload this with the tileset included, please.
EDIT: Reuploaded a fixed version. Final rating 7.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
At first blush, this level looked like it could become a classic. The grey-metal Wasteland eyecandy was good-looking and gameplay was fun. That is, for the first ten minutes of play or so. After that, problems in the general structure of the level became quite apparent and the level lost some of it’s enjoyablility (is that a word?). Wasteland is probably a bit overused, and the eyecandy in this level was odd. Also, it quickly became apparent that this was the layout from the underworld. Still, it’s a solid Capture the Flag level. Let’s review, shall we?
TILESET/TILESET USE: The level’s author decided to use Blade’s “Wasteland” tileset. While “Wasteland” is a very good tileset, the grey-ness of it is a bit overwhelming. The monotone color scheme of this level was not exactly interesting. Instead, it made everything feel a little bland. I was expecting more, but maybe I should not have. Wasteland does look fairly spiffy, but it does also have its limits. I liked the detail the author put into the pipes in this level, but I still think that the eyecandy was a bit bland.
Pros: I did not see any tile bugs. The little individual pipes were well-done and it showed effort.
Cons: The color of cement is only so interesting. Nothing creative, new, or interesting.
Rating: 7.5
WEAPON/ITEM PLACEMENT: Weapon placement is definitely the strongest point of this level. Some may consider this too many powerups, but I myself think that this is a fairly good balance for the amount of carrots there are. The basic ammo was well-placed. The basic ammo was not clumped as it often is in levels such as this, but it was also not so sporatic that ammo drain occured. The balance was very good. As with many levels these days, electroblasters come in handy for getting powerups that are in walls. Ammo placement was well-done. Good job.
Pros: Everything was placed pretty well.
Cons: Some might consider the amount of powerups there are to be a little bit too many.
Rating: 8.5
ORIGINALITY: If ammo placement was this level’s best side, this is definitely its dark side. Simply put, while this level is quite solid, there is not anything original in it. The eyecandy is not original, nor is gameplay. While the float up use towards the bottom of the level is not often seen, it has been done plenty of times before and has by this point became uninteresting. Originality is easily this level’s worst part, and that drags down the level’s quality and makes it a tad less fun to play. Something a little more creative would have been nice.
Pros: This level does not take chances with things that could have turned out awful.
Cons: This level takes way too few chances. Nothing that has not been done before is in it.
Rating: 6.7
GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: The level’s layout (which is quite evil) consists of four gigantic platforms and smaller platforms coming out from the walls. While playing is fairly fluid (it did not take that long to get from base to base), playing it over and over is not very enjoyable. The level is by nature fairly linear: one or two routes are by far the fastest while others are too slow to be usable. The flow is still more or less good. The problem with this level is that you can not play it over and over again without becoming bored. The only thing I really hated was where the springs next to the bases were. They can be used to get to the above platform, but they confuse me into thinking there is something in the little compartment that the springs are located in other than basic bouncy ammo. Other than that, gameplay was solid, but linear.
Pros: The flow was more or less good.
Cons: Layout gets old quick, and is sometimes a bit annoying.
Rating: 7.5
REPLAY VALUE: I can not say that I like the replay value of this level as much as a lot of other reviewers. Simply, this level seemed to get old after about ten minutes of play. There are not many alternative routes, and eyecandy was nothing spectacular. Also, the music got really, really annoying. I had to test it on a computer with speakers to make sure the music was good, and it was just not worth the effort. I suggest that those who wish to play this level a lot turn off the music and turn on something more interesting.
Pros: The level was OK.
Cons: Got old really quick. Background music is annoying.
Rating: 6.7
COMPATIBILITY: This level really looks as if it would cause flag bug, but fortunately does not, at least during testing. Still, the places where there was not a sufficient mask make me nervous.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: Not applicable.
OVERALL: This is a solid Capture the Flag level, more or less. While this review does sound very negative, it is because I am comparing it to CelL’s other works. The flow of this level is more or less OK. Still, I was just expecting more from CelL and was a little bit disappointed by what I got. This level does not show much room for improvement beyond improving the eyecandy slightly and maybe tweaking the flow a bit. This would not improve my score much, but it would be nice. Not a bad level, but it has some problems that make it not so interesting to play. A download recommendation for Capture the Flag players.
Pros: Weapon placement was pretty good. There were no tile bugs.
Cons: Gets tedious fairly quickly. Music was annoying. Low replay value. Ho-hum eyecandy.
Rating: 8.2
OVERALL RATING (Not an average): 7.7
Level is good ,
but I dont like the tileset becuse :
the tiles in the tileset are TO SMALL!!!!
I saw it already and so it’s good, ist just like a 9.
An interesting tileset. It looks a bit cartoonish though, you will see a great difference if you compare this to a tileset made by Blade, Agama etc. SOme tiles are pretty much useless, and some dont fit in the theme to much. The tileset overall is ok, the color is a bit strange, but its OK. I wouldnt really use this to build a level, since its not really my theme, but some of you pppl might. It’s great to see CB drawing tilesets and soon I hope he will make some famous ones. For now, this tileset will get a rating of 7 from me, and the download reccomendation Im not very sure of. Good work Craccoboy and I hope you keep making tilesets.
Ok, i remember downloading this a while ago, butjust forgot to rate it.
The tilesets are 3D (duh), but like some people mentioned, they were meant only for the 3 levels made along with them, and other than that they’re almpst useless.The levels are good, some things the author should of avoided (some platforms were to close) but the levels really look 3D and awesome. Unfortunately, they are very small, and there isnt much to explore. They are really worth a download and are cool, so my final rating would be a 7.7. Download this if you want to see your little 2d bunnny traveling through the 3D world. :)The music is ok. Sometimes it sounds a bit “messy” and I didnt like some of the tunes. Im not sure what I’d rate this, because I dont have much experience rating music. There were points where there was to much sound at once, and some beats were very fiendish. It was a good remix, im just not sure what I would ratethis.
Newspaz isn’t obselete since he uploaded this… you should look at the old Tubeelectric level and look for errors in your tileset. I have Jazz 1 Diamondus as well, but whos gonna be 1st to upload J1 Medivo? That I’d like to see
D*mn! I rated this yesterday with a long rewiew but just a few seconds before I pressed the submit button, my computer tilted, so I don’t wanna write it again so here’s the overall points:
5.2 :P This is an average level, try to practice lad.[This review has been edited by Superjazz]
Wow! Wat an nice level! Wat an nice music! Only the first level is a bit small…
Good, but you should put more tiles, so this would be easier to handle.
This is good and i shall put it into one word “ Nice “ then another word “ Hotel “
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
There ive reviewed
Like Veggieman says
“ No “
A fives as high as i can go today
MOOve Over and give a little space for my review
Dunno why you make JJ1 Tubelectric while it’s similar to JJ2 one, but worse? Anyway, the tileset is OK, but there are some tiles missing. Also, as Violet said, you could make the turrets shoot (make shots masked and put hurt on them). Also, shield is missing in the beginning of example level.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.