Well nice, it reminds me of Doom, the first game I ever played and love to this day. So here’s big fat 6 for ya!
No comments. This is quite same like the first version fo this, except this has no profanity, except in the levelfile’s names. So one point off. And this is 7.7
Why do you put a password at a example level? It’s well drawn, the Thunder cow is funny and the moo moo cow. It all look well, but theres not much to tell about this titleset, check it out for yourself! A 7.2 and a download reccomend.[This review has been edited by spazz]
Nice level, but what a chicken does to do with it? Okay, I saw the chicken with JCS, funny.
The gameplay is nice, the cave and stuff. The springs are good made. Only thing that is bad, as Violet CLM said, it’s all flat and the cave all strait lines. But that doesn’t matter so much, because this isn’t a titleset and my rating wil not go down. Put also a little action in it, some pads are just to long, you may have a look at Diamond Dead Zone are Diamondus Battlezone of me. :) And also put a Jazz start in the level. Rating: 7.0
Some good, some bad. The flowers are funny, but it’s all flat. Use next time an other titleset. Rating: 5.0
No, it doensn’t look like a forest as Violet CLM said before. And where are the chickens? Make a chicken out of blocks, then you may get a higher rating. It are all very long pads. That’s boring. The bakcground is made of moutains. Why don’t you chance the name in Demonic Chicken Moutain? That will fit much better. Rating: 3.0
Low. The most of the ammo is found near the bleu base, try to spred around things. This is all the ammo you can find: at pos 19,18 are 8 weapon 8 ammo, a bounce power-up at pos 4,28. Only one carrot, a full heal carrot at pos 13,36. At pos 20,50 there are 12 gun 5 ammo. Near there is a secret: at 45,58 walk to the left, theres a secret in the wall: 8 gun 6 ammo. At pos 53,36 there are 9 gun 9 ammo. At pos 131,39 there are a blaster power-up and 6 fastfire guns. Send me a private message and tell me if I forgot something, then I will edit this review.
Rating: 6.5
OVERALL(Not counded up or something.)
Well, it looks like a CTF level. But all the walls and stuff is just flat. That chicken on the right was a nice idea, but it taking to much space in.
If you like, chanche the name of the level, it doesn’t look much as a forest.
The music file whas stupid, a woman talking, I woud use an other music file. I think a 6.5 will do perfectly.
Download reccomend, if you want to play a quik CTF with your friend.
Funny pack.
Okay, let’s start out with an 10.
Orginal. It’s orginal and thats good. +0.5
Good titleset use. +0.5
Count it up and it will be a 7.
Next time, make your levels not to difficult. That darkerening level is just far to difficult. Many traps and a guy will be your guide, make one step wrong and you will die.
STORY: No story. A lack of story is acceptable in multiplayer levels, and while having a story can potentially raise the rating, having a lack of story is not a – point.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: N/A
TILESET/TILESET USE: The author uses “Forest” by Blade, but I can not say too much for the tileset use. It is all fairly bland and uninteresting, to tell the truth. There’s a lot of tile repetition in the ground, the background is very same old, and about the only thing I found that interested me was some of the layer 3.
Pros: No noticable tile bugs other then one of the cave windows.
Cons: Rather dull. Some of this may be caused by the fact that much of the level is flat, all four sides.
Rating: 6.5
WEAPON/ITEM PLACEMENT: No items other then the full energy carrot (near the blue base), but like a story, this is only a potential rating increase for multiplayer levels. Most of the ammo, with the notable exception of the blaster powerup and fastfire, seems situated near the blue base. It does have the feel of trying to be somewhere in the middle, but doesn’t quite suceed. Interestingly, the author gives Blue the Bouncy Powerup and lots of ammo, while Red gets a Blaster Powerup and lots of Fastfire. This is actually rather fair, and I like it.
Pros: Fairly fair.
Cons: Just a Little more ammo on Red’s side would be nice, though.. and maybe some on the top path..
Rating: 7.0
ORIGINALITY: Hmmm.. I like the chicken on the far right, despite it taking up way too much space. But other then that, except for the toaster ammo cache (an arrow might be nice here, as it feels distinctly like a bad pit), there is nothing much very new in this level. Yes, it’s fun to hit a green spring and go up for a long time, but it’s not anything new.
Pros: Some originality.
Cons: Not enough, executed kind of poorly in some places.
Rating: 6.2
GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: This level is very flat and straight. Most of the ground, walls and ceilling are straight lines, and the level has an unusual number of pits which go straight down. All but one of the pits (this one leading almost directly to the red base, bad) can be gone through in either direction, but it still is kind of disorienting. As for the gameplay, the design makes it all feel kind of dead, and the paths are often a bit too long. If you’re being chased, this level will not be your best friend.
Pros: It does have a CTF level design.
Cons: It could be executed better, a little less flatness, say..
Rating: 6.5
REPLAY VALUE: The main thing making me not have much wish to play this again is that the level seems so very dead. I can’t see demonic chickens living here, or for that matter, anyone else. Not to mention it doesn’t feel like a forest. But I’m getting off subject. While you may want to play this level if there aren’t any other servers up, or you’re tired of the classics (I AM!), you may want to play this, but otherwise this may be a bit too dull.
Pros: The music helps to make it feel a bit less dead.
Cons: It doesn’t do that good of a job. Maybe if it was a little more active..
Rating: 6.5
OVERALL (not an average): This is a not very amazing CTF level with a few flow problems, which is a wee bit biased towards blue. It’s also dead.
Pros: Not a newbie level (like most levels I’ve reviewed lately), CTFish, some interesting parts.
Cons: Uneven, takes too long to get around in, seems dead (maybe it’s just the size of everything….).
Rating: 7.0
By the way, just because having a Jazz Start is a bad idea, doesn’t mean players should have to use FlyNowalls in SP. Jazz starts (if there’s no start position for him) at position -1,5. Put a few warps underneath there leading wherever you like, and you’re fine. (I looked, and there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with doing this)
Official N/A review reply thingy:
KJAZZ: The music has been uploaded and is fixed now. As I explained via MSN, there simply is no way to make a SP start position without complex trigger work that would delay starting the whole thing, since the single player start position functions the same in multiplayer. Regardless, thanks for your input…if only I can make a level that is better than 1.0 and stop relying on it being a chicken forest. ;-P
KJAZZ Again: …Or make that above 0.1. I’m glad you like the name, though. I guess. ;P
Violet: Thank you for your feedback. I generally avoid storylines on multiplayer works, because they just are fairly pointless (no one actually reads them mainly). I agree about the general boringness of eyecandy; I should have worked on the walls a bit more like they were in EvilMike’s “Cavern CTF.” In this form, the level does feel very flat and stuff. I will probably work on the emptiness of this level and make it feel more personal for the final version, which I probably will not upload unless I really need to. This level should not have been uploaded in this state. Since my computer was down for two week, I had forgotten everything I was going to work on. I will make it less linear and less flat in the final release, and take out some of the pits.
spazz: Thanks for your feedback as well. The chicken insignia is only viewable in JCS and is more of a trademark than anything. I have to agree that the level felt flat; I will definitely improve on that before final release.
I feel as if this level needs work but could be salvaged. I will try to make it more interesting, as it is not very much so right now. Thanks for your feedback.
[This review has been edited by Trafton AT][This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
It’s a good level. I like it. ;p
Let me break down the grade for you.
0.1 for the level
0.4 for the music
7.0 for the fact it’s a chicken forest.
Total Score: 7.5
Good Job, Taftron.>[This review has been edited by KJAZZ][This review has been edited by KJAZZ]
Could you instead re-upload this to the other version? That way people don’t have to review twice.
(coming soon)
jj in:
Time Adventure
DOWNLOAD RECOMMEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Unneeded/misused/inappropriate adjective removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
(Table fix. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Not a story? Oh…
I not get bored. Some nice traps by the way, but don’t use a hurt event when you fall. The text string where funny: Help, there to many monsters! Sucker Tbubes where nice made, but the trigger where irritating me!
Rating: 0.5/2
To many! Just to many, for the rest no comment. In this level there are the foloing enemies: Demon, Skeleton, Tuf Turtle, Sparks, Lizard, Helmut and Hatter. Strange placement, no? Rating: 0.5/2
The ammo is close to none, and Satan, dit you ever heard of carrots? Theres only one save point in the whole level, it must be 2 to 3. Next time, put more ammo in it. Rating: 0.3/2
Medium, put more ammo in it, because it can be difficult with so much enemies and so less carrots and ammo. Rating: 0/0
Close to none, with this “Moebius” titleset there can’t be very much eyecandy, some people rate higher fore the eyecandy, so next time, use another titleset. Rating: 0.5/2
The rating may be a little low by my rating, but overall I’ll give it a 5.
The ideas where fine, but just that eyecandy and the items where low.
Next time, spent a little more time on the items and eyecandy and not only on the gameplay.
A truly hand-drawn tileset, and not half bad, either!
It looks very cartoony, has cows, and all the tiles seem to line up well (I havent played with it that much)
I give it a good, solid seven.
Recommendation for downloading: if you’re DOOM fan then you can.
Nice, level has its idea, different funny things (such as “There are too many monsters, can you help me?“lol)
Tileset is average, music is so-so. Original ideas with hurted
obstacles and crates. But level seems to be very empty, not well
designed. (just like DOOM 2d :)).
Although, if somebody likes puzzles and mazes, it will be interesting for him.
So here is your level rank: (max = 1 point)
2. TILESET = 0.5
3. MUSIC = 0.5
6. TEXTS = 1.0
7. PICKUPS = 0.7
(actually there were no any pickups (almost))
8. EFFECTS = 0.8
(cool thing with: “follow me”)
Now it’s time for making Quake :D
Recommendation for downloading: O-oh YES.
My favourite color is blue. So, this is my favourite CTF level since this moment. Everything is very original and beautyful. Tileset is perfect.
Music is cool. Everything’s cool, man! I liked it very much, especially background layer: this blue
mountain is just like in 3d game! General impression is very remembered. General atmosphere is mystic and
that’s what i appreciate most of all in all levels: existance of own level atmosphere… uh.
:( now about bugs… it seems to be perfect, but: surroundings of warps in tubes should be painted over
with foreground layer, ‘cause it not very good when you see yourself inside the tube. Also i didn’t like one thing:
when I was running on spring and it threw me up into the tube, i didn’t get into it at once, ‘cause i collided with ceiling. I recommend you to put there some suck events to make Jazz get into the tube at once time.
(or do another thing, if you know what.)
So here is your level rank: (max = 1 point)
2. TILESET = 1.0
3. MUSIC = 1.0
(as i’ve already said, it’s due to tube bugs…)
6. TEXTS = 1.0
(by the way, i didn’t understand that text about math teacher…)
7. PICKUPS = 1.0
8. EFFECTS = 1.0
Why don’t you try to build a singleplayer level with this tileset and this music?
Size 1289.56. 97 downloads. 0 reviews. Something must be up.
STORY: Once pretty day jazz and his brother watched news from television.But suddenly they noticed
Something weird.their beautiful carrottus turned full of devans henchmen.so jazz and spaz went
to eliminate devan and devil bilsy. It goes downhill from there – you end up in a house in Hotel Dream, with a sign that tells you no text. Finally, RIGHT before the end, there is some text, but I had to play it twice to be able to read it.
Pros: There is a story.
Cons: Little to do with the levels, hard to get more information on.
Rating: 3.0
Sorry. Just had to get that out. The background consists of a layer 8 with nothing but stained glass windows, and no other layers. (Hotel Dream, obviously, was different – it was actually used ok). There are quite a few tile bugs.
Pros: The Hotel Dream level (House1.j2l, by the way, is the first level) uses the tileset without making it look bad.
Cons: The background, the foreground, and layer 4 as well (in the castle levels)
Rating: 3.0
WEAPON/ITEM/ENEMY PLACEMENT: Not too many items, practically no weapons, not many enemies.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Practically none of these.
Rating: 1.7
ORIGINALITY: The Boss level is actually kind of original. There are quite a few platforms, and you fight the Queen on one of them. Sadly, this idea is under developed, and once you defeat the Queen, you can’t even complete the level. Or if you can, I couldn’t find any way to.
Pros: Some originality.
Cons: Not too well carried out, lack of originality in other levels.
Rating: 2.0
DIFFICULTY: The main difficulty in this pack (other then standing the horrible background) is trying to figure out where to go next. The main level (which is afterwards repeated, only in Castle Night) is a non-linear level with a few trigger crates, but once I hit them, I couldn’t find any way out, and was condemned to wander forevermore. ;)
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: The author went about at creating difficulty in entirely the wrong way.
Rating: 1.2
REPLAY VALUE: The only reason I wished to play any of these levels again was for the Hotel Dream one, so I could read what the text said that was so close to the exit. Wait.. I tell a lie. Parts of the main level were kind of fun.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: 2.2
OVERALL (not an average): Icky. The exits are hard to find or don’t seem to work, the next level setting for the first level is wrong (what is this “dim1.j2l”? I see a dim3…), and the eyecandy is bad.
Pros: Ummm…… thinking………… well, parts of the main level are good, and the boss level is fairly interesting. And again, Hotel Dream was used kind of accurately.
Cons: Eyecandy, lostness, next level setting, exits, text.. should I go on?
Rating: 2.5
VERDICT: (no idea why I put this in here) You probably shouldn’t download this.
CONS OF HAVING A VERDICT: It just makes me repeat things.
Rating: Not applicable. It just makes me repeat things. Not applicable. It just makes me repeat things.
VERDICT… wait. Never mind.
Short level! 7 because
-1 Have it larger
-1 More enemies
-1 Have food
Cool anyway!
(Short review! Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Technoir Remix Deluxe (6:11 long!)
6:11 long! Is that a good thing? I’m not sure. After listening to this file, I still didn’t make up my mind.
It all starts nicely. The instruments build up and a rhytm with some odd instrument starts. It doesn’t sound particularly bad, but a little freaky and it might get on your nerves.
On 3:30 there’s a break in between and all instruments slowly build up again, together with the weird instrument and some fuzzy sound effect. It all ends from 5:00 till 6:11.
It’s quite a long one and therefore it might get boring after a while. It has some weird effects and instruments, but it’s an OK remix.
(Little) Jazz2 Theme pack
This could’ve been far more interesting if the author put more effort into it. The idea was nice but the outcome is bad.
The zip file contains 8 items, of which each consists of a Jazz, Spaz and Lori. On each picture they’re in the same pose, you could’ve had more poses and so it would be more interesting, unfortunately you didn’t. The small versions are way too small for your desktop and might only fit on a notebook. But hey, like there’s any function for a wallpaper.
Also, the chosen poses are rather weird. Lori is turned away from all that’s happening, Jazz looks demonish with his red eyes and Spaz is falling to the left. Choose better poses next time.
Conclusion: Interesting idea but lack of effort and graphical quality.
Devans Factory Gooder
Uh.. Gooder? The correct tense is “Better”. However, you’re not supposed to rate somebody’s grammar and spelling but the file. The zip file contains no readme file so I just randomly started with a level. All levels, except for censored 2 (ripped) show up in the Home Cooked Level list, so that doesn’t give any clues either.
It has disturbing foreground scenery (the lamp poles). And again an overuse of enemies. There is no background scenery, the author obviously found this too hard to manage. It again has some serious tile bugs. If Project One would ever see this, they would awake from the death!
Well, and that’s pretty much it. These levels keep on looping. It doesn’t matter where you start. Probably the author couldn’t make up his mind or something.
The colon level is plain bad, there are many tile bugs. The censored level is fake and the author didn’t make this (probably only edited it) and the Xmas level doesn’t give a ‘merry xmas’ feel at all. No download recommendation.
3.5[This review has been edited by Electric Ir]
Can you PLEASE make a version of this for JJ2 regular? Remember, T.S.F. wasn’t released in USA!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.