Review by ~[GpW]NinjA

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Dawn Of Kid´s
Level rating: 1.5

All you do is jump off a cliff, fighting Devan, Schwartzen Guard, and a Devan with a controller to a MCE was created in the wall, probaly by accident.

Edit:heh, thats a kind of cool idea.[This review has been edited by ~[GpW]NinjA]

RecommendedReview by DaPete10

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rabbit Honor Guard
Level rating: 9.5

And now, here is my review.

Eyecandy is GREAT, it is very fun, and there are some traps set up for cheaters! (I am still not on the last episode.)You deserve a 10, this is great to enjoy and you put in good music. I hope to see a RHG v2.0 in the future!

(Edit) I played the “secret episode”, and it isn’t very fun. The Space prison one is weird……………………..[This review has been edited by DaPete10]

Review by spazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: That Diamond Feel
Level rating: 5.6

Ah, the nice old Diamondus feel, o yeah something about the level.


The gameplay workt out very well for your first level. But, as Violet CLM said theres nothing new about your level. And water with Diamondus? Better leave that next time out. Secrets are very hard to find. At one piont you have to blast the wall and then you have to search everywhere to find the other secret. The secrets are, in order you account them: First secret: when you’v just fall from the first warp, you’ll see bouncer under you, let yourself fall. Then, at pos 6,63 shoot a wall left of you, and you’ll find a up. The second secret is near the first secret. When you find a sign that says:,,STOMP!” stomp and then don’t touch the H-red spring but go in the wall, at pos 39,61, your reward: A Toast Power-up. The tirth secret is easy to find. When Eva has kissed you, you will find a tree right to it, with a dragon and two other trees on it. Stand on the three and go left into the wall, at pos 82,52. Reward: 9 red gems. And a tip: when you reacht the vine at the end of the secret, dont let you fall, because if you do you’ll turn into a frog and start over again from the frog part. Fourth secret: The fourth secret is when you are swimming, you’ll find a small hole with a toad and a dragon in it, right to it theres a wall, with a green, red and purple gem, the block next to it doesn’t have any gems on it. Shoot the wall. The pos is 163, 54. Rewards: Toaster Power-up and a Bouncer Power-up. And here is the last secret. When you are swimming you’ll find a bunch of fish under you, when you’v found that, swim in the wall at pos 189, 56. Swim forward and when you can’t go further swim down and then swim to the right again, at pos 238, 60 to 63 is a warp, it will warp you to pos 208, 20. Reward: One Gem ring. So, that was the secret part. Well, I’v enyoud the level, the frog part and stuff, but let me give you a tip: Never put a Devan boss and the end of the level. Later on I’ll tell you why.

Theres only one full heal carrot, so the level is difficult, but there are much weapons and thats good. But Power-ups for the weapons are difficult to find. I dit the level about 3 times over again because I go very fast dead. Next time, put more carrots in the level. And put also more candy in your level. I like candy. But don’t eat to much! :P HAHAHA!

Strange placement of enemies, one part theres only one enemie and the next part there hunderts of them! And theres another bad thing: When you’v turnt into a frog all the bee boys come after you! Next time make less Bee Boys. Oh yeah and about the Devan boss, it’s nice to collaps but make the boss room bigger, I just jumpt out of the boss room! And don’t put the Devan Boss in the level when you almost have no ammo and less carrots. There are this enemies in the level: This is strange Dragons! Let’s not forget the Bee Boys, ofcourse the Norm Turtles, Tube Turtles fore the water and fishes for the water and some Tuf Turtles. Now I’ll say the number of each enemie:
Dragons: 6 and with hard 7.
Bee Boys: 33 wich 30 of them are at one part 1 generator + 1 with hard.
Norm Turtles: 7 and with hard 9.
Tube Turtles: 3 and one generator.
Fishes: 7 generators.
Tuf Turtles: 3 and with hard 4.
And ofcourse one Devil Devan boss.

The eyecandy workt out very well fore your first level, my first level was badder than this level. Nice filled up but I still can see some bugs in the eyecandy. Also put with the background layer 5 and 6 on!

Medium. Some parts where difficult and some other not. To bad theres only one full heal carrot in the whole level! Oh yeah almost forgot Sun Fun Dude the next level is Tubey? When you are ready, put it on this site, I will rate it then!


ITEMS: 2/10
EYECANDY: 2/10 because the eyecandy is great for you first level!

It was just a nice level, also that name:,,That Diamondus Feel”. I realy like Diamodus levels. Sun Fun Dude is that Tubey level a Tubelelectic level? [This review has been edited by spazz]

Review by Shiverz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Atlantis
Level rating: 8.7

What can I say i like it.


Jazz Jackrabbit 1 Forever

Review by Shiverz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: EvilMikesHiddenTemple
Level rating: 8.1

Lots of eyecandy with well used tiles. LOADS of secret areas so get downloading everybody. :D


Jazz Jackrabbit 1 Forever

Review by Shiverz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Project Controller 4
Level rating: 9.3

Well what can I say if you want to host anything other than Battle , CTF , Treasure . Be sure to download this cool program . :D


Jazz Jackrabbit 1 Forever

Review by Shiverz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Insanity (official version)
Level rating: 5.5

This is good you fight a few baddies. Theres that horribly hard boss at the end. The music is ok so 5.5


Jazz Jackrabbit 1 Forever

Review by Shiverz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rainy Rampage +Eyecandy
Level rating: 7.3

Its Nice . But the music creeps me out :(


Jazz Jackrabbit 1 Forever

Review by Superjazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: That Diamond Feel
Level rating: 5.6

Yee, that was quick and easy, I say. It was played about in 7 minutes. Ok, you haven’t used any inwall tiles you should. You used only floor and outwall, in this level. Or? Ok you used inwall a bit, but it could look more proffesional if you could use some inwall tiles. That was quite easy, and pickups were placed well. But the level was too short. And after the level ends, if there’s no level coming after that you should make an endepis to the next level box at the tools. Because after defeating devan, the game gets fatal application error, and couldn’t find that tubec, another level, since this was only one level. Anyway I see that you used water levels well. In fact, plz don’t make single levels, pack them in one zip. :D

Review by Sun Fun Dude

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: That Diamond Feel
Level rating: 5.6

Darn, I left in the test warp! oh and the regenorating fish were to stop you from reaching a secret! You can just jump over them and finish the lvl. Anyway I can deafeat the devan boss without any other wepons apart from my blaster, why can’t anyone else? Oh and thank you all of you for your supportive reviews. You have encouraged me to finish that god darn Tubey level your all wondering about. Yes its a tubelectric level with less open spaces and lots of eyecandy![This review has been edited by Sun Fun Dude]

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: That Diamond Feel
Level rating: 5.6

STORY: No story. I will forgive this because it is both a single level and a first level, and give no rating for this section.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: N/A

TILESET/TILESET USE: Diamondus is used fairly well. About the only tile bugs I could spot were in on one of the trees. However, there is nothing new or exciting about the eyecandy, and enough of the level is open it looks really rather barren.
Pros: No tile bugs, recognizable as Diamondus.
Cons: Nothing new, not enough.
Rating: 6.0

WEAPON/ITEM/ENEMY PLACEMENT: Not enough items, but a few too many enemies. I can’t say I care for the Bee Boy enemy as a general rule, and facing down around fifty of them while being turned into a frog (and not being able to move) does not improve my outlook on them. Oh, and generating fish is one of the evillest things I’ve seen latey.
Pros: Some good enemy placement, about enough weapons.
Cons: Too many enemies at times.
Rating: 6.0

ORIGINALITY: There isn’t much original about this level, except for maybe the generating Bee Boy coming out of the beehive. This is to be expected, it being a first level, but I would have liked to see something more interesting.
Pros: The level does not come up with bizarre never-done-before-because-it-sucks ideas.
Cons: The level does not come up with anything else, either.
Rating: 3.0

DIFFICULTY: Not too difficult, not too long. At the very start, there’s a warp to some ways ahead. Considering how far it takes you, I’m guessing the author left it in by mistake (a “testing” warp), so I count it as a BUG.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: 4.0

REPLAY VALUE: There’s nothing very different about this level, so I think about the only causes you’d have to play it again are 1. accidentally and 2. to see what’s on the path not involving the shortcut warp.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: 4.0

OVERALL (not an average): This is short, but good for a first level. At the end, you fight Devan, but the next level setting leads to “Tubey.j2l”, which I presume is something the author is making but hasn’t finished.
Pros: No severe eyecandy problems, nothing seriously bad period. Good weapon placement.
Cons: Nothing interesting, nothing new, doesn’t last very long.
Rating: 5.0

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Atlantis
Level rating: 8.7

The first thing I noticed while downloading was that this file was embedded within the ZIP in /WINDOWS/DESKTOP. Please make it the root of the folder, since this caused it to unzip to C:\Games\Jazz2\Windows\Desktop, which is strange to say the least.

Now on to the level: Simply put, this is the best Treasure Hunt level to come around in a long, long time. Then again, that is saying very, very, very little since, after all, this is probably the only Treasure Hunt level that has came along in a long time. However, this is certainally a fantastic level. It reminds me greatly of “Sandstrand O’Hazes” in the eyecandy used. That is not a bad thing at all, but there are other similiarities. Dig:

- The passages are fairly narrow and cramped. This is not a terrible thing and probably is pretty good for a water level.

- A diverse selection of ammo is used.

- It is set underwater (well, of course!)

- The pretty bubbler event is used well in both levels, and quite a lot. There is no steam coming up from it, and it is only decoration, but it sure looks purdy.

- The eyecandy is somewhat close. You will know what I mean after playing both of these levels a few times.

It is nice to see people still making Treasure Hunt levels. I have not seen one in eons, especially not a creative and well-done one like this. A quick query to Telnet ( on the ever-useful port 10055 of the server lists reveals that only 24,903 of the 301,080 servers (as of last update, which was a while ago) were Treasure Hunt servers, or eight percent. Taking in account that many of these servers are probably Survivor or hotel levels, treasure hunt seems to be the least liked of all the gametypes. But this level is one reason to start liking treasure more.

GEMS: Gem placement, probably the biggest indicator of quality of a level, was quite spifftacular. Gems were placed well, and while there were not too many, it was still not that hard to get to the maximum. The level recommends only 2-10 players (I think) which is a good estimation, though it may be a bit high. Once you get past seven or eight active players, a bit of a gem drain will occur. Nevertheless, the gem placement is good enough to facilitate enough players for the game to be fun. There is a eensy bit of crowding, but that should not be a big problem.

WEAPON: Weapon placement is not very important in treasure. The only thing I really looked for was to make sure that there were absolutely no ice events. Why? Because there were gem rings in this level. A little-known but highly dangerous bug occurs when ice meets gem rings. Since there is no frozen gem ring animation, Jazz will simply konk out and crash. Everyone in the server will also crash with an access violation. Fortunately, the author had the foresight not to place any ice in this level. Good job. You have saved some level hosters trouble.

FOOD: Food also is not important in a treasure level. In this case, it is simply used as decoration. Sugar rushes are more or less useless and near impossible to attain. Go for the gems instead.

EYECANDY: This level contains plenty of eyecandy to keep even the most obsessive of observers happy. As with most levels using default tilesets, it does not go hyperoverboard with “gee-whiz” effects such as Elevator backgrounds or ultra-neat warp backgrounds. Still, for your basic beach level, this has good eyecandy and it definitely shows that plenty of effort was put into the creation and tweaking of this level.

TILE BUGS: Beach is not an easy tileset to master but Electric pretty much has the entire thing down. There are no tile errors that I could see, which is not surprising after seeing Sandstrand O’Hazes. This is the easiest sort of eyecandy to really mess up, but this looks great. Exceptional job.

LAYOUT: Since there are not a huge amount of Treasure Hunt levels out there, it is hard to compare the size of this level. It is more or less a medium size level tilting very slightly towards small. As with many other Beach levels that are underwater, the layout mostly consists of a lot of small passages with no center of the level to speak of. There are some areas that are more wide open to help the layout, but not much more than that. It is difficult to rate the layout of this kind of level, but by the standards of an underwater level, it is quite good.

FLOW: Flow is not as important in Treasure Hunt as it is in either Battle or Capture the Flag. Again, the underwater aspect of the level completely distorts how the level functions. There is no concrete way to measure flow quality in water levels since it is so different than flow quality of ground-based levels. While the passages in this level are small, that does not present a huge problem. After all, it is in the water. Since this is underwater and a Treasure Hunt level, this aspect means almost nothing.

EXIT PLACEMENT: The exit is placed towards the right of the level, near the bottom. You will need to first stomp a crate to access it. This can be done any time during the game. Yay for trigger crates!

SECRETS: This level is literally packed with secrets, most of them containing gems but nothing ultra-huge. It comes with an image documenting where the hidden areas are, and I will not spoil them for you. I just hope you find them yourself instead of looking in the picture. If you don’t, may a giant sea monkey eat you. Or something.

TEXT SIGNS: This is the sort of level that makes me write an infinite amount of “Misc.” values that have no point. This level contains some text signs which feature either copyrights or funny quotes like Moonblaze’s “You are a stupid person who is stupid.” There are not too many of them, but they are fun to read. The others are not exactly funny quotes, but are still humerous.

EFFORT: This level definitely had a good deal of effort put into it. If you believe the text sign, the level was apparently made from 2001 to 2003. I doubt that Electric slaved away on it during this entire time, but that still is a significant amount of effort put in. I like to see people put effort into their creations.

HOSTING: No maintence is really required. I hope that people will occasionally host this. Unfortunately, there still are a lot of people who absolutely can not stand playing Treasure Hunt. Some have never played a real Treasure Hunt game.

COMPATABILITY: No crashes or anything. The only thing I would like to see changed is that there is a lot of useless tiles horizontally. While the level is physically only about 100 tiles, there is about 126 tiles worth of solid wall and copyright sign. Even if the copyright sign was kept, removing the excess tiles would be nice, so that it would keep file size down (if by a very miniscule amount) for downloaders.

This is a very spiffy Treasure Hunt level. The gametype really does need more levels. Maybe if there were more works such as this, it would be hosted often. This is a quality level that shows effort and knowledge of JCS. There is not much more to say that I have not said above. It truly is a shame that Treasure Hunt is not hosted often. If there were idle dedicated Treasure Hunt servers, I am sure that this level would be hosted by all of them. This simply is the best Treasure Hunt level that I have seen in ages, if not ever. Worth a download for anyone, even if you dislike Treasure Hunt. Maybe this will change your mind. My score is 8.2 and a download recommendation. Very nice job, Electric. Truly a Treasure Hunt classic if there ever was one.

Review by Trident Chewable

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Putrid Monkey Strikes Back ! (Episode)
Level rating: 8.2

Whoa! This is a great episode. Me and my brother laghed hard on the car chase!Everything was cool and so were the levels. I give this a nine! Great job![This review has been edited by Trident Chewable]

Review by ~[GpW]NinjA

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lost Gemz, Volume I: The Beginning
Level rating: 8.4

Along time ago, I rated these levels like crap.

Okay, these levels are excellent. I remember liking the Egyptian one(S?), and the Labrabit one alot.

BlurredD did an excellent job on these levels, and I apologize for my old stupid review.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rainy Rampage +Eyecandy
Level rating: 7.3

I don’t really feel like reviewing this right now, but I’m just going to get it over with.


A small level with a semi-cramped layout. I guess it’s almost balanced. It’s not bad for a first CTF level. The flow is alright, but why the stump with the float ups around it? It’s like ever since EvilMike used it in that one level, everyone wants to copy it. I can’t say that it kills the gameplay, but just find it a little annoying sometimes. Also, there are some useless areas throughout the level that should have been fixed before (I say don’t bother and move on to a new level).


The eye candy is a little different for a swamp level. I kinda like the feel, but it could be much better. I was a little annoyed with the unnecessary usage of the 3rd layer and the trees placed in the foreground. In the level, I also found some tiling errors like with the abrupt change from light colored grass to darker grass.


I almost like the carrot placement. I think (due to the fact Ninja doesn’t even know for sure) there are only 2 carrots: one full energy and one +1. The full energy carrot, located in the bottom middle and only accessible with a warp, is placed alright. But the +1 carrot is on the right side of the level which could unbalance the gameplay a bit. There could be another carrot on the other side, but even if there was, that wouldn’t change my rating too much. And I almost forgot about ammo: I can live with it, but it doesn’t help the level much. Similar applies to the powerups.


Maybe host it if you get really bored. 6.7 is the rating. (and yes, I reviewed this after d/l’ing your “Last update”)

Edit: My review is slightly upgraded to a 7.0 because of better eye candy. If you update this again, I’m not changing my rating. BTW, this makes you a liar. What happened to your “Last update”?[This review has been edited by BlurredD]

Review by madness

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: its a jungle out there
Level rating: 1.1

I can’t help it i am only human!

Review by DaPete10

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Atlantis
Level rating: 8.7

I played this level on your server today, and it looked and felt really good, except for one tiny problem. The problem is that when players get 100 gems, they will have to dash to it to find a lone player there ready to blast them to kingdom come. Anyways, good level, deserves a 9.7, and keep working on good levels! (I never make any good ones)

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Angelic Chaos
Level rating: 7.3

Not a bad level. A little simple, but ok.


I can’t say I hate it. It’s a little simplistic and balanced for the most part, but the flow could use some work. There’s nothing horribly wrong with the layout except for a few empty spaces around the level. Like in the top corners, I know you were probably just using that area for eye candy but you could have put some ammo there, too. The gameplay is nothing extraordinary, but decent nonetheless.


I would say it’s alright. A little innovative but not too spectacular. It’s a tad plain in some places, but that just might be the tileset. Let me just say I’m glad that the clouds aren’t transparent, because it sometimes creates lag when played online, especially with the lighting (yeah, I know I could just turn it off, but I generally play with Hardware Acceleration off).


The full energy carrot is placed in the bottom middle of the level and there’s nothing wrong with that. The ammo, on the otherhandm is placed scarcely around the level; it could be placed in some other places. As for the powerup placement, I can’t say there’s anything wrong with it, but I probably would have made two warps to the seeker powerup on each side and the toaster powerup somewhat in the middle or something like that. Overall, the placement of everything isn’t bad.


I wouldn’t say so, but you can host it once in a while. A 7.2 is what I’ll give this.

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Evil Clones - add-on (fixed)
Level rating: 7.6

Well first off, I admit that I didn’t finish the whole thing. I jjnxted through a good bit of it, but I didn’t feel like getting a gameover on the third level =P. I’ll keep that in mind when I score it.
The pack starts with running through some text, explaining the storyline. Apparently, there was a nuclear war and earth’s population could no longer reproduce, causing them to resort to cloning. Then some person who I assume is bad puts evil stuff in the magic cloning machine, so you “get a message from God” telling you to save the world or something.
The tilesets aren’t used very good, but the levels are well made and fun to play. They focus on puzzles and mazes more than classic “run and shoot”. Save points are well placed, though weapons are scarce. The scarcity of weapons is partially what makes it fun, though. Layers aren’t incredibly impressive, but the author ovbiously knew what he was doing.
It’s true that the pack is long; you won’t beat it in an hour. I estimate it would take the avrage-professional player 2-5 hours to complete.
My biggest complaint is the cursing*cough*, I mean mature taunts. Those so called “Mature taunts” actually have meanings as real words, and the author ovbiously didn’t know what they meant. There’s not really anything mature about it, as a “mature” person would know how to use the words properly. The pack is good, but the improper use of words really can drag a good thing down. It’s like if the Lord Of The Rings movie paused halfway through to watch a four year old blow bubbles out of his nose =P.
Overall, I’d say six and two tenths. The author is a good level designer who thinks cursing like a ten year old is cool.

Oh, and about the comment on Limp Bizkit: That’s why nobody with an I.Q. over 16 listens to them.[This review has been edited by Radium]

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: TRC_WhiteCTF
Level rating: 6.1

A clan level… Sounds good already. Let me praise the level in my review:


Not good at all… It isn’t too balanced and even if it was, the bad flow alone could just kill the level. It’s too cramped in many places and it occasionally frustrated me. I hope when you said “a plain, simple CTF warping lvl” doesn’t mean you’re ever going to make another one again, because excessive warps can be annoying in a CTF level or most levels for that matter. If you’re going to use warps, I suggest using them with better ideas for strategy. Like in Diamondus Warzone for example, there are two warps to a carrot in a box. Something like that would be better for CTF.


As far as I know, there is none. The level is black and off-white with an annoying flashing background. I’m hoping in the future you use better tilesets; ones with actually usable eye candy.


Add a carrot so I can criticize the placement. As for ammo placement, it’s sadly one of the better features of this level. It seems to appear in small groups of clumps throughout the level. In the future, try using a full energy carrot and some power ups.


Nope. You’re going to have to stick to the basics before you can get higher ratings. 5.2 unless if I find my rating index card and it tells me different.

  1. 1
  2. 781
  3. 782
  4. 783
  5. 784
  6. 785
  7. 786
  8. 787
  9. 788
  10. 789
  11. 1302