The monkeys are funney, I like that level car chase?
I ame with gamer and moonblaze right, so thats wy I giva you a 6.
moonblaze is wrong. There are 4 types of enemies. The level lacks weapons,to many carrots, to many enemies. Its worth it to play this level only if you know cheat codes(i do) .The idea with the elevator is cool. I thing bubbas dont fith with MEZ tileset.
Spring thing: Interesting music, the level wasnt really long, but sometimes hard and takes skill to pass. Not sure if this will be to fun since some amateur players may complain that this level is unbeatable (but its quite beatable). Other than that, not much wrong.
Over the rives and hrough below: Music is strange, the ponds in the tileset had me going for a while. I thoughtyou’d get stuck if you fall in them (because of long delay in suckers) but its actually quite interesting and may lead to chaos with people shooting and tackling each other into the ponds to gain the upper hand. ;P At first i thought the level was to short (having no clue that those two sunfloweres where saying there was a warp there, but the level turned out to be at a good size. The bottom area with all those springs is a bit crowded (especially if to many people are in there at once) but its actually fun :) And thats basically all of this level.
Swimming laps: I didnt like this one as much. A bit crowded but its ok. The water looked real ugly though, but then again that goes for a lot of levels. The tile placement, i just didnt like it for some reason, needs more detail. The suckerz that were put on those black tiles annoyed me and reminded me of a test (tests cause to much stress for me and just make me want to go mad) Not only that, but i SUCK at swimming in jj2 and the level was a bit hard for me, and i cant imagine what it would be to some new people playing online.
Springs J2S pole: Lol funny music, and the eyecandy was not to bad. The poles annoyed me, just imagine how it would be with over 10 people playing!!! As i played it more, i found the level quite annoying (me being as high as the ice powerup then suddenly accidnetally helplessly falling all the wayto the bottom. X( The level got so hard that it pushed me to the point where i had to cheat to beat it, which wasnt good, because I NEVER cheated in race level (most of em to easy) Also, the end lap warp took me just a tile to the right, thanl god i dont have to do many laps on this. The music rocked though.
Infinity Racing: This drove me to the point of madness, all those springs and TNTs, AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!The tile placement could of been a bit better though. The coin warp at the end was rather annoying.
OVERALL: Some stressful and hard levels here, with zounds of obstacles. Next time, make the race levels more fun, and less difficult, because the difficulty really takes from the fun. Thats all, and sorry for the rather low rating.
Chritmas Afterthought: The level is OK. Nice music choice, has a christmasy theme. The eyecandy is also ok, some candy canes which are trasnslucent. Also some hills and etc. The backround was not made warped though. The layout bothered me. There were dead ends and stuff, and they could easily be fixed. The coin warp idea was cool, though occasionally a bit unfair (makingyou collect the same amount of coins for a useless ice powerup and some seekerz etc.) Then again, i just may be biased. Also, the left side is exposed, which leads to invincibility (agaisnt shooting) for anyone who stands at the far left. The ammo placement was a bit sparce. Also, as far as i can tell, there are only two coins (gold) in the whole level, which may lead to people “camping” right under them(well, this might happen to people who are unavare ofthe secret and may think there is only one coin in the level.You should of included some silver coins in the level. There was a secret, but only one (i only found one, and im to lazy to check if there are more. Also, the only way the carrot (fullenergy) is accesible is by the bonus warp, and i have failed to find any more carrots in the level. OVERALL: 7.0
Christmas Afterthought(The night one): Basically the same as the first level, but the backround and lighting are different, so is the music (Candion Music) and there are minor changes in the level. The small problems in the first level have not been fixed here (the left side being open, lack of carrots etc.)
OVERALL: I think ill rate this a 7. Im not sure though, and may change it to 7.2
There isen’t something to say “Haha” for sinice this is a very very VERY bad level. ‘Nuff said.
It’s most likely a single player level made in a rush, only 3 types of enemies which are usual stuck together in the different rooms, there’s no ammo, loads of carrots and check points in the start.
The eyecandy dosen’t exsist, and the layer eyecandy is arful bad.
The end boss suck badly because of the platform set up, because there’s too many Bubbas, and because you only have blaster to fight him.
Make up your levels and begin work more thought them, insert food, ammo, gems, and different kind of challenges.
Download not recommed.
HAHAHA! I’m the first reviewer of this level!!
I like to play this level, but its a bit hard! Its cool to play the end boss in HARD MODE!!!!!!!!
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Too small, too boring. But it’s still worth a 7.
Violet did really make a level that did look totally different from other carrotus levels, just too bad it’s a poor CTF level.
The music is boring, ‘nuff said, there could have been better music, the suckertube up to the carrot is cool effected, but the carrot is in a death way (bad).
Thought this amazing eyecandy, the level itself is kind of boring.
GAMEPLAY: 1.9 IT was fun. The race levels were really long (my opinion) some were to confusing, you couldnt tell where to go, and that isnt very fun in races. Lots of cool effects, but the thing which takes from the gameplay a lot is the suckerz. There are to much sucker tubes, its boring watching you being slowly sucked by them, the least you could of done was make them a bit faster, but gameplay was well done overall.
Tile placment: 1.8
The tile placement in most levels was good. In soem the tiles didnt go together, but that was usually to either make the level have a difficult puzzle which needed those column tiles to be floating in midair, or just to confuse you. Either than that, tile placment wasnt bad. Looked like Another Jazz 2 Fan knew what he was doing. Good job on the tile placement
Eyecandy: 2.0
Although confusing on several times, the eyecadny sometimes amazed me in most places. The eyecandy was confusing, but fun and excellently made (is excellently even a word? Dont think so….) A few small problems barely unnoticable, but eyecandy was sometimes very well done, though confusing.
Music: 1.0
Not the best in the world but at least it fits.
Other: Whatever i left out, how the levels all fit and all, get a .8
OVERALL: 7.5. Good job on the levels. Next time, add some ammo and dont make the levels that confusing. Other than that, good job.
Its an ok level. Nice music, layout is good. Tileset use was great, ive yet to find a bug. Ammo placement was good too. Very nice CTF level here indeed. To tired to qrite long review…
Sorry to say, this dissapoints me a bit.
The tileset use of the level is unique and strange, but some tiles just didnt go together. Actually, tons of tiles didnt go together. I have no clue what the backround eyecandy is suppose to be (although it looks rather creative) and the backround looks like slime, but ita not to bad. The gems were used for decoration, im sure, but just looked plain strange and didnt fit in well. The transluscent tiles looked strange as well and looked like they were made out of glass. Creative, but looked kinda ugly, sorry. The sparkling carrots were VERY creative, but again, they just looked wrong. Ammo was placed unevingly, some places being VERY bare, and some places clustered with ammo. Layout wasnt to good, just looked empty and strange. Some tiles were placed extremly creative and looked cool, so they upped the mark a bit. There was ambient lighting, but it didnt make a big of a difference in the rating. The music, though irritating sometimes, fits the level. I didnt see much wrong with the base placement.
Pros: Creativity being unimaginable, very unique and “different”
Cons: Ammo not placed the best, tiles didnt fit together a lot. Music irritated me.
OVERALL: Definately creative and unique, which is why im rating it this high. Unfortunately, the number of cons prevented me from rating this too high. Its an interesting and unique level, worth a download reccomendation.
Congratulations. This level puts new meaning for my CTF level reviewing system. Finally, a level so bad it deserves an extra long review (not to sound harsh or anything).
I don’t think I could ever possibly describe how bad the layout is. It’s not balanced, it has no flow, and I was frustrated just trying to find my way around. Let me give you some advice (or a lot of advice) with the problems I saw:
1.) There are no borders around the level, which can create the infamous flag bug where you see someone capturing the flag every second. Always, always, ALWAYS add a border around the entire level of at least one tile (two tiles are recommended).
2.) The events are either misused or just don’t work out. Like with the water, are you trying to make the level much more frustrating with it? And there is the problem around pos 26,34 with the steam where it is easy to get stuck there if you’re not very careful. And you used hurt events? If there’s one event you should never use in MP, it would be that one. It just gets in the way and can even kill the server.
3.) The level has too many dead ends, and not just routes that lead to nowhere, but places where you can actually get trapped and never get out. Don’t use horizontal springs the way you did in this level.
4.) And I think you took the advice to use animations one step to far. It seems as if you used animated tiles for more than 80 percent of the level. When others said use animations, they probably wanted you to use the tiles made just for animations (like with the blue “shock rods” you didn’t bother to animate). You, on the other hand, misinterpreted this I thought that they wanted you to make animations like where the tile disappears and reappears. You can use the disappearing/reappearing animation tiles if you want, but seldomly. The Mez tileset you used just naturally lacks tiles for animations. A lot of other tilesets are better for this.
5.) If I had to guess, I would say you have no idea of how to make layer 3 align with layer 4 (or really anything layer-related for that matter). All you have to do is go to layer 3 and right-click with your mouse and then click on properties. In that, go to where it says “Relative movement”. Next to the “X-Speed” and “Y-Speed”, change the number to 1 (it normally says 1.5 if you haven’t changed it). And you can resize the layer under “Properties” next to the box where it says “Tile width” and “Tile height”. I suggest experimenting with this and with all of the other options (I don’t feel it is necessary to explain everything in that section of JCS).
6.) And finally, the level looks more like a single player level than anything else. This fact alone could kill the rating of this level. It seems that you tried too hard to make the level work when really a simpler level would receive a much higher rating. If you’re going to make a CTF level, look at how other people made their CTF levels. And when you’re making your next level, look for some beta-testers and make sure they barrage you with a lot of suggestions. It appears you will need it. Keep making levels; practice can always help.
I’ll tell you when I find any. It’s definately way below average. The background tiles weren’t used correctly (you’ll have to resize the layer and/or put the layer in “Textured mode”). You were lazy with a lot of the tiles in this level. Look at how other levels use eye candy and try to be more creative in the future.
Not good at all. Too many carrots in one place and no ammo. Hypothetically, if this was the greatest CTF level ever created but you only messed up on this one thing, it would already be rated a 7.0 at the highest. CTF levels just can’t work with bad carrot placement and no ammo. And powerups are always nice. I’ll give three possible suggestions of what you can do with the carrots:
1.) Use one full energy carrot placed in the middle or somewhere near the middle of the level. Make sure that it is easily accessible, and generally same distance, from each base.
2.) Use two full energy carrots placed not too close to one another. From each base, it should be easy to get one of those two carrots but not both.
3.) Use a +1 carrot, similar to how I said to use the full energy carrot in my first suggestion, but don’t use any powerups (I doubt I myself would ever use this suggestion, but it’s still a good choice to use).
Personally I use the first suggestion the most in my CTF levels, but you can experiment with whatever you want. Also, I can’t really say much about ammo placement since you didn’t even use any. Take example from the way other level makers place ammo in their levels. And when you’re using events like these, use a generator (20 or 25 would be good). You just have to click “Create a generator for this event” where you select the event to use. Then change the number next to “Delay” to 20 or 25 or whatever.
If I said host this often, that wouldn’t make me much of a reviewer. I’m rating this a 2.5 just because you remembered to put two CTF bases in the level. If I get bored and can think of other things to suggest, I’ll add on to this review.
The Edit: No, I had no idea how long it took you to make the level, but I can tell that during that two month period you didn’t focus on balance, ammo placement, flow, and several other things that I’ve mentioned in my review. I don’t want to discourage you to the point where you don’t make any more levels, but the one you made isn’t even decent. And just because you worked on a level for two months, it doesn’t necessarily make it a good level. Practice and opinions of others is where you get improvement from. Make sure you read all of the advice I added in the review.[This review has been edited by BlurredD]
A nice titleset, that rain is purple! But that adds fun to the titlesets. I have also seen the text, floating text, the robots are funny. A 7.7.
Brilliant! I especially liked the final boss, it was a really good idea.
These are some really good levels. I enjoyed them, but seeing a sign and not understanding it can make one a little bit nervous.
Funny level!!and it was fun to play.
Song14 reminds me of Queen of Board :|
Anyway. This level is fairly good – it has a lot of stuff in it. There’s water with weird platforms in, some powerups, and a loada poles. Actually, there’s too many poles – it can be hard to move around in some places because of them.
The eye-candy – well, there’s nothing wrong with it in most places. However some tiles did look a bit wrong or placed where they shouldn’t be. There’s one layer of background scenery which is smaller versions of the tiles in the level, and the water has been placed wrong.
The ammo placement isn’t good – there’s one massive area with about 70 flamethrower pickups all bunched together. In fact, all the level does seem a little ‘bunched’ – there’s basically rooms for most things and it can be hard to get around sometimes. Also, you need to use Spaz to get around most of the level, as Jazz’s high jump can’t reach some of the platforms.
This isn’t really worth a download… there’s a lot of bugs and some scenery misplacement in some places. Also the ammo needs to be dispersed a bit more as it’s all grouped up in one place. Just above average, really.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.