Review by Shen

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: mez battle
Level rating: 6.5

This is… ok. It’s a pretty big battle level using Mez03, with lots of ammo and powerups.

The eye-candy is on the whole just average – some bits of the green platform thing were misplaced, and you could’ve added some more scenery to the walls instead of just bunging it all in one place.

This is a big level, but there’s some evidence of stuff being grouped together, as though the author thinks of good ideas one at a time, so lots of scenery looks the same in one area then different in the next. This level also has a lot of warps, sometimes just for warping about 2 tiles past a big column thing in the way. This makes it feel a little bit constricted.

Ammo placement is OK, there’s lots of it and some powerups as well. However, as it’s big, you can generally collect all you can then try to find some random enemy, then spend time finding all your ammo again.

Background scenery – well, there’s some background there, but it could be improved upon by adding another layer to it. This level looks a bit ‘flat’.

This isn’t particularly bad, but it has some flaws in it. Worth a download, but there’s better out there.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: AeonCastle
Level rating: 7.4

Blackraptor’s latest level. Better than the last eight. It’s not horrible or great nor original or clichéd, but it’s decent.


The layout in this level isn’t hard to get around in, but a few tweaks could improve it a lot. The thing I dislike the most about this is it lacks balance. For example, at the top there’s a lot more space around the Blue base on the left side than the Red base on the other side. On top of that, Spaz can take a shortcut to the blue base by double jumping, while Jazz will be forced to use the route with the two poles. And one thing about poles: use poles as seldom as possible. And try to avoid putting them into one of the main routes to a base (though you can avoid at least two of them in this level, like the pole near the Red base). Also, try to get rid of some useless things like the tubes near pos 93,29. Think about making the level more strategic and stuff like that.


Somewhere around average, I guess. There’s nothing I find appalling in the eye candy. But what’s with all of the Mirrow pics in the level? Secret obsession? Even Disguise didn’t use that many pics of him in his example level of the Mirrow’s Kingdom tileset. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone (except everyone that reads this review). You can keep it in, but it doesn’t add for eye candy much.


I can’t really say I hate the way you placed the two full energy carrots. It’s a little boring, but it’s alright at best. Just like the ammo placement and the powerups (I suppose). I also don’t feel like analyzing all of it at the moment.


If you somehow find this level fun, play it 24/7. If you’re like me, then don’t. 7.0 because I don’t know. Maybe I’m being “nice” again.

One other thing: I normally don’t mention things like this, but the music could not possibly fit any less then it did in this level. Don’t do that. Use better music next time (it’s better suited for Shadow’s ShockWave), and maybe some you found on your own.

Review by Taz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: MEZmerized
Level rating: 1.9

This is a HORRIBLE level.
All bad points:
1. 10000000000000000000 Booby Traps
2. Hurt Event
3. You can get Very simple stuck
4. Eyecandy suck
5. Gameplay suck
6. It looks like more a SP level than a CTF.

Overall: Barf. The tileset tiles are strangely used. I see that you like the animations (there are tenthousends of them) But, spend more time on your levels and don’t make hurt events and booby traps and shield and blah blah blah. I give this a 2 for your practice and lol texts. Further nothing.

Review by spazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: MEZmerized
Level rating: 1.9

Nice and funny, with the water. But a little to less eyecandy…

(Unjustified rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by spazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rabbit Honor Guard
Level rating: 9.5

After I play it for a while I get bored… but it’s still nice!

(uhhh… ok. This isn’t really a review, though. Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Muddy Apocalypse
Level rating: 8.6

Well, lets start.

The level is very detailed, but i felt some parts needed springs, and the pinball didnt look all that great. The powerups were occasionally to close to each other. The ammo placement was ok, maybe WR and Supersaiyan went a littlebit to overboard with the powerups, but its generally ok. The gameplay was ok, nice use of one ways. The eyecandy, was great, excellent use of it. Generally, this deserves an 8, but since you made 3 different versions, ill boost up the mark to 8.2. Overall some great levels worth a d/l recc. Good job :)

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: stripe's race pack
Level rating: 7.1

Diamond Dash or somethin.
Eyecandy too confusing, couldnt tell what was solid and what wasnt. Liked the tree maze though, and this was hosted for JDC once i think… When i played this online long ago, i got stuck in the place which said like i said, dont let yourself get pushed around, but anyways. At the end the eyecandy looked cool, and at the beginning, if you look down, u see horrible tile placement (some tiles floating in mid air for no reason??)
Orange shift
Nice tileset, kinda annyoing going through all those loops, because if you miss even one than you must go back and go through it or you cant pass the level. Also, when i got to the end, for some reason there was no end warp….Anyways, the level is ok.
Strange name. I didnt liek the mushroom, im anti flying mushroom. Anwyays, some short cuts and cool effects, but i didnt like this much.
Overall: 7 and a download recc. I got to go now.

Review by BúññyÉlmér

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The unforgotten Christmas
Level rating: 6.7

Thankx for your usefull revieuws, my plans on the next level is to combinate all tips and only put the good stuff in it and all things wich where wrong in my old levels will not be palced in the new lvl.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rock Haven
Level rating: 7.2

Ok, this review will be quite short for im not in the mood right now.
Eyecandy: 7/10
Quick comment: Basic eyecandy, nothing that stands out much
Quick comment: To many powerups, ammo could use a touch of creativity
Tile Placement: 8/10
Quick Comment: Saw no errors (unless you count the DATS an error :P) but nothing reallly outstanding as well.
Size: 5/10
Quick Comment: To small, takes 5 seconds to get around the entire level, ok maybe 15.
Overall: Nice and fun, download reccomednation.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Future Apocalypse
Level rating: 7.9

The tielset use and eyecandy in the first level was AMAZING. It was so ****ing cool! The lenght of the level, was to short. I notice this in most of your levels splash, they are just to short. Anyways, enemy placement was avr. and goodie placement was maybe a bit below avrage.

Second level. Water kinda looked crappy here, and hard to see. Backround was boring, and eyecandy not to intense. Overall: First level=9, second level=6.5
Toatal: about 7.7

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hocus Pocus 5
Level rating: 7.5

This tileset is deemed illegal by the original creators, so I shall not rate it. :D

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hocus Pocus 4
Level rating: 7.4

Well, for a ‘conversion’ its good, but its missing to many things. Having the shareware (episode 1) of Hocus Pocus, (It was one of the first 10 games i had on my computer , my old one), i can compare this and the actual set in the game fairly. The backround is there, but it would of been nice to add in an extra textured warp backround for people who have trouble using a non-warp backround (This may sound like im the one having trouble, but im saying this for all you quiet people out there who are having trouble with JCS). Anyways, some tubes or destruct blocks or stuff like that would of been nice. Just because it is a ‘conversion’ doesnt mean only tiles that are ‘converted’ can be used in the tileset. Add some of your own tiles in, it will boost up the mark, i GUARANTEE it. Well, overally about that point is that the main tiles are completely missing (except the ground and stuff). The wizard’s there, that same poor one which you people blindly named fooruman just to make an idiotic version of a character in lord of the rings or something. Anyways, you CAN make a level with this, but it wont get higher than a 7, which is what im giving this. There is quality in this, but i reccomend you download violet’s conversion which contains all 4 hocus pocus episode 1 worlds. Still some tiles missing, but quality guaranteed.
To much ripped tiles, i cant really give this a download reccomendation, sorry.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fantasy World
Level rating: 7.6

Well, this is an ok tileset. The first thing that bugged me is that the example level is missing. Also, that the theme of the tileset is hard to tell, most of the tiles have little to do with each other. Some tiles are missing and the tileset isnt as easy to use. It has a lot of animating tiles, but they arent really important if you think about it. Anyways, the texture is good, but the theme could of been better. I think a 7 settles this. As well as a download reccomendation.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Unholy Frenzy
Level rating: 7.5

Im sorry, but this was not as great as i first anticipated that it would be.

The music is the logical choice for these types of levels which I reccomend you younger kids out there to play before 6:00 :P. Anywayz, the level itself was very small and got boring quickly, there wasnt that much things in it that stick out. I think a 9 is WAY overrated, and there are much better levels out there (like Marshland of Evil) which have gotten around a 9 and are much more advanced than this. Still, this level is more than average, it has some good eyecandy, not to intense though, and the backround was ok. The ammo placement was ok, i really think you shouldnt underestimate fast fires as if they are just like any ordinary ammo. I think fast fires are the “missing link” beetween guncrates and powerups. Anywayz, gameplay is ok, easy to get top to bottom. Still, nothing too spectacular about this, sorry.

Review by spazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lost in Space
Level rating: N/A

I agree with Super Saiyan, it is bad!!!

Quick Review by spazz

Posted more than 21 years ago (edited 8 Apr 08, 01:21 by EvilMike)
For: Jazzed Lab
Level rating: 4.3


[This is too short to be a normal review. Please use the quick review feature next time. -EvilMike]

Review by spazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Diamond Editon(Episode)
Level rating: 4.1

Very good, for your first level.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: AeonCastle
Level rating: 7.4

For such a relatively new levelmaker, Blackraptor is quite good. This level is very good, though there are a few somewhat large things that effected my rating some. The first complaint is that this level may cause flag bug. The second lies within the music choice. The third is how the springs are used. Other than that, this is a really good level and I hope to see more CTF levels by Blackraptor. This is quite good.

Tileset Use: “Mirrow’s Kingdom” by Disguise is not an easy tileset to use at all. It may look really easy to use but the fact is that it is not as easy as you would think to get really good looking eyecandy using this tileset. Still, this level manages to use the eyecandy in this tileset pretty well. The eyecandy is not anything extra-special but still looks “good enough.” The tileset which is used has some masking bugs, but this is not the fault of the author.
Tile Errors: There are not really any tileset errors in this level to speak of. I do, however, have a few complaints about the tileset itself. While “Mirrow’s Kingdom” is indeed a good tileset, it does have a few masking problems. Most notably, it’s very easy to get stuck on the slanted cieling tiles. This happened several times when I was testing this level (luckily, Controller’s self destruct got me unstuck.) This can not really be fixed by the levelmaker, but it is still a problem and is worth noting.
Creativity: The tileset was not used extremely creatively. It’s not easy to make a huge creative tileset expedition with this tileset. It just does not allow for it. Maybe a little too flatteringly, Blackraptor put in a heck of a lot of pro-Mirrow tiles. It made me wonder for an instant if Mirrow was secretly Blackraptor’s evil doppleganger, but I doubt it. Still, this does add a certain varying to the level’s eyecandy. Regardless, there is not much to complain about or go on and on about regarding the creativity of the eyecandy. However, I will use this time to talk about the music (I don’t have a music section.) While I will not downgrade for this, the music had nothing to do with the level and seemed out of place and wrong. This doesn’t have anything to do with eyecandy at all, but I thought I would talk about it here anyway.

Carrots: Carrot placement really needs work. There are two carrots in the entire level, both of them full heals. They are placed in adjacent terraces that are only accessable via sucker tubes on the opposite ends of a large platform. They are way, way too close together and a player could easily grab both. There was little more than one carrot needed in this level since it does not go nuts with powerups. Or at least a little distance between the carrots would have been nice.
Powerups: The level, as far as I could tell, contains two powerups. The first of which is an RF in the coin warp and the other a bouncy powerup which happens to be fairly hard-to-get but not hard to find. Both of these are placed fairly well and I can not complain. It does take a while to find a powerup in intense large battles, making this level more suited for smaller, less roast-intensive battles, that will probably be 0wned by whoever happens to posess a powerup.
Basic Weapons: Basic weapons were very well placed and just the right amount was used. The overall amount of ammunition seemed a bit low, but this could be attributed to the abscence of easy-to-get powerups. The basic weapondry was well distributed accross the play area.

Flow/Navigation: Flow was good, though not as good as the layout would make you expect. It was not that hard to get around the level, but it did certainally take some play to get used to. Flow was alright, though there was nothing extraspecial about it. The springs were well-placed but apparently Blackraptor tested in single player and did not take into account that the flow of which directions you are sent by spring changes from single player to multiplayer. This showed. It was obvious what Blackraptor was trying to do, but in some cases it did not work. Still, flow was pretty good overall.
Layout: Layout was outstanding. This was probably the area that the level excelled in most. On paper, you would expect that this would be a really, really good level. The bases were well-positioned. In fact, everything except the carrot were nearly perfect layout-wise. This is not common in levels these days, but it does show that a great deal of planning went into the layout of this level, and it definitely slows. Layout is probably the level’s strongest point. It takes some degree of getting used to, but once you do, you will love the layout of this level.

Balance: This level is pretty much just a flip of itself. There is not much difference between one side and the other, though red was a tad closer to the coin warp. Overall, balance was good, but the two carrots just felt “wrong.”
Compatibility: I am worried about whether this level has flag bug or not. In my testing with FireSworD, I was unable to cause flag bug. Then again, I’m really, really, really, really, really, really bad at causing flag bug. I can not say whether or not this level is prone to it or not, but it sure looks like it is (half-masked one tile wide walls…eurgh.) Until I cause it, I can not knock the level for flag bug. Still, I would seriously recommend making the walls in the level much more thick, just in case. This level did not cause my Jazz 2 to crash, though I did get stuck several times. This getting stuck was, however, the fault of the tileset’s mask, not the levelmaker.

Blackraptor is getting really good. For a level by a semi-new levelmaker, this is outstanding work. There are a few bugs that make this level annoying such as the repetitive and ill-fitted trance music and the carrots being so close together, but overall this is a very high-quality work. The best aspect of this level, layout, is even better than a lot of the layouts you see in levels today made by much more “famous” levelmakers. This is definitely a good level, though it does have some annoying bugs that may deter some.

+ PROS: Layout is great. This level is pretty good overall. Looks good and plays good, too.

- CONS: Annoying music. Possible flag bug. Carrots wayyyyyyyyy too close together.

VERDICT: I’m not a huge fan of flipped levels, but this one is quite good. The layout is the best part of this level by far, as I have stated many times before in this review. The level does take some getting used to however. You can’t just start playing and automatically grasp how to move around in the level. It takes practice. This is not necessarily a bad thing – luck is not what Capture the Flag is about. Still, the learning curve may be steep, but this level is quite good. There were a few bugs that really bugged me (no pun intended.) The music was out of place, the carrots were far too near to eachother, the springs were a bit glitchy, and there was possible flag bug. Still, these problems could be fairly easily fixed. This level is not anything mega-extrodinary, but it is a very good and solid Capture the Flag level, especially for someone who is relatively new to levelmaking. Overall, I give this level a seven point five and download recommendation. You may want to play some other music while playing this level, but it still is great fun. Great job, Blackraptor.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spider Swamp
Level rating: 8.5

A battle level using agama’s swamp day tileset. Lets do a biased review shall we?

The music was good, although it sounded to melodious for me :P. Although it did fit in with the set. The eyecandy was extremely well done, though it was confusing and strange at times. The ammo placement was lopsided. In other words, it was to bare in some areas, and a bit overused in others. The square shapes were dull and i dont like squares and rectangles (sharp edges) so i will mercilessly lower the rating of this level by 2.0 because of the squares. j/k. But some more pieces of creativity could of been used in the weapon placement. Gameplay is ok, nice layout (although the level felt a bit to small). The choice of powerups was ok, but seekerz are hard to avoid and do two heart damage so i would reccomend more gull nerdgy crrots here instead of +1 carrots. Layers uzed well here etc. etc. Anywayz, my conclusion is that this is a well made battle level fun to play for the hole family. d/l recc.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Team Battle(recreation)
Level rating: 7.3

First, the music is from blade’s glacier, not forest tileset, and its one of my favorite musics anyways so i dont mind as much.

First thing that I noticed was that i hated the backround, it could of been better in black. Also, the ammo is clustered in some places, but its mostly placed adequate. Also, some tiles were poorly used. The layout/gameplay was fun.. Eyecandy was ok in my opinion, and it was occasionally hard to navigate the level, which was similar to a maze, though it was fun running around everywhere looking for new passages.

OVERALL: This is a good level, ive seen much better, but its worth the download. Fun to play and fun to navigate, it is better than I thought.

Edit: Taz, you might want to check blade’s site and download blades battle pack SE. Then we will see who is right. Oh, and im a major fan of blade, so i have all his sets =P
Edit: Forest1 isnt passworded Taz, so open it and see the music for yourself. If its passworded then haxor ask blade for the pass.
Stupid non working strikethrough txt[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]

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