cool tileset.
(Rating removal. Please do not rate this user’s levels again. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
this is fantastic.The level is big and cool to play and the tileset is very good download NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
wow!This is good many levels very good eyecandy but something is bad you didn`t include the tilesets and there are a lot that you need in this levelpack!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@########$$$$$$$$
Its fun to play but the graphics and backgrouns aren`t really good.And if you have a secret you did the same block
on a row.But the traps and stuff are good
Wow these are good levels! The gameplay was excellent. the music rocks! the idea was so fine. (another dimension part was interesting) also the tileset choosing was good like jazzed realm, planet.. but one of the bad points was the last level’s enemy was only Hatters. Anyway, for now, this dead episode is obviously the best choice in the latest 20 downloads!
8.5 for this pack :D
Nothing to say Perfect Pack, nice lvls, nice tilesets, cool musics, you need to download…It’s a exelent pack
(WRONG. There is lots more to say. Rating removal. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Sigh…Another ripped tileset from CraccoBoy, and not a very interesting one at that. The other tileset that he recently uploaded, CG+, at least contained some non-ripped files. This, on the other hand, contains very few non-ripped tiles, and even less if you do not count the numerous uncalled for clan advertisements (as a rule of thumb in my book, it is usually OK to put your clan abbreviation in your name, but much beyond that can be a little over-the-top, and stops non clan members from using the tileset.) The tileset is a Final Fantasy one mainly. It consists of a large amount of Final Fantasy characters, all of which are – you guessed it – one hundered percent ripped. Now, you ask, why would anyone make a tileset so easy? Well, to be honest, ripping can be a pain – but, still, it requires a lot less effort than going the “real” way and drawing your own characters. Then there are some tiles from a Jazz 1 tileset I am unsure of that I recognize from JJ1: Viper’s Pick, another very ripped tileset. There is not much more to say about this tileset. It is small, bad, and almost totally and completely ripped.
+ PROS: This tileset did not destroy anything, nor did it explode.
- CONS: Ripped, bad-looking, and generally unusable.
VERDICT: A 2.7 and no download recommendation.
I can not honestly say that uploading this is a good idea. Nearly the entire J2O reviewing group dislikes Pokemon and even moreso ripped tiles. And this tileset is full of both of those. There is not much to say about this tileset at all. The idea behind it is pretty derned simple. There are Pokemon (plenty of them), various rainbow blocks, a “clan globe,” and various other pieces of propeganda. Is this tileset very interesting? Not really. Most of it features blalantly ripped tiles from various Pokemon merchinside which looks blotchy and pretty ugly. The rainbow area is just way too happy for everyone’s good. Still, it is fairly well-drawn and is probably my favorite part of this otherwise unremarkable tileset. Masking is fairly good, though especially in the Pokemon, there are some minor bugs that could cause a player to be stuck. I can not see this tileset being used in any levels, for it is both too happy and too surrounded by dead copyrights. No download recommendation and a verdict of four point five for this bad, Pokemon-themed tileset.
What are you people? Crazy? Seesh, if you guys think you can build something better with 40 tiles than try it. This Tileset SHOULD NOT GET A RATING LOWER THAN 5.5 if you ask me, it HAS the standard basics in it AND the graphics look all fine. So shutt up.
Realy old and realy bad, the point is why I give you an 4, is tht you can walk on the rainbow…
Prehistoric rules. You have realy done your best, well done!
You now, your levels are great, some levels are big, but not boring, thats wy i give you a 9.
I have nothing to say… just great…
Man, this level is cool!!!
Extremly small, next time also make a better backround.
Just as Trafton said, I think I should not rate this highly. But I still think this is a very high-quality tileset and also the music file is very christmasy. It’s quite small, but it has everything it needs: exit- and text-signs, poles, vine, tubes, hook-stuff and direction arrows. Also, the tree looks good. The snow is red. :-P
CraccoBoy, you asked if someone had ideas or suggestions for the full version of the tileset. Here comes some:
There could be some presents under the christmas trees or just on the ground, and those red- and white-striped christmas candies etc. And 2(or more) different-coloured sky-tiles, that would maybe look nice… If you understand what I mean.;)
Cool and useful tileset. A download recommendation. Yeah.[This review has been edited by FlameWitch aka BunnyCr] Trafton’s review. The only good part of this tileset is that the graphics are good, but you can’t see any of the graphics unless you use low detail, at which point everything looks bland.
Oh, and the masking mostly works, though even it has bugs. Yes, it’s 40 tiles, and he didn’t get the masking perfect.
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Really now trafton, I didn’t find it THAT bad. I entered the contest, and I downloaded everyones entryes, and for what Disguise had everyone do, this one prob. could have one a prize, if he had entered it sooner.
Yes, it is small, but the graphics are awsome. Eats Trafton’s 3.5
Download? If you like small naturely abstract tilesets, (like me) get it. If you don’t, then get it and see if this changes your mind.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.