Review by Pavlik

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Merry Xmas
Level rating: 7.7

When i open it,there is nothing in there i don’t know why

Review by BúññyÉlmér

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spear Woods
Level rating: 4.8

GamePlay: 0,8
choosen: 0,4
Event placement: 1
Eyecandy: 1,2
General: 1

I see much improvements in this lvl coparing to your others, try to ake it bigger, more eyecandy, always use music, use a good tileset, and dont use to uch powerups.

Gohan erm did you rate this a 8 ( its a bit to high ) because spear is also in XD ?


Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Frozed Stuff
Level rating: 2

Umm this dosent sound good, so im not gonna rate this :\

Review by MoonBlazE

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Kill 'em all, the final level...
Level rating: 2.4

I’m being too tired for write an explanation why this is unwrothy to upload.
Sorry, no download here.

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rabbit Force
Level rating: 8

Ten (I think) basically random single player levels, with (AFAICT) no real plot. At the start (assuming you’re able to read the story text on top of the background), it says Devan’s on the loose, and you’re sent to stop him, but after that there is no inkling of plot. You just play the (often quite short) levels.
The Carrotus levels are quite badly done in the graphics department, and their gameplay isn’t all that good either. Having bats come out of the ceilling would be nicer if you weren’t so close to the ceilling.
The Diamondus levels (you go to Diamondus after finding carrots in carrotus (as I said, there’s no real plot)) are noticably better. I paticularly liked the place where you climb up through lots and lots of trees.
The Colonius levels aren’t as good as the Diamondus ones, but not as bad as Carrotus. Two short levels going in and out of the sewers. Lending strength to the “no plot, I just wanted to try this” idea, is that they start with you being thrown out of the window of a house and being told to never come back. How did you get there? What did you do? Sorry, there’s no explanation.
I’ve never been a big fan of pure boss levels, but I’ll admit this one was better then it could have been. You fight Bolly, with two generating Tuf Turtles, and maybe crash into some platforms.
The bonus level is poor. Tileset use bad, and you go through a layer 5 maze (so just use low detail) before going to the credits level, which I won’t talk about.
Overall, this pack had potential, but the lack of plot, poor eyecandy, short levels and annoyingness prevented it from getting a higher rating.

Review by MR MAGOO

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Miniature Diamondus Warzone
Level rating: 8.2

I really can’t rate this level. It’s pretty much a replica, except for a few minor changes and the size. I personally don’t like it as much as the original, the gameplay seems a little off. I suppose it would be good for a 1vs1 match or something, but nothing else. I didn’t really put too much care into looking at this level, I saw pretty much all I needed to see.

Anyways, there’s one of my shortest reviews in a while. It means pretty much nothing, so I’ll give it a N/A mostly because the whole concept doesn’t fit into Diamondus Warzone.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Dark Marshland
Level rating: 8.1

Lets start with the mini-tileset aka Dark Marshland. It has a nightish theme which i like, and moonblaze tried his best to make the backround layer eyecandy fit into the tileset. The backround, considering a warp backround wouldnt fit, is ok, and fits into the tileset. There are very nice and blue sucker tubes included, and some blue distruct blocks, which look cool but sometimes hurt your eyes. Other than that, there is some strange, but well made ground, although i wouldnt have used that brownish color. As well, there are interesting hooks and poles in the set, and brown arrows (to bad moonblaze couldnt make ones pointing down or up), and ropes used for vines. There is a text sign, and an exit sign, with a color that fits into the set.
Now, for Dark_MarshlandEX
The warp backround is ok, not the best it can be, but still very well done. The stars and moon look a bit cartoonish, and the clouds are carefully done. The black backround eyecandy is good, but could of been better as well. The ground here is donewell, i like the color, and there are strange eyecandy things that can be used to decorate the ground. The set includes the important tiles, and has rain in it. It also has invisible tiles, and some colored text. In this set, the up&down arrows are included as well as the left&right ones, and it has green animated bubbles??? Whenever i look at the blue ground, it reminds me of a well textured waterfall, and its a shame there isnt any waterfalls in both sets, but you cant expect everything in a set… There are green and blue animating circles which can be used for warps, and text blocks.

OVERALL: Both of these tilesets are well done, and both relate with night. Although they have some downfalls, they are still a good addition to any tileset collector’s jj2 folder. Good work moonblaze and keep it up.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Angelic Warfare
Level rating: 8.7

W00t. A Capture the Flag level to sink my teeth in. And judging by the ratings, it’s a good one, too. Let’s hope that this lives up to it’s lofty rating. It would be nice to have a new level to add to server rotation.

Tileset Use: Unsurprisingly, this level uses Agama’s Heaven tileset. Levels using this tileset often turn out to look pretty good no matter how bad they actually play, though there are some exceptions. This is not one of them. The level looks very good, though there were some small annoyances. Some areas had a lot of eyecandy while others seemed to have significantly less. Still, during normal play, this would not be very noticible. What was noticable was an annoying jerking motion by the background of this level. The clouds went by at a pace that for one reason or another was just at the right speed to annoy me. I’m probably the only one who thinks this, but I believe speeding it up a bit would have maybe bettered the atmosphere.
Creativity in Tileset Use: I can not say that this level used the tileset in any way that is new or fresh, though it still is used well. This is not surprising. Because of the way Agama made the tileset, it leaves little to no room for changing how tiles were meant to be used. The background is supposed to be used a certain way, and using your imagination and trying a different method will usually just make it look very bad. This level pretty much uses the tileset as creatively as it is possible to use the tileset. I can not detract points for creativity, but I can not add them either.
Tile Errors: This level contained very few tile use errors. In addition, it contained very few parts of the level that looked off at all. The bottom clouds are a bit vision-obscuring, but not as badly as I have seen them used in other levels. If you look extremely closely at the ground (again, something that you would never see while playing it) you will notice that some of the eyecandies (skulls, etc.) inserted into the ground break the pattern of the cracks in the cement/dirt/whatever the floor is made out of. This is nearly impossible to avoid, but it is still a tile glitch, albeit one of the smallest possible ones. Eyecandy overall was very good, but nothing you have not seen before.

Carrots: Call me a conspiracist, but this level reminds me of Diamondus Warzone in many respects. Heck, I know that it is hard to make a level that does not at least borrow one idea from the classic Capture the Flag level, but there are certainally some disturbing resemblances, possibly the biggest being the carrot placement. The carrot is in a box in the middle of the level only accessable by warps, one located on each side of the level about equal distances from the bases. Suspicious, eh? Well, this has never been my favorite aspect of Diamondus Warzone, as players tend to get in a loop of damage opponent, go to carrot box, wait for damaged opponent to come, kill them, score a point. While I have been unable to do extensive testing on this level, there is probably a good chance something similar to that may happen during regular course of play. Whether it is a conspiracy or not, this is certainally something to keep in mind while playing. And remember – the truth is out there.
Powerups: Just as I started to think that maybe, just maybe, the carrot box was a coincidence, I noticed a seeker powerup very close to the carrot box, JUST LIKE IN DIAMONDUS WARZONE. However, there are a few things in this category that make it certain that this is not Diamondus Warzone’s evil twin. First of all, this seeker powerup is just out in the open, as opposed to somewhat tucked into a narrow alley like in Diamondus Warzone. Also, there is another powerup – a gated bouncy powerup. I would probably have preferred to have the two switched, with the bouncy out in open and the seeker a bit harder to get, but I can see how this works. Overall, powerup placement was good, but a little unbalanced.
Basic Weapons: Basic weapons are an aspect of the level that many authors of CTF levels these day seem to miss. In fact, when looking at some levels, it seems that a few CTF level makers regard basic ammo as decoration, just waiting to be made into interesting patterns, as opposed to an interesting part of the level that should be placed very strategicly. Thankfully, this level does not take that attitude towards basic ammo. Instead, careful planning seems to have gone into how to align the ammo and where it goes, as opposed to how well it will contribute to the feng shui of the level. This kind of attention to detail is good to see, but unfortunately rare, in even the best CTF levels these days.

Flow/Navigation: When it comes down to it, a heck of a lot of my rating is based on flow. I often have people join my server and claim that “this level is great” or “this level stinks” without ever playing it. Most people judge on eyecandy above all. While it is important to have a good-looking level, in the long run flow is the most important aspect of a level. After all, no matter how pretty it is, if players keep bumping into walls that should not be where they are, aggrevation is a given. While it does not have perfect flow or anything, this level still has very nice flow that is suitable for playing over and over. The more I played this level, the easier I find it to adapt to the interesting layout.
Layout: Layout is sort of an overall rating of how well everything is placed in the level (an extreme simplification.) This level has excellent layout through and through. On paper, the layout looks just as good as while playing. Though it is not predictable (this can be frustrating when you are first playing the level but really makes it more worthwhile in the end), the layout still manages to be effective and flexible, allowing for all different types of strategies. This variaty in options is what makes this level so great and why it is so fun to play over and over again.

Balance: At first, I had a lot of trouble finding the red base. Instead of having the bases fairly the same distance up, CelL and Rage elected to have the blue base and the top left and the red one at the bottom right. I kept going to the blue base over and over, which was quite infuriating. In fact, several times, I entered it by accident. You can literally just run right through the blue base, capture the flag, and be out of there in less than a second. The red base, which has a wall behind it, requires turning around, but the level was still fairly well balanced. Both powerups seemed much closer to the blue side than the red, but balance was O.K. during normal play. Still, the blue team felt like it had a very slight advantage. Balance was not as good as I would have hoped for, but still not bad at all.
BUGGINESS/COMPATIBILITY: This section notates any problems (bad shield use, getting stuck, flag bug, etc.) that I noticed during play. I am happy to announce that this level pretty much passes with flying colors. Heaven, a tileset that really could have had a terrible mask, is not easy to get stuck in unless you are trying. There was, of course, no flag bug. There were also no shields in this level. I have never had stability problems with this level, and since it does not use anything fancier than triggers, I doubt there are many.

At first, I thought that this was overrated hideously. After playing for a while, however, it turns out that indeed, this level deserves near the rating it has. While the eyecandy may be nothing new and the level may seem slightly annoying at first, this level has such a high replay value that it is really hard to get bored with. This level is excellent for any number of players. The best part about this level is how flexible it is, as I have already stated. You are not forced to adopt a strategy to do well in this level, nor does the level prohibit certain playing types. The only thing that caused me concern was the carrot box. It seems that this is not as strategically important as in Diamondus Warzone, but it still is probably fairly easy to get into the same loop that often decides the outcome of DW battles. Overall, an excellent level that will probably be played often in the future.

+ PROS: Allows for a great variaty of playing strategies. Also looks good. High replay value.

- CONS: The balance is just a little off. While it does look very spiffy, it is not anything that I haven’t seen before. The carrot box, while not as important is in DW, still could cause annoying “loops” in gameplay.

VERDICT: This certainally is a great level. It is enjoyable no matter how many times it is played. While it may seem fairly run-of-the-mill, underneath, it shows that great thought has gone into it. Sure, it may not revolutionize Capture the Flag as we know it, but that doesn’t matter. The truth is that this is probably the best Capture the Flag level that I have played in ages, and will find itself being played a lot if fate is fair. A definite recommended download and an 8.7. Great job, CelL and Rage.

-Trafton aka NOT AIKO, DARNIT.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by chandie

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rabbit Force
Level rating: 8

Nice gameplay but especially there was a bad eyecandy in the carrotus lvls. In Diamondus 1st lvl, the screen view was very good; also i liked the first Colon lvl. There were “RF/” letters in the next level and music settings which were not avaible with the original names of the files. Because of that the lvls were not connected each other. Also the new music files were not playable. And the last Tube Electric lvl was too complicated. But, the gameplay and idea of the game (like the first level which tells the story or etc.. and the last credit level)
A 8.0 for the good gameplay and idea!

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Miniature Diamondus Warzone
Level rating: 8.2

Wow. A 9.3 for just a smaller version of Diamondus Warzone? I can not say that I like this level that much, but I suppose I will have to do a rating. Meh, it will not be easy.

Tileset Use: Tileset use was, well, shrunken. This level is completely the same as the original Diamondus Warzone except much smaller. I have to give points here for retaining the original Diamondus Warzone eyecandy as opposed to messing it up grandly. I can imagine this was hard to do, and props go where props are due. Still, this level does not offer anything extra special in the realm of eyecandy.
Creativity in Tileset Use: Well, the level was pretty much as creative in tileset use as the original Diamondus Warzone. I mean, this is an exact carbon copy of the original except smaller. Still, again, points are due for not totally messing up the level by shrinking it to a minute size. There are many different ways of doing this (all of which involve more effort than you would think), but the final product seemed to turn out fairly well. Epic did do most of the tileset use, but the shrunken version did not ruin their work.
Tile Errors: This area was actually surprisingly good. Sure, the level had a few things that looked a bit off, but in general they did not mess up the eyecandy of the original, which, when shrinking a level, is pretty easy to do. Some things just did not look normal and other visuals took some getting use to, but all in all I was impressed by the accuracy of this recreation and how little it sacraficed for becoming such a small size.
Creativity: This is an interesting idea to say the least, and I am not quite sure whether this level is just a novelty or actually a really playable level. Creativity in eyecandy is in the eye of the beholder in this case. As mentioned in nearly every paragraph of this review so far, it does take quite a bit of effort to make such an accurate conversion. Then again, since they did not make the level, I can not reward them for all the eyecandy points. This is what is making this level so darn tricky to rate.

Carrots: The same as in the Diamondus Warzone original, this level contains one full heal carrot in the box with RF’s. However, the box may not contain as much strategy because of its diminutive size. Yes, it is hard to lurk in the box waiting for an opponent and battles in it are nearly impossible because it is so easy to accidentally fall into the warp. This may or may not be a bad thing depending on where you are coming from strategicly, but many people would probably prefer a normal-sized carrot box. This is probably where scaling caused the most change in the level, for good or bad.
Powerups: As always, this level contains only one powerup, the seeker powerup. This has always been one of the more important parts of the level, and getting it is now even harder since the area is miniturized. It is now about double the size of a character, so there will be a lot of colliding between players while trying to get this powerup.
Basic Weapons: There are many many basic weapons in this level. All of them are placed relatively close to the way they were in the original Diamondus Warzone, though some of them seem a little off. During normal gameplay, this never seemed to be a problem, but when making side-to-side comparisons of the two versions of this level, the difference was somewhat noticable. Thankfully, before this level was released, the shield was removed and the flag bug was patched, so there is nothing to crow about there.

Flow/Navigation: Flow is where this level could be considered inferior to the original. Because of the diminutive size of it, it is not hard to bump into objects while going through small areas of the level. This feeling is akin to that of playing Super Smash Brothers Melee in giant mode. While it does feel “off” from the original, it is still fun, but mostly as a novelty. Flow generally was fairly good, but still not up to the original’s standards. Regardless, it did not severely detract from gameplay, and it still was not very hard to get from place to place after you get use to the smaller proportions.
Layout: Layout was extremely good, though a little bit small. Obviously, this level is going to be smaller than the original in overall size, but it still does not quite fall into the “small level” category since Diamondus Warzone was actually a fairly large CTF level relatively. Layout, as it went, was very nice. Still, I prefer the layout of the original to the miniture version, but that is a given. There was enough room to move around but not too much that it did not seem small.

Balance: As usual in Diamdonus Warzone, balance was well-done. The smaller version did slightly benefit the blue team, but not significantly enough to complain about. Balance was overall quite nice, though it was slightly distorted by the seeker powerup’s easiness to get in this particular version. Regardless, it is balanced enough for fun play.

Wow, this is going to be really, really hard to rate. After all, this level was not originally made by the author, but then again it took a lot of effort to do this. It is a great novelty level, but little more than that, and I can not say that it will probably find much popularity in the long run beyond a few oohs and ahhs on first sight. Still, it is a fun “party gag” if you will and maybe even a good level for some late-night sleep baked play. Anyway, this level does not deserve a rating, but I pledged to give it one, so an eight will suffice. There are plenty of other novelty levels out there and (eww) level edits, but this one probably takes the proverbial cake. It is fun to play and there was effort put into it. It may not deserve an eight, but that is what it is getting. Do not ask me why.

+ PROS: Great conversion. Proportions well done. As good as novelty levels get these days.

- CONS: Not really a new work to speak of. The seeker and carrot box areas have changed majorly. Some players will be forced to adopt a new strategy if they want to play in this level seriously, though I doubt that this level will be used for competition.

VERDICT: An excellent novelty but little more than that. It is fun to play in moderation but probably will not find itself being hosted very often after a short period of time. Yes, it is unique. Yes, it took effort. Yes, it has never been done before, but there is only a small niche of people who have probably said “boy, I wish I had a miniture version of Diamondus Warzone.” But for those who have said that, an eight and download recommendation will seem quite low. For all the rest, go ahead and flame the socks off me. But it is about as good and effort-created as novelty levels get, and there is not more to ask for. After all, it is Christmas, and on Christmas I give high ratings that I just end up editing later. Oh well.

EDIT: Removed rating.
[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by Nickadot

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Frozed Stuff
Level rating: 2

Wost ever seen, take this off.
wut were u thinking when u made this?

Review by CraccoBoy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Miniature Diamondus Warzone
Level rating: 8.2

Ofcourse it works in TSF if its a 1.23 level..

Very nice and fun! a 8 will do.

Review by Red_XIII

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Miniature Diamondus Warzone
Level rating: 8.2

I like it. Good for those who want to have a quick match of DW in a small area or have a huge frenzy with 4 vs 4 in a tiny DW. > : )


Blargh, cos its a re-scale of an original, I won’t give a lot of points. 8.5 for j00 and a download recommendation

Review by Red_XIII

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Frozed Stuff
Level rating: 2

Do not upload “test” levels. Please, the tileset use is awful, some of the tiles are actually OK standard. But please, stop wasting J2o space and get a life and build some proper tilesets and levels.

Review by Red_XIII

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Kill 'em all, the final level...
Level rating: 2.4

Ghods. FFS We should make a JCS 4 N00bs. This level is not one of the worst n00b levels that I’ve seen, but some of the worst ever ideas. bad eyecandy, bad tileplacement, events not gone right etc. I think you should think about not having a HUGE load of ammo and it will make it a breeze to go through the level. Plan it out. For example look at my pack, Rabbit Force, there’s a good example ;) Nice idea though, keep trying

Review by Double U

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Frozed Stuff
Level rating: 2

This is just me! ;-p

Review by MoonBlazE

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rabbit Force
Level rating: 8

I don’t want to rate this because of Super Saiyan’s over-rating, why I think it’s that, is because the carrotus levels are rushed, they look very bad. You didn’t do enough out of eyecandy, thought I liked the levels using Daimondus.
So I would say, you should download this, because it’s fun, but you may find yourself being bored in this pack up to more times.

Review by Red_XIII

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rabbit Force
Level rating: 8

Yeah.. evil Winzip, re-download all 22 of you. YES YOU THERE. xD

Review by ScionFighter

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blade's Battle Pack Volume 2
Level rating: 9.3

Its awesome! Tha levelz looks like they are the same, but the placement of stuff RUXOR!

Try to hold that style, Blade!
[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by ScionFighter

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rabbit Force
Level rating: 8

Downloading, review later.

[EDIT] OK, so start reviewing :).

It looks like every Jazz2 based story (in shortcut: Go defeat Devan for glory:))

AAHhhhh. They are’nt so good as those from RGH, but … they are good :). Too short and easy for me =]. Enemy placement average (fat chicks in Carrotus for example), text strings good (one thing has made me mad: “thanks God for that flamethrower!” :)), some sort of fun (Roseta leaved her bra here ect. ;)), eyecandy average, gameplay good.

This pack isn’t the greatest i ever played, but its very good for first try.

So here’s 8.7 for the JJRF team.[This review has been edited by ScionFighter]

  1. 1
  2. 813
  3. 814
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  11. 1302