Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JazzTool
Level rating: 8

Nice program, but one thing bugged me, when i chose the colours in this proggie i would automatically be set to default colours right after. neways, this is a good program. Sorry i didnt review sooner

Review by Super Saiyan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rabbit Force
Level rating: 8

Well Red, it look long but its finally here, huh. As I should not rate one of my levels Ill just stick up with the rest in the pack. All I have to say is, youve done an outstanding job dude :D Each level has something special in it and I like it. Eyecandy, Weapon Placement, Enemy Placement and Music, theyre all FINE! My compliments for all the authors. And a download recommendation from me. Ow yeah dont forget the warm rating, good thing its christmas for you :p

Edit: People, check out the Flash page, its awesome :)[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]

Review by Nickadot

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Kill 'em all, the final level...
Level rating: 2.4

the ending YES!

Review by Psycho_Man

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Snow in Carrottus
Level rating: 8.3

Good level… I also think it’s cool to let it snow in other tileset levels (Like in my own episodes Kill ‘em all when Sevil wanted to turn everything into christmas)… and the size of your level didn’t become boring… as a matter of fact, I like it!!!

Review by Psycho_Man

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 5 Alive
Level rating: 8.9

Good levels, just like the original…
just watch out that you don’t make them too big or don’t add the same stuff every time. Use some variation, a story or some kind of level boss… but I like your levels!!!

Review by spazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 5 Alive
Level rating: 8.9

Look, nice levels, but there are just to big, next time also put less gems in it…

Review by Taz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Too Much Pun CTF
Level rating: 7.8

Trafton did not reviewed the other level, so I’ll do. The first level anyway was very orginal and lol to play. The jellyfish rule.
GEMneric CTF
This level is TOTALLY diagonal, using the Diamondus tileset.
No, the:
D i a m o n d u s
Tileset. (Bad joke)
This is orgianal like the jellyfish level, but this is diagonal, so i said. There are many diagonal lines you cant see, but that’s okay. It’s again really a orginal stripe-level, with the PuUs hidden etc. No much to say about this. All what I said totally fits it. I give this pack a 7.7.. no wait, again, it’s ChristMas, so I give a 8. Hey you! Catch!

Review by ScionFighter

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Shellion's Extreme Revenge (SXR)
Level rating: 9.3

Cool episode including its own story and wiping levels on original tilesets. It aslo includes 9 multiplayer levels.

Review by ScionFighter

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: the Lost World episode
Level rating: 9.1

This episode based on Lost World rox! it isn’t perfect, becuz itz 2 eazy =] The Dinosaur stampede level is kool, tileset too, gameplay ruxor, eyecandy rulez.


Review by ScionFighter

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Kill 'em all, the final level...
Level rating: 2.4

SURE! YEEEHAW! I must download every pack because the author is too lazy to put them in one zip. No comment.

Review by ScionFighter

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Frozed Stuff
Level rating: 2

Yea, Nat and Pavlik comes back to j2o… I dunno what i must do: cry or laugh…

Review by Taz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Angelic Warfare
Level rating: 8.7

Nice that you used Tileset Beach for this.
Merry Christmas too, don’t eat too many birthday cake please.
The level is using the Heaven tileset by Agama, and if i start in SP, you’ll have the nice SP warp so you can play it in SP. I begin by the Seeker PU, and i think that this is the middle of the level. Really thing that Rage does. The music it uses is Dreamland, wich fits nice well with the level. The seeker Pu lies in a sorta of temple in the middle and have many windows. (Not so many, but just Big.) If i go down, There are some one way, handy, platforms with electro blasters on it. If im on the nice ground I’ll see two angels with in the middle of it the text string of Made By Rage and CelL of OLC. OLC is becoming nice. If i go left, I’ll see the windows again, this time with moon and hores, and then im a few seconds in the open air, then im again back in the temple. In the fresh air there are some seekers. If i go left again I’ll fall and there are two ways to go, I use the under way.There I’ll fall again and come by a portal and a warp. If i warp, I’ll be the full heal carrot beneath the Seeker PU. The spring to come out is hidden, so you must first find out. If i go back where i was, and dont fall down, i go up with a spring and im in the upper way. Im now totally left of level, by the blue base. If i go back to the seeker pu, i use the many upperst way any there are some seekers and a text string with “fdf” on it. Strrangeee.. Fall down again, and there’s anoither warp to the Full heal carrot. I see a Toaster PU if i go left now, same placed as the bounce PU, and you need the red key to open the door. So i did and I get the PU, i go up again with one way. Totally right is the red base.
This level is a nice one, a very nice one, a very nice XMas present. The gameplay is nice, need sometimes no hidden springs, but really okay. The eyecandy is the best what ca in this tileset. Weapon placement too. I’ll give this a 9, no wait, it’s christmas, a 9.2. Thanks Rage and CelL, for this huge present. Doownload ThIs.

Review by Nat

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Angelic Warfare
Level rating: 8.7

Nice level!!!

(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Nat

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Frozed Stuff
Level rating: 2

Is this tileset your first or what?
And these photos,on them YOU???

Review by chandie

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Lost Jazz Adventure
Level rating: N/A

Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server!!!!!!!!!


Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Prehistoric CTF
Level rating: 6.7

I wanted to start a new review bcuz it had some comments on there that didnt suit my new uploaded lvl :\ Sorry MB.

Review by Psycho_Man

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Devans Revenge episode 4(Re-uploaded, ENGLISH!)
Level rating: 7.9

The levels were about as good as the original JJ2 levels. Some enemies are at a weird place, but that adds some fun. If you keep improving you will get a 10 someday[This review has been edited by Psycho_Man]

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Too Much Pun CTF
Level rating: 7.8

Unfortunately, I am not sure that I am hugely fond of this pack. Here is my review.

Just Got A Carrot Away
Tileset Use: The used tileset was Carrotus. Yes, Carrotus is increadibly overused, but it was not used in an annoying way. In fact, the way it was used is a way I have never seen before. Still, it looked a bit “off” and I can’t say that eyecandy lives up to my expectations.
Creativity in Tileset Use: This is definitely like nothing I have ever seen before, but I am not completely sure whether that is a good thing or not. The background consists of a purple layer that looks gelous. I am not sure what this was supposed to be, but whatever it is, it is not pretty by any definition. There are pudgy carrots floating around in the background that just look strange. Still, tileset use was OK.
Tile Errors: This level pretty much entirely lacked tile errors. However, I can not say as much for lacking tileset inconsistincies that detracted from the overall quality of the eyecandy. In fact, there were several parts of the level that just looked a bit off. They did not quite look ugly, but I know Stripe is capable of better.
Creativity: The ideas presented in this certainally are creative. Some may love the eyecandy of this level, and others may want it to burn in eternal fire. Whatever your preference, you must admit that the Carrotus tileset is showing its age. The same “wow-gee-whiz” effects that would have captivated some people in 1999 are standard everyday stuff these days. It is hard to make a Carrotus level with generally interesting eyecandy, and while this eyecandy may interest some, I can not say I was nearly as impressed.

Carrots: This level has one carrot. Yes, you heard me right, only one. And it is quite well hidden. It is well-known that Stripe never goes overboard with carrots, but one single carrot (not even a full heal one) is a little, well, little. Maybe if it was a full heal or at least was not in the sucker tube the level would have played better. As strange as it sounds, carrots are even more important in small levels since it is much, much easier to get killed.
Powerups: If you thought only having one carrot was not enough, you probably want to stop reading now. This level contains no powerups. However, during normal play, it was not that much of an issue. In fact, I am almost glad that it contained no powerups. Otherwise, it would have been way too easy to die, being that the level only has one carrot and all.
Basic Weapons: The normal non-powerup ammo was placed quite well, in fact. There was always enough to suffice for some good fights, though RF seemed to be used more than anything. Still, the weapon varaity was good and well balanced. Kudos to Stripe, since this has always been an area that he has excelled in.

Flow/Navigation: This level did not have as good of flow as I would have liked. I ran into the sides of the level many times and the frequent collisions started to get a bit annoying. On top of that, Stripe elected to make it easier to get from blue to red as from red to blue (or maybe the other way around, it does not exactly matter.) Still, this was not much of a problem during general gameplay. Flow was still good, though it was not as well done as other Stripe levels.
Layout: Layout was another area that was quite good, but not exactly up to Stripe’s high standards. The general idea behind the level was great, and on paper the layout looks fantastic, too. However, in practice it seems as if the layout was at some points lacking. The routes were fairly linear, and to stage “surprise attacks,” the players were forced to memorize an array of sucker tube combonations. But layout was still not bad at all.

Balance: This is probably the area that the level is best in. Both teams have a pretty equal standing in this level, even though it is not a “mirror” level if you will in any way. This is hard to accomplish, especially with a level that is neither semitrical nor large, so it appears that Stripe did plan this aspect of the level quite well.

This level was, at least for me, worse than I expected. But that does not mean that is not a very solid Capture the Flag level. Do not be fooled by my negative sounding review: a seven point five is still a fairly high mark for a Capture the Flag game. And while I can not expect Stripe to return and be back to his original glory immediately, maybe I was expecting something a bit more. I lack time, being that this is Christmas Eve, so I will leave my review half way done and finish it tomorrow. This is still an excellent level and 7.5 is not a bad score. I hope GemNERIC will be as good as promised, but this is enough to keep me entertained for now.

+ PROS: Excellent balance between teams. Not a bad looking level. Fairly creative.

- CONS: Not as good as Stripe’s previous works. Flow could use some work. A few people got stuck in test server.

VERDICT: Good and solid, but not as good as I thought it would be. Still, the first level (there are two, the second I will test later) still will not disappoint if you are looking for a solid and highly playable Capture the Flag level. A seven point five and a download recommendation for now until I am able to completely rate the other level. Hopefully, the rating will go up then. This may sound surprisingly harsh, but even though the score is lower than I expected, it is not a bad level in any respect. Good job so far, Stripe.

Tileset Use: This level uses the Diamondus tileset. Carrotus and Diamondus being pretty much the two most often used tilesets, this was a bit surprising (Stripe seems to like using the official tilesets.) GEMneric, like Just Got A Carrot Away, uses eyecandy in interesting ways that you would not expect to see. However, unlike Just Got A Carrot away, it turns out to look pretty darn good. The background, which consists of blue tiles in a sort of jigsaw patern, looks really cool and gives some interesting eyecandy to the level.
Tile Errors: I could not find any tile errors that are worth noting here at all. This was not surprising, as Stripe has a pretty good history of levels that lack tile errors. The eyecandy overall was definitely better in this level than in the other level that I am reviewing here. There were no tileset uses that looked off, and overall eyecandy, while nothing extremely innovative, was high quality.
Creativity: Creativity in eyecandy is not that easy in Diamondus. Unlike Carrotus, it leaves very little room to edit it’s standard look, though many have tried. This is about as creative as eyecandy in Diamondus can get and definitely is worthy of praise. The background looks quite spiffy and gives a nice cave-y atmosphere to the level. Also, it contrasts well from the plain vanilla look that Diamondus is typically associated with. Eyecandy is one of the strong points of this level and it definitely shoes. There are no errors to speak of in the eyecandy, and while it may not be anything new or extremely exciting, it is quite solid.

Carrots: This level, unlike the first one with only one carrot, contains two full energy carrots. It is nice to not have the same carrot drain in this level that the original suffered from, and I think that this was generally well-done. The two full energy carrots are pretty much placed the same distance from the perspective bases and it seemed quite fair. I prefer this carrot setup to the other level’s.

—-I will continue this review. I am way too tired to write anymore right now, sorry.—-[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by MoonBlazE

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Prehistoric CTF
Level rating: 6.7

Please reupload instead of upload it again.

Review by MoonBlazE

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spear Woods
Level rating: 4.8

This isen’t wroth a 8. It’s okay I guess, but it’s not even finished!
You made the level 256×64, and you only made 71×42 of the space playable.
That’s just waster of space.
I’m also tired of those XD members here like Son Gohan XD which comes and over-rates other members levels.

Spear Woods is a battle level using Blade’s woodlands tileset.
The tileset itself dosen’t have much eyecandy stuff, but it’s still posible making a good eyecandy if you spend enough time on it, which Spear didn’t do.
For saying it honestly, this level needs a better ammo placement, better eyecandy, and SPRINGS. This level does really needs that.
The level itself is just a box with alot of platforms in it, which gives a boring gameplay, in the middle of the box you play in, there’s a little box containing a seeker powerup, which is posible enter from the left side.
ALL the start positions are the same place, that dosen’t really make the level to a “good work”.
I won’t recom you download this.

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