This is the third version of the CTF level first seen in July 27, 2002. It has become better over time in some ways, but needs work nonetheless.
To me, it seems a little too linear: not too many platforms and a limiting water route at the bottom. And the bases are a little too far apart. In your server I suggested cutting down the distance betweeen the bases, but you kept it the same. The level still isn’t all that balanced. The collapse scenary under the red base would be impossible to get through from the bottom without using TNT or something. It’s not the biggest problem but you should use blank tiles instead. You also might want to use warps in your next levels.
Not bad, but could be better. I don’t know if you have an old version or not, but you could have used the tileset better. I can’t tell you exactly what you should change (it’s really a matter of opinion), but it is a slight improvement over previous versions.
Another thing: You said that you couldn’t put the dino’s in the BG because it was already used in that area. This shouldn’t be hard to get around it. You didn’t have to put the lightning on a different layer than the rain or the solid blue BG. You just have to incorporate the rain or the blue tile into an animation and it would let you have another layer. This way you can have room for more dinosaurs in the background.
Carrot placement isn’t as bad as it used to be. There’s a +1 carrot near each base, which isn’t so bad. But the full energy carrot is too close to the red base. You should place it somewhere in between the two bases. The ammo placement, on the otherhand, isn’t good at all. There’s barely enough and it needs to be spread out more. The blaster and bouncer powerups are placed well enough, but the pepper spray powerup (which is with the full energy carrot previously mentioned) is a bad idea.
Maybe like once if you get bored. This level is a 6.5 at best. But I’ll be nice and make it a 6.7 because of your persistence.
By the way, don’t expect great reviews after uploading one of your first levels. You can’t expect high ratings right off the bat. It takes lots of time and practice to make really good levels. You can’t expect that you’ll be able to make vast improvements after editing the same level over and over again. Try making other levels (preferably with other tilesets), and experiment with layouts. Not all of your levels will be good in the long run, but just remember other authors started the way you did, and even the greatest level makers make bad levels once in a while.
Also, take example from good levels other people made. Don’t actually take the level and edit it, but instead use some of the ideas the author used. And in my opinion, the easiest way to make a balanced level is to make one side of the level and then mirror it (vertically) so each side is symmetrical. After you master this, it will be much easier to make balanced levels with unsymmetrical layouts.
this really REALLY sux
bjarni why are you giving a bad lvl a 7 !!!???
i give a 2 for this
this is the why
1 suckertubes to slow use layer3 for layer3 tiles (like for the sucker tube
2 No animating tiles Hurt bij a SPRING!
3 to many bumb things
4 why only the same food
5 bad eyecandy
6 no ammo
7 if you go in the sucker your gonna back to the start
I can tell you 1 thing
this music rocks :)
i give this lvl a 2 its bad lvl
by 007
I am very excited about Disguise’s contest. From the various tilesets I have seen come out of it, none of them is anything but excellent. And this tileset by Moonblaze is no exception. “Dark Marshland” is not, despite the name, really a marshland. Rather, it seems like to be a dark, slightly swampy, forest. And boy is it dark. Looking at this tileset in JCS, you would think that it would be impossible to see any of the eyecandy if you made a level with it. That is not true at all. Rather, levels using this tileset do come out looking quite dark, but that is not a bad thing. In fact, the demo level I made did not look extremely dark. The few bright tiles more than make up for the somewhat depressing vibe that the dark tiles give off, and it is very well balanced. Moonblaze does the forest tileset type better than anyone, and it definitely shows here. Included are exit signs and pretty much anything you would ever need in a full tileset. There are two tileset versions included. One is Dark Marshland and the other Dark Marshland EX. Note that Dark Marshland is the entry for Disguise’s contest and Dark Marshland EX (EX possibly being extended?) is the full version of the tileset with all the features. This is an excellent tileset, though I recommend you use the EX version as opposed to the tiny one for Disguise’s contest. Still, this is definitely a good entry to the contest, and I hope to see the results. I give the full version an eight point two and a download recommendation. Great job, Moonblaze. Keep the good work up and make more tilesets.
[Review taken out cause I don’t care][This review has been edited by DaPete10]
I am still trying to improve my level-building skills guys, sorry if you hate it.
Please make longer reviews or it isn’t a really review. Anyway, here’s the review:
Dark Marshland (without ex):
This is a really mini tileset of 80 tiles (10 × 8). It haves all needed tiles, destruct blocks, arows, and vines and hooks. Also some 6&7 thingies. The music fits really well with it. The tileset itself is a blue tileset, dark blue, with golden things in it. There are some (Uh, blue) sukckers in it who i like, and some mountains and clouds fit the layers 6 and 7 and perhaps 5. I don’t rate this tileset, you maked a expansion who i rate now.
Dark Marshland EX:
This tileset don’t have the golden things on the paths, but have blue instead of gold. There are the same suckers, background eyecandy and there is now a lot nicer textured background. The music of it dont fit so really well with it. Barf. This tileset isnt so big too, but it’s double so much like the first one. The ground haves worms in it, bones (how orginal) and some plants. The worm is animated. There is a animated puff of smoke, i really dont know what it means, but it’s a puf of smoke so that’s always lol. There’s a warp thingie like in many tileset like Mez, the animated circle. You’ll also see a moon and stars for layer 6 and 7, or just layer 4.. There’s a orginal Thanks to Disguise and Made by Moonblaze sign, wich lol because you cant see the Thanks to Disguise sign in the example level, the Moonblaze sign is standing in front of it. The hook is nice, it’s one like in Agama’s Egypt tileset, a rope with a little woodstock on it. There is also a invisible masked tile. I like the grave-like Exit, text and water (?) sign. The wall is climbable so you dont need many springs iin levels with this tileset. The poles are blue with golden blobs on it. That was all, i think this is a little tileset without bugs, so download reccomedation.[This review has been edited by Taz]
A small tileset. Very simple. Green background. Yellow ground. It’s boring. No eyecandy tiles. No stuff for layer 7.
I give it a 4.5.
No download reccommandation.
Good luck with your next tilesets.[This review has been edited by Waz]
Nice tileset
I never knew this was uploaded, but I have always wanted to rate it.
Simply put, “War Torn” is one of my favorite tilesets of all time. In fact, it is right up there with 7th Lava Fall in my “second place” column (behind anything Agama has ever made of course.) I first saw this postapocolyptic tileset used in EvilMike’s Distopia and have unable to forget it since. It looks much like a city that is, as its name suggests, suffering from the aftermath of some sort of war. Still, for a city that is supposed to be mostly exploded, it looks quite spiffy. The buildings are very well textured and the green tubes, while they do not exactly make complete sense for the surroundings, do give a cool high-tech feel to any creation. Also included are various other types of tiles, including some that make a pretty good sewer. There are few missing pieces, although hooks and vines would have been a worthwhile addition (even though they would slightly detract from the theme of the tileset.) The only bad thing that I could think of is that this tileset can be really hard to use in some cases. Sometimes, the tile that I needed just was not there. I was able to substitute other tiles for it, but I would rather that these tiles were included. Still, an excellent level can be made with this tileset, and it is absolutely worth a download. In fact, I recommend you do so immediately. It sort of reminds me of “Metropolis” by Bluez (oh, Aiko said that. Heh.) This tileset also has a strange 3D feel, despite not actually being 3D (same with “Metropolis.”) This really makes it a worthwhile tileset and one of my favorites. In short: a nine point two and a recommendation to download this tileset. Now. Or face the wrath of the Snufuss.
+ PROS: Excellent 3D-ishness, jam packed with lots of features, just looks great.
- CONS: Not much to crow about. It’s a bit hard to use, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
VERDICT: Every self-respecting Jazz Jackrabbit 2 fan should download this now. It is severely underused. Download it. Make levels with it. Date it. Marry it. At least download it. (A nine point two verdict for this. Great job, Toxic Bunny. You’ve outdone yourself this time. Again. :-)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
“Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Pinball” would be a possibly new interesting concept if it is an interesting new concept. Unfortunately, the concept is neither new nor interesting. This level, which uses the fairly uninteresting Tube Electric tileset, consists of basically nothing except sucker tubes, pinballs, and pie (the food event, I am not being humerous.) It uses the interesting idea of placing hurt events under the pinballs instead of the normal warps. Less fortunately, jumping over them are really, really easy and offer absolutely no challenge whatsoever. After that, you are forced to go through an overly lengthy system of sucker tubes from point A to point B. Would it have killed to crank the sucker tube speed up just a tiny bit? Eh? After that, you are dumped in a room where you can either choose one route or another. Both end up in the same place, and you have probably already wasted the time difference there is between the first and second routes just by reading this. After that, you are dumped into room containing mainly carrot bumps. Damaged? If you are skilled enough to buttstomp well, you can heal it all. Not that it will matter much. The warp from the room leads back to the start. Over and over again. While Unknown File may have elected to use an interesting gametype for this level, it is used badly. Still, if this level was much longer and harder, it might even be worth a play. Keep working on levels, and you will probably be quite good one day. While this is not very good, it does show promise.
+ PROS: Interesting new gameplay, while the level was made badly, it could easily be much worse.
- CONS: A somewhat promising gameplay with terrible execution. Barely any eyecandy. Way, way too short.
VERDICT: As interesting as the idea behind it may be, this level is not very good at all, so it gets a three point five out of ten.
Reply: It’s fine. No one can be great on their first level, Unknown File. Keep making levels. :)
[This review has been edited by Trafton AT][This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Level 1: Introduction level or something
There wasnt a need for this, and it isnt a level, so i wont rate this.
Space Station ALita 7: THis level uses disguise’s awesome spacey universe tileset, and it makes goood use of it too. It has interesting eyecandy, and good layout. The ground and walls are well decorated and the ammo placement is kinda fun. NOthing more to say here
Astroni-Ave: Strange name, using blade’s awsome space tileset. The layout is good, so is the spring placement. Eyecandy can be annoying, but is good. Placement on my opinion is actually great, not over or underused. NOthing more to say here as well.
Claustromania or somethin’
Nice layout and eyecandy, the level is mostly calm and simple, and i like it. Nice placement, and i just liked this one. No comment
Deeply rage: Sweet eyecandy, nice placement, nice tileset use. I didnt really like the floatuing letters though.
Eyecandy rocked, especially the foreground spaceships, such creativity. Good gameplay, though i feel the level could of been just a bit bigger.
Blasting Tron Project: Lol funny text, counter-terrorists win. Its like jj2 is really counter strike in disguise;P. Ahem, now the level. My only comment about this is that it is very goood for a tubelectric level. Bah, one more comment, good spring and sucker tube use
12 hour tea: Hate the backround, love the music, lovethe eyecandy nd the layout placemnt was really fun as well.
Waste house: Nice eyecandy, but the same ol’dethman tilesets get boring after a while, i had them for over a year now. Nice layout and a big level.
Shockwave: Nice layout, nice eyecandy. Thats all since i am tired of writing 4 or five long reviews like this all in one hour.
Tb Shockwave: IS it me or are these the same levels (this and the one above)
Force Draw: COnfusing, but nioce eyecandy, nice spaceships. Placement could of been more “lively”
Ill add more to the review later, but im dead tired right now.
Interesting concept, but’s poorly implemented. The bumpers a too close together, the suction tubes a painfully slow, & there’s no exit or next level setting. No download recommendation.[This review has been edited by BtsfplkVR(Lem_Gambino)]
I think this is your first level, because of bad use of tiles and no animation, if you want to know, you can make animations by clicking in the yellow like square in the animation window, and then hold crtl and click the tiles you want to animate. You can also better place the tubes at layer 3 and keep layer 4 empty at those places. But pinball levels are never good, because players like to play and not to watch…
Evil Canyon CTF: The level itself is quirw big, and uses the drkness tileset by mirrow. OR at least i think mirrow made itm but im only 80% sure on that. The ammo placement is very good, so is the spring placement. Its a bit biased that the red team gets a pu and the blue doenst. The eyecandy is slightly above average here, but at least there isnt any mistakes. The tile placement just plain rocks.
CelL’s LAb: The first two downfalls are that the music is gone,but that isnt actually a downfall because i didnt download the music, and that it uses a custom tileset ;P But those are mostly the only downfalls. The eyecandy is good and steady, and not overused. Same goes with the placement. The layout is good and open, withot dead ends, and the tileset use is very creative and good. The base placement is also well-made.
Crystal Caverns CTF: The backroud here hurt my eyes and didnt fit with the tileset at all. The eycandy was a bit to overused, but it was also good, im not exaclty sure if there is any bugs yet. The layout isnt the best it could be, but its well done as well. The name decieved me into thinking this was made with a crysilis tileset ;P, but i was wrong. Nothing much wrong with the ammo and food placement. Like i said before, i HATED the backround.
ToXaNi-StArWaVe CTF: The name was difficult and i had to copy it as well ;P The base placement is cool, the red base which LOOKS like it is standing on solid ground, but is actually floating in mid-air ;P
The tileset use is how do i say this, very detailed, and creative as well. Nice and easy eyecandy which isnt the least bit disturbing, except those asteroids in the foregroudn layers seemed to startle me. The placement is above average and the layout is too.
Glowing Wasteland: Fianlly, a level with coins. Althoughthe coins are very sparce, CelL did the right move by making the bonus warp only need 10 coins. The eyecandy is very good, those backround fences and all those stuff, and the layout is very open. The music fits, and my only suggestion on this level is that the eyecandy can be less annoying. The bases are placed ok, and so are the platfroms, each having lots of eyecandy.
Zaitox CTF: Probably the best, the eycandy is the best it can be here. All those cool tricks with the brown blocks and allthat eyecandy, iit just rocks. The placement is also good, the powerups are placed well, one on one side, the other on another. The base placement rocks, the bases look so close together, yet they are so far away. The platform placement is awesome. A bit crowded below and spacey above. The carrot placement is also good, not the best it can be but still very good. Like i said before, i love the eycandy. The suckerz are used well and so are the warps. The turrets and all those are also placed amazingly.
Pipe Dreams: The music fit the level well. The eyecandy was some of the best, nearly all good points. In fact, some of the best sirius eyecandy can be seen here. Ammo placement was well, nice chocieo of pu’s, nice placement of them as well. LAyout was good as well. This was definately a good one in the pack.
Evil Chemisty: Different music could of boosted the mark, im getting quite tired of hearing the same tubelecr\tick music over and over again. Eyecandy was not the best, but was passable. Layout was ok as well. Placement was good. Not the best level in the pack, but one of the average ones. This was probably becauswe im biased towards rating levels with custom tilesets.
Radioactive Warfare: Music was strange but suited the level fine. Eyecandy wasreally food here. The layout was fine and the placemen was good too. The tileset use kinda inspired me, with all those cool tricks and all. I might as well mention that even though the eyecnady was good, it was confuisng and annoying at times and could of been a bit better. Powerup placement was ok as well.
Toxic Metal: Music fits, spring placement was good, so was the eyecandy. LAyout was great as well and some cool tricks used in this one as well. The ammo chocie wasnt that good though.
Tubular vortex: Like i said, im biased at reviewing levels with custom tileset, but some quick notes on this one. Music was different than the original tubelectic, thank god. The eyecandy was amazing, but confusing at the same time. Placement and layout wasgood. Music rocked btw
Scrap metal: The eyecandy was really good and unique here, the green backround used for slime and all those metal pipes for backround eyecandy. THe placement could of been better. There was no need for all those bomb crates and trigger crates, i have no clue why CelL inckluded them. music fits and all those stuff like that.
Worth a download reccomedation.
Since noone made a long review on this, id rather make one than just write a short one.
Claustrophobia:(spelled with a ph, not an f i think) The music here was not included, shame, i wanted to see how the music was like. The level itself is very small, based in a spaceship where the blue electric poles warp you somewhere and stuff. The tileset is used well with some cool tricks and cool eyecandy.
Factorial Fiasco: The tileset use was EXCELLENT. Looked exaclty like a factoy, good eyecandy, strange warps which dont take you far. The vines were hard to see, and the bases needed effort to reach. The ammo placement was ok, had a variety, the carrot placement was ok as well. The music fits.
The CelLavator:
The backround eyecandy was rather good, and the ammo placement was well. The music was missing again, and the layout was sometimes crowded. The eyecady rocked, but the level was small. Interestin tileset use.
The destroyer: The eyecnady here was WAY to confusing, as well as the layout. But it did have some cool effecrs here, like the pack of spaceships flying through in the foreground. The tileset use was excellent once again. The ammo placement was good, had a variety and wanst only placed in dull squares or rectangles.
The dimensionator: MUSIC ROCKED AND WAS A GOOD CHOICE FOR THE LEVEL. Isounded a bit to hyperactive there, but the music choice was great, and i liked it. The tileset use was strange, the brick backround is common for a warp backround, dunno why. The layout was ok, im not to fond of it but it was ok. So was the ammo palcement and the food placement. The foreground eyecnady was strange,those black dots popping out, but it made the level look as if it was a strange dimension in space or something, which was both interesting and fun. The springs were placed well.
The reconstructor: I probably liekd this the least. The eyecnady was way to confusing at times, so was the layout, to much bricks in the way etc. The spring placement was average, with some good points and some downfalls. The placement was sometimes to sparce, other times it was a bit overused.
Conclusion: A good levelpack by CelL, with some missing music, 2 missing files if i am correct. The ones that werent missing was regret.mod and mech8.s3m. The other 2 were gone =(
These levels are good for CTF and have tons of good points in them.
I actually kind of liked this.
The music choice wasexcellent, really good music. The ammo placement was good, not to bad, but not great as well. The tileset use was good, the backround didnt drive me nuts, the eyecandy sometimes did ;P. Interesting “water” idea. The rain does look like small rocks, and would hurt if they hit jazz on the head ;P, but im thankful CelL put it in the backround layeres instead if foreground, if he’d put the rain in foreground, i would of rated this a 4, but he didnt. The layout is not to bad, its ok as well. The level itself is slightly above average, but not as good as some of CelL’s other levels. Worth a d/l though.
AT least thats a semi-decent review :)
I also re-uploaded it. A few changes too.[This review has been edited by KILLERRABBIT]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.