Review by Enigma

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Dark Forest
Level rating: 7.6

This level definitely isn’t bad at all. The eyecandy looks quite good, except for a few minor bugs which don’t really bother the player that much. The flow is also decent, though i felt some more branches and platforms needed to be one-way. Blurred did miss a carrot, there are actually two. Unfortunately, both are +1 carrots, one of which is put in the coin warp. At least one of them, if not both, should have been a full energy carrot. Speaking of the coin warp(s): though it’s not hard to find, many people prefer a visible 10 coin warp over an invisible 5 coin warp. The ammo placement looks ok, but i must agree with some others that i don’t see the point of the freezer ammo. Two toaster powerups won’t work very well either, i’d say it’s better to replace one of them with a RF powerup.

Oh, and btw, if your upload stops when it’s half done, at least include the tileset and just leave the music out.

Conclusion: this level is quite decent, and worth downloading, but i can’t help feeling that it’s a bit overrated ;-P[This review has been edited by Enigma]

Review by Taz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Prehistoric CTF
Level rating: 6.2

2. A second version can be worser.
3. The review:
I had to play this in SP, so don’t be mad at things I can’t see in SP.
I already reviewed this in your server, and i already said that there where too many dead ends. You edited it. MB, you need glasses. There are some suckertubes. The gameplay is ok, you need only to make more one way and no confusing things like walls and after the wall you can go in the wall. Next and under to the red base there are some collapsing scenery and they collapse, duh, but then you will come in a waterfall with a big dinosaur and many grapes in it. Left in it is one of the only dead ends.If you swim right you will see many rocks in a tunnel and later you’ll see a Blaster PU, with everywhere (Phew, not too many) fastfires. If you swim further you’ll come to a-ilke-adead-end but it isn’t, there is a sucker. Go in it and you’ll see a the blue base. Around the blue base are trees, some trees have nice apples and some dinos with eggs, if you reach the eggs you will be Yikes! Never mind.. Next to the blue base on your right hand is a tree with a carrot in it. Left to the blue base there are apples and a full heal carrot. You’ll have to fix that, too many carrots will mess up the game. If you run further you’ll come in a tunnel, a little one, what needs one way, because you can stand on it. If you run further again you’ll see the red base. That’s the whole level.

Overall eyecandy: Ok, but it needs more 6 & 7 things.
Overall gameplay: Ok, but needs more suckers and one ways.
Overall weapon placement: There aren’t so much weapons in this level, but the food placement is well done.
Overall Overall: Ok. The collapse scenery are lol and some text strings make the game fun.
Overall @ Moonblaze: There aren’t many secrets and if they are, they are not so hard. Please look further then your nose long is.
Overall to Download: Download reccomedation. If you want a middle-mighty level.

Review by MoonBlazE

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Prehistoric CTF
Level rating: 6.2

Prehistoric is a 224×65 big level, each base is placed in each site of the level, and your start position is multiplayer, and makes you start at your own base.
The level is basicly flat, it’s supportly like a landscabe, there’s a kind of house, an underground cave with water, and a tree you can climp up in for jump over to the secret.
While this is so great in size, it makes it imposible for you to have a chance for each your opponents base if you’r killed.
In this level, red has an advantage of getting to the powerup faster than blue because the platforms leading up to it starts around blue base.
You can swim down in the underground water cave, but beware, the path is too long, so you’r bait for hunters with pepperspray.
While the eyecandy is sorrowfull not really good, KillerRabbit placed some dinosaurs which you can hit. That’s just a waster of time sinice they are only used as eyecandy.
Those Dinosaurs should have been set at layer 5 or 3 so they wouldn’t come in trouble for the players.
The holes in the bridge are created by colapse senerys, which makes it a giant death end if you come from the downside of it. That’s really an easy way to get trapped in.
If you’r hunted out to the left side of the level, you meet a death end, which also posible means death to you.
Let’s also point out that by the 2 dinosaurs and their eggs, there’s holes down in the ground. Those holes looks really bad
Over Red’s base there’s a full energy carrot, and a pepperspray powerup. That makes Red’s adavatage anymore great.
For saying it honestly, you didn’t place ammo, except a lot of fast fires gathered on ONE place.
That makes an awful gameplay, with loads of camps at the powerups, which is the only ammo you can get.
The layer eyecandy is very bad, it’s just the same tile of rain, a flashing white tile behind, and you even wastered a layer on the thunder, sinice you could just had made the rain animate.
Overall, you shouldn’t have done it like a landscape, you should have placed ammo, and you should have worked more on eyecandy.[This review has been edited by Moonblaze]

Review by spazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: barrel of monkeys
Level rating: 8.4

…Look, a good game pack, put in the first level(A barrel of monkeys)there are way to many enemies and way to less carrots…

Review by Spear XD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz Ski Rabbit (not jj2!!!)
Level rating: 9.4

what is this?

a (-) (PA) jazz in sky?

(Using “substitutional” swear words is not acceptable, and neither are personal attacks. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by Spear XD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Persian Paradise
Level rating: 8.5

cool! good work~!

Review by n0

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tomb Rabbit v1.23.2 (updated)
Level rating: 9.3

Everyone else has said it all…
Nothing could make it better.
It is perfect.

I claim 100’th review

Review by Double U

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: damn battle for xd
Level rating: 5

I think that you’re very (Dutch) becouse when I wanted to give you’re level a Number and I wanted to look in JCS but you told me you forget your password, and that is not very handy, ya know :S.
I used so Jazz2.exe and looked i give a 6.3 Get’s to a 6.

(Personal attack edit. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Dark Forest
Level rating: 7.6

Originally posted by BlurredD:
Unfortunately for you, I’m in a reviewing mood today. Basically not that great of a level:


It’s good in some areas of the level, but improvement is need in others. You put some obstacles in it; I don’t know why but it takes away from gameplay. Maybe too many springs. I don’t really know, it’s something though. Maybe get rid of the coin warp in the bouncer powerup room. Or not, it’s your choice. And is there a real purpose for using a frozen spring? It’s not really worth going out of the way to unfreeze to get some measly ammo.


I would say it’s good, except the leaves look too squared off in places. And some of the leaves you put in the 3rd layer add some confusion. And what’s with the transparent tiles in the trees? That’s not going to help your rating. You should have just made it the way Agama did. Everything else seems OK.


This is what hurts your rating the most. Is there only one carrot that I can access? It’s not even a full energy carrot. I might have missed something when I was playing in the level, but this is what seems to be true. And the ammo: small patches of ammo in almost random places. And you managed to use ice and TNT (the two least usefull weapons in most CTF levels). You probably want to stay away from those unless they’re absolutely needed in the level. I suppose you could leave the TNT in since you could use it to get the toaster powerups (you should have used just one instead of two), but that’s about it. Oh, and I hope you don’t mind that I can get the bouncer powerup without the warp, but I guess it won’t make the greatest difference.


You decide for yourself. I probably won’t host it. I’ll give a 7.2 for the level.

One more question: Why didn’t you make the last Dark Forest level loop back to the first level? You should consider fixing that.

I quote this because I think it is such useful information. In fact, I wrote quite a long review, but it was not nearly as good as this.

This level is highly overrated, and it seems that most of the parties responsible for this overrating are members of the XD clan, which Onion co-leads. Hmm.

This is an above average but not notable level. It features livable, but still not great, flow coupled with some pretty lame weapon placement. Playing it was not bad, and was enjoyable at some points, but otherwise was unexceptional all the way through. Some parts of the level were way too linear, while others were too spacious. A level of contrasts that may contrast a bit too strongly. Still, it is a worthwhile play, though I’m not sure I can say that it is a definite keeper. Play it for a while, and then throw it back to see. Heck, you might hit some overrators.

(And a 7 and download recommendation for this.)

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: damn battle for xd
Level rating: 5

Being the rating scale stealer that I am, I will now steal my scale for this review from BlurredD. You have my permission to sue me. But I am warning you that you will have to wait in line. Here we go.


Basically better off as a battle level. For a CTF level, it has no balance and it lacks some flow. Hurt events in an MP level: a horrible idea. You should get rid of those, it doesn’t help the gameplay at all. In the level it says it’s not finished. I could only hope so since it could use a lot more work.


This level is quite dull eyecandy wise. While there are a few bright spots of note, they are few and far between. If you are going to lack in gameplay like this level does, I would recommend you at least spend some time making the level look spiffy. After all, spiffy-looking boredom is better than boring-looking boredom.


There are way too many carrots in this level. They seem to be placed randomly with little consideration for gameplay. Some people make like this sheer amount of carrots (EvilMike), but no one can say that the carrots are placed well. Weapon placement was also below average. It seems that the author decided to just put weapons everywhere and anywhere instead of planning out how a game would flow and everything. Speaking of flow, it was also quite bad. I bumped into everything and it was annoying and challenging getting from the blue base to the red base with my sanity intact. In fact, I wouldn’t accomplish it. Manical laughter.


No, I am lazy and never remember the file names of anything so I just put EvilMike2 followed my random numbers and hope it is a level. But if I was blessed with such amazing powers of memory, I probably would try to forget anyway. This just isn’t worth hosting.

“One other thing: if you’re going to make a CTF level, avoid putting “battle” in the name. And don’t make levels that suppose to be playable in CTF and Battle. That’s never a good idea. Either it’s one or the other.”
Unless you’re Warlord!, follow this advice. ;P

As for rating, I will give it a five. It is plainly average and not interesting. It, like many other people have said, is pretty much just a battle level with bases. Not worth a download. Purely and universally average.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Beach Bash
Level rating: 2.1

I suppose I will use a scale similar to Violet’s to rate this level.

Is this a Battle level? Well, yes, you can slap anything together with a start position and call it a battle level. But not all play like true battle levels.

Is this a good Battle level? Linear through and through, so no. Being that it is an edit of a single player level, there is only one path, so it is not much of a battle level, and certainally is not a good one whatsoever.

Is this a CTF level? Similar story to Violet. There is a blue base, but I did not waste my time trying to find the red base. It just was not worth my time. No matter where the other base is located, this just is not a worthwhile level for Capture the Flag.

Is this a good CTF level? No way. There is only one possible path and it feels like a single player level. That is because it is a single player level. It is really too bad they removed the cooperative/single player elements, because that was the only thing going for this level.

Is this a Treasure Hunt level? Sort of, but I can not say that it was intended to specifically be a treasure hunt level. Sure, there are gems (about a hundered) left over from the single player game type, plus a few that the author took the liberty of adding, but not enough to make a good treasure hunt level. Or a playable one for that matter.

Is this a good Treasure Hunt level? Not in the least bit. There are not enough gems to actually make a worthwhile game and there certainally are not enough to make it good. Oh, yes, and you will have to take the annoyingly long time that it takes to find the end of this level, if you actually bother playing that long.

Is this a Cooperative level? No! The one thing it had going for it, the single player type, has been completely removed. Read: all enemies have been deleted. Sure, I suppose it could fit the most loose definitions, but it certainally is not a “real” cooperative level.

Is this a good Cooperative level? No. The eventless blocks look ugly like the Heavens, there are no enemies, and play is one hundered percent boring. Avoid this mode at all costs.

Is this a level with eyecandy? Every level has eyecandy. This level included. But what eyecandy is there is really, really bad. Like the event-lacking blocks.

Is this a level with gameplay? Sort of. There is gameplay, but it is not good gameplay. For any mode except single player, this level has terrible flow. And playing in single player is pointless, since all of the enemies have been removed. D’oh.

Is this a level with good points? There are plenty of good points. But no where near enough to even fall into the average category. The author demonstrates some knowledge of JJ2 (like in the description, albeit saying that something that works for 1.23 will work for 1.20 is redundant.) The level itself is just awful.

What are you going to rate this? 2.

Will this level get a download recommendation from you? No way. SO STOP ASKING ME QUESTIONS, DIEMBODIED VOICE.


DaPete: I didn’t mean you could be worse, I meant that you did this better than many people would have done it! I wasn’t trying to be negative.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]


Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rockingham II
Level rating: 8

Hmmm. I saw it on the internet a few days ago. Good layout and everyhting… The music kinda bothered me a lil bit. Didnt suit it. Neways this was a medium-good lvl. Download reccomended.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Random levels
Level rating: 7

When someone abandons a level pack and its prospective levels, it is usually because one of several things: the pack was not going the way the author invisioned, there was a lack of time, or the author just lost interest in the project. While I’m not sure why Unknown Rabbit decided to ditch this collection of levels, I can say that it could develop into a simplistic, yet fun, single player level pack. Now for the review. The first level, which is named Diagon Fly Alley (a harry potter reference, the filename is tubby.j2l, which does not have any connection to anything that I can think of right now) is based in Jungle. The first thing I noticed about this level was that it does not have an excess of eyecandy, and that eyecandy that is there is not particularly creative. Still, gameplay was solid, and there weren’t many tile bugs. Near the beginning, there is a hole which opens up leading to a secret (designated by a text sign), but I would not recommend waiting such a long time for such a small secret. Next, there is a swinging vine which goes through walls (and takes you along with it). Fortunately, there are warps in the walls in case you get stuck. A hard-to-get One Up lies above. The level becomes less easy to navigate as time goes on. One place is very hard to not get stuck in. Enemy placement is also substandard. Some enemies are in places where the player would fall right into them – ouch. Other than that, this first level was quite solid. The second level, “The Diamond Factor” (which, in case you have not guessed, uses Diamondus) plays very much like the first in some respects. However, I have to say this level gets annoying. And quick. If you have never liked the Bees event, I doubt that you will get through this level with your sanity intact. Not only does this level use the Bees event, but it has spikes. And a lot of them. When I say a lot, I mean a lot. There are about ten seperate long spike fields to avoid. Do not expect to get through this level without being damaged some. It isn’t hard, but it also is not easy. Another gripe relating to enemy placement surfaced. I entered a very slow sucker tube leading to full health carrots with two lives. Nearby bees swooped in while I was in the tube and killed me when I was less than one tile from the carrot. Argh. Unknown Rabbit also seems to have gotten his blocks mixed up. He used sidekick/buttstomp blocks where he should have used trigger blocks. Regardless, this level was still good, despite the small-to-medium sized annoyances. After that, I got through the level only to find that the next level was Diagon Fly Alley again, and then Diamond Zone, and so on. It would be nice if the next level was set correctly when uploaded. There were two other files in the pack, one an apparent duplicate of The Diamond Zone, and the other seacar.j2l aka Flood!, the third (or fourth, depending on how you are counting) level in this pack and the final, as well. Flood!, surprisingly, is a Carrotus level (not Beach), but thereis a reason it is named Flood!. This level is plainly uninspired. All of it is set underwater, which is not my favorite location for a level. Also, Carrotus looks really strange underwater and a more appropriate tileset should have been used (any tileset would work for this level, it uses little more than the basic ground.) Not much to say about this one. It was OK, but linear and uninteresting. This pack, well random collection of levels, is solid but uninteresting. Eyecandy is passable, with few errors, but still not noteworthy. It is not a joy to play, but it is still a good timewaster. Moreover, it is a seven if I ever saw one.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lava Lamp (The real one)
Level rating: 7.2

Sorry for the low 6.7, but at least it wasnt as low as the 6.5 i was going to rate it. The tileset basically has only one theme, the lavalamp theme, and a tileset with only one theme gets boring real fast. The tiles are colored in good and all, but its to small. Good and imaginative idea though…….

Although this is a small, small tileset,and definately not skulg’s best, its still worth a download.

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Beach Bash
Level rating: 2.1

Look, it takes some skill to edit official levels. This is not evident in this.
Is this a Battle level? Any level in existance can be called a battle level, as its only requirement is at least one start position.
Is this a good Battle level? Not at all. It’s extremely linear, has bad ammo placement, and it’s hard to get around.
Is this a CTF level? I think so. There’s a blue base, anyway. There might be a red base, but I got stuck trying to find it and gave up.
Is this a good CTF level? Not at all. There’s only one (basically) path, it’s hard to navigate, and it’s too hard to go from red to blue.
Is this a Treasure Hunt level? In the loosest definition of the term. One secret contains like all 100 gems, and there are a few other hidden in other secrets, or left over from the original.
Is this a good Treasure Hunt level? Not at all. I think you already can tell why.
Is this a Cooperative level? I doubt it. The author removed all the enemies, for a start, so you just wade through the awful level.
Is this a good Cooperative level? Not at all. It plays terribly, lots of blocks don’t have events for them..
Is this a level with eyecandy? Technically. But the eyecandy seriously sucks.
Is this a level with gameplay? Technically. But it, like the eyecandy, seriously sucks. Same goes with design.
Is this a level with good points? Yes. But they’re rather rare, and I won’t list them.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Prehistoric CTF
Level rating: 6.2

Ok, first the tileset use
The tileset is used well, not much is wrong, although there WERE bugs.. The lightning was very disturbing and hurt my eyes, and im not to fond of lightning.
The placement: What placement, the level was half empty, except carrots, pu’s and food. The powerups are 2 close together, u need to get one, and make a jump for the other soon after. There was 2 much carrots here in my opinion.
The base placement wasnt the best it could of been…
The eyecandy wasnt the best, id say it was around average.

Hmm…If i were to rate this, id rate it 6.7 or 6.5, but id rather leave it N/A, because im not sure if my rating “fits”

Ok, I feel as if my review can be longer, but i will keep it N/A so i wont get any complaints about rating too low or something.
The eyecandy: There is eyecandy here, but it is poor or average. The dinosaurs should all have been placed on layer 5 and 3, and the trees are VERY confuisng, not knowing which ones are masked and which arent. The water looks crappy here (no offence) and the tunnel just takes you one way, it wou;ld have been more interesting if the tunnel split into more tunnels so there woul;d be more to explore.
The placement is very poor (again sorry if that sounds mean), there are food here, but no ammo. Just 3 powerups (at least i foound 3) and some fastfires, which are all bunched up. This brings down the rating by a lot.
The CTF bases arent the best they could be, but i’d settle with them, knowing how hard it is to make both teams have a fair advantage. They could of been better though, but then again, that goes for a lot of CTF levels.
The layout is basically 2 wayed, you just take one pass, either land, trees or underwater, and end up on the other side, and just take the same path back to end up where u were before. There is no detours which you take that you end up in secrets or anything, and no ammo to slow you down and to make the level interesting.
My conclusion is that this has a lot of potential, but could of been done way better. More ammo and more secrets could of been added, and the level could of been bigger so there will be more to explore. But it is a good effort and worth a download reccomedation.
[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Beach Bash
Level rating: 2.1

An edited level…

No. Don’t do this. Don’t edit levels and then upload them to J2O.

And don’t make levels for multiple purposes. Just make a battle or a CTF level or something.

Review by blurredd

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: damn battle for xd
Level rating: 5

Another CTF level. My wish came true. Too bad it’s more like a battle level with two bases in it.


Basically better off as a battle level. For a CTF level, it has no balance and it lacks some flow. Hurt events in an MP level: a horrible idea. You should get rid of those, it doesn’t help the gameplay at all. In the level it says it’s not finished. I could only hope so since it could use a lot more work.


Below average. The level looks dull, like with the lava at the bottom. Needs improvement. Use the background layers.


In one word, horrible. A bunch of +1 carrots placed unevenly in the level. It’s like a Colonius Wars (capture2)nightmare. The ammo placement isn’t good for almost any level. And you used the same powerups more than once. Don’t do that. Try a more even distribution of ammo next time. And use one or two full energy carrots instead of all of those +1 carrots.


Not unless you like playing in levels that are below average. This looks like a 5.2 to me.

One other thing: if you’re going to make a CTF level, avoid putting “battle” in the name. And don’t make levels that suppose to be playable in CTF and Battle. That’s never a good idea. Either it’s one or the other.

Review by Nickadot

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tomb Rabbit v1.23.2 (updated)
Level rating: 9.3

Just Plain Exellent

Review by sonictth

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JJ2 add-on *v3.5*
Level rating: 9.2

very cool!

(Content truncation. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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