Unfortunately for you, I’m in a reviewing mood today. Basically not that great of a level:
It’s good in some areas of the level, but improvement is need in others. You put some obstacles in it; I don’t know why but it takes away from gameplay. Maybe too many springs. I don’t really know, it’s something though. Maybe get rid of the coin warp in the bouncer powerup room. Or not, it’s your choice. And is there a real purpose for using a frozen spring? It’s not really worth going out of the way to unfreeze to get some measly ammo.
I would say it’s good, except the leaves look too squared off in places. And some of the leaves you put in the 3rd layer add some confusion. And what’s with the transparent tiles in the trees? That’s not going to help your rating. You should have just made it the way Agama did. Everything else seems OK.
This is what hurts your rating the most. Is there only one carrot that I can access? It’s not even a full energy carrot. I might have missed something when I was playing in the level, but this is what seems to be true. And the ammo: small patches of ammo in almost random places. And you managed to use ice and TNT (the two least usefull weapons in most CTF levels). You probably want to stay away from those unless they’re absolutely needed in the level. I suppose you could leave the TNT in since you could use it to get the toaster powerups (you should have used just one instead of two), but that’s about it. Oh, and I hope you don’t mind that I can get the bouncer powerup without the warp, but I guess it won’t make the greatest difference.
You decide for yourself. I probably won’t host it. I’ll give a 7.2 for the level.
One more question: Why didn’t you make the last Dark Forest level loop back to the first level? You should consider fixing that.
You said this was suppose to be like Blood Bunny’s Lair, right? It’s not as good, but it’s decent.
You tried modeling the level after BBlair and yet failed somewhere. It’s good enough, but still could be better. For starters BBlair had more warps in it and a little more balance. Maybe some more springs could help with the gameplay; the layout seems a little spaz-biased in places. Try avoiding long areas of flatness (like at the top), especially those without any ammo or anything. It’s almost pointless. You could have also tried checking the masks. There were a few masking errors like at 49,46 and 118,21. They’re small so I guess you could ignore them, but my advice is to always check the masking in the level.
Average. Nothing else to say here.
The carrot placement is… somewhere between good and bad. The full energy carrot near the top is placed alright, but the one near the bottom seems almost impossible for Jazz to get (except maybe with electro blaster). The ammo placement is… I don’t really know. It’s either in a rectagle shape or in a straight line. Go figure. I have just one question: Am I suppose to be able to get the toaster powerup without the coin warp? Because if I’m not, you should probably fix that.
Maybe like once. Nothing too special. A 6.7 for this level.
ok now 1) jj2 tiles not jj1 (needed) 2) jj2 music not jj1 (Needed)
otherwise its greatThe lvl looks very well, i just didnt like the creation of it so much. Much eyecandy, no stupid errors, nice chosen music ( i got the music files ) and nice chosen tileset. basicly i rate the lvl a 8 but since you’ve made 3 version of the m with different music i give 0,2 points extra.
Wel done my co-leader, you’ve done excelent work ;) keep up the good work!
Ok, I L I K E D T H I S
The music was cool, and it fits the level (in my opinion. It has a metal beat that reminds me of metal and stuff, so good music choice. +0.5
The eyecandy had some bugs in it, but was good infact. It had some originality, and i liked it, it kept the level alive, so it wouldnt get dull as fast. + 1.5
The gameplay was good, springs placed well. lots of ramps. Tile placement was well and the level was well made. Its good to see how a person getting 2’s and 3’s suddenly got 8.5’s. Reminds me of me :). +2.0
The placement was soemtimes biased for one team, but it was better than boring old squares and had a variety. Although it could of been placed better, it also could of been placed much worse, so good for the ammo. The coins, might take a while to get 20, but they’re placed ok. So are the carrots. +1.5
The vines and all are also placed well and the design of the level is good. IT has some cool tile placement and some very well done ideas. +1.5
The overall feeling when i was playing this felt good. I felt sorta inspired by this level and it felt fun playing it because of the good eyecandy, music, gameplay, design and placement combination. +1.0
0.5 1.5 +2.0 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.0= 8
But this was a good effort and a well use of the wasteland tileset so i will give it a generous 8.5 and a download reccomendation
the limit is actually 1 megabyte. You can still upload the tileset and music seperately.
I wouldn’t exactly call this level junk, but there’s some room for improvement though. For a start, you should try to get some more eyecandy in the level. It mainly consists of small and medium-sized platforms, which all look very plain. The tiles fit together, but that’s pretty much it. This level is also very spaz-biased. It wouldn’t be the first, but in this one, jazz players will really have trouble keeping up. The powerups and carrot are well placed though. Unfortunately i can’t say the same for the ammo in some places. I really wouldn’t recommend putting over 50 units of ammo in one single place, and definitely not in 3 different places of the level for 3 different weapons. Other than that, i felt like there were a tad too many seekers in the level. Games might get pretty boring when people never run out of seekers. As for gameplay, i dunno really… the platforms don’t make me feel too well about it, it could use some more normal floors other than just the bottom. Some springs wouldn’t hurt it either (maybe jazz could move around better that way for example). And the music and level don’t fit together too well imho. The regular heck music might be better.
I’d say this is a nice basic level, but it can be improved in a lot of ways.[This review has been edited by Enigma]
sorry, i cant get the 1,5 mb filesize uploaded, my stupid internet connection keeps quitting when im half way [This review has been edited by Onion aka Nightmare]
Please reupload with the tileset and music. The size would still be under 4 megabytes which is around the limit we have.
Please reupload, i will rate this later.
The max. size isnt one megabyte actually. Ive uploaded, and many other uploaded many packs of levels with sizes over 1 megabyte, it just takes a while for it to upload, approx 10 min if its 2 mb and 5 or 6 min if its 1 mb. But thats for me[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]
Original rating: 9 (temporarily set to N/A for house cleaning reasons)
The pack is named “Woodlands,” but don’t let yourself be fooled by the unassuming name. This pack actually consists of many, many files which explains its enormous filesize. These files are:
Beton Night
Challenger (J2B)
My first gripe with this collection is Blade’s blunt naming. I normally do not mind when files are given simple names, but unfortunately many files from this pack overwrite others (the tilesets mostly.) I lost about five ancient tilesets whilst installing this pack. I’m sure the pack’s tilesets are better than whatever it replaced, but I would rather have them not replace anything at all. Anyway, on to the step-by-step reviews.
AZTEC (Tileset, aztec.j2t)
“Aztec” is not a new tileset to me at all. In fact, I have used Aztec many times. It is a fairly simple-looking tileset, but with enough skill, a really good level can be made with it. This is similar to many other of Blade’s tilesets – simple but very functional. As the name implies, “Aztec” is a tileset featuring an Aztec (a native tribe in South America) temples and ruins. Also included are some vegitation and things you generally would find in the areas that the Aztecs inhabited. Before downloading this tileset, you have to get one thing straight: if you are looking for a tileset that combines both temple and forest plots so you can make a level with both types, you will be sorely disappointed by this tileset and probably the rest of the pack. Why? Because this pack is about one thing – simplicity. You won’t find any jungle/building/lava pit/ocean/toaster combonation tilesets here. Just simple, high-quality, and to the point works of art. The first thing you may notice when starting to use the Aztec tileset is that it does not use very complex textures. This may be offputting at first, but it really should not be. While it is bare bones in terms of its variaty of tiles, it definitely has nearly everything you could ever want in an Aztec themed tileset. There are six types of wall tiles. One has a brown box in the middle, another bricks, yet another texture-ish roughness, another blank but slightly textured, yet another a skull, and the last one an S (though I’m not sure what you would need an S tile for, I’m sure it could be of some use for someone.) There are many different types of ground tiles for dark and light situations. If you feel the need for some eyecandy, this tileset provides some good, if cartoony vines, and something that is either for a ball game or hangings. There is also a good-looking but cartoony tree, and various other good-looking but cartoony pieces of eyecandy. However, there is one very ugly part of this tileset: the mountains. The purple and dark purple mountains look much more like bubble gum than anything and feel very amateurish. I expect much better from such an accomplished tileset maker, and I was sorely disappointed by this. And also – darnit – Blade elected not to include the must-have sucker tubes. Regardless, this is still a really good tileset that I can see many, many uses for and probably will be used quite a bit.
BETON (Tileset, beton.j2t)
“Beton” is a strange tileset, especially by Blade’s standards. It features a milky-white city landscape with some unproportional eyecandy. There are also spikes. My favorite part of this tileset was definitely the blue-glowing sucker tubes. They contrasted well with the rest of the tileset and gave a sort of high-tech aura to a definitely low-tech tileset. Much of this tileset just consists of land tiles. While I have few complaints about having many different types of land and your disposal, Blade neglected eyecandy in exchange for having such a huge variaty of land tiles. Still, when making a test level with this, it actually looked much better than I expected. I suppose how good this tileset is really depends on the way you use it. For some uses, it could be downright horrible, but for other types of levels Beton could be a godsend of a tileset. Other than the sucker tubes, this tileset pretty much follows the standard Blade formula: simple but effective. The only difference in the formula this time around is that Beton can actually be hard to use. While the general idea of the tileset and how it turns out looks and sounds increadibly simple, going through and finding the right tile for the right situation can be quite a workload. Still, this tileset can produce some good looking levels if enough effort is put into it. This is not my favorite tileset in this pack, nor is it one of my favorite tilesets overall by far, but Beton is still a solid choice. Still, I advise anyone who wants to use it to plan ahead of time or your level could end up looking really bad. A good, solid tileset, that could be terrible in the wrong hands. Still, it has definite promise despite these annoyances.
BETON NIGHT (Tileset, betonnight.j2t)
There is not much to say about night versions of tilesets most of the time. Other than a darker color shade, the only thing that they usually change are some of the eyecandy pieces (for instance, any tileset featuring a sun, i.e. Cool Day, usually changes to a moon in the night version.) Beton Night is not an exception to this rule. There are no new tiles from Beton, or even tile changes, but Blade made some interesting coloring descisions that I think are worth note. First off, instead of simply making it grey and ugly, Blade decided to change the milky-white tone of the tileset to a more managable deep blue. This is probably a good choice, as I can imagine how boring this tileset would be if it was entirely grey. A more appropriate name for this tileset might be “Beton Sunset.” The colors featured on both the sucker tubes and some of the platforms are yellow-gold and purple, colors that are commonly associated with the sunset. I think that I actually prefer the night version of Beton to its day counterpart. It looks more interesting and colorful without sacraficing Blade’s simple style on tilesets.
DESERT (Tileset, desert.j2t)
One would think that a desert tileset would be the perfect tileset for Blade. One would be correct. The simple named (much like everything else) Desert is a very solid tileset that seems to have inspired much of Blade’s newest tileset, Oasis. The ground looks very cartoony, but that does not degrade from the tileset’s quality a bit. In fact, I think that I like it better that way. Sometimes simple can be good. Eyecandy features standard Desert articles. Prickly cacti, desert flowers, and rocks are all present and accounted for. Also included are spikes (every Blade tileset seems to have a great deal of spikes, even a Desert one) and some very spiffy looking brown dunes. What struck me most upon seeing this tileset was that the drawing style resembles that of LeSmashy’s. Simple, cartoony, but really good-looking and functional. In fact, I have my suspicions that Blade may be LeSmashy, but that is another conspiracy for another day. The current conspiracy is how Blade got so good at the kind of tilesets he makes – simple, good-looking, and functional. Desert is this formula at its best. While it may lack sucker tubes (a big BleH for many of Blade’s tilesets), it does have nearly everything else you could ever ask for in a tileset and then some. Plus, it is easy to use. What more could you ask? And don’t you dare say “sucker tubes.”
GLACIER (Tileset, glacier.j2t)
Glacier almost reminds me of an Inferno with ice. The shading is asimilar to that of Inferno (other than the fact that it is blue instead of Inferno’s red.) Also, the land types are like that of Inferno’s. Still, this tileset doesn’t “feel” like Inferno in any way. The sloping land looks great and is as much eyecandy as it is functional land. The 8-bit background, which is ripped, may not look amazing, but it works for this tileset. Also included is a brightly contrasting flower that stands out without looking like a sore thumb, if you will. The exit signs also are very much different from the surrounding scenery, but just like the pink flower, do not look bad compared to the rest of the tileset. It is this level of detail that makes Blade’s tilesets so good. They may not have as great shading techniques as other tilesets, but Blade really knows how to make the most out of so little. If Paint was the best drawing program available, I’m sure Blade would be what Agama is today. Another great, solid tileset from Blade that definitely would be a great addition to any tileset collection and really should be used more. In my opinion, all of Blade’s tilesets are far underused, this one especially.
ROCKS (Tileset, rocks.j2t)
Rocks, which happens to posess the same file name as about ten million other tilesets, is probably not one of my favorite tilesets in this pack. It may look a bit dull, being made of grey-colored rocks and all, but it is fun to use and comes out very well. Rocks has two backgrounds, apparently depending on what kind of level you want to make. One of them is the standard blue background that appears in almost every Blade tileset that has ever been created, and the other is a firey version of the blue background that might just simply be the blue background with inverted colors. Whatever it is, it looks really nice and definitely would lend itself well to any flame-and-lava based level using this tileset. Then again, it might not be so easy making a flame-and-lava based level. After all, this tileset contains rocks and nothing more. If there had been some flame or lava eyecandy hazards included, I would have liked this tileset quite a bit more. However, it does lend itself well to any level which just needs to be made completely of rock tiles. In level making, my level turned out to look pretty bad. This is both my fault and the fault of the general lack of eyecandy in this tileset. This tileset does not live up to Blade’s standards, but then again, those standards are very high. By any other measure, this is a very far above average tileset. It is still excellent, even if it isn’t as good as some of the other files in this pack.
WASTELAND (Tileset, wasteland.j2t)
Wastelands is, so far, my favorite tileset of this excellent pack. It may be because Blade finally decided to make his tilesets a little more high-tech looking, or maybe it is just because Blade accomplished the impossible by making a really good looking tileset that is easy to use and functional. Whatever it is, this tileset kicks hiney. Set in a factory setting reminescent of 7th Lava Fall, Wastelands has a high-tech theme with different pipes and factory-esque entries. All of them look absolutely astounding. The metal parts do not look cartoony, and they do not have that extremely depressing feel that some of the industrial tilesets of the past give off. The spikes, which are disturbing large, also look very good. The ground also looks very spiffy and the masking nears perfection. I think this is the most underused tileset in the pack, if not the most underused tileset period. It has excellent shadings and is overall one of my favorite tilesets of all time. I highly recommend that everyone downloads and uses this tileset. It can make some really amazing levels.
WOODLANDS (Tileset, woodlands.j2t)
Woodlands is an interesting tileset that definitely breaks apart from the pack. It is really the only wood-only tileset that I have ever seen, and it definitely earns props for creativity. The tileset is not only creative, but it is also high-quality. It does not look as spifftacular in JCS as it does when it is actually used, but don’t ever read a tileset by how it looks in JCS. When used, this tileset is excellent. Still, I like this tileset less than Wasteland, mainly because the brown only wood tileset does not look as good or advanced as the neo-metallic Wasteland. Despite this, this tileset, which gives the pack its name, is an excellent one and really should be used more. Blade is the best at this kind of tileset, always has been, and always will be.
Sure, Blade may have a simple drawing style, but these tilesets are all astounding. There is no tileset in here that I can not recommend. I only hope that the battle levels included live up to the tileset’s expectations. Temporarily, until I am able to finish this review (I must quit now due to a lack of time), I give this pack a 9.0 and a download recommendation.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Some levels are realy good, other where a little smale, music great, an 8!!!P.s woud you please review my levels(Devans revenge episode 2,3 and 4???)
Hmm…..basic review
The layout was ok, i didnt stumble into dead ends, as i remember. The one ways used good, some neat tricks. The music is cool, and the tileplacement is all good except the top left is to confusijg for me. A fairly well level made with one of the best tilesets on j20, and i liked this. Ammo placement was ok, not to good, not to bad. Carrot placement wasnt as well, but ok. Not much more to say.
BunnyElmer’s love for jumping mentioned in Moonblaze’s post is definitely fact. This level, which obviously draws a great deal of inspiration from Bloodbunny’s “Bloodbunny’s Lair”, contains a heck of a lot of platforms. Generally, I hate platform hopping in Capture the Flag levels, but it isn’t as bad in this level as in some others. Still, I would rather not have to hop from platform to platform. This level suffers from what is admittidely a poor layout. The two capture the flag bases sit on opposite sides of the level, defeating much of the purpose in climbing up and down the perilous “skipping stones” of platforms in order to get to the top part of the level. The only level in which a layout like this really works for me is EvilMike’s “Distopia”, but making a layout like that of Distopia work requires both great skill, a heck of a lot of patience, and a lot more planning than anyone is willing to give a level (except EvilMike). This level’s drawing from Bloodbunny’s Lair is apparent in nearly every single aspect of the level. However, this just ain’t no Bloodbunny’s Lair and you shouldn’t expect it to be that good. The level’s layout is really the part of it that needs the most work, but nothing else about it reaches the high standards that Bloodbunny’s Lair set many moons ago. Eyecandy, while not extremely good, is sufficient enough to prevent the level from looking ugly. Flow, mostly due to the particurally annoying platforms, is bad, especially if you happen to be playing as Jazz. Jazz users will hate this level. Despise it even. This is mostly because of the cumbersome platforms that make it so hard for their bunny to navigate around the level with ease. Double jump really, really, really comes in handy here, and I would recommend playing as Spaz if possible. For Spaz users, layout is probably about average. Nothing to write home about there, unless you are Jazz, of course. Weapon placement is unnotable. There are not too many weapons in this level, which is good, but sometimes there was a bit of a weapon drain. Still, weapon placement was possibly the highlight of this level. As much as my review sounds negative, their are some redeeming factors. It is still a solid level, but nothing more than that. Recommended download and a 6.7 for the CTF freaks out there, but everyone else may want to avoid this Bloodbunny’s Lair-inspired but still borderline average Capture the Flag level by BunnyElmerXD.
I have to agree with MB on most things.
There’s a few things I’d like to add:
-All platforms look the same. That makes it hard to know where you are.
-The navigation sucks, especially for Jazz
-Some dead ends
BunnyElmer likes jumping, fairly much.
This level serious needs more springs, than the few blue ones, there’s alot of places where there should have been a red spring, there because this makes it a bad CTF level, because it’s hard to get around.
Yes, BunnyElmer did choose some nice music, but it’s not likely better than the orginal d*mn song, which evryone has when hosting.
Red rox at defending their base because it’s harder get in and out at their base, while on the blue base you just sweep in on a blue spring, that does alot difference on which team you’r on.
I don’t like the way you grap the powerups very well, and I’d say electro blasters should have been placed in the level, instead of using bounchers all the time.
Also, it’s a very open CTF level, TOO open, there’s a lot of empty space in the level, and when going up in the level, you folow the platforms from right to left, then left to right, that’s not something for a CTF level, sinice you make a kind of death end by do it like that.
The eyecandy is lazy, there aren’t enough eyecandy on the platforms, and most of the platforms dosen’t even have eyecandy. That makes the level work anymore empty than it already did.
Overall, this is a empty CTF level, and not really wroth download.
Work more thought on your levels.
Try to download it and make sure it makes to 100%. Other one: do nothing while dl/ing.
Im not sure if i would rate this an 8 comparing to other levels.
The music choice was ok, i liked the music, it didnt go with the level to much, but i liked it. The ammo placement was mostly boring squares and rectangles, and could of been more fancier. The springs are way underused, nad could of been used much better. I didnt see anything wrong with the eyecandy and im glad that elmer took my advice for the level. I cant say much about the pu’s except their placement is more blue team biased, the red team will take longer to get to the pu’s. The platform placement could of used springs, it was quite annoying with jazz doing uppercut all the time to get up. In some places the level looked bare, so i didnt like this as much. I think it deserves a 6.5 or around that mark, but i gave it a 7 because it had some good points in it.
I got an error with this.
After i downloaded it and out it in my jj2 folder, it was a winzip file(everything normal here), but then, when i opened it it said this message:
Cannot open file:It does not appear to be a valid archive
If you downloaded this file, try downloading it again.
I d/l it 6 or 7 times and still the same error when i open it. This doenst usually happen….
Its that when i click download, it starta downloading and finishes in one second, so i cant see the kb per sec or the percent because it fins\ishes to fast.
[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]
Ok, i got it now.
The levels basically use some of the most overused tilesets in the whole world. The placement, to much enemies, to little pickups. The eyecandy had bugs, but was ok. The route of the levels was sometimes confusing, but ok. Overally, i dont think this deserves a 7.5 compared to other levels, a 6.5 should do.[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]
Very good for your first level… but ther are way to many 1ups…(Als je nog even doorgaat met levels bouwen, worden het vast toppers!)
Ho Ho Ho!!! the vikins.Ha Ha Ha… Realy good eyecandy… nice animating titles also. Good titlset. That vikings lauhing and stuff…[This review has been edited by spazz]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.