Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Syntax's Battle/CTF Pack
Level rating: 7.2

I think this was a bit overated for me….

Lets starrt with the caslte levels. The eyecandy could of been WAY better and the level sometimes looks dull and ugly. The placement, i have no major complaints but could of been a lot better. The gameplay is leveling of beetween average and good.

The mez levels, some like the tunnel one were used good, the only one with good eyecandy was the tunnel one, the rest, the eyecandy was below average. The placement, in one level i saw some spaz biased platform with powerups, and the warp tiles looked weird and took back from eyecnady a bit. Gameplay was good though.

The tubelelctirc one: The eyecandy was not much better than the rest, except for the tunnel one, and the gameplay was ok. Nothing more to say here
The beach one: I really think the tile placement/eyecandy was the worst here, tiles placed poorly, i dont know if there even was any eyecandy, except layer 4 and 8.
Unlike others, i treat eyecandy as equal as gameplay, and the gameplay saved this from a 4. If the eyecandy was taken care of more, the level could of got a higher mark from me. I’ll give this a d/l reccomendation to those who dont care about eyecandy much.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Moonblaze\'s World
Level rating: 7.5

This is a bit overated….

The backround was ok, strange, but ok. I think it mught of been a more stranger and colorfuler version of a forest backround, but im not perfectly sure. Were the wood tiles ripped from jungle? The water looks ok, better than some types of water, but worserthan soem as well, but it was above average. The ground was ok, not to perfect, but better than some, but not to good as well. It just looks weird and all, and i dont think it deserves almost a 9. Around 7 would do.

Review by MoonBlazE

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Moonblaze\'s World
Level rating: 7.5

Guys, I know this is a first-set, but please lower your rating to 7. This is higly over-rated. ;P

Review by CraccoBoy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Devans Revenge episode 4(Re-uploaded, ENGLISH!)
Level rating: 7.9

Look nice![This review has been edited by CraccoBoy]

Review by spazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fat Chicks Episode Preview level
Level rating: 3.6

Bad eyecandy, to much enemys. And that music drives me crazy!!!

Review by Red_XIII

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz 1: Diamondus
Level rating: 1.1

Foolish boy! FIRST LEVELS DO NOT COUNT. That was my mistake. ¬_¬ So. I don’t like it. Really bad. Bad layers. Nothing. Empty. Etc. [This review has been edited by Red_XIII]

Review by ScionFighter

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Time Tripping - JJ2 (aka Hocus Pocus Episode 1) (patched twice)
Level rating: 9.4

FlameWitch, you’re dumb like a turtle shell without turtle inside.


So, whats gonna be next? Maybe Commander Keen in Good-bye Galaxy? :)))

EDIT: forgot the rating :P[This review has been edited by ScionFighter]

Review by ScionFighter

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Devans revenge
Level rating: 7

You’re joking right???
This stuff’s crap and I won’t rate it.

Review by Luuk

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Top 10 Most Wanted
Level rating: 7.5

Nice level, I’m looking forward to the full game. I will rate this already, to a 9, so I think the full game will be cool

Review by RSPSS FR

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Suberbia
Level rating: 5.6

Overall, an low-quality suberb tileset, but for a first tileset, which I assume it is, it’s pretty good. The ground features rather dull-looking dirt with stones in it. The buildings are also, apparently, made of dirt with brick walls. One gripe is the noticable lack of destruct scenery. As for eyecandy, this tileset sports two different colors of strange-looking mounatins and some streetlamps.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rockingham II
Level rating: 8

I had the pleasure of playing this excellent battle level online and must say that while I am a CTF lover, this is one of those few levels that actually makes me consider playing more battle levels (not that I’m un-lazy enough to get around to doing so.) If you thought that there was no room for battle levels in Carrotus to get anymore (or any less, for that matter) innovative, you may want to rethink your assumpitons, let alone your entire world view. Most battle levels fall into a fairly narrow margin of creativity. A lot of them are fashioned off of the gameplay of Battle1, and these days the sight of one that truly attempts to put some strategy into the realm of battle is a rare commodity. While it does not go as far as to revolutionize the entire gameplay as a whole or introduce some psychadelic funky eyecandy set, it does what it does best: be a really, really, really good and solid Carrotus battle level.

When you first start playing the level, it is hard not to compare it to Every Other Carrotus Level Ever Made. After all, Carrotus levels have been stereotyped more than Michael Jackson has had pretend skin diseases. This level is not predictable in any way, shape, or form. That’s why it is so strikingly different from other Carrotus levels out there (I am not saying the tileset can not be used with interesting gameplay, it’s just that levels using Carrotus often are similar in gameplay – solid but uninspired, much like the tileset). Gameplay is always very good. Weapon placement is one of the two areas, however, that were not perfect and could have been improved if it was thought about enough. While most powerups were fairly well-placed, certain areas had an overkill of powerups that seemed a little too out in the open. While I can’t say that this effected gameplay that much, it still was just one of thost things that annoys me without actually mattering that whole too much. However, WCS (Weapon Clumping Syndrome) is annoying beyond belief, and this level has a very minor case of it. A few weapons moved around here and there would be nice. The second area that could use some minor improvement was eyecandy. Generally, the level looked solid and had sufficient eyecandy to keep you interested, but in many cases there were small overlookings in the scenery. A few tile errors here and there did not exactly help how the level looked, but unless you were specifically looking for them, it probably won’t bother you too much. Since I informally beta-tested it, I must say that I am disappointed that the author did not fixed either of the two mentioned tile bugs after we pointed them out, but nonetheless that doesn’t detract a huge amount from the overall feel of the level. Flow was excellent for a battle level. Flow isn’t as important in battle levels as it is in Capture the Flag, but that doesn’t mean I like to see levels just ignore it, and this one certainally pays due attention to this often overlooked aspect of the battle genre. Another interesting thing which may fall under the “pros” column or the “cons” column depending on personal preference is the use of coins and a bonus coin warp in this level. You don’t see this often in battle levels, since the “roast as fast as you can” additude of battle levels does not exactly lend itself to hunting for various coins to get a powerup which you will probably lose after being killed a minute later. Still, while few people were able to get this powerup, the coin price seemed fair, and its inclusion certainally did spice up the level a bit.

What you have here is an example of a Carrotus level at its best. While it may not echo every other Carrotus level ever created, it achieves the hard-to-garner goal of being new and lemony-fresh without being so revolutionary puritist players who refuse to play anything more revolutionary than Chemical Warfare won’t play it. It bridges the large gap between classic and innovative, and bridges it quite well. While it may have a few quirks, the amazing level of concentration, ability, and knowledge of how gameplay structure works in a new JCSer is about as common as unpoisoned water in Death Valley. Even if you aren’t a fan of battle and aren’t amazed by this rating, it is definitely worth a download just to see the great skill of a new level designed. I seriously recommend you download this pack, and I think that a 8.2 rating, while it may not seem extraordinary, is still quite high. This may be the highest rating I’ve ever given someone’s first officially released level, and I really hope to see future releases from this level’s author. Rockingham II is really that good.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: ETs Planet1 v3
Level rating: 8.9

Hmm….a better version. It has all or mostly all the tieles in the first onel, but lots of added tiles as well. As shown in the pack, you can make many types of levels with this and it is a fun tileset to use. The color and graphix are good, the tileset is also good, not agama type good, but good. The level with the moving spaceship was cool, and was used to describe the planet. There are lots of cool stuff here, and hopefully et will make more and more sets. Congratulations et and good luck

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: ETs Planet 1
Level rating: 8.7


The talented ET has made another tileset, not as good as some of its companions, but still good. IT has acid lakes, metal technology, and strange purple ground which has a resemblance to the ground in jj1 nippius has. Although the color rocks, its a bit one typed as well and i just didnt like it very much, but it still rocks. To bad you didnt include how the planet looks from space =(

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: ETs Planet2 version3
Level rating: 8.7

Hmm…..what a cool set

The colors of this rock, that green is so cool, and those waterfalls and fans. It feels one typed, for some reason. More color could of been used, only a few colors have been included, and i feel a lot more could of been in. But the texture is good, i didnt check for bugs yet, but i doubt there will be any. Nice pic included, the planet looks cool. You ppl should download this, this guy got talent.

Review by spazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tomb Rabbit v1.23.2 (updated)
Level rating: 9.3

Very good levels. Only some puzzels are difficult…

EDIT: cached the 9.2 to a 8.5. Reason: to difficult and to many traps. Nice enemie and the end, though.[This review has been edited by spazz]

Review by spazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Devans revenge
Level rating: 7

my username:
Now about my levels, not a good episode. I am now working on my 4th episode. My 4th episode is much more better that this won. Wen that episode is ready, I will put it on this site.

Review by Spear XD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: ETs Planet2 version3
Level rating: 8.7

cool tileset and i download this lvl forever! The lvl : that’s to bad MAKE SELF LVLS! cover not battle1 to etsplanet2battle2! thats bad! for noobs! i will not says that this tileset bad is , i will says that the lvls………… no good………agama . disquise . and other toppers make cool lvls . do you that ? then are you one of the best tileset and lvl builders ever. you tileset’s rating i a 9 and lvls a 7.not that i stop with downloading your tileset’s………. but , you most not covered battle1 make self lvl’s!!!!!!!

i rating a 8

spear XD

Review by spazz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Energetic
Level rating: 8.3

I like this level. Cool music. I will gife it an 8.2.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Electric Ir as Jazz Jackrabbit (clip)
Level rating: 8.4



Seriously, very very funny. worth a d/l reccomendation just to see how funny it is. Nice headband.Enjoyed That carrot?
Try this out folks, you probably wont regret it.

But it cant compete with tilesets though, because some tilesets plain rock.

(Marquee removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by EvilMike

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz 1: Medivo
Level rating: 8.5

Please make sure your tilesets do not overwrite older ones. This can cause problems which I don’t think I need to explain.

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  2. 820
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