Ok, so this on is better.But again i would like to point on a few things:
The 2 platforms below the CTF Bases don’t have a “One Way” Event, which i found a little bit annoying
The “Sucker Tube” that allows you to get to the CTF Base is only on 1 tile (you should have put the tube on 2 tiles)
The place where the CTF Bases are is surrounded by walls, and tubes. It’s a perfect place to camp. You shouldn’t have put that because if someone is camping, it will be hard for other players to kill the camper and the game will last longer. So please make another way in or get arid of the tube below.
WOW. The background was hurting my eyes. There are 2 many stars in the background. But there were some
As I noticed the ambient light on the start is 100%. The level is praying for a lower ambient light. If you make an ambient light smaller you also must put some other lights like: Steady Light, or Pulsing Light, which will add a little eyecandy, and it will be more fun to play
I’m very well impressed with the music which gave you’re level an improvement. to me it very well fits the level, so that was 1 good choice in this level.
If I’m not mistaking, I only saw 1 Power Up, and it’s a Toaster PU, which is not good for a CTF level. Instead you should have put a 3Way Rocket PU.
All in all i hope you improve very soon (and i think you will), and I’m waiting for your next map. :)
Background: 2,50
Eyecandy: 2,5/10
Music: 10/10
Ammo: 8,9/10
Power Ups: 1,5/10
Playfulness: 5,8/10
Total: 6,2/10
goooooooooood job
Im very lilke this game mode.
I think this mode is more enjoybale than other game modes.
I played this game mode in Electrons Frog Hunt server.
Thanks for your map. Because we are play only one map in Electrons server. Now we can play more maps.
Please upload new levels.
Well Roxel I’m very well impressed with your level, since it’s your first.
As i See you’ve divided the map in 3 sections: Red, Yellow, and Purple.
But i would like to point on some things:
You did made a nice level, but I’m the person that doesn’t like that much of an ammo, and that little of an Power Ups.I more like the balance between the Ammo and The PU’s. And as Rabid Rabb said the Ice PU is useless, Plus its hard to hit the Seeker PU
I liked the music but somehow i have a felling that, it doesn’t fit to this level.
I would also like to indicate on the stares in the middle section. They are pretty much annoying (for me), and there’s to much ammo on them
I didn’t have much time to write the long review like Rabid Rabb’s (also he said everything you need to know)
Background: 8,2/10
Eyecandy: 4,0/10
Music: 5,2/10
Ammo: 5,1/10
Power Ups: 2,0/10
Playness: 7,5/10
Total: 5,2/10
Great to hear others are making frog hunt modes to!
Ill dunno who was the first with the idea (don’t really care) but I worked on some levels to to make it work flawless even without the frog program. see this forum post: http://www.jazz2online.com/jcf/showthread.php?t=12705&highlight=super+frogging&page=4(the only disadvantace is that other see your frog like an crazy jazz sprite) I like to try something out with who is interested (if I make the time for it ;) )
I will download your level sometime on a pc with Jazz2 on it and play on the server to exchange idea’s
Gus is totally right!
[Don’t rate levels you didn’t download ~cooba]
People mostly dont review a new person’s first level, but i tried it, and i came to think that it deserves some feedback.
It’s quite simple, and similar to the basic design of Tubelectric, the background is nice, even if it looks like a copy of the original, least you was smart enough to do so. The edges of the walls and platformars are correct, and the walls themself arent mostly made with only one tile, you seem to understand how to make such. Anyway, if you put tiles to non-moving forground layers, make sure to put the nearby walls to it too, to make it natural. You even used some animated tiles, and used them fine.
With the walltypes, the level is separated to 3 near equal parts, alrtoung the things in it are’n like that. The two useful powerrups are close in the middle (horizontally) there are two carrots sort of like that it’s allright. However the corners on the level are a little useless, ammos are over the level, so you dont need to go there for that. Every place should have use in the level, it can be to get powerups, health, get ammo, hide or such. Yet the corners arent really good for even hiding. You should plan the level on the siginciant things, and the ways between them.
I didnt play on this level, just ran around like 3 times, and i think that it would be bad for battle because if you get hit with a 2dmg ammo, you slowly can get 2 carrots, and you become very vulnerable, with 5 hearts, it might be okay but still it would be just around the important parts of the level. However, i think it could be pertty good for pestillence or lrs, these gametypes can be good with places to hide, where people less likely go because it doesnt have much in it. The flow (the smoothness of moving) is generally fine, but in some cases are annoying, one to point out: the stairs with toasters. There are lots of random start positions, could be less, in my opinion. Oh, and one more thing, dont leave the very edges of the level open, its buggy.
The first thing came to my mind was that there are too much ammos all over the level, moreover, all of them mixed. You should use like: one type, a big pile, in a room of the level, so if your low, of that ammo, you go there and reload it. Yet the placement of the PUs are pretty accurate. The ice PU is useless, you should put an RF or Toaster PU instead, and should’ve put it into the box of the fastfires. The carrots are placed right, but they are not enough, i would say the minimum is 3, but it could have 4 without any problem, too.
I personally like it, though it doesnt really fit the level in my opinion.
It’s not bad, you are in the right way to become a good levelmaker.
I give you some notes:
You should play, and check other people’s nice levels, like FireSword’s Garden Brawl or Purplejazz’s Triton Armory to see how a good level is like, how it works, what makes it is good.
You could also read articles about how to make levels, of course if you understand english well. For example Blackraptor’s How to make decent (or better) MP levels
If you are determined, you can win the joy of having played levels!
5.7 out of 10
The original tileset in Super Meat Boy isn’t too bad, and it fits JJ2 pretty well.
Unfortunately, it’s been scaled and palletised completely naively. It’s now blurry, distorted, and full of stray pixels. The layout is also poor in places, with closely related tiles place far away from each other.
My advice is to just try again and put more effort into making it look as good as the original. If a tileset is worth converting, it’s worth converting well.
I made it for my friend. He is the inventer of this game mode.
Sorry,but this isn’t your frog hunt mode.
In this mode:
One player is hunter(spaz), and the other players are frog. Hunter must kill the frogs. If hunter can\‘t kill the frogs, frogs are win. If Hunter kills all of the frogs, frogs are win. Hunter has 10 minute for killing frogs. And hunter can collect coins for killing frog easier. But warps are helping frogs. Because frogs can go thought the warps but hunter is can\‘t. So it is not your frog hunt mode.
As far as I know, there are a lot of uploads of the Orbitus levels uselessly converted to JJ2 levels, without even using a tileset remake, or adding any new enemy, or anything. Cloning JJ1 levels to JJ2 is NOT a progression! It’s a REGRESSION!!!
[Don’t rate levels you didn’t download ~cooba]
It is surely versatile because of those square tiles and composable background parts, but it is lacking on color and shape. The cloud BG is dispixeled, the skyscraper ruins are clearly rescaled, the trees are not smooth enough, and the main ground tiles are nothing but irregular polygons. At least, the eyecandy tiles give it a pleasant touch.
[Don’t rate levels you didn’t download ~cooba]
This download has no use whatsoever as the level requires a private and, as things appear to be at the moment, not-to-be-released program in order to be played. Even if that were to be ignored, the level design is subpar and eyecandy nonexistent.
Roxel is totally right!
[Don’t rate levels you didn’t download ~cooba]
Just edit the god damn original upload.
great episode
Lithium’s third uploaded CTF level just like the last one, containing pits, Bannerwatch Base. To be honest i don’t really get what the name means (even after googling it) but let’s stay at that its a kind of headquarters in a drear planet. I’m referring to the modern look and the shuttles in the background. So let’s see!
Generally good, not glowing, not deceptive, natural (get it right) and goodlooking. I definetly like the spaceships in the background. The structure of the walls and layer 5 backgrouns are systematic mixed with random what is a right method in making such things. The windows as transpalucent wall items is loveable. They even have light around it, you used Lights pretty fine. On the other hand, this tileset is very rich in elements, yet the level doesn’t utilize it. The level doesn’t have just some tubecovers at the foreground layers, it doesn’t include any eyecandy, not even on masked walls. Some people find foreground things in the playing area annoying so it might count as a good point though. Moreover you optimized this nice and kind of simple eyecandy for low detail.
Mainly its like two bases facing eachother, each side the falg and +1 carrot in the middle, top toaster and bottom RF. between them there is an open area. The top of the bases are very abuseable places, considering that people hardly can get up to hit, if its camped. I was really thinking that maybe, there was some sneaky way to get up or shoot in, but no, I just could get hit to blink, and then have a try. I would suggest to make a tricky way to backstab the camper like a tube from the middle to up (also leaveing unmasked the place between the top warps). ‘Bout the lower tight way, it’s hard to chase trough, shooting in with Electroblaster isnt effecite, but it doesn’t ensure you to get to the base so it’s somewhat fine. Let’s turn the page to balancing. The level is symmetrical so its solved, its a very lazy solution though to mirror the half. Also, in such a small size i think it would be expected to make it assimetrical. Anyway the structure is fair, easy to learn.
This is the most important part of a level, especially in CTF. To begin, you recomend duels and 2v2s because of the size, however i tried a duel and it was very boring. The reason was that, there were 3 carrots and the map is full of defendable places. You hardly ever risk your life with chasing/attacking because your enemy can just hit you, you can’t even go with him and block his way or something because he can just simply turn back. This thing partially affects 2v2s too. Despite there you can risk attacking the flagholder, you will still have a quite hard time, he will mostly have a huge advantage. So both Duels and 2v2s are slow and actionless (obviously unless ppl make lots of mistakes). What’s next? 3v3s which lacks of this bad probably. I played the most of that in this level, it can keep 6 players ‘cause of the plenty of PUs and carrots, the little backward here is the small size. The fighting is near pure mindplay so is definetly great, furthermore, the bases themselves aren’t strongly campable, what makes a good tactical, domination game.
Turning to the bad, the ways are too narrow at certean places. Sadly i have to mention the flow here because its bothering. I usually have to retry jumping up with the srping down at the RF PUs. There is a little chance to fail to get the flag, you occasionally run to a srping or fall down so its bad. I’m not reflecting to that its a total failure, because its just time to get used to it (like most things), only that, it can weightly decrase the people’s impression.
Lots of armour all over the small level, you always have something useful. I’m personally more the fan of big ammo piles to reload, but whatever. The powerup choice is definetly awesome. BNC would be too powerful, seeker wouldn’t really fit, but here i find myself using RF and Toaster effectively in face to face combat. The PUs are hardly controllable, even decreasing the functionality of duels (but increase 3v3’s)(imo). The toaster PU’s placement is fine, yet The RF powerup freaked me out a litte bit, it definetly needs time to get used it. At first glance i didn’t get what’s with the +1 carrots, but they are good and original, i didn’t really like it at the begining, but the more i played the more i liked it. The full corrot is in the center if the map, with warps leading to it. I once shooted it down from myself, with spamming some RFs, was funny. What to say, greatly placed. Maybe the only thing that makes the top place bad to camp is that there isn’t too much ammo, i find this nice, but if you go there with filled pockets you wont have a bad time. Oh and you left there some Daamm tasty chocolates! NOM NOM!
Greatly fits. I personally love it. By the way it is named “Cosmic Outflow” and is made by Falcon and Pulse in 1996 (you should add it, really, they deserve it!).
Nice Job Sir, it’s a good level. Probably would be even better if you took my suggestions into consideration.
7.5 out of 10
It doesn’t work for me in Windows 7, neither works in Wine.
Fix the MUSIC link. kthx
You weren’t a BETAtester, you played a duel after the level was released. However, I might add a thanks message including all the people who helped with 2v2s/3v3s and a duel on the first day :)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.