Splendid! Good work, the graphics were great and level and tileset too.
I should make an episode of this tileset, but I’m very bad background maker. I have problems to get layer 5, 6 and 7 background tiles “living”. And I have few other episodes unfinished. What should I do?
Well, that’s bad I haven’t seen that game “Hocus Pocus” or whatewer the name is.
Puzzles were really fun, and there was lots of enemies to shoot, that’s good. But seemed that you have exaggerated with the quantity of carrots. I think that in that type of level needs 5-8 carrots, but that is too much. But I noticed there aren’t any savepoints, is that the mean of a big quantity of carrots or, is there so much them because in that game (Hocus Pocus) Were so much those “Healing potions,” and weren’t any savepoints.
Ok, I don’t comment more. The number is 8,2.
Heh, my first review on this website.:p
I thought it was an okay level, although I think people would just skip to the end of the level w/out collecting any gems whatsoever.9_9 I managed to get 1092 gems in this level, ehe. A download recommendation IMHO.
I can’t unzip the zip file. For some reason, all 3 of the unzipping programs I tried had errors. I could not open it with:
Stuffit expander
Hmm….Would be cool if the original “Blue” Music by eiffel 65 was included,but nah.
The tileset is all……well…..blue.
Even though i like blue it gets kinda dull. There are some good eyecandy things here and let me just say I LOVE THE BACKROUND EYECANDY IT LOOKS SO TEXTURED AND STUFF! There are iteresting suckerz, if there is one thing disguise 95% guarantee includes in his tilesets it is suckerz. The tileset, itself is interesting, can be hard to use, but interesting nevertheless. Though not many good levels can become of this, it is a good addition to any jj2 folder.
The level (using the Hocus Pocus Episode 1 tileset (which isn’t included (despite only about 130 people having it))), is a large castle with one goal: To collect 1,000 gems. The author apparently placed exactly 1,000 gems in this level, though you must remember you can get gems out of enemies.
There is a main area, and four dungeons, three of which are called “Monkey Dungeon”, so I presume the author got the text mixed up, and the fourth called “Secret Dungeon”, which you must read the readme to find.
All four dungeons are more or less packed full of gems and coins (if you get 100 coins, you get a sizable chunk of the 1,000 gems), and a few enemies. My favorite was probably the Secret dungeon, with the evil person and the icey area, with the Real Monkey dungeon in second.
Despite the tileset being (I think) fairly easy to use, the eyecandy isn’t all that great. The author did an ok job constructing a Forest area background (used the music for it, too), and had a variety of tiles, but most of the walls were the colorful blocks from the Iceland levels of Hocus Pocus. What other tiles there are, are often misused.
At the end, if you THINK you have 1,000 gems (the author has no way of checking if you do, obviously enough), you can go to an exit. I turned out to have 1,013 gems, but you’re free to beat that. So no, there’s nothing stopping you from running across the whole level, not entering any dungeons, and just going in the exit.
There’s also an area to thank the authors of this “cool and mysterious tileset”. Some of the Hocus stuff (lightning, potions, etc) flash around the names of Fooruman and Greenkiller, along with Black Ninja, Spotty and Violet.
Overall, if you want to see an.. interesting parody, you might want to download this. Might.
I like this pack. It fun.
Edit: Rating Adjusted to a 9.5 because I don’t think I have enough justified to make this a 10. It’s a very fun pack. The only thing I dislike is that when I see the Wizard, I immediately think it is Fooruman. Alas, it is not. ;P[This review has been edited by KJAZZ]
Hmmm….Lets start a review shall we?
The tile placmenet: Not bad, a few errors,, but ok.
Music is good but doesnt fit.
Some mistakes in pickup placment which made me downgrade the rating
If im not mistaken, i think parts of the level are spaz biased. I cant say much more to this except that i give it a 6.5. Im not as easy to impress….
BIG!Huh…quite Cool[This review has been edited by FlameWitch aka BunnyCr]
you had to find 1000 gems!
(If you do not understand it, you probably should not rate it. Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
It’s Very Good but one problem
Whenever i get to the level “The End?”
It quit’s the episode and put’s me in the Jazz 2 Menu….I wonder why?
Can you fix the problem and Update the episode.
Thank You
Try to chase me, AcId! To the last song! ;P ‘cause I’m making anotha remix right now!
Guess I then shouldn’t release MY Fanolint remix in the upcoming musicpack. :P
Anyway, the song. Fast and short, but it’s hard to make long remixes out of the JJ1 BGM’s. The drums are really getting kicked around and I must admit I find it a bit too fast for comfort. And aside from the update in speed and the drumroll-intermezzo I can find but little differences to the original.
More work could be done for a proper remix, but overal not a bad download.
Now this is an original tileset idea :) But anyway it’s quite simple. Even when there’s 630 tiles to use :p
I Like this, especially the palace tiles. Reminds me of Prince Of Persian :)
Excellent level and tileset! Spectacular, nice, small level, but detail and- ememy placement makes up for it.
Very great level _ hope to see more of your levels, tilesets, and battle backs soon!
Ðrâgøôñ ÐK
Iced Killer
I like Hocus Pocus. I love this pack. It is great way for future. So originally…
So playable…
Lot of thing in Hocus Pocus are impossible to make in Jazz2. <<< HAHAHA!
Violet showed, it is not true. Now, little of things are impossible, but… we don’t know, if anything is impossible…
Mainly for originallity you get so high rating. Again, GREAT WORK, VIOLET!!!
—-[This review has been edited by Danyjel]
I must admit this tileset is ruxors. It has many BEAUTIFUL tiles and many things can be done with it, like shown in the level, to make it look outstanding. It has an outdoor scenery with beautiful backlayer eyecandy, a cave scenery with beautiful plants coming out from the walls, and a beautiful town scenery. Need more to say?Fine…..
My long review
First, enemy placement: Was good, not as best as it could of been, some enemies, 2 or 3, were badly placed ,but overall average placement. Not to hard like mine, not to easy liek agama’s.
Gameplay: Yes, yes, everything was good here, direction was straight forward, you should of made there be more than one way to go, but it was great, lots of secrets and pickup on the way.
Eyecandy::O:O:O:O:OKEWL The eycandy was EXTREMLY GOOD, barely any flawd, some of the eycandy was used to hide secrets, and things, excellent tileset use (even if it is your own). I just loved the eycadny. It made me stare at it in amazement for a while ;P.
Tile placemet:Of course since it is his own tileset, the placement was excellent making the level look beautiful as well as detailed.
Pickup placement: Although people can complain it is overused, i dont. I like these types of levels which have many secrets and pickups to slow you down. The level never gets dull that way, and I like it. Maybe you could make an SP pack with all your tilesets included in it, that would be cool.
Eyecandy(tileset): The eyecandy can be superb when the tileset is used properly, like shown in the level. It just makes you feel so happy when you look at the xamplelevel, because it ahows what can be done with the tileset.
Tiles: The tiles, although some look familiar to other tiles in other tilesets made by blade, just differently painted, look cool. The backround eyecandy is there, the destruct blox are there, there is more than one scenery so u wont get bored, what more needed to say.
Other stuff: Although there are few animations, and no suckerz, i still love the tileset, but this brings it down to a 9.5 instead of 9.7. I must admit i like this more than some of agama’s tilesets, and i reccomend you to download this as soon as possible. I look forward to any battle levels made by this.
[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]
Way better then Persian Paradise, but then, that applies to quite a lot of tilesets. Oh well.
Anyway, Oasis is a desert tileset with palm trees, but no water. In fact, by the looks of things, any water made in this tileset would be all muddy. So you wouldn’t want to rest your horses at this oasis.
It feels like Forest, really, only that the tiles look different (same stuff, same versatileness), and there’s a bunch of building tiles. They look a bit hard to put together at first until you get used to it. One of my only complaints is that the doors and windows are just a bit too small.
Basically there’s tons of cool stuff, everything looks good (although I’m of the impression the background eyecandy is just a little bit too cartoony), the tiles offer lots of possibilities, etc.
Now the level.
The level’s good. It’s quite short unless you go for all the secrets, sadly, and it overuses little platforms with gem crates attached to the right side of walls, but other then that. It obviously enough uses the eyecandy well, and all that.
I’m slightly undecided between a 9.2 and a 9.0, but I’ll go with a 9.2 because it’s just darn cool.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.