Review by Shen

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Higher Fragging Rate
Level rating: 8

Higher Fragging Rate uses DethMan’s 7th Lava Fall tileset, and in my opinion it makes good use of it. It’s meant to be industrial, in a factory of some sort – it has a vertical scrolling background looking like some sort of elevator with the city buildings behind it. The eyecandy was great, and I didn’t see any out-of-place tiles or anything – it was all there. However, some more variation would’ve been nice.

The level is based on battle1 and reminds you a lot of it. You have to get to a warp or fall to get most of the ammo, and what ammo there is in the main building you have to jump to get. The main area is fairly linear – you fall down a tube thing at first, then take one of two routes to get down to the bottom right hand corner to get to a warp that places you back at the start again. There is another area off the main area connected by a sucker tube which isn’t hard to find, which houses some more ammo and powerups. However I found it sometimes hard to move around or see where I was going.

The music is good and suits the level well, with a metallically factory apocalypsey type theme. This level has tried to be strategic but hasn’t quite reached it yet – the level was linear with you always having to go back to the same areas, and the ammo was good but scarce. I don’t think this will cause a higher fragging rate; it does have some enclosed areas (i.e. when you’re falling). But this is still a good level, with lots of good points, and could make a fun battle :)

Review by Sacrush

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: that after you die!!!!!
Level rating: 4

uuuhh i don`t like this at all 1 the levels are very very small and it got`s to many enemies.And i didn`t like the tileset for hell!

Review by mirrow

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Here goes Oasis!
Level rating: 9

Whheeee i really love it :

Tileset ..awesome !!! I especially like ur style eg. the cord for the fountain u made it with only less colors but ,however, it looks perfect .. Then the level.. it is relly nice to play not too hard and not to easy with some safepoint and more options to go…
Yea in my opinion this deserves a 9.5 .. I love this

Review by Super Saiyan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Here goes Oasis!
Level rating: 9

Howly ****, Ill have to admit, this is a heck better then the tileset Disguise and Mirrow maid for me!$%^&*&^$%^$#%&

Well I dont have much to say, all of the graphics are darn perfect wich makes the game enjoyabe. There is nothing wrong with the masking and the included example single player level is very well too.

I also have to say, this is really ONE of the bestest tilesets ever. Good work and a DoWnLoAd ReCoMmEnDaTiOn!

Review by RSPSS FR

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Here goes Oasis!
Level rating: 9

Ok, since you billed this as “multiple”, I’ll rate both the level and the tileset.
The tileset-
Nice eyecandy. It’s very versatile. You can make an Oasis (duh!), a town, and even a desert (if you don’t use the palms). It manages to make almost everything look nice. I have only one complaint. It seems to be missing one thing which makes an Oasis an Oasis- water!
The level-
Very nice! It demonstrates the tileset well, and also manages to be a good level. Lots of secrets, and a good amount of eyecandy also. Very playable-able, it has a good enemy and ammo placement. It demenstrates all of the tileset, as far as I know. It is very good quality for an example level![This review has been edited by RSPSS FR]

Review by Taz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Here goes Oasis!
Level rating: 9

Ok, i gotta heck out of here and gotta rate Oasis :p

This time a deserty one. Wow, we are arabian style this days, first Persian Paradise (nice tileset) and now Oasis (Nice tileset).
Oasis is a very hot desert, with egyptian houses, hurts, and everything wat a nice tileset need. It have also a new “Blade” sign, wich rule :-P
You have evil-sand-monsters of 1 tile, palms on layer 6 & 7 & 4 & 5 &1 perhaps. There are nice leaves, kewl ground, a ery blade-style (duh) tileset, and i MUST (drat) give this a (dratty) 9.

Review by Nickadot

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz 1 Music Collection
Level rating: N/A

no diamondus

Review by Taz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Midigating Factor
Level rating: 7.9

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hocus Pocus 5
Level rating: 7.5

Interesting, i cant compare the original hocus pocus level 1 and 2 episode 2 because i only have episode 1…..shame

I didnt like it as most of you but didnt hate it as well. Im glad u included the enemies, i never saw them and wascurious about their identity. U also included the main tiles like walls, bricks, gems and cups and things, but some useless animations as well. And some useless tiles, i guess this is ok and a well effort.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Time Tripping - JJ2 (aka Hocus Pocus Episode 1) (patched twice)
Level rating: 9.4

Since i have the first episode of the actual game, i can review these levels accurately.

This level is very accurate and matches the game as best as possible, i like the choice of enemies u used in replace of the dragons, gargoyles and mushrooms. The text is copied well. A strait 10 for this level

Level 2:
In the beginning, i saw at first the ledge was to low and jazz could jump on it, but the suckers, ingenius! Perfect placement of goodies and enemies, and nice spikes and all. Even though it is in the game, there is to much live givers (carrots) which makes this easy and turns this into a 9.
Level 3: Love the music, love the idea where crates fall from the ceiling containing gems, because in hocus, when u busted a wall, occasionally a gem was behind it, this is aa nice way of avoiding the problem that 2 events cannot be on the same tile. I dun think sparks are a good idea though. 9.2
Level 4: Interesting sheild idea, but like i said, sparks not good idea. 9.5
Level 5: Interesting enemy idea, but to plain. IT s sometumes hard to press switches 9.6. Also, to much sheilds make it very easy
Level 6: Hmm….Fake secret….good tileplacement etc. a straight 10.
Level 7 Love music, but why u use bats for giant dragonflies….i would of used ravens, but o well, ur pack a 9.8
Level 8 Same comment as level 7 a 9.8 as well
Level 9: Interesting and hard idea for monks, i like it. But, this level isnt as good as a 10. 9.5
In conclusion, this pack deserves either a 9.5 or a 9.7. and a big fat download recc. thnx cya


Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Boss music patch
Level rating: N/A

Interesting- but as JSZ Jazz said, It wont fit the bosses- i agree

Review by Red Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hocus Pocus 5
Level rating: 7.5

Not much to say, except the SEQUALS LIVE ON!!! I still have the original hocus pocus :P. Well Done Spotty!
an 8.2!

Review by sonictth

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Time Tripping - JJ2 (aka Hocus Pocus Episode 1) (patched twice)
Level rating: 9.4

Thats realy mysterious…
I`fe played the shareware of HP and I just can Say one thing:
Its just great! The Lvls are the same than in Original HP! When the other people here that say, I don`t know what I can say other! I give 10!

Review by Taz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Boss music patch
Level rating: N/A

Nice and different. I can’t rate this, but if i can: IT ISNT A JB2 FOO! A J2B!!!!!!

Review by chandie

Posted more than 21 years ago (edited 23 Sep 06, 08:47)
For: Time Tripping - JJ2 (aka Hocus Pocus Episode 1) (patched twice)
Level rating: 9.4

This is a very good single player pack! Tileset was useful and also trigger scenery was good.(Disappearance of the blocks were very well.)And the switch parts were interesting also. But the enemy types were not so good according to the levels. And the 9.level was a super end boss level.(this must be the longest end boss level in jj2!) Anyway, this pack is one of the best single player levels after a long time

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Time Tripping - JJ2 (aka Hocus Pocus Episode 1) (patched twice)
Level rating: 9.4

Hmm….I planned on rating this a 9.2, but I have been bribed. Well, not really. But this pack is very good. and here comes a review that will most likely end up being very long.
start review and spoy bashing

Well, when Violet told me he was converting the first episode of Hocus into jj2, I had my doubts. I told spoy about it in the form of calling him foo.
Which I do anyway.
Then, after a long time, I was allowed to play the first level. It was a VERY faithful conversion to the actual game Hocus Pocus…the main difference being the poorly drawn heroes….Normally, hocus is somewhat well drawn, and jazz……is jazz. ;p
Anyway, the level lived up to the game and more. I found it more fun to play than the actual game, truthfully. I enjoyed it more, probably because I get to play as Jazz, who, although isnt at all better drawn, has some good…moves.
Even though we arent supposed to use them, I find it really adds to the game. And, having beaten original Hocus ep. 1, I dont feel too bad. Anyway, it was an incredibly faithful conversion, probably as close as it can get.
Later, I was given the opportunity to play many more levels from the pack. I figured the first one would be the best…..but no! The rest of the levels are also exact conversions. I couldn’t believe that in only a year and 3 months Violet could create something so….good. (no, i’m not saying he makes bad levels ;p) So, I played various levels, which were surprisingly done in no order that I can tell.
Next, after playing most of the 8 levels, the Mad Monks of Mellenwah were finally finished. I couldn’t wait, as the monks are probably the best part in the entire game Hocus Pocus. I eagerly recieved the file from Violet, and went straight to the level in JCS to press run. I dont know why, as my levels list is not full at all. but oh well.
So, i began my long fig ht against the monks. Hard at first, but it was well worth it. THis is probably the most fun I’ve ever had playing a single player Jazz Jackrabbit2 level. And then there’s the music. For some reason, my sound card only worked with Hocus ONCE, and then Hocus wouldn’t detect it. But i DID hear the music from one of the levels……and the music here is a nearly perfect conversion, as is the rest of the pack. The tilesets are perfectly converted, as well. I was amazed that this wasnt one of Spotty’s high-quality type tilesets such as Land Of Blode v5. I let out a sigh of relief, and continued on with my life. Then, a while later, Violet told me he planned to release the Hocus pack. All the levels were done. I was happy. I asked if he’d like an episode file to go with that. So, we set to making one. He did the images, and I created the files. The menu selection text worked well, but it took quite a few tries to get the main image to work. after a while, it did work, though. Vio let then prepared to submit the pack to J2O. I waited. And then, a few hours later (he gave up at first because the pack took forever to upload), the pack was on. and now i reviewed it, as i finally finished almost all of the pack. (still cant beat level5 for some reason).
SO there is some history, and the reason why i hereby give Violet this well-deserved 10. I am very glad that this is such a good conversion of a great game. Download recommendation for sure.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Holiday Hare 2001
Level rating: 8.7

This seems to be an update to the Holiday Hare pack, but I can’t exactly say that this should be considered as much as an update as of a downdate (if there is such a thing.) As Violet said, the first levels are completely acceptable, but the rest of the levels just don’t feel “right.” Eyecandy is chararisticly average. The first two featured forgivable eyecandy design errors, but the errors started getting more and more noticable as the pack progressed. On top of that, the multiplayer levels reach new lows. The levels all seem slapped together with little or no regard for perfecting anything. There are so many loose ends in this level, you could have a knot tieing contest. The rest of the levels fall into a range of average to slightly above average, with tedious gameplay and uninspiring eyecandy, weapon placement, and flow. These seems like the creator was at least marginally interested in making a level pack at the beginning, but quickly got bored and slapped together the rest of the pack as quickly as he could. So I give this level a rating of 6.2 and absolutely no download recommendation. These levels may be passable, but they are quite boring and not worth note at all. For this, I give this pack one large lump of coal for Christmas. And a 6.2. There are much better, and more inspired, holiday levels out there than this unexiciting and unpolished pack of mediocre creations.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: ghouls And Goblens
Level rating: 6

Eh…Am I the only one to think that jeffrocks and Lean Machine are the same person?

Anyway, this is a fairly rudementary level with not much to note. It apparently falls before the Goblen’s Lair level, which was similar in style to this (maybe because it is by the same author?). Still, this level is OK. Not anything more than OK, though, and I can’t recommend it for download. I will give it a rating, but if this turns out to be the same author cheating, I must say that I am very disappointed. Upload your own levels and rate those of others.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hocus Pocus 5
Level rating: 7.5

Well, after seeing smilar tilesets in action in the Hocus Pocus conversion pack (and earlier “ancestors” of it in the Foo Races series), I must say that I am a fan of this sort of tileset. The 1.44MB file (the exact size of a floppy disk, coincidentally) contains three files. The first is, of course, the tileset. The second is an average demo level. The last file is “Strider” (, a catchy and somewhat post-techno (if you have any idea what that means, you’ve been listening to too much Cracking Ice) music file that is good but not my favorite. The tileset itself has a red tint, which I did not exactly expect in a Hocus Pocus-themed tileset (most of Hocus Pocus is blue, purple, green, or a combonation of the three.) The standard Hocus Pocus tiles are there, with the wizard, keys, gems, etcetera, etcetera. The tileset comes with everything you would need to make a good platformer-ish puzzle level (to see a great example of one of these, download Violet’s conversion of Hocus Pocus’ first episode, which I gave a 9.5 and a download recommendation.) Also included is the Fooruman (or any wizard for that matter) wizard tiles, the animation that is used when you kill something (you will have to play Violet’s pack to understand what the heck I am talking about.) If for some reason you have the urge to include EvilMike or FireSworD tiles (a hint that this will probably be used for Foo Races) in your level, this tileset provides them. Also, a nice animation of Spotty exploding is the icing on the cake. A very nice tileset that is another great conversion of Hocus Pocus. I am not sure if it is possible to get sick of seeing Hocus Pocus-themed levels and tilesets, but I can not say that I am anywhere close to sick of these great conversions yet. For this very good tileset, I give a score of eight and a download recommendation. Very nice job.

@Black Ninja: you feeling OK? ;P I don’t think this tileset is a 3 tileset.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Time Tripping - JJ2 (aka Hocus Pocus Episode 1) (patched twice)
Level rating: 9.4

Boy, this is pretty awesome!! Another old game converted to Jazz2! I got some special thanks in that cool outro…and i guess i know why. The whole thing reminds me pretty much of the Blues Brothers remake i tried with some guys (which i like a bit more, esspecially regarding the graphics, but that’s probably not your fault :-).
Unfortunataley, i don’t have the time to give a detailed review of the very good levels and tileset. But i hope i will be able to write one soon.
Then, i will eventually change my rating to fat NiNE POINTS then, too :-)
However, my first impression is that this is definitely one of the ALL TIME TOP 50 DOWNLOADS IN JAZZ2 HISTORY!

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