FQuist… And didn’t I said this is only sample changing??? What did you throught? Huh?!
Long and challenging. Fun! I agree with Le@n M@chine!
FUn but there’s lesser vampires than I thought. :( Anyway, the one playing on organs i cool. Music you choosed for one of example levels is good choice.
WOOOOOOOOPPEEEEEEHH! The old “Jaws tileset” was lol, but this one rules more.
First the bad things:
It’s a tileset you MUST play in 16bit, or the water and the textured background look very ugly. Some minpoints for that.
Some animatiosn like the sea-hedgedog aren’t bad, but they are only two tiles. Perhaps you can makein the new new version them first without spikes and then with or something.
The nice things: The textured background is nice in 16bit. The coral & co. rule. I love the swimming turtle and you drawed the animals all very nice.There is some toxic, a dinosaur, a seagul, a seahorse, a octopus, a sandcastle, a seastar, some fishies, a palmtree, a toy sailboat with a sail that looks like a shark, a really shark that you can swim the mouth, and some layer 7/1/2/6 eyecandy. Is taht enough? Okay. A 8.
you can see the old version on Jazz2online to.
Piccolo aka SoulFire said: There aren\‘t v- or h-poles…
But there are v- and h-poles in the tileset, and it\‘s true that you can get stuck in a few thing.
But maybe I\‘m going to make a beter version (again), with some randomness in the sand maybe a little bit more shadow and a RED flag, and ofcourse lots more![This review has been edited by _Jaws]
I’ve never liked it when levelmakers call their own levels “a blast”, but (unfortunately) I have decided to never downrate it for that. You’re right, however, about the level being long. It’s a fairly long level for a single player level. Generally, when fairly new levelmakers make long levels, they end up as really tedious and not worth note. This is an example of this phenomenon, however I must say this level has some bright spots. Firstly, eyecandy isn’t bad at all. I couldn’t find many errors, rare for a first level, and there was enough eyecandy to keep me visually entertained. Nothing went beyond the call of duty, but what was there was sufficient. Secondly, this level is difficult. A lot of this comes from the enemy placement. Enemies are located in the most annoying places. Some are behind layer three, others are just generally hard to see. This in combonation with the heavy use of the rapier enemy, which goes through walls, makes it very easy to be accidentally hurt by an enemy even without being careless. There are few carrots and save points. The flow wasn’t the inner light to say the least. Many of the corridors were just one tile wide, making bumps into walls frequent. This level is an example of a good level for a new level maker. It may have some gameplay flaws, but the author demonstrates good knowledge of how Jazz 2 functions and I can tell that a lot of effort was put into this level. It may get tedious after a while, but if you want to play a simple-ish but challenging single player level, this is where it’s at. No download recommendation, but keep trying. I will give it a six point two. Not bad, especially for a first level.
“Crystall Instel” (I think it’s German) is a interesting single player level. It has no background eyecandy, there’s some tile repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, and the caves are used wrong, so I’d say this author paid more attention to gameplay.
I don’t know how you’ll feel, but .I. had fun. Granted, if the tree branches had one ways, I’d have had more, but still. There are some interesting parts, and some nicish uses of sucker tubes (I want to be able to read the german text signs.. for some reason some are in german, and some english), etc. There’s also a place with lots of villains who you can total by dropping a turtle she.ll into.
Overall, while “Crystall Instel” is nothing special, if you want to spend a few minutes doing something, you might want to try this.
Jaws Battle (which is impossible to play online due to the underline in the filename) is another level which suffers from too much realism.
The level consists of a sandy shore on top, with puddles, and beachish stuff. There’s a few pieces of bouncy/ice/toaster ammo here and there. Underneath that, there is a fairly straight (only one alternate route, when there’s a block in the middle of a cave) tunnel thing that goes underneath and is hard to navigate due to size.
The level uses what eyecandy the tileset provides, if maybe a bit too much, but eyecandy is about the best feature of this level. Overall, I’d say, unless you have some fascination with quasi-realistic levels, don’t download this.
Having never seen the original, I have no idea if this is an improvement over the old.
Anyway, the tileset gives you one basic type of ground (featureless brown stuff)), which require lots of flipped tiles to work, so don’t expect having destruct scenery secrets in any great quality. You can put several things in it, like toxic waste, bones, and censored.
As seems to be Jaws’ habit, there is a great deal of little animal animations in this tileset, from a puffer fish, to a sea gull, to a big shark whose mouth you can go inside. (It seems unable to chomp closed on you, though) There are trees, umbrellas, a lifeguard station, a blue flag (but no red one), rocks, rain, and other stuff.
It also contains stuff for stomp and destruct blocks, in several forms. Also vines, and one of those vertical poles you can climb up (I guess).
Now more bad stuff.
The textured background included in the tileset doesn’t work. Also, which isn’t good for a beach tileset, the water doesn’t look all that good. Have some nice blue gradient for 176-208, I advise. The graphics on some of the stuff are kind of bad, and as I said, the ground requires flipped tiles. The layer 4 background has to be put in layer 5 and there isn’t any background eyecandy other then rain and lightning (which is all very well, but where are the rolling sand dunes? The city of unsuspecting minor characters?).
Overall, while Jaws (new version) has some nice features, it also has quite a few problems. An 8, because the swimming turtle is really rather cool. Fix those bugs.
COOL! I love techno! And this one is a GOOD techno!
Dreary Diamondus by EvilMike was MUCH better… no download recommandation. Preety useless.
All this is, is the tileset Castle1 changed to the color red. The masking is bad, and you can see glitched graphics on stuff.
And the colors when you run are messed up. This is just an edit, I can’t give much credit.
It’s hard to get very excited over a tileset that is pretty much a complete rip of Castle 1 with a slight change of tint. The tileset theme fits the author’s name – Red. The entire tileset is pretty much now shaded blood red instead of Castle’s original earthy shades of brown. While some may appreciate this, I can’t say that the extra download lag is worth using this tileset. The file size is moderate, but it still isn’t worth it unless you really, really, really have the urge to make a red castle level. But, if you do, this tileset is perfect. It’s obvious there was little effort involved, and the outcome wasn’t very good, so I give it a 5.5 and no download recommendation.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Nothing much to say here; just don’t download this unless you wan’t a red version of castle1.
This is just a small change in the palette of the original Castle-Tileset.
Little effort!
Minus points for that! e_e
The changes are bad…
Colors don’t fit…
And it hurts my eyes…
So I’m sorry,Reddayh,but no download recomendation…^^;
Okay, lemme be the fiend.
I liek this level. It has a unique spaceship thingy indeed, which looks kinda cool. The gameplay is good, but it’s a bit too hard to find the way to the other base IMO. No (well, I didn’t find one) dead ends and the weapon placement is good, maybe there’s a bit too few ammo but it’s overall okay.
I like the way the tileset is used, it really confuses you sometimes but it looks some sort of uhm… realistic? and it makes the level look very cool, altough it could have been a little bit more colourful :)
I don’t know what to add more… On scale of originality this level scores a 9, but the few gameplay errors bring it back to 7,5.
It’s OK. I don’t have a single thing to say that anyone has said.
(Assuming I understand what you’re saying, then just don’t review it. Rating removal. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Pretty Good Cell. But I was Looking for
A Jazz 1 Diamondus. I Love The Others.
So, When Wil u make a jazz1 diamondus?
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.