I’m giving this a level a really long review. I’m not sure why, but for some reason I feel slightly compelled to do so. I bet that I will regret wasting my time on doing so, but here we go. I will admit that I was, and still am slightly, a Pokemon fan. However, I must say that I am, like the previous reviewers, extremely disappointed in pretty much all the Pokemon levels I have seen to this date. It seems that Pokemon fans think that they don’t necessarily have to build a good level if it just suits Pokemon fans. This could not be less true. And this level demonstrates this seemingly common misconception. Eyecandy is awful. The tileset is used completely incorrectly, which is disappointed, because this tileset is really, really, really easy to use in the first place. Gameplay is even worse. To say this level has bad flow would be an insult to bad flow. It’s almost impossible to smoothly move around in this level without bumping into a Pokemon. This is another example of a disappointing phenomenom of eyecandy being treated better than gameplay. Not that this level’s eyecandy is good at all. Weapon placement is also laughable. Just look at this level and you’ll instantly know what I mean. Weapons are clumped together and really badly placed to the extent that most battles will happen in a very small area. This is good, because moving around in this level is torturously hard and ends up being not worth the trouble. This review is fairly harsh so far because this level it so bad. However, there were some good attempts at creating actual viable level content. While most of them failed badly, some stood out as noticable entries in the plus column. I noticed that there were some viable attempts as eyecandy, but they generally came off looking as very cheap. There was also some attempt at creating flow, but the Pokemon characters got in the way of these plans. This level could have had almost average flow if it wasn’t for these annoying characters constantly getting in the way of actual playing. I guess that huge (and I mean obsessive, Pokemon-underwearing, I-would-marry-Pikachu-if-it-was-legal-to-marry-rodents-and-it-actually-existed, I’ve-memorized-the-Pokemon-foot-prints-and-wrote-a-thesis-statement-on-it huge) Pokemon fans might enjoy this level, but for the other 99.9999999999999% of the world, I would seriously recommend this badly-designed Pokemon level. In short, no download recommendation (even for diehard Pokemon fans.) You can find levels that are much better than this, even in a themed-level area that is practically completely devoid of good levels. Keep making levels, but not Pokemon ones. Or hotels. One day you could be really good.
Well, I’ll admit it: I’m not the world’s biggest wind-based test fan. It’s just not the kind of level type I’m in to, not to mention I’m terrible at it and fail miserably at trying to beat any level that I play. Now that I’ve said that, I have to admit that this is easily the best darn wind test level series that I’ve ever played, and the followup to the classic original Wind Meister upholds the family name. I never got past the fairly early levels (yes, I suck at wind tests – no pun intended – that badly) so I had to “magically fly through the walls” in order to test the later ones. All of them were high quality and I enjoyed the experience. Yes, I’m giving a wind test level more than a seven. This is one of my personal signs that pure evil will take over the world, but I couldn’t stand giving this level a six. Congratulations on the rating. I’m going to confessionals…after I finish beating this, which will never happen. Oh well. Download recommendation. :P
Binky Bunny Hills is possibly the strangest name for I level I’ve ever heard, but this is more or less a classic Jeh, who must die, level. There is an overload of weapons, it uses a bright tileset, and navigation is good but there are a few klunks. I could just copy and paste that for a lot of the levels that Jeh, who must die, has made. The island-in-the-sky theme is a bit strange, but I like it. It almost boarders on using the South African level making type, but seems completely different. However, I must say that for some reason this level still doesn’t live up to the quality of the levels that Jeh, who must die, has made in the past. Flow is not as good as normal, and the Diamondous tileset is not the best for professional-looking eyecandy. Still, this is a clean, old-style battle level that is worth a download. Nice job, Jeh, but you still must die. ;-P
This level is undeniably great looking, but I can’t say that I like gameplay extremely well. Gameplay is pretty good, with all the necessary elements of a good single player level, but it is a little short and a lot of the challenge just comes from the length it takes to complete it. While it is challenging, it’s not really that extraordinary. It’s still a fun play, but other than the fact that it is beautiful to look at, I wouldn’t say this level is anything special. A seven rating would be a tad harsh for this level, so I present you with a nice, fat 8 and a download recommendation. Enjoy.
Yeah, nothing that specal, but overall its good, download it if you dont have it.
10 OUT OF 10
WOW I TELL YA!!!!!!!!!!!!
And for once Kejero this is so Awesome![This review has been edited by Master Cheater]
Why are you reviewing MY tileset instead of HIS level, Trafton? :S
I kinda like the level, it really reminds me of Super Mario Bros. 2, but since it’s made with my tileset, I can’t really give a unbiased review, so I won’t.
As you may see, this aren’t a perfect conversion.
Like on the mountains, the black isen’t the same, which looks very odd.
CelL didn’t add extra stuff from jj2 like poles, sucker tubes, descrout blocks ect.
Also, a good conversion has an usual texture background, here the normal red background dosen’t even work in texture.
This was a bit disappointing.
You should download it if its needed.
I’ve always thought that the old Stonar conversion needed an update, so I’m glad to see CelL has decided to take on the task. While the original tileset conversion was fairly true to Jazz 1: Stonar, the colors were a bit washed out and some tiles didn’t look right. It seems these problems have been fixed almost completely in the new version. And Kudos to CelL on the pallete. All in all, this is a good update to an already good conversion. I’m not going to rate it because it’s basically just an update of the original, but it’s still definitely worth a downloader…err download.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Bah. I accidentally looked at another Super Mario ripped tileset…from decades ago (not by CraccoBoy.) My fault. Here’s the level review:
This level is fairly ugly. It has some serious eyecandy issues for a tileset that is really easy to use. The flow is pretty bad to match. The tileset was not used as it is intended to be used, and it quickly became annoying to play. The file name of this level is similar to the tileset, which caused the mixup. After digging around, it turns out the tileset I reviewed was made by one “Johan” or something of that sort. But, anyway, this level is still not very good. I’m tempted to make a Mario level by the lack of good ones lately (Hugela’s being the exception to the rule.) Sorry about that confusion.
-Trafton[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Mabye i will try this level
Now i see what you guys mean..
This level is poor? tell that guy that made this level to try Very Hard to Impossible levels[This review has been edited by Master Cheater]
Also had an idea like this once… downloadign and testing it right now ;)
I admit, these lvls made it hard for me without JJ codes. i know, im kinda noobish so, :)
JSZ Jazz must enjoy remixing old Jazz 1 music. Over time, the author’s remixes seem to have improved every time one has been released. This latest remix is no exception. While I do not rate music, I have to say that this is a pretty fun listen and would deserve at least a score of seven or more. The beats are well-placed, and the patterns are interesting. I can’t say that it’s as good as the “professional” music compositions, but for fan music, it’s not bad at all.
Cracco MFC is a level belonging to a gametype that is similar to many tournament levels. The system is really the most complex part of this level. The actual level itself is fairly standard, featuring a small battling area with good eyecandy and average navigation. Rating on my normal scale, this level wouldn’t fare well, but the best part is that these levels are truly fun to play. While the waiting time at the beginning is annoying, with many people, it’s very fun. This is one of the best levels using this gametype. Worth a download.
None beats this, the desert MFC2.
This is one of my favorites, download recommended! Good Job CB, nice idea, and the best is the mirage!
I like it, good gameplay, good idea, good work CB!!!
The levels eyecandy is very cool, I like the blinking eye, its a good idea.
Also, Violet made some tricks with pinball, looks really cool too.
The weapon placement seens being okay for me too, the only thing that drags my rating down is “JSZ Jazz”‘s very special music, you have to have a hard music taste for like it, and I did diffinately not host it just becuse of the music, unless I’d shut my sound off.
This is a very cool and nice animation of Jazz, its rarely we get to see things like this. :-)
Spazzyman, “Radium”‘s rating is very unfair, you could contact an administator to get it removed.
Here’s the explanation of the gamemode, taken from my Gamemode guide, for the ones who don’t know how to play and aren’t familiar with MFC levels.
Medieval Fighting Classes. As long as there are 2 people or more, the amount of players doesn’t matter. Host can play, but sometimes that will mess up triggers, so it’s not recommeded. In the start of the level you can choose between some ‘jobs’ (at least 2). Every hole has different advantages and disadvantages. Every job has a warp in the start of the level, with trigger zones. One trigger zone to make you fall into a different jail-like room instead of the start room again, and the trigger zone that matches with your job. That job-trigger zone will also open up one warp for you in the jail, so you can come back into the battlefield after you died, as the job you were. So choose carefully which job you want, you’ll have to stay it until you leave server or until the level changes. (Almost) every level has a different set of classes/jobs so it’s not very practical to write a list of the possible jobs here. When making a MFC level, let your imagination go wild (yay), you could work with different themes, for example a rainforest, with a woodcutter, a greanpeace activist, a forest ranger and a native. You also have to think of the advantages and disadvantages for each job when making a MFC level. In MFC levels, every job has different places he can acces and places he cannot (trigger zones). For example, a knight can go into the castle, but is somewhat limited in dark caves (blocks are preventing him from entering too deep), while a ninja can’t even leave the cave. Each different job should have different ammo as well. My first MFC level: “Cracco Medieval Fighting Classes”.
Trafton -> There are no waiting times, it’s MFC, you can proceed to the arena at once.
Blackraptor -> There are no coins, it’s MFC, not SFC. And I’ll count later. :P Probably around 10..[This review has been edited by CraccoBoy]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.