im making sprites for a jj2 movie im gonna attempt to make, this was one of the jazz sprites…
I like it. =P
Single player starts in CTF levels are always a bad idea. ;-P
I’m used to levels using the South African method from Disguise, but this is not a bad level using the “normal” method, though I can not say that it lives up to all of the levels he created with the South African method. This level does not, in fact, feature many platforms. Instead, it features a lot of normal ground and just a few platforms. This is pretty much the best kind of level you can make using the Swamps of the Sleeping Jaguar tileset, but this level has some problems. Weapon placement is fairly good, but there are some navigation problems, stemming from this being Disguise’s first non-South African levels. I will no longer bore you wish my strange-sounding modifications of the term “South African” and just give my rating, a 7.5, and a download recommendation. Not bad for a non-South African level. Oops…
I’m rating this now, so you can stop bugging me with private messages to do so.
This is actually a really good pack. It uses many classic tilesets, and I have to give the levels’ author some credit for his excellent tileset use (7th Lava Fall, Zatox, etc.). The levels are also very good. Eyecandy was nice all-around, though sometimes the layer 3 use caused clipping problems (especially when low detail was turned on, though that was unperventable). Enemy placement was generally very good. The only areas of annoyance were when an enemy like Raven would just fly out of nowhere so quickly it was impossible to react or when an enemy that can fly flew below layer 3, forcing the player to shoot frantically to avoid damage. The areas to run around in were also small, especially in the space levels, but for a (fairly) new levelmaker, this is an amazing pack. There were few tileset use errors, and weapon placement was fairly good (though sometimes looked a bit strange.)
Many of the mistakes that are made by fairly new level authors are not present in this pack, which makes it an excellent look at a new level maker. Not to mention, this pack is great nonetheless. Some of the levels were a bit on the small side and lacked carrots, but otherwise I have no big complaints about gameplay. Adding carrots and maybe a few more save points and making the levels just a tad larger would make for some improvement. Certianally worth the download recommendation and the 8 that I’m giving it. In my opinion, this level isn’t worth a 10, but it’s still very good. :)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
I’ve seen quite a few Jazz fan animations, and none of them are particurally good. This one isn’t amazing either. It looks very flat and papery. Half of the screen is wasted, when it could easily have been made into a full-screen movie. Jazz apparently fights thin air in this movie. The author did not go to the trouble of drawing Jazz a suitable opponenent. Not really worth the download. No rating, though, which is standard with animations for me.
Looks very… paper. The animation is nice, but I’ll give it a 2.7 for having half the screen just plain gray.
This is, uhm odd. I guess.
Danyjel, you arent suppose to rate music for games, you rate the actual game, not the music
Very spiffy. This tileset is comprised of many colored blocks (as it seems a heck of a lot of tilesets have been comprised of lately) which may not be the most original idea, but certainally works. This is sort of a spinoff of the early Cheq copycats, except more focused on color and less on pseuo-3D special effects. The backgrounds the tileset provides are all very nice, and I definitely think that this is a tileset that is worth using. If you’re a beginner to making levels, this is a great tileset to start with. Worth a download.
Nice level, I see the changes you made. BTW, thanks for using my music. __ (yes Taz, it’s barfin’ but it fits) These eyes in background are preety creepy! But what if somebody plays in lower resolution?
Moonblaze, it’s Backgrounds. Not “Bagrunds”.
The tileset is nice. All blocks come in Red, Green, Blue, Purple and White. The 3D tiles are nice, altough the “gradient” could have been a bit smoother. The blocks neither look very good.
All the basic stuff is there: poles, vines, hooks, blocks, text boards, hurts, tubes, arrows and some numbers (?). No animations in this set, but you can make some funky stuff that hurts your eyes by letting the blocks flash to another color. Wee. Good thing too, the textured background work in both 8 bit and 16 bit color.
The example level has an awful gameplay, but it shows how to use the set. Good job!
Nice tileset, but has not new thing.
5 tilesets, which can combinate.
low/medium/high/very high
Useable: high
Colors: medium
Size: high
Animation: medium (lot of low animations)
This perspective view kind of tileset has been tried before by many others. Including me (remember Meza?). Not everyone succeeded in it. But most atempts turned out pretty wel.
I’d consider this a pretty good atempt. The tileset is used amazingly well in the example level. However I think it is very hard to use.
I’d say it’s worth the try.
Whew, Violet made such a block tileset, you can make blocks in lots of colors, as Violet noticed, you can also make up to 4 different texture bagrunds.
There’s poles, sucker tubes, and all the basic. There’s also doors, and numbers.
Overall, its a great tileset with lots of stuff, but the quality aren’t so high as Spazzyman’s Paintworld3D.
This is a very high-quality level, but a tad bit smallish by Enigma. At first, it appeared that this level suffered from small masking problems. However, the more I played this, the more it seemed like coincidence. Weapon placement was outstanding, and so was eyecandy. I searched for quite a while, but I could only find a few tile errors, which is a good feat for this tileset. The tileset was used correctly in all areas. The level’s flow was it’s strongest point. Navigation was a breeze, and I rarely hit into walls. The only downfall was that this level is a bit on the small side. However, for games that don’t require a huge amount of space, this level is definitely a must-play. Certainally this deserves a download recommendation. :)
JSZ Jazz’s music presents me with a rating problem, so I’ve decided to no longer rate it. This is a somewhat catchy tune, but still a tad inferior to the original. I’m glad there was less rapping than I expected, but some of the looping that was added was still very, very annoying. It’s still an O.K. tune, but only worth a download if you really are a very dedicated fan of this kind of music or just old Jazz conversions in general.
Its okay I guess, but im not a fan of music
Yer way behind JSZ Jazz, 2 or 3 musics, about 10 conversions :P
Well, the melody is good. This music is tied with another to see which one will make it into my levelpack. It might be this one, some parts of it arent do good but some are. Hmm….Im not sure about this one[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]
For like JSZ Jazz’s remix, you have to have a very hard-core music taste, that likes some of choose kind of tunes that goes on your nerves sometimes.
I would rather choose the orginal music than this.
Thought this is better than his previous remixes.
The truth: I really dont like this tileset sorry, please next time ask someone to test it for you to tell if its good instead of uploading right away
Eyecandy: Good,I like the idea of putting grass on rocks in the middle of a wall and the flytraps, nice. +3
Weapon Placement: Not to many, but fiarly placed I guess. +2.5
Bases: Easy access to both so +1.5
The rest: Gameplay is ok, I love the cave becuase it looks really cool +3
Not big enough, it could ove been a bit bigger and some coin warps or more secrets so -1.5
Here you go your 8 enigma
The readme file was sort of funny, you tried to hide CelL’s name :P
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.