RecommendedReview by Jgke

4 Jul 2012, 12:59
For: A flying Star Above Us...
Level rating: 8.1

A flying star above us… certainly isn’t a bad level. It uses the tileset nicely and is balanced. Ammunition seems to be placed evenly across the level.
I’m being too kind?
A flying star above us… is also somewhat campy, it’s quite easy to camp the carrot and just jump to the carrot tube if someone approaches from the side.
Another thing is that there are several places where after jumping I frequently slammed myself to the ceiling. [38, 8], [55, 10]. When going up the sucker tube next to the PUs, a Jazzer/Lorier cannot get to the [58, 23] space, because the tube boost is one block short. I also quite often bumped into the block in [55, 23]. After going up the one ways in [37, 25], a Spazzer can use the double jump to get up to [43, 18] while a Jazzer/Lorier needs a pause to get the second jump.
I’m also unsure whether the music fits or not. It feels a bit too happy for this particular level.

But in the end, A flying star above us… is a nice ‘basic’ CTF level that one should check out in his/her free time.

Review by wadledee

4 Jul 2012, 11:52
For: Diamondus Woods
Level rating: 6.3

Snorted when I read the part about the official levels being bad. I think that’s mostly a point of view thing; in my opinion those levels provided gameplay fitting a platformer game, perhaps not the best but definitely not bad.

Quick Review by forfor

4 Jul 2012, 00:26
For: Episode Four: The Resistance
Level rating: 9.3

thank you i like all this levels and tilesets

[wrong rating (1.0) ~cooba]

Review by ThunderWalker

27 Jun 2012, 09:11 (edited 28 Jun 12, 18:53)
For: Diamondus Woods
Level rating: 6.3

Hm. A full review.

Story: Nonexistant. Just two Diamondus levels. No points, thus 0 / 0 .

Eyecandy: Well, very few EC. The levels however, did meet what they were intended to be; namely that they remind me of the official levels, but with JJ2, you should not forget that the official levels are BAD, both eyecandy- and gameplay-wise.

Music: Hrm. Seems like remixes of JJ2 music. A fine choice though, but nothing non-JJ2, therefore.
A bonus because the orginal JJ2 feeling is intended after all, and the music helped accomplish that while not being vanilla AFAIK, though, like the orginal JJ2 music, I did not notice it after… about three seconds despite not turning it off.

Level layout: Fine. Though 1.23, I’d like to note the levels were unplayable with Lori.
Otherwise, the levels worked OK.
I disliked the lack of secrets however, which were abundant in the orginal JJ1 and also in JJ2 (though to a lesser extent) but almost completely absent here, and those which were there, had only Extra Lives.

Oh, and I did not find a save spot in the first level. Dunno if that is intended or not, though, but again, I felt it had to be mentioned.


Enemy placement.
The enemy placement was OK. Some enemies were played quite creative, but most did not form a real threat. However, absolutely no difference between Medium and Hard, which is an obvious flaw.
Also, the witch was easy to kill with the Seek ammo and some RF’s because the witch area was way too open.

Pickup Placement:
Pickups existing were fine.
However, the variety was absolutely lacking especially in the ammo department. Also only one PU, the Bounce PU, in the coin warp.
Also not much creativity with gems and stuff except for the gem stomps near the Save Point in the second level.
No creativity with secrets hurts again.
(and again, no difference between Easy and Medium)

Oh, I’d like to say that I had way too many lives after I finished the second level.


Replay value:
This point of my review talks about if I want to play this level again after having played it once.
Lack of creativity, secrets and lack of difficulty levels too, hurt badly in the final part of my review. Really badly.
I’m sorry to say it, but it are levels I played once and deleted it afterwards; which means the replay value is perfectly zero…

31,8 / 60 divided by 6 is 5,3 / 10

DR: You can either download it once and delete it afterwards, or decide to not download it at all. Or just play the orginal JJ2 levels.
The exception to this rule being that if you love the vanilla JJ2 levels, then this is certainly worth a download as it is pretty much equal to those in quality and playability, except for the lower amount of secrets (which is made up for better enemy placement though).

Review by cooba

24 Jun 2012, 22:33
For: Friendly test
Level rating: N/A

Massive props for using this music!

Review by Blackraptor

20 Jun 2012, 04:18
For: Java Tzar Beck Biz Jell
Level rating: N/A

i made the music, specifically for the level “Pride” in dreamscape, so you’re welcome

Review by master sven

14 Jun 2012, 10:52 (edited 1 Jul 12, 07:47)
For: Diamondus Woods
Level rating: 6.3

wadle is back :O

@TW: Imo your grade for music is a too big part of your final grade for a level.
All you can judge a levelmaker on is if the music fits the level.

RecommendedQuick Review by Laro B.

7 Jun 2012, 19:31 (edited 8 Jun 12, 15:25)
For: Diamondus Woods
Level rating: 6.3

These were solid levels to play. While the eyecandy wasn’t so very special, there were some decent enemy placements. I enjoyed this, keep on JCSing!

RecommendedQuick Review by Rabid Rabb

21 May 2012, 16:29 (edited 21 May 12, 16:30)
For: Labratory Remix (Impulse Tracker)
Level rating: 9

Really great thing, it’s perceptible how it’s formed in adept hands. It would be great to get concentrated types of music, with quality like this. Here i mean Electronic, DnB or Dubstep, things like these.

RecommendedQuick Review by Ron97

15 May 2012, 10:14
For: A flying Star Above Us...
Level rating: 8.1

A good level with a fine flow and great eyecandy, considering the tileset limits. Has some nice ideas. I’d definitely give a DL rec.

Review by GLaDOS

13 May 2012, 18:46
For: Perfect Battle Arena
Level rating: 9

Nice map!
Thank you very much, Lithium! :3

Review by cooba

13 May 2012, 18:01 (edited 13 May 12, 18:50)
For: Perfect Battle Arena
Level rating: 9

Lithium: Fair enough, I didn’t notice that.

Review by Ron97

13 May 2012, 13:07 (edited 13 May 12, 13:24)
For: Perfect Battle Arena
Level rating: 9

Cooba: they were BETATESTERS, they had ACCESS to the level. Pretty much the same as with Rag and you.

RecommendedQuick Review by Zoro

13 May 2012, 10:43 (edited 13 May 12, 21:40)
For: Perfect Battle Arena
Level rating: 9

Happy birthday Glados!!

And good level, gj Lith!

RecommendedQuick Review by wKtK

13 May 2012, 10:19 (edited 13 May 12, 18:46)
For: Perfect Battle Arena
Level rating: 9

Happy birthday!

The level looks great, I’ll add it to my levellist.

RecommendedQuick Review by Zoro

3 May 2012, 05:46
For: New Ages V
Level rating: 9.6

Wheeee :D
GJ snz… U PWN as always…

RecommendedQuick Review by PT32

29 Apr 2012, 16:18
For: Pearl-Shell Shore (DOM)
Level rating: 8.8

Not much to say here that hasn’t already been said. Good layout, smooth flow, nice eyecandy, excellent eventage.

I wasn’t too impressed with the sand-colored Layer 8 BG, the campable Seeker powerup or the music (which I felt was a rather poor fit), but overall the level was nice and definitely deserves a DL.

RecommendedQuick Review by PT32

28 Apr 2012, 12:50 (edited 28 Apr 12, 12:54)
For: Wicked Wood
Level rating: 8.9

I loved this. Good atmosphere (the music was an excellent choice), smooth gameplay, nice gameplay. Only downside was that I felt the bases were too close, but this may be due to the level’s size.

I disagree with Redmsr, because the level seemed more somber than spooky.

DL recommended. I wish somebody’d give this level a good review.

Review by master sven

27 Apr 2012, 07:10 (edited 27 Apr 12, 07:11)
For: Foreign Face
Level rating: 7

Long time ago I wrote a review, lets see.


The size of the playable area is balanced nicely overall, there are no big area’s without tiles and there are only a few narrow area’s. The warp from the bottom to the middle means that one can constantly fall down and get back up which could turn especially duels a bit less internesting.


The edges of the level are very straight, I would have prefered some different lines in the walls, you could have made them symitrical as well. When jumping around a bit at the C+1 you notice a black line in the top of the background.
The rest of the background is nice and the middle part of the layer 4 of the map is quite good and nicely shaped.


I think few maps in this shape have been made, its looks nice, you did a good job, though I always apreciate it when people use different methods than springs and warps to create ways up.

Gameplay: 6,5
Eyecandy: 7,5
Originality: 7

Final Grade: 7

RecommendedReview by Rabid Rabb

23 Apr 2012, 21:45 (edited 23 Apr 12, 23:25 by Violet CLM)
For: Murky Wood
Level rating: 7

So, a small singe player level.

For the first look, i tought it looks cool, it has a good – and somewhat original eyecandy. I love that it’s covered with a black transpalucent layer, it obviously fits with the name and feel. Actually i liked the background, was also a great point. By the way as it has to come, there are bad things. one is that the things moving with you are somewhere a bit empty, there are some tilebugs (that could’ve been noticed if you go trough the level like 1-2 times and look for it). the feeling of it is fine, but in several parts it makes the way uncertain. After some deaths it wasn’t that but it’s still confusing.

eyecandy: 21/30

Enemies, flow, pickups and other droughty things: I started it and i fell down close immediately, i tought i will die, then i tought i will have to climb back. uh… i didnt get how it was meant to fall until i played like the 3/4 of the level. The first thing came in my mind was the tree that was used as masked, unmasek bg and unmasked fg too. It was deceptive. Anyway, after realising what’s going on, playing became fun, There were some unnoticable cactuses, some suprising enemies, it was the thing that hurted, because most enemies weren’t too hard to kill. the whole thing wasn’t really channeling. There were a great amount of toasters what i loved. Gun6 is the weapon of SP levels. There were a deal of food, once i got a sugar rush (What ended up a werid way, i ran into the Tuf Boss immedietly killing it. it was rather funny. Also it is shootable and killable, next time dont put unactivated bosses in the way. it even hurts if you touch it.). Mainly the way became clear after a time. it was okay. the ending was hardly understandable, i mean i always got warped to the tuf boss, i could roam to other bosses though. Maybe the channeling thing was not to fall off the trees, It happened a lot with me. The bosses werent that hard (for me). it was rather short, for the time i understood the system of the level it ended. There were unneeded savepoints, one could be enough in the whole map. the others should only be in easy (and some extra carrots too). The hard mode was right, with the more enemies. Dont take these as blaming, i’m just focusing on the things to mention and focus on.

gameplay: 28/40

Aboat the externalities, the music fitted well, the name is appropriate.I like the Jungle gods thing. What more to say aboat it duh.


I think it was somewhat original, low used tileset, with this dark cover, new typed bossfight. I could even call it “find it out” as it has lots of strange happenings.

originality: 13/20

Overally: Not bad, but there is where to improve.
Rating: 72/100 -> 7.2 and a DR.


(added a missing closing tag for the bold. ~Violet)

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