Review by Bjarni

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: cl-test cl-run 1 and 2 tileset cl
Level rating: 2

Help Help, I´m in trouble! How can I jump over springs in r2? How? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!

edit: Blackraptor, I think you knew already that I can´t cheating in race game![This review has been edited by Bjarni]

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Carrottus: The Next World (updated version)
Level rating: 7.4

I’m assuming this is JMan’s level? Whoever’s level it is, it’s not bad at all. It seems that JMan (or whoever it is) enjoys the Carrotus tileset. :P
This is a fairly good level. Eyecandy is actually very good for carrots. Gameplay is slightly above average, while the general flow and weapon placement suffer from a few bugs that bring down the general quality of this level. If you don’t mind the frankly overused Carrotus tileset, I think that you’ll like this level. I think this deserves a download recommendation.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: CTFness pack
Level rating: 6.5

It’s nice to finally see a battle/CTF hybrid level that doesn’t amount to a newbish work. This level obviously suffers from the fact that navigation in battle and CTF levels should be different. However, it makes up for this fact pretty well by having very good eyecandy and pretty good weapon placement. I didn’t get stuck except when I was actually trying to, and playing in both modes was generally smooth. However, seeing a CTF base in battle just seems “off.” I can’t explain how, but I won’t degrade for this. It’s just that it doesn’t look natural and is often a sign of poor levelmaking. Despite the problems that this level faces for being a hybrid CTF/battle level, it’s still very good. Definitely worth a download for those who want multipurpose levels.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Out of Power
Level rating: 5.9

At first, I thought that a battle level using the Tube Electric tileset might suffer from being too bland eyecandy and gameplay-wise. And I was right. “Out of Power” is a slightly above average battle level, mainly because navigation and weapon placement are pretty good. However, eyecandy was predictably uninteresting, and it looked like nearly every level I’ve played in Tube Electric. It’s worth a download if you’re a rabid battle fan, but others might want to avoid this level.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Temple of the Uglies
Level rating: 8.1

Despite having a strange name, “Temple of the Uglies” is actually a very good level. It’s a challenging single player level with a ton of trigger crates. These trigger crates add an interesting puzzle-like element to the level, which is not found in many single player levels today, but is very nice to see. The tileset was used pretty well, eyecandy was very good, and flow was also good. This is definitely one of my favorite single player downloads I’ve reviewed lately, and is certainally worth a download.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Extreme Puzzle Test
Level rating: 4.9

I’m not sure if these are exactly “puzzle tests” in that there isn’t much puzzle to it. It’s mainly simple avoid-the-blocks tests. The copter tests are buggy and can often be cumbersome, mostly due to the fact copters are buggy and can often be cumbersome, and really detract from the overall quality of this level. The challenge of this level is sort of unbalanced. Some earlier levels are harder than ones later in the level. I’ve never been a huge fan of tests, and this below average test is no exception. No download recommendation from me.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: destoryer assualt opps misspelled
Level rating: N/A

Apparently this hasn’t been deleted. I’ll assume this has been released by now, so here’s my review.

This level features mediocre eyecandy and gameplay to match. I got stuck several times, and it generally was not fun at all. The tileset, however, is very cool-ish, and this is definitely worth the download if just for the tileset. I hope this is released by now, but just in case, I won’t rate this.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: cl-test cl-run 1 and 2 tileset cl
Level rating: 2

Not a bad job for a first work, but there is plenty of room for improvement.

Despite it’s name, the tileset has little to do with clouds. There are stomp blocks, ground, and a strange choice of color, but few clouds. The race pack is very much linear. There are a few good ideas, but the general pack is just lacking in variaty and not very exciting at all. Also, eyecandy isn’t very good at all. This is OK for a first work, but it needs improvement. I’m sorry, but I can’t recommend this for download, though. Keep making tilesets and levels and I’m sure you’ll be very good soon. :)

Review by RSPSS FR

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: cl-test cl-run 1 and 2 tileset cl
Level rating: 2

IS this your first tileset?
It has err…… original stomp blocks, and err…… interesting colors…
Not much clouds, thought…[This review has been edited by RSPSS FR]

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Colorize Blocks
Level rating: 5.1

Another blocks tileset? What does this make, the 6353th?

Colorize Blocks is not a particurally good tileset. It consists of plain old boring blocks and some ground. Snore. There’s not much else to it. The mask is OK, but that’s not saying much. This tileset suffers from a very severe case of being bland. Overall, this isn’t worth a download unless you’re a big Cheq fan, and even then you’ll likely tire of the tileset after only a few minutes.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Alien Sanctuary
Level rating: 8.1

This is actually a fairly old level that it seems Rage has decided to release. The layout and flow of this level is good, only hampered by how narrow and closed it is in many areas of the level, which is not something I like much. Weapon placement is very good, and I have no complaints about how the carrots were placed. ;)
Eyecandy was also fairly good and there were few tile errors. I got stuck once, but that was only because I really tried. Overall a great level, and definitely worth a download.

Review by RSPSS FR

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Colorize Blocks
Level rating: 5.1

Plain, boring blocks. And some of those thingies from a game of some kind, maby a tetris clone. As for them, and all the stuff in the bmp files, I already saw them in a tileset by a person called eurocheater (or something like that).

Review by Drugged Fly

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Colorize Blocks
Level rating: 5.1

Yeah ur right , but u can walk on it! ;p

Review by CraccoBoy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz 1 Candion
Level rating: 8.2

I don’t think it’s right to overrate conversions, these just aren’t your tiles…. So you really can’t get higher for this than a 6. Sorry. (Same critism that I got for my tilesets like CE)

Even though 6 is the max for me with 100% ripped tilesets, I still wanna look closely at it. I must say that you’ve done a good job on converting this

“- WARNING – Rule Violation – Baised review / rating nuked”[This review has been edited by ShadowGpW]

Review by Super Saiyan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Colorize Blocks
Level rating: 5.1

I only see blocks, blocks and blocks, and some colored pipes. And dont forget about the silly heads, really all crap. Next time, if you say its not beautiful, then spend more work on the Tileset and MAKE it beautiful.

For some reason the BMP’s are empty, black.[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]

Review by Super Saiyan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Alien Sanctuary
Level rating: 8.1

Well, nothing left for me to say more…kicks CelL Ah well, let me just comment what I dis- and like about this level. As the beginning, the level has a very nice style, the bottom parts of the level have a nice light grassy platforms with dark background, wich well fits to each other. There is also alot of ammo on the bottom part, powerups too. You might have overused ammo there, the level is already small though. The platforms above are made from different stone tiles, there is barely ammo there and alot of place, so an excelent place to battle. The gameplay is ok, but its confusing sometimes for me, because of the lighting, it makes it all dark, the level itself is already dark enough in my opinion. But oh well, your the creator. Further more, things like music is nice too, and the base routes are fine. I think this level deserves a rating higher then eight. Well, nice made.

*I really should ask Mike about joining OLC sometime ;p

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Alien Sanctuary
Level rating: 8.1

This level has been around for some time now, as some people may know, but luckily Rage finaly decided to release it.

I must say I like this level. Its got a nice layout, small as it is, though its a bit claustrophobic. The level is fun to play, and has a lot of routes you can choose. The level isn’t that incredibly origenal, but it still has some interesting ideas. Both bases are placed at the same side of the level, at the top and at the bottem, which is something I haven’t seen before, and is also very well done, since the level still has a good basepath. To balance this the powerups and the carrot are placed at the other side of the level, which creates very interesting gameplay. I’m not sure about the warp at the blue base, since it gives blue a slightly faster basepath then red imo, but its probably ok. The bases are both well defendable in their own way, which is always a good thing.

The carrot is well placed, like I said before, and also well defendable, though there are also enough tricks to take out campers. The same goes for the powerups. Ammo is well placed and divided throughout the level in groups of mostly 3 to 6 +3 guns; nothing much to say about that really.

Rage used the ETs Planet 2 v3 set, and in a very good way. The eyecandy in the entire level looks terific. While the bottem of the level is a sort of cavern with burning torches, the top of the level consists of rusty metal blocks. A lot of waterfalls are used, which makes the level look even beter. There aren’t any foreground layers used apart from layer 3, but that isn’t really a problem, since otherwise the level might look a bit confusing.

Overall I should say this is a very good level, which I recomend you download right away. High 8.2 points.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: This Level Is Untitled
Level rating: 8.4

Well, we had to wait some time for EvilMike to release his Untitled level, but here it is. And I must say I like this level. Its got all a good CTF level needs, and a bit more to go with it.

I would only call the layout semi-origenal, but it still has some nice tricks that I haven’t seen before or rarely see. The trick with going through the tubes with the copter is easier to do at the red side of the level, since at that side there is a copter practicly next to the tube, while the copter on the blue side is next to the blue base, and thus further away from the tube and more likely to disapear before you reach it, which could give the red team a slightly faster basepath if lucky. There are some nice float ups under one of the trees for if you dont quite make it with the spring, which is a nice idea.

The seeker room is well hidden, and well campable, though there are several tricks to deal with campers. The full energy carrot is well placed, though maybe a bit close to blue, but then again the +1 carrot is closer to red, which sorta balances it nicely. The layout is well playable, very fluent and is easy to learn. The other powerups are also well placed and divided throughout the level. Ammo comes in large groups of about 12 +3 guns at a time, so means you can get your gun filled up fast after you die, which is always a good thing.

Eyecandy is also very nice: Mike certainly did what he could with Disguise’s great WinterlandWonder tileset. The ground is nicely textured, with some white rocks in it. The trees look very nice, and EvilMike did some interesting effects with the tree branches. The big mountian that the tileset provides is in the background layer 7, and Mike put some nice moving snow in layers 5 and 6. The level also features a traditional textured background, giving the level a most charming look. One thing that might have been added would be a slight blue or purple fade colour to the textured background, to make it look even beter.

EvilMike also found a great music file for the level, namely My Wonderland by The Ravebusters; a great rave/trance tune that fits the level very well indeed, and gives it a nice playing atmosphere when playing with music on. I must say I really enjoy this level, and look forward to playing many more fun games in it. A high 8.5; keep up the good work Mike. =)

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Candy Battle(Fixed)
Level rating: 3

I share FQuist’s sentiments. My rating in the original level was for the one I saw in this one.

Whenever you have a small update or glitch fix, just edit the original upload. It wastes a lot less space on the web server, and also doesn’t make people download two seperate packs if they want to just see one level. Please just reupload next time.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Candy Battle
Level rating: 5.8

By beta testing this, I joined his server and then left a few minutes later after pointing out general errors. But then he uploaded this just as it is. Strange.

There is so-so navigation in this level. Weapon placement is mediocre, and so is eyecandy. This level was way, way, way too rushed, and should have taken longer to make. No download recommendation.

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