Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JJ1 Raneforus
Level rating: 6.8

No, he doesn’t. Rainforeous is a name of a planet in Jazz Jackrabbit 1, and the tileset is named correctly to my knowledge.

The tileset is good, but not exceptional. I suppose this is worth a download recommendation, but don’t expect a masterpiece.

Violet: It is included with JJ2 or do you mean JJ1? I can’t seem to find it on my JJ2 CD.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Zappo Battle Set
Level rating: 2.8

Wow. Most of these levels crashed on me. In fact, Zappo Street was the only one I could get to work. And it wasn’t worth the effort at all.

The level that I saw was fairly simplistic. While it had some ideas that I haven’t seen before, they weren’t very interesting, and I dobut they will see much use. Gameplay was really bad, especially ammo placement. The level also seemed to just look wrong in general. I quickly grew bored of it. First of all, make sure your levels run. The fact that they don’t kind of reveals that you may have not tested them much, if at all. All of these add up to a pretty poor level. While I hate to judge an entire pack on just one level, it seems I’m forced to unless you can reupload with them all working. No download recommendation from here. Spend more time on your levels next time.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rockingham Gardens
Level rating: 8

Levels using the Carrotus tileset are common, but truly interesting Carrotus levels are much harder to find.

This battle level features some interesting ideas paired with the old Carrotus style, which turned out much better than I anticipated. There are two versions, one with shield and one without, and it’s obvious that the shieldless version is the better choice of the two.

Both have smooth and very good gameplay, fairly good ammo placement, and good eyecandy that suffers from the fact that Carrotus levels seem to look similar to eachother no matter how they try. The only level I’ve really ever seen that looks very much different from other Carrotus levels but is made in Carrotus is Warlord!‘s SMACKDOWN CTF.

This is a great battle level that I would recommend for download.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Assassins & Perfects Villa BETA
Level rating: N/A

Stealing is always a bad idea, especially when you do not have the consent of the level’s actual author. You could get in serious trouble using parts of a level made by someone else. That is if the courts would actually care, which I dobut they would. Still, it’s a bad thing to do morally. =P

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Project Controller 4
Level rating: 9.3

This program is pretty much a requirement if you frequently host servers and if it isn’t, it should be.

This program has so many features, I thought it was a professionally-made program at first. The level cycling tools and options that let you change sever settings in the middle of a server without changing levels are necessary and life-savers. What do you do if you don’t like a level you’re hosting? Clients in your server demand to see another level? Just change the next level setting, go to control, click skip level and, like magic, the level loads. The Stealth Kick is not only fun to torture people with, but can also be indespensible in getting rid of those annoying pests. It’s more entertaining and a lot less malicious than a ban. It’s only too bad you can’t see the reaction (“HEY? WHAT HAPPENED?!? IT’S ALL DARK AND YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!”). The other tools are also handy indeed. You are commanded to download this. Now.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: CH, Cracco Haggard
Level rating: 8

Not bad at all. A pretty interesting tile set overall. I admit that some of this is ripped, but ripped isn’t always bad.

The trees look very nice and I assume are hand-drawn. While I’m not sure what “Haggard” is, this tile set seems to have many different kinds of areas all mixed into one tileset, which is both good and bad for it. It’s good because levels using this tileset have possibilities to be extremely varied but bad because what it does, it doesn’t necessarily do best.

I made a quick level out of this, and the mask was annoying, but generally forgivable. The other elements of a good tile set were there, and I especially like the background.

I’m disappointed about the ripped tiles, but didn’t downgrade too much for them. It was mostly due to masking problems.

However, this is an excellent tileset regardless of the several problems it has and is worth your download. And, yes, that is a download recommendation. ;-P

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Ironfang
Level rating: 7.6

w00t. Another good battle level.

This is possibly the best navigational system I have ever seen. Well, maybe not to that extent, but it’s still very fluent. The Metal Mania tileset is very nice, and the music fits. Item placement is strange at times, especially for items. There are dead ends and missing springs, as iCeD said, but it’s still very good, especially the navigation part (except for the springs problem.) A download recommendation for sure.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Underground Lab
Level rating: 8

I don’t know why MaGoo doesn’t make many levels. He’s very good at it.

This level is not at all too big. While it may not be perfect for one-on-ones, it is certainally a great level for battles with many people in it. It’s hard to make a level that’s “too big.” It happens, but only when the creator is really trying to make it bigger than it should be.

Layout is awesome. Navigation was a breeze, and this can be attributed to the many platforms out in the open. There were few dead ends, and nothing really got in the way of smooth gameplay. I like levels that are large but have high quality, and this level certainally falls in that category. Very nice job.

Weapon placement was very good, but not as good as navigation. In some situations, there was ammo kind of clumped together, but that was very rare and I never noticed it outside of JCS. Levels with many platforms don’t usually get high marks from me, but this is an exception.

As for other items, they were also placed well. Some of the non-ammo items were near ammo, others far away, but it turned out to be a great balance and I have absolutely no complaints in this area. Very good too. Much like the rest of this level.

While Labrat isn’t my favorite tile set, far from it in fact, I still really liked this level. It didn’t remind me much of any of the other handful of “classics” that have used Labrat, so I won’t downgrade it for that. Technically, there were a few eyecandy glitches, but not enough to make much of a difference.

My only other real complaint was that the level lacked a next level setting. I didn’t knock this level for having the setting incorrect, but it would have been nice to be able to host the level without it crashing whenever someone one. It would be handy if you were to reupload the level sans this glitch.

All in all, this is a fine level which prompted a way-too-long review. It’s detailed, yet still big enough so I don’t feel boxed in. The author did an excellent job using the Labrat tileset, and should make more levels. A very commendable effort which should become a classic level. There is no dobut in my mind that this deserves a download recommendation.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hamtaro's Hotel
Level rating: 1.8

Hmm…Another hotel. It seems they spread faster than an allergic reaction.

Speaking of allergic reactions, this level was about as fun as one.

There are an astounding total of three rooms in this level. The first, which requires one coin, seems to be a room. Yes, folks, this hotel has a grand total of two hotel rooms in it, if you can call it that. It consists of some food and what looks like an attempt to make a bed.

Room two is a lot like room 1, except that it is 5 coins and has some other structure in it I can’t seem to figure out. Yawn.

Room three is apparently the creator’s room, similar to the employee rooms of today. And did I mention it has powerups while no other rooms do? Another unfair advantage for the owner. I hate that.

Keep making levels, but don’t make hotels. A 1.2.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Dungeon Dreams
Level rating: 6.7

This is a level that is, quite frankly, completely defeated by poor navigation. The level’s eyecandy is fine, except for the previously mentioned blocky background, but Jazz users will hate this level. Personally, I think that this is a good thing, but my annoying Jazz-using friends will kill me if I rate judging on that. It’s mainly because it requires uppercut, a fairly slow move that leaves the user vulnerable to attack from the significantly more nimble Spaz. Otherwise, the level is great. Download recommendation? Sure. If you’re a Spaz user, that is.

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Carrottus: To The Max
Level rating: 7.4

Well, ive played this online a few times and its pretty good. Eyecandy is annoying. Its not bad if you have lots of it, but its just…….annoying.
I think there is enough weapons and food cause sugar rushes so thats not a good idea.

Fair level


Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz Commander 1.3 [supports TSF too]
Level rating: 8.4

This does not include the system files that it should, but is an OK program. It’s for serving levels, creating servers, and similar Jazz-related activities. The interface is fairly easy to navigate, but can quickly grow annoying if you use this program a lot. There were few bugs. However, I was frustrated that the program kept crashing. This is probably my cruddy computer more than this program, since all other computers I ran it on never crashed, but it is nonetheless slightly annoying. Still, the program is fairly stable and you should not worry about it crashing while using it. Ignore my strange computer. It’s a good download, but the most recent version is far superior. Since this isn’t the newest version, I won’t rate it, but had I reviewed it back when it was newest, it would have been about a 7.5 and a download recommendation. Good job.

UPDATE: I will, in fact, rate this. I decided on rating this because even though it is old it is still worth a rating. Good job, Spazzyman. I hope to see many more versions of this exciting program in the future. Definitely a program series to watch out for. :)

UPDATE 2: I forgot the rating. Go ahead and hit me with a trout. ;-P

[This review has been edited by Trafton AT][This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spaz Place
Level rating: 6.6

Hotels. The scourge of Jazz.

This level is not very good at all, and I’m not quite sure how it deserves the 7.5 rating it seems to have now. After forcing myself to download a hotel (argh) I quickly found that it was unfortunately not worth my efforts. It’s pretty standard – how much can I write about a hotel that has little difference from the hundereds and hundereds that already exist? I’m not sure. So I’ll close with three simple words: no download recommendation.

And now for the battle part: It’s OK. Nothing special, but it’s average. I’ll raise the rating slightly, but it’s still not worth the download because of the annoying hotel part. Sorry.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jungle Jeopardy
Level rating: 7.9

The alleged voices are apparently very good level makers. They should work for you full time.

This is an interesting level using the Jungle tileset which I have played several times in Splash’s Internet server. It features great eyecandy, which keeps the level interesting, and flow that is not outstanding but is very good nonetheless. It was at times hard to keep track of where I was, but I quickly got used to the unique way you have to navigate through this level. Once I did, it was a breeze. It’s an excellent battle level, and those are few and far between these days.

This level never gets old, and is definitely worth a download. It should be a battle classic.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JSZ Jazz's battle pack
Level rating: 6

I have no idea what language that is. :P

Anyway, this is an OK pack, but is really not worth a very high rating. It features many levels, many of which seemed slapped together in about an hour. Flow is fairly bad in most of the levels, but eyecandy is above average and so is gameplay in general. Weapon placement is often badly decided, which brings down the score on the pack.

I can’t really recommend this for download unless you are a real battle freak. However, I’m sure there are many of these and they could quickly become Afternoon Battle (the group of players who are fairly new who play in the afternoon and only play battles and tests, you know who I’m talking about) classic.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Parnagoniax Beachline V 1.0
Level rating: 8.1

Beach levels have never been my favorite, but I quickly considered changing my opinion – heck, even my worldview – after seeing this level. It’s a “spacious” level featuring a beach theme, of course. Flow is very nice, but I still have one gripe: ammunition placement. It’s scattered well throughout the level, but during test play I often had situations where there was severe ammo drain. While this happens during normal play, it happened to quickly that my team was at a huge disadvantage for the rest of the game. This isn’t a major gripe, but it is enough to drag down the score a little bit.

Ammo error or no ammo error, this is an excellent level that is very much worth a download. However, if you rely on a continuous supply of ammo, you may be surprised at how quickly the proverbial well dries up.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Anniversary Bash 3 Pack
Level rating: N/A

This should have been upload under seperate files. I can hear the poor 56K modem users screaming from torture.

Overall, this is a very nice level pack. The levels are well done, and it was a great effort by all. A definite download recommendation that would deserve an 8.2 if I were to be able to rate it.

Keep the good Anniversary Bash packs coming.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: memorial3
Level rating: N/A

Simply, this level really isn’t that great. It features an interesting use of the tileset at hand (is the Zero tileset entirely appropriate for an incident of such magnitude?) The level, like many of the other memorial levels that were updated, seems rush and seems to depend on sympophy in order to get some of the ratings it has. Per FQuist’s request, I will not rate this. However, if I were to it would be something around a 4.5. No download recommendation. These levels are no longer really good or “new” at all. It seems they are still just being made for attention, and nothing more. I think that this sentiment was straight from the heart, but this idea is still getting a little old. Just my thoughts.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz1 Conversion Pack
Level rating: 8.4

“Wow. Another Jazz 1 pack. Let’s add it to the pile.”

Actually, though I was initially wary (I have been disappointed by conversions in the past) this turned out to be a very spiffy set of sets indeed. These tilesets are nearly flawless conversions of many of the JJ1 worlds all stuffed into a medium-size download. I can only hope more conversions of this quality continue to be produced, but I still would sell my llama Charley if I could just get a good conversion of the final episode all together. That would be spiffular indeed.

Review by American

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Newspaz's Christmasy Set.
Level rating: 7.2

Even though it’s October, I’m already in a sesonal mood (think Santa Claus meets the grim reaper) so I decided to go a’trick-or-treating for some X-Mas sets to start the holidays with style and found this. Overall, it’s a pretty good tileset. It features (duh) a Christmas theme, which is done well, but not nearly as well as in the default Christmas tile sets from Holiday Hare. It features some nice trees, decorations, etcetera that really remind me of Christmas. This certainally is a present of a tile set. If I make any more Christmas puns, shoot me, but download this tileset immediately. Your tree will thank you. BAM!

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