Try actually playing the levels with a friend or letting them check it before uploading. It saves us a lot of room!
This level realy bites, if you know what i mean. It gets very boring and the enemy’s are the only obstacle. This is NOT worth a d/l recc.
Also, try making more obstacles and make your levels longer. I dont reccomend you to make levels like this.[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]
Good tileset and interesting level.
Try to make better ones. (And find a title that’s not used before)
This level was so good but you must really really work on it. (and complete the pack of course)
Wow! It must be hard to make long levels with the Town.j2t
Fun! I mean levels and tilesets
Do you HAVE TO make demos?
Original. Good tileset also…
Where’s the enemies? What are those extra lives? You must make a balance between goodies and enemies. Try to make better levels in V2
Wow! Great program, Spazzy! Yay! It uses my autodetection code!
I think there are some bugs in the program or I don’t quite understand how it works. Once I got my screen top full of hearts! The layout is nice!
I can’t give it too high rating since it only has one function. To edit player health.
8.2 from me…
Horrible… simply horrible…
Bad and way too small levels.
This is hardly worth what I’m givin’ it.
No download reccommandation.
I like this level.
It’s just another medium battle level. The weapons are ok placed, can better, but okay. There are no powerups tough.
The gameplay is okay. Just some platforms, many poles, and some dead ends. But it’s battle, so don’t worry.
Eyecandy is not so good, only layer 7 and no layer 3.
Overall is it an okay level. (Maybe for Battle server?) Just download this.
Kinda cool…
I’d say it’s worth a 7.5…
Download reccommandation: yes
This is really not a bad tileset, lots to do, lots to create with.
I’m a bit lazy on my review today, so dont expect much ;)
The quality isnt bad at all overall, but the worst part are the characters, their animations and looks arent too lifelike.
Then theres possible masking errors, they’re not smoth enough on places (expecially the characters) so people might get stuck in them.
Thumbs up on a great set though :D
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.