It’s a bad idea to do that, since it hurts your rating. I’ll give you a 5.5 since it brings back so many memories. :)
This level is fairly good, but I won’t give it a rating, as you did not include a tileset. Please reupload it with the tileset included.
The above comments sum it up.
Cell, make better quality levels, not more levels. :p
Honestly, this level is average in every way.
This level pack is pretty good. It’s an interesting and fairly challenging play, though it has some eyecandy problems.
This level is OK, but quite a few things just don’t look right. Pretty good gameplay, though.
What more can I say not already said?
This level is barely above average. I can’t recommend it, but download if you want.
Cornflake is an annoying tileset, but this level is pretty good. The tileset was used well, and I recommend it as a download. Nice job, Violet!
Some have actually gone to the extent to call the single player genre dead. This is in no way true, as is exhibited by Chandie’s fantastic pack here. All of the levels are very entertaining, though Bloxinus was not quite as entertaining as the others. A great job, though.
This is a very good conversion of the old Apogee hit, Hocus Pocus. It contains most of the tiles from Green Killers sets although i noticed tiles from Hocus 2 that were not in this set.
D/L reccomendation: Yes, especialy if you like Hocus Pocus :)
We hold this truth to be self evident: that you can not go wrong to download Chandie’s stuffness.
Six winter levels. Understatement. The first two levels use the un-named HH94 tileset, and are fun.
The second two levels use Candion, and are also fun.
The third two levels use Bloxonius, and are not quiiiite so fun, but the end boss makes up for it.
Each level has one type of ammo, and other then gun crates, it sticks to it. The coin warp contains a powerup for it.
In order to get all the coins, you must enter a special warp leading to “Secret levels” of sorts. You turn into frogs, you jump from windy platform to windy platform, you fly around. You get coins as reward, but I quote Harry Potter: “Thief, you have been warned, beware, of finding more then treasure there.” They’re fun, except for the one in Bloxonius’s first level, which I don’t think much of.
However, all tradition breaks down in the last level, where you get powerups for most of the previous ammo types, and there is no secret level (or if there is, I didn’t see it). However, this too is all made up for at the end, with what has got to be the most original end boss in existance.
Chandie, along with his/her other skills, is an expert at tileset use. From the blocks in Bloxonius to the candy bars in Candion, you’ll find no real tile bugs (or if you did, you were looking carefully).
There are a few bad points, however. As I already said, I didn’t like the secret level in Bloxonius’ first level. The enemies are a little boring (Nothing but XMas enemies, with occasional dragons) and there’s a subplot about dragons which is left unconcluded. And it’s all a bit too easy at times.
Still, if you download one single player level pack with six levels this month, this is probably the best choice.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM][This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
This is tileset [TOP QUALITY] Download this everybody!!!
Easy to use: 85 % (very good, but trees are horrible)
Animations: 85 % (jaguar is nice)
Colors: 95 % (quality of Agama)
Size: 90 %
Mask: 90 %
Layers: 95 %
Bugs: 90 %
Work: 90 %
91 %
+ Version: 1.23 >>> + 0.5
+ This is my second favoritest tileset >>> + 0.2
+ Three tilsets >>> + 0.5
103 % >>> 10.3, Eh >>> 10.0
D/L recommended. |TOP 5|[This review has been edited by Danyjel][This review has been edited by Danyjel]
great set, it’s easier to work with it than with Agama’s others, imho. Fantastic, great, awesome remake, you’ll never get something as this again.
I love Hocus Pokus, but it is not completed tileset. Tileset needs tiles from more levels.
This tileset is pretty good. It has everytile from the game (Atleast I think it does).
And for those people (CraccoBoy, and piccolo). I suggest that if you’ve bever played Hocus Pocus before, to not rate this. Because this is a game tileset and it is meant to convert A GAME. And as far as I can see it’s done what it’s supposed to. So I suggest you either elaborate your review, or change it.
Very good conversion, but Onag could make a moving platform…
Awww man, this is ugly!
All ripped, but that is ok when you do a game->tileset conversion, but this is bad.
Man I hate those overratings, and I do want to spoil your avarage.
but I ain’t making my rating higher because of your avarage.
No d/l recommendation.
EvilMike: Do not rate things lower or higher so you can make your review have a greater effect on the average you think it deserves.[This review has been edited by EvilMike]
Is this some kind of joke again like with the Townsville tileset? Not even is it ripped, it’s extremely small, looks ugly and doesn’t have the ‘neccesary stuff’ like poles, blocks, arrows, hooks etc.
Below average, really overrated in my opinion. Though I don’t think it deserves as high as a 5, I won’t give it very low because I don’t want to spoil your average.
Sorry, no download recommedation.
The fourth in the Hocus-Pocus series of tilesets (not including a version Spotty (presumably) made for Foo Races which was incredibly dithered), this is a castle kind of tileset, with blocks, keys, gems, the evil wizard, Fooruman, and a pillar type BG. It’s nice looking, and is versatile for castles. I wish it had more though. BTW where can I D/L the DOS game Hocus-Pocus? Spoy, this is WAY better than the Blode one. =P D/L reccomendation.
I never liked crysilis that much. To brown and yellow, but I wont take any marks of for that. I do really think some of them tiles should of been masked properly, not that much of a minus. Otherwise its a good conversion. Download it if ya feel like it.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.