This level is crowded, but enjoyable. It is full of eyecandy, but that makes it even more crowded.
(Trafton AT: Bug fix rating improvement.)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
It really does not get any more simple than this. And that is a good thing. Respawn by Bobby aka Dizzy, or simply Respawn.exe, fixes the annoying non-respawning ammunition bug that can be caused many ways. The program is little more than an executable written in Visual Basic with one button that toggles the program on and off. If you are running a server, always enable Respawn. There really is no reason not to. Many players simply will not play duels when this program is not running. Just make sure that you disable Respawn before joining someone else’s server. If you do not, Respawn will continuously reset your weapon ammo amount to zero. This is not a huge bug, but it would have been nice if there was some sort of automatic disabling mechanism that disables the program when the person who is running it is not hosting. Even without this feature, Respawn.exe is an invaluable tool that no self-respecting server should be caught without.
+ PROS: Finally fixes that ever-annoying respawning bug.
- CONS: If you forget to disable it when you join someone else’s server, you will regret it.
VERDICT: Overall, I give this useful tool a rating of nine and a definite download recommendation. Simply a tool that everyone must have.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
-Very bad use of the tileset.
-It seems that that fantastic bunny copied the foreground and background of the castle levels, which is ok to do if you dont know exactly how to use the tilesets, but you should really make an effort to adjust them accourding to the level.
-Use of Hard\Easy. You dont see that much nowadays. =)
-It seems to be easier if you pick Spaz on the first level, since his Start point is ahead of Jazz.
-Nice use of ‘Level Builder Strategy’. The spring that needs to be activated by a trigger is a very nice touch, a bit hard to see though.
-Wrong use of springs.
-Nice addition with secret warp area.
-Original idea to blow up that crate with TNT. A bit buggy though.
-Another good idea to put the gem stomp on the on the spring area.
-Why are there text-strings in the level, but they are never used? They seem to be from another level…
-Levels are too short.
-No storyline.
-Strange level design.
-Levels themselves are very nice.
-‘Unusual’ (I wont say wrong) of tilesets.
There may be other things but i wont comment on those. (6.0 – ummm…. Ok, download recomendation just becuase im in a good mood)
Ya ya i know ( reupload soon )
( i will reupload many times because if the hof )
I (realy) dont care about the rating.[This review has been edited by BúññyÉlmérTšb]
The start is anoyying that you get warped to the rulez
btw you should include Morph by the testz
and when you join as spaz you cant even do the Copter Testz include morphs
this is kinda buggy
[This review has been edited by Stilettø][This review has been edited by Stilettø]
You can get the musics and tilesets here.
Although a lot of you may already have the tilesets, because I’m hosting these levels A LOT on JJ2 (and other levels which use those tilesets). I kindly ask you to download this pack anyway if you’re planning on ever visiting a LMS server, to reduce lag and loading times..[This review has been edited by CraccoBoy]
Sorry but i dont like these colours at all.
(Sorry but i dont like this rating at all. Removed. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
lvl 1: First, the two turtles at the start go out of the level. You should put a “stop ennemy” event. The level kinda sux. Apes don’t fit in a castle. Lvl is also a little too short.
lvl 2: A vertical lvl. Too much food. And the first bridges don’t fit in a castle. Also too short. It took me about 1min to finish.
lvl 3: Very small lvl. Only ennemy is the queen.
This is worth a 5.
No download recommandation.
Very Nice program, although it isnt such a big thing but it can help someone alot out of trouble.[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
Good story, hehe. :)
No enemies to shoot but that’s good. I like to test some different levels sometimes. Fun adventure. Not too long but not too short, thought. Ahh, of course the final level before credits is very fun, cause Everyting exploses. :^) Hehe, I like of chemistry chaoses.
Very nice it even works on my server
Dowload Recommedation
Does this work for XP?
Pretty good, ok use of the tileset, a bit bland, and that falling level didn’t look right, the part where you go through that tube and there is some text…
Hmm… a very good job, very interesting use of tiles in the mez levels.
Hmm… a small but pretty good tileset. It isn’t that much a sonic wave. It’s more electricey and energyey and even DNAey, but not very sonicey (err…).
Hmm… It is ok but needs a bit more detail and stuff for the background.
Hmm… a pretty bad level. It is hard to find the proper way out in such dark, and the rats are also hard to see.
Hmm.. a pretty good forest tileset.
This has no usage at all. sorry to be so gruff but There is no texture, or fell to this tileset. It probably took a maximum of 15 minutes to create this. I’m going to say that this is a drawing and not a tileset. Remindes me of pikachu’s favorite day. Altough the tiles fit together, it looks worse. Sorry for the attitude. The example will be the only level ever made with this.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.