Good conversion, but it still needs some stuff like the ice bullets.
Small, colorfull, and compact, just like this review ;).
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Thats a lot of the same thing. Erm, I see you ripped a warp anim, and some crates, but those are the only ripped things I noticed. You drew the ground fairly well, but the sign does not attace to the ground. Thats about the entire tileset execpt for a lot of background tiles wich you won’t use some of. Plus, the biggest thing is that 75% of the tileset is the same pattern over and over and over again.[This review has been edited by Inf. Spaz]
Hmm… better than the original, but as said before, pretty boring.
Just bad. See the other ratings.
Ok these are ok first tilesets. They dont look all to good, but they are pretty good. Here is a fat and juicy 6.
I like the conversion, it could be used for some wierd time freeze si fi situation.
Originalty:N/a Its a conversion
Uses: 5 lvls max
A seven is perfect.
Hmm… very good. It has a nice atmosphere and is well converted. IT reminds me of another conversion of diamondus called the blair witch tileset.
So, this is a chinese-based tileset. It has some chinese symbel things on signs and bad-looking pale peachish ground covered in what looks like snow. It also
has a ripped warp animation and some plant things. Some tips- spend more time on your tilesets, when you submit them, mark them as tilesets and not other, and try not to rip tiles.
BAD RATING ALERT!!! ADMINS, PLEASE DETAIN Br>spazy12!!!![This review has been edited by RSPSS FR]
Ok, these are tilesets of a place made of cheese. It is a new idea, but a horrible tileset. The tileset is made of only 2(!) colors and just looks plain bad. But, on the good side, it is shaped well enough.
Ok, three colors, not counting the transparent ones (happy?)
[This review has been edited by RSPSS FR]
I should go wash my mouth out with soap.
EvilMike: Review edit. Do not post reviews like this again. The score you gave me is acceptable, but the content of your review was not.[This review has been edited by EvilMike]
Make some levels for 1.23.;()
Hmm… it look good and is designed well, but, its hard and has bad sound
I’m lazy so ill just say very good.
good storyline, good eyecandy, ect…
Well it is a nice level with bunch of neat things in it, but its too crowded for a good ctf lvl. [This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
Hey, nice.
Good gameplay, cool lvl, good weapon placement, cool tileset…
This stuff is very good. I give an 8.5.
Download recommandation: yes[This review has been edited by Waz]
If the tilesets are TSF, please say so. And try to only upload non-tsf things to the rest of the community can enjoy them.
I think we need more tilesets like these(not the palette, just how incredibly easy to use it is)
Sadly, Disguise declared there won’t be a DM 3. He won’t even put in the big red self destruct button he forgot in this tileset. Ah well, just try to make future tilesets more like his in terms of usability.(make them the opposite of what metal mania was)
Hmm, all these tiles are ripped. I’m not a fan of ripped tilesets anymore. And besides, the original version was better. But like Trafton, I don’t want to harm your average rating, so I’ll keep it above a 5,5. Even though I think you should’ve drawn a tileset, and not ripped.
This is just not your work, and it’s overrated. You can’t get higher than a 6 for this if you ask me, since it’s just a big ripoff, and besides, the pallete itself isn’t very good either.. I like the ground tiles, but the grey background is ugly. Sorry, no download recommedation. Try again, with better colors :) [This review has been edited by CraccoBoy]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.