You mean that text string?
Okay,if you think so…
But I’d like you to rate the level,too!
007:The pack’s going to be large!
Really large!I’m even going to post it in various parts![This review has been edited by Piccolo]
Lemme give you a hint, “insane” or “mad” sounds much better than “nuts”.
Ok… a short review. Pretty good eyecandy and ok gameplay (I dont like that part that asks you which way to go thought). It’s too short, in my opinion, but it is okay otherwise.[This review has been edited by RSPSS FR]
Yesh, reupload the whole nutty thingies and we’ll rate it.
Awesome tileset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im not going to rate this, but i think it should be downloaded, so ill give it a 9. Cool idea though. Could you do it with the other epic tilesets?
(2)Level 1- Very nicely done. (+1) Suprisingly good storyline too! (+1)
(0)Level 2- Nice level, (+1) but maybe it could have been a bit longer. (-1)
(2.75)Level 3- My favorate. (+2) I love the part where all the helmuts fall from the ceiling. But it’s been done before. (+0.25) The timing laser parts are nice, as well as the falling bridges. (+0.25) No need to give that hint about the crate though. (-0.25) The timing spike balls is a very nice idea. (+0.5)
(0.75)Level 4- The ‘follow my neck’ is a great and original idea! (+0.25) And the crashing through the fire demeon is a really cool idea! (+0.25) The part where you need to figure out which block holds the crate is nice. (+0.25)
(1.5)Level 5- YAY! A moving level! (+1) lol, but the lizards can fall off the cars. Not a very good enemy choice. (-0.5) The zoo is a nice idea! (+0.25) The vines are nice too! (+0.25) The truck of lizards is very original. (+0.5).
(1.5)Level 6- Early Xmas. Aye, the clouds aren’t very well ummm… qauwrdinated. You should have worked on that. (-0.5) Nice level. (+2) Too short. (-1)
(1.25) Level 7 Industrial hell!! The lasers are way too fast. (-0.5) Use of sound effects. (+0.5) Blocks are nice touch. (+0.25) Yay! More falling helmuts! (Allready gave points for that in other level) Hmmm…. The blocks can be impossible to pass. This may have been on purpose, but it’s not a good idea. You should have made them regenerate. (-1) Boulder area isn’t fully functional. Again, this may have been on purpose, but its not very chalenging. You should have made it a slope, or at least make more boulders fall. (-0.5) Another gameplay bug; the triggers overs the spikes dont work. You should have fixed this. (-1) I dont really like the lizard ambush, since it’s not avoidable. (-0.5) Pinball bit is nice. (+0.25) Animation bug. Probably not your fault. Devan turns into Eva every once in while. Nice level in general. (+1) Pretty good boss scene. (+0.25)
-Overall: Very nice episode. Medioker tileset, yet aproriate for the episode. (Cartoon). I can see that lots of work went into this, and its also very original. The music was also very well choson. Maybe add in a few more items next time, like food and stuff.
In-Game Description Rating: 5.75
(Download recomendation-YES!!)
Thumbs up from me![This review has been edited by Gargoyle]
I like this, but don’t review an edited tileset.
The second Example level is EvilMike209, The Marshland Of Evil! No Diamondus, i think..[This review has been edited by Taz]
Spiffy, spiffy indeed. While another tileset (cough, cough) would have been better, this isn’t a bad mod for WinAmp. There’s not much to say about it. The drawing is O.K., but not excellent. It’s placed well. If you are a Jazz fan and use WinAmp, you should use this skin instead of the very plain-ish normal WinAmp skin. It’s not a must download, but it shows your commitment to being a Jazz 2 addict, anyway. I won’t rate this. If you’re a Jazz fan, download away. But this isn’t an Agama tileset, so don’t think it is. Because it isn’t. ;-P[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Haha. It appears that Electric ate a heck of a lot of sugar (or carrots, or both) and decided to paint himself dark green, eat a carrot, and videotape it. The end result is this video featuring a pretty good Jazz Jackrabbit imitation. He looped over the introduction screen sounds and Jazz’s voice perfectly, with a great lipsyncing job. Very nice, Electric. The craziness alone deserves a download recommendation. :P
(Disclaimer: I won’t rate this because of the type of download it is, but I must say that I wish I could. Electric must have worked pretty hard on this. ;P)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
I have been waiting an eternity for a program like this. Excellent job! However, I would like an alert when someone says something.
This is possibly the first level I have ever seen to include cabbages as a major part of gameplay, which at least deserves some notation. I suppose. Overall, this isn’t really a bad CTF level. Flow is OK, and navigation is pretty good. Eyecandy is also very nice. This level is generally good, but there are a few small problems, mostly tile glitches and a few annoying platforms that get in the way of gameplay, but these problems are typical of first CTF levels. For a first CTF level, this is very promising. Nice job. Worth a download recommendation.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
A 2.0 because this is really not very good at all. Try spending more time on making tilesets or you will get more of these sort of ratings.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Very nice, but I’m not sure this deserves a 9.7…
Very nice tileset. I like the very “unique” pallete and varied tileset. A recommended download.
This level is OK, but fell short of my expectations. Bees are easily my least favorite enemy. Also, I don’t like my Jazz 2 crashing whenever I finish a level. Inlcude a next level setting.
Nothing in this tileset is ripped. It’s a very nice level. I think that more levels should use this game mode.
An interesting idea, but various bugs make it annoying.
lol. “First level collection”…Interesting idea.
This level really needs to make use of the extra layers for eyecandy. It’s also quite small.
This level seems rushed. I’m sure you could make a great level if you worked on it for a longer period of time and didn’t hurry to finish it. Always test every aspect of your level before submitting it, too.
The tileset is not included, but being a collector, I had it anyway. :)
The level is passworded. While I do have it, I am not going to use Password-Killing JCS, because I am against doing it.
I am not going to rate it until you properly package it, anyway.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.