I like the idea of this, but it hasn’t been carried out in a very good fashion. There are no instructions, and the interface isn’t very easy to understand. The point of this program (I think) is to select specific levels to hide in ones home-cooked levels list.
Basically the user selects specific levels, one at a time, using a file open dialog, and then checks a box if they want to hide it in the home-cooked levels list. Then the user must click “Apply”, and then the user must click “OK” to a “Ready” message box. For people who have 1000+ levels in their JJ2 folder, this is way to bulky and annoying to use.
This program would be much better if you could view a list of your existing home-cooked level list, and then select levels to show in it, not select levels to hide. The common dialog shouldn’t be used, and instead there should be a listbox with checkmarks, or some other way of selecting more than one level at a time.
I don’t think that very much work was put into this program (relatively), and I think that TK, you could spend a bit more time on this to make it a wonderful program for everyone.
Hmmmm, you shouldn’t upload things like that on J20.
This is the most orginal level I’ve ever seen!
:D This is really a GOOD lvl pack!! Cool lvls and downloaded in no time!!
:( I found some mistakes!!
First of all, you forgot to provide correct next level settings. Try to think of that next time.
The levels themselves then: the Doom level was still acceptable. The eyecandy is ok there, except for a few minor flaws. You shouldn’t put in masses of enemies in small places though. It looks ugly, and there’s not much of a point to it. Also, there are too many carrots in the level. It’s too easy for the player.
The second level is worse. For a start, it is horribly small. The eyecandy there is not very good either, and there still are these masses of enemies. You should’ve put some more work in this one. Keep practising!![This review has been edited by Enigma]
I can’t get this to work, but anyway, I don’t see anything in the program, you can just press JJrush in single player, and sugar rush dosen’t really help much in co-op, sinice only the server can take damage from enemies.
At all, I don’t know about uploading cheat programs at jazz2online…
Why would anyone need this?
Newbie thinks level is great! But he rates it extra good anyway, because Newbie is feeling kind today!
(Trafton is removing the rating, as Trafton thinks that this rating is annoying. Trafton also dislikes it when people talk about themselves in third person. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Ooh! No layer three so it looks cool out the windows! 1.5 for that!
1st 0.5.
All of the stuff I kept that JJ Tublear said: 0.0
Overall: 2.5
Newbie thinks tileset sucks! But he rates it good anyway, because Newbie is feeling kind today!
When a tileset has the right things added on, it’s good.
When it doesn’t have some, but has some too, it’s not that bad.
When it doesn’t have ANY, it’s bad.
When it has the right things (and other good things) it’s worth a 9.0 at least!
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
If you’re going to make a hotel, work on it, like any other level.
Anyway, you start off coming out of a locked door, which I guess you close behind you. In front of you is a generating coin, then a bit later three doors.
The first, which takes one coin, leads you to a small imitation of a hotel room, with some food.
The second takes five coins, and is about the same, only with another fixture.
The third is “Hamtaro Only” and it takes fifteen coins or something like that. It’s like the second, only it has all the powerups.
That’s it.
By the way, you use layer 3 badly.
I can’t rate this, as I helped a good deal, but I’d like to say that I did the masking, not Disguise. Disguise just told us how to get the textured background to work.
(Check some of my tilesets on J2O. I use mask messages too)
good but only needs more boxes :p
good level, it keeps people at your idle server, anyone can play it, nice and big, good eyecandy…only -.5 is because i didnt think it was perfect :p good job on this level jazz.
Nat, why a 4? Don’t just give a rating, review it! Maybe I’ll get an admin to delete it…
Anyway, to my review now
Basicly this set doesn’t look that bad. Not much variety in the tiles, they have good textures however. (I even saw a happy face :-)) Nice sucker tubes, hooks in the shape of candy canes, balloons and even sprites from the game (Jazz, spaz and Bubba) make the rest of the set. O yeah, giant signs? That’s…original? And I assume Disguise did the masking, I can tell by the messages in the masking ;)
Conclusion: not that bad, it could use some more background tiles. All in all it’s worth a 6.5
- JelZe GoldRabbit
I didnt rate my own stuff! Do you think i am newbie? LOL.
thank all, i luv you 3, everybody, thnx for giving my lvl so HIGH rate…
guesss, i’m lucky all the time… i even got a 2.0!!!nice, thnx a lot :D
hmmm bad. ITs so dark. Only black.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.