Very simple small CTF level with standard eye candy. The size really takes the rating down. And I wonder, why did you name this Snowy CTF? It isn’t all that snowy….[This review has been edited by Newspaz]
Nice race pack, the eye cany is resonably good. However some of the levels show more of a puzzle/test gameplay than racing which doesn’t make it more fun. If you like racing and tests download this.
I’m sorry, but for one, I can not understand how anyone could honestly rate this a 8.5.
It has a bad layout, bad weapon placement, bad goodie placement, the bad layout causes a bad gameplay. Need I say more? No recommendation. Also, this level is NOT 1.23 it’s a TSF level.[This review has been edited by Newspaz]
well you first CTF lvl is not bad its verry good !! first nice tileset good music good rain good backround all is good a 8.5 i have see this lvl on jazz
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
I think thizz a GOOOOD Hotel. Havent listened to any music lately, having probs with the sound.
I just dont like having to pay for getting into stuff…
>[This review has been edited by DaThunderPX][This review has been edited by DaThunderPX][This review has been edited by DaThunderPX]<br[This review has been edited by DaThunderPX]
This level isn’t good. Please, don’t make bad battle, but goos tilesets for us! We Want More Tilesets!
For some reason I believe some reviewers are biased but I don’t know why. Weird.
Okay, here goes my review on it. I made only the first (and very small :) part so I won’t rate but review.
The level has some enw ideas with the tiles from the jungle set. Altough it’s sometimes very confusing and irritating (Ahem) it’s easy to play this level. I don’t like the very left side of the level. Just black and empty, that’s so bad! Ahem. I don’t know what to write more… inspirationless today. I would give this 7,5.
Nice! Those fishies really look realistic :)
This pack consists of three battle levels, all using the same tileset. Tip: Instead of three not too good battle levels, make one good one. Or two good ones. Or more.
The first is the best. The layout is like a battle level, if not quite, and some things are placed well.
The second isn’t built like a battle level. It’s a straight line, with small caches of ammo here and there.
The third is probably the worst. It’s mainly a huge open space (you get an airboard) with a few rooms of ammo here and there.
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
This level isn’t very good. It starts you out in some weird place, that uses sucker tubes as the layer 4 background.
Here you get to warp back and forth, with not so good eyecandy or weapon placement.
If you explore, you find a passage into a large open space, which you fly around in using fly carrots.. which don’t work in multiplayer.
In this open space, there are three spaceships, two of which you can’t get into. The third is just a small place.
Fool, you must succumb to the greatness that is XP! ;P
this is funny but bad
1 the backround : bckround is bad
than the stars funny bud bad
layer 4 is good/bad space ships is good but some tiles bad all rhe light events
you cant see it by layer 3 :P
and i have a tip make a space lvl with a space tileset thst is better
and why have you use this tileset ??
the lvl again you forget wapons in a battle game and bad eyecandy
!!!!!!!!! TIP MAKE better lvls than this i have seen better lvls by you and tilesets
i give a 5.5
Make this XP compatible or I’ll bite you
I’m still working on it. One level is in day, one in night. First is completed, but I must finish the second.
EDIT: Ya know what this tileset was supposed to look like? Think about it: Superfrog. But I think there are some tiles to make… I think I make totally new version of this.[This review has been edited by JSZ Jazz]
Orignal, Well tought out and top quality tilesets! Then again, isn’t that what we have come to expect from Dis?
(We expected a more detailed review. Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
I suppose I should review this, I mean you reviewed mine, so I’ll pass on the favour ;)
Heh, anyways, the quality of the drawn tiles are amazing, the textures used are top notch and the animations are seamless. It contains loads of extra eye candy tiles for layer 4 and extra layers, along with poles and vines that can be used.
Apart from that, the masking is perfect, I can’t see any jaggies to get stuck in, everything is smoothed out (including on that animation, I was impressed with that). Okay, that’s the good points, but there are some flaws I noticed.
Firstly, there are no diagonal tiles, a huge flaw in my opinion, diagonals are just as important as the flat tiles themselves, it does a lot to make a level cooler ;)
Apart from that, the textured background (made in teralogic texture maker, same thing I use, nice) doesn’t work in 8-bit mode. If you had those fixed this would’ve been an extremely high quality tileset, along with the best of the best, good job and carry on with sets! ;)
Okay Wisety, thanks for sending me the preview picture, it had me scrambling. Oh, and remind me to kill you for that trick with the 2 minute rush-job ‘Fastacious’ set. Really, I mean it. ;)
Tarzans Treetops:
Okay, this set is really cool and jungly (is that a word?), and it is distinclty different from Agama’s Swamps set, with the trademark 3d-ish look. Plenty of eyecandy, nice custom trigger blocks, the leaves are a bit reminicent of Jungle and Swamps, but they’re of the same thing so that’s to be expected. All in all, a very nice set. And I LOVE the textured background.
Score: 8.5
Unreal Imagination:
A bit dark, and sorta plain at first glance. Although I do like the grainy blue-red tiles, nice look to them. Some nice animated tiles and some eyecandy, quite spiffy, and a coolish textured background.
Score: 8
Space Warbase:
I really like the look to this one, with the cool yellow-black hazardy strips, the rough-looking asteroids and whatnot. And the small asteroids are very cool. To top it off, the textured background is super l33t. Nice set, this one. :)
Score: 8.7
Raging Inferno:
Gawd I love this set. This is one HUGE set, and the detail put in is awesome. Really looks fire-and-brimstoney (is that a word as well?), and is one of the best sets of the pack. Of course they are all good. ;)
The rocks give it a sort of subterranian feel (which I assume they are meant to ;p) and have nice textures on them. Oh, did I mention cool background? ;)
Score: 9
Winter Wonderland:
From the preview pic Wisety showed me, this set grabbed my interest the most. Gawsh, this has to be oe of the coolest sets I’ve seen, ever. The amount of detail; snow (obviously)00tness!), snowmen (ish cuuuuute!), some coolish trees and some wicked looking mountains. Plus, the textured background ruxors, how do you do these things? ;)
Score: 9.2
Finally, Townsville ][:
Oh…my….this set…..gaaaaaaaaa this set is so cool. I love it. it is awesome. Feed me!!!
The ground tiles…..darn they look cool, little pebbles and grass :)
Some nice mountains (gotta figure out how he does that too), some cute cartoony trees….it is cool, and has my vote for the best set in the pack (a close tie between it and Winter Wonderland, but this one won ;p). I do like the house tiles, obviously the town part of Townsville. Just awesome. And is it just me Wisety, or do those bricks look awfully familliar? ;D
Score: 9.2
So that gives an average score of…87 approximately, but overall, I’m giving this set a 9. YOu deserve it. =)
Yes, I am biased. ;)
Nice sets, but something interesting – there’s a “hidden” message in the raging inferno tileset – if you put the background and the surrounding tiles anywhere on the level, and then switch the level view to masks (the button in the top-right hand corner) the message is in the masking. Weird.
i guess its kinda ok level. i haven’t played it that much, but the tileset is hard to use. good job.
This is TSF. My TSF JCS does not work. There is no example level. I can not see the tileset at all. Make an example level. Now.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.