Sorry, but I can’t give a higher rateing.
Your level is empty…No textured background, as Waz said…
No ammo…every level, CTF, battle or treasure, HAS TO HAVE SOME AMMO. It improves playing pleasure.
And something else : the animating tile you used with the different colored blocks for your level…It’s just(no offence)…Rookielike…Horrible.
Next time, spend more time on your levels.
More “ground” at different hights, ammo, irregular floor, etc. And ONE flag base per team.
Best of luck with your next level.
What’s this? A level? Sure it is, but not a good one… it’s even a BAD one.
Sorry, but I really don’t like this.
Two bases for each team. Very “empty” level and not even a textured background.
A 2.5 is REALLY the highest I can give this…
No download recomandation.
Nope, I don’t play it either, but dunno, I always make this patch for every Jazz game, I hate waiting around 8-9 seconds to retrieve the list.
Its a nice set but is is kinda small…
Though I like the blood and all Has no feeling AT ALL with this set:)[This review has been edited by BurningBulL]
THe wrongness of giving 10s is that it’s hardly every fair. If 10 people give a 4 (or one, whatever) and you give a 10 something’s wrong IMO. Ofcourse it could be that you like the level more but the difference between 4 and 10 is too big to let the rating be fair. And don’t include messages to FQuist in your reviews. PM him.
Okay, now my review. I can be short: It’s bad. I won’t duel about the concept being great or not (I don’t like it anyway) but the level really is sucky. The background tiles aren’t placed in a textured way so they doesn’t fit together and the other layers (except layer 4 ofcourse) aren’t used so there’s no good eyecandy. The level is WAY too empty. Very much empty space and no platforms, just a sucker tube that leads you to the bases and only two crates of ammo.
The tileset (Mez01)isn’t even used good, only some types of blocks are used and for some odd reason the tileset file in the zip was called Dang.j2t so it replaced my original Dan.j2t and I CANT PLAY ONE OF THE DANG LEVELS BECAUSE THEY ARE AWFULLY MESSED UP NOW! Everyone has Mez01 already so WHY THE HECK call it Dang.j2t and put it in the zip? grr.
2.0 is much enough for this.
(Yeah baby, my level is in ;))
Good selection of levels, and more varied than the CTF pack (more different creators), all I can say is, if you havent downloaded it yet, download it now.
Not many people play or have CC.
I dont have CC.
Do YOU play CC? You are the only ;)
I prefer One base ;) The lvl is higly a 4. I think this gametype wont work in this lvl. Because Red players can end their other red base and can score/lose points. So It it will be a bit messy, if you know what I mean.
My LVL is cool Try it out!
Oh well, I won’t review every level…too lazy to do it..
all I want to say is:
THE NEW BASH 4 RULES, SO GO AND PLAY IT ON THE NET!!!![This review has been edited by JoJo a.k.a. IP-Dope]
Hmm, Levels are nice! Im sure I gonna play them online at the bash.
Well, well, what have we here….
Yeah, it’s not bad. The tileset is good, especially the background.
The level, sorry, but I don’t like it. To many enemies placed in a bad way. It’s all to “regular”.
This is worth a 6.7
Download recomandation: No
Ohh well, I do have CC. But Noone plays it :P
Very nice level we’ve got here.
Cell has done a good job…
Nice eyecandy(as Elrick said : a few bugs)
The level could be a bit bigger though, but it’s not to small.
The level is suitable for up to 6 players I would say, but above that, things should get a bit messy.
I’ll rate this 8.5, but if the level was a bit bigger, I’d have given you a 9.
But still, very nice work. Good job!
Ha! You’ve got a great sense of humor!
Cool Level! HaHaHa! Nice joke!
can hardly stand
calms down
At least, I hope this is a joke…
aww… ok, but CraccoBoy made most of the tileset
and dont just say the level sux, also tell me why it does, so i can see what I did wrong[This review has been edited by COOLM@N CC]
Not bad, not bad…
I’m talking about the tileset…
So, the tileset is not bad, but it could still use some work. I saw some very good things but also weird tiles. I don’t know the use of those…
But it’s a tileset, which I think, is a little above average.
The level sux.
I give this a 6.7.
Now let’s see…
Well, it’s a good tileset. I don’t really like it, but it’s good anyway…
Nice backgrounds. I don’t like the fishes, but they’re nicely drawn. Also good drawing On those destrukt blocks.
It has most of the things a good tileset needs, like destrukt sceneries, text and that kind of stuff.
Woo! Tha battle pack! Ahm honoured! ;)
I’m glad you included Carrotus Squash and Hells Angels, guess I nagged enough after all. ;)
Should’ve had Shivering SHowdown, but oh well. :P
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.