Review by Spotty

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Anniversary Bash 4 level pack
Level rating: N/A

Ok I’ll rate all the levs unlike somepeople (points to violet)

Lev 0 ? ;P) this is a weird level, very small , stupid , and made poorly

Lev 1: A good level in the heart of carrotus ;P. Plenty of ammo, powerups and stuff to do

Lev 2: A cool level seeing what was done with the tileset, good weapons placement and fun as well

Lev 3: not a bad lev , weird background but its ok

Lev 4: interesting arrangement of weapons like the seeekrs
and the burnies ;P but otherwise a bit weird.

Lev 5: a good lev with a discret destruct scenery for entrance to temple , but otherwise
very cool.

Lev 6:kind of hard to get around, and not one of my favorites

Lev 7:a fun reinactment of jj1’s diamondus, definetly a good and fun lev ;P

Lev 8: Horrible lev, u cant see where ur going half the time with the lousy background and the tons of springs, but for the tileset u cant do much with it anyhow

Lev 9: horrible background here, u have to have the textured background off if u want to survive playing it, its a
fun lev though with good gameplay

Lev 10:interesting with the see through tubes, but not much cool with the lev, pretty average

Lev 11: a fun lev with a cool tileset, and , plenty of ammo , and good gameplay and stuff ;P

Lev 12: a great lev thats really fun and easy to get the hang of, cool secrets and a definte good lev

Lev 13: If i’ve ever seen a bad lev posted this would be it, sloppy all weapons together , and stupid. The lev doesn’t look like the person took more then 5 minutes to make and shouldn’t be in teh pack

Lev 14:gemstone warfare, a fun lev with good weapons but it can be confusing with the way the layers are arranged.

Lev 15: great level , it looks spectacular with the eyecandy and such, and a fun one to play (a good break from all the sucky ones)

Lev 16:….couldn’t find this one i guess it must be lev 0 or not exist :P

Overall opinion:

Anyhow ive took the time to do a quick review on the levels and overall. The ctf pack is better, this one has to many levs that are n00bish , there are many good levs though, just not enough.

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Ocean of Acid
Level rating: 8.4

There is nothing about not rating it. The secret level is not suppossed to be rated, but the level itself should be. And, Violet, I’m sorry you feel that way. I guess some people have different tastes than others.

Review by Hawkin 87

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blood Lost
Level rating: 7.7

Thinks of J2C

Well, it’s a snif good set snif, snurrrrfffff, but I agree, it could use a better bakgrou…SNUURRRCK.. ugh.. background… Sniff… SNURRRCKKKKSNWOOOOOOOOOONKKKKKWAHHHHH!!!!!! Why did J2C have to go…. ????? sniffle

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Anniversary Bash 4 level pack
Level rating: N/A

I don’t feel like reviewing all the levels this time – suffice to say that the levels in this pack are a far better assortment then that of the CTF pack. Except for two Horrible levels called “Cold Day Battle” and “Bobo meets Royalty” that got in there somehow. And there are a few not all that good levels. But mainly, this is a far better pack.

Review by ShadowGPW

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Anniversary Bash 4 level pack
Level rating: N/A

Originally posted by Spaz Boy:
Music is corrupt.

Uploading to J2O :P

Review by Spaz Boy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Anniversary Bash 4 level pack
Level rating: N/A

Music is corrupt.

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Anniversary Bash 4 level pack
Level rating: N/A
N/A <- Update

^ Music[This review has been edited by ShadowGpW]

Review by MR MAGOO

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Deserted Debris
Level rating: 8

Deserted Debris, the level that I got a chance to play in Fire’s server. Let’s get started from another lengthy post from Magoo.

Eyecandy: The tileset has fairly detailed yet simple eyecandy. It’s not that hard to go wrong. This level has interesting designs placed in spots. It has a good use of vines ane One-Way events. Although there are a few spots in the level where you can easily get stuck. For example the one way near the carrot. You can get stuck, because there is no event above the silver blocks. Same goes with some of the designs. Corners lead to getting stuck. The eyecandy isn’t too complicated. Nice and simple, and not too confusing.

Gameplay: I was a little disappointed in the gameplay of this level. Some places aren’t very Jazz friendly. Also, there are plenty of spots that suddenly stop you in your tracks, and then you have to go around that object. You should always try to keep everything smoothed out, or at least have a spring so you don’t have to waste any time. The positions of the CTF bases were good, although it’s a bit hard to get in and out due to the space you have. That’s a bit bad for gameplay.

Weapons/Placement: Alright, I must say the number of weapons was pretty good. Plentiful, yet not overcoming. There was a good amount of different kinds of weapons in this level. One problem I had, was the bouncy powerup room. The event to prevent guns from going through the walls was around the powerup. Which prevents you from shooting people inside the room. Try to make the event inside the walls. Other than that, the weapon placement was pretty good also. No problems there.

Overall, Deserted Debris is a good open type CTF level. It’s also good if you like playing with Spaz. :P Overall I give it a 7.2

Review by Skulg

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blood Lost
Level rating: 7.7

Oh yeah! I also downloaded this at Jazz 2 City… remembers the good old times
It’s a blood tileset, ET, so I think the red background fits good. ;P
It gives a nice atmosphere.
I like the eye and the blood running down the stones… yummy! }:D

Review by et

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blood Lost
Level rating: 7.7

This is a very very very old set, I think I got it from j2c, around my first year of Jazzing. Man, that brings back memories. the set could have done with a blue tile for a background colour though :P

Review by Super Saiyan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tilesets and Levels
Level rating: 7.5

Nice levels, only a question: Did you made the Tilesets in MSPAINT? They look very nice.

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Ocean of Acid
Level rating: 8.4

I only saw the level itself, so I’ll only rate it.

I didn’t like this level much at all. Rather little work is put into design and gameplay, the whole thing is just following a long path and fighting the various enemies. On occasion, you can’t tell what’s solid and what’s not, which causes you to fall into the slime, which you can not get out of. You die.
Eyecandy is ok, but I seem to remember better can be made with this tileset. The level just didn’t look all that good, although I saw no tile bugs. Maybe it’s just the awful palette, turning everything black blue.
Enemy and Weapon placement didn’t stick in my head, but although it wasn’t terrible, it wasn’t exactly the best either.

Overall, while this is an above average level.. considering that you said it was the best level so far, I shudder to think of the rest. And as there seems to be something about not rating it that I missed, I shall refrain.

Review by 007

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Ocean of Acid
Level rating: 8.4

hi jazz fan
nice lvl
good enemies
all is good
i give a 8.7

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Deserted Debris
Level rating: 8

Overall a nice CTF level. The level uses the background version in a special way, what makes the level look different from the other lvls. The level has nice music and fits finely in the level. Placements are in good condition.
[This review has been edited by Blade]

Review by F!re

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Space
Level rating: 8.9

Wow this tileset looks really cool
another job well done by blade
It looks hard to use though but that should be no problem for the good levelcreators
keep up the good work blade!

Review by Bjarni Cool

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Ocean of Acid
Level rating: 8.4

I won´t rate levels so I can´t do as rules say!

Review by ShadowXZ

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Ocean of Acid
Level rating: 8.4

Pretty good levels. Very good eye candy. And weapon placement and enemy placement as well… Just fill up all the empty space in these levels with puzzles or gems or something… The level has kind of an empty feeling to them in some parts…

Review by Super Saiyan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Ocean of Acid
Level rating: 8.4

The levels are very great. High quality, eyecandy is just awesome. Ammo placement is well placed. Only It gets a bit boring after playing a few minutes because the levels are so big (one of them levels is 700 width!!) You may put some puzzels in it ore efects…whatever. Im waiting for the pack. Good Job.

Edit: A rate! I’ll give it a 8. Im not so sure about that, but listen to me and make that coming pack ‘good’ ( No boring places, put puzzels in it, etc. ) and Im sure you will get a better rating then a 8.[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]

Review by Spotty

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Anniversary Bash 4 level pack
Level rating: N/A

Looks pretty cool mike ;P Ill do my “opinions by lev”

LEV 1 : This is a fun lev, and good for ctf play. I like the power up setups and the
difficulty of finding some of them (bouncey). Defitnely fun in gameplay and well balanced.

Lev 2: I’ve played this one quite a bit over, …..(a while) ;P.
The powerup setup is good. Since it’s a small(sort of :P) lev it’s good that the seekers arn’t to hard to get.
Good level and well built

Lev 3: “Wheefun!” defitnely a fun lev with tons of secrets and cool trigs doing ….interesting stuff ;P.(just figured out I have to do 19 levs ;P *aka shortens review)

Lev 4: Small and ..interesting. I dont like how the bases are so close together , still an interesting lev.

Lev 5: I love this lev ;P. Tons of stuff to figure out, and a lev that takes
time to master.

Lev 6: Cool lev by mike himself. It’s big so in team play it would be cool and there are plenty of weapons and stuff.

Lev 7: Good lev with tons of stuff and , things.

Lev 8: This levs a bit… ;P

Lev 9: It’s a pretty cool lev , but I think it could have , something more

Lev 10: Nothing much different with lev 10, intersting lev thats open for movement.

Lev 11: It’s a cool lev that I’ve played a bit in jj2.

Lev 12: Weird lev , not my favorite

Lev 13: The bases are quite easy to defend with the bounceys and the long paths, but they are open so theres something

lev 14: State of the art in design, this truly
does have an amazing amount of detail in it.

Lev 15: Sort of hard paths with the stuff sticking out everywhere, and another shadow lev ;P. Its ok not me favorite though.

Lev 16: Fun lev I like it , and it works quite well in Ctf.

Lev 17: Confusing lev , ya…..definetly, very big and , somewhat interesting

Lev 18: Pretty cool level that has lots of cool things like the secret to the Rf and stuff.

Lev 19: *gasp mike put it in ;P. I never saw that coming , but I can’t say much more then “fun fun” about this lev.

Thanx for skipping this, cuz u probably didn’t read it :P.

Review by SteelTalon

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 7th Lava Fall
Level rating: 9

Installation went smoothly, with a great readme!


This is a very well done urban tileset mixed in with a sort of apocolyptic lava mixed in. The mapping takes full use of the tileset – top notch.


Weapon and carrot balance are decent. The navigation is good too, but nothing extroardinary.

WEAPONS: 1.5/2

A true classic – it showcases the effort that should be put into all levels.


This level easily gets a download reccomendation, if not just for the tileset.

ROUNDED SCORE: 8.2/10[This review has been edited by SteelTalon]

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