Folks I really dont agree with your ratings, Its definately more then a 9 worth. Two Excelent Tilesets are really a 9.2 Most of you guys here rate also the example lvl, you shouldnt do that. Example levels are never ‘real’ levels. Theyre just a map with al the tiles used in the Tileset. Just ‘how to make’
But anyway about the Tilesets…they just rule! They have both high-quality.
A big DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATION!!!!!!!! Catch the 9.2!
By the way, really too bad for the Commun. in JJ2 around, jj2 will be down without Disguise Tilesets…
Anyway 3 ‘Hoerays’ for Disguise! YAY YAY YAY
Nice easter levels, but way too simple.
What shall I say…Beatifull tileset you made there. Nice eyecandy…
I’ll stop here…I think everything has been said…Good work!
(This review saddens me for some reason. Rating removal. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Error. I think it’s the tileset. With Blade’s Battlepack (SE or the other) you recieve this too.
It’s Desert? Include the tileset too (i have it but for people that haven’t Desert).
Cool music.[This review has been edited by Taz]
WOW! Its just like yer really in Egypt :-)… And the animations are also VERY good!!
Well done AGAMA….! [This review has been edited by BurningBULL]
it’s a pretty level
(And this is a pretty rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Ok, a big review this time.
Corrupted Sanctuary
This tileset is based on an old broken down Castle.
Background – The background would look nice if it had some other castles in the background, and maybe some mountains, but rain + fog + textured background is good enough.
Decoration – For decoration, there is some shields up on the brick walls, some dark shaded bricks to use for inside the castle, some nice animating chains, and some swords and stuff. There is also a torch that can be used to lighten up dark places. I think the set could have done with some more decorations, like a skeleton attached to a wall ( like where an old rabbit prisoner use to be ) and spider webs ( thats right Disguise, I haven’t backed down on wanting spider webs :P ). Oh, and how could I forget, 4 nice flags that can be used in CTF levels to identify which castle belongs to which team. Oh, how could I forget, 2 cute fat knights :P
Accessories – The set contains some wicked flames, and somespikes to use to tourchure Jazz and Spaz ( I think the spikes should be larger, and have blood on them ). The set also has hooks, vines, V & H poles, text sign everything you need for a good level…. exept an exit sign ( so much for his respect towards single player levels )
Basic tiles – There are some nice bricks, a range of fantastic slopes ( I beleave that every set should have more then one slop ) and it also has some nice Wood tiles to add a bit more colour to this tileset.
Animation – Ok, lets see, the set has animating flames, animating Flags, animating chains, and even animating bricks. These animating bricks can be used for all sorts of things, I already have some ideas on using them to make traps in single player levels :D.
Overall- A good tileset, especially for CTF levels, but not so much for Single player levels ( no exit sign )
Alien Lab
A sort of green tileset, naturally, I like the idea of the set ( its not to do with my name or nothing ;) )
Background – A stary background, that looks like there has some colour for some reason ( reminds me of gif images :P, or when you do the effect called Noise ). A fantastic Planet, that I haven’t conquered yet!!!!!!!!! *ET starts making up a space ship *
Decoration – Lots and lots and lots of text EVERYWHERE, some normal ground tiles that looks like they have been dented or something, lots of gagets and stuff, some nuclear signs, etc. There is also some nice grey tiles to use for semi background.
Accessories – Lets see, there are destruction blocks, there are some signs for arrows, some V and H poles,suckertubes ( ah, thats something that Disguises set didn’t have ), a hook…..oh, no hook, darn. Well, it has almost everything, and once again, NO EXIT SIGN !!!! Don’t people care about single player levels :’(
Animations – Plenty of little animations, like lights flashing, pointing arrow animation,teleporter lights, other things using katherrays, etc.
Basic Tiles – well, there are about 3 different types of group tiles, they are all green, but different texture. My only objection is that the shading on the slope tiles don’t match up on the normal tiles ( as mentioned by New Spaz as well ). I am happy that you have used 2 types of slopes :)
Overall – Ok, a great set, but its those slopes that really bug me, the shading just makes me angry ( I’m strange, thats why I am an alien :P )
Ok, thats it from me :P
Excellent tilesetpack! I like Corrupted Sanctuary the most but Alien Spacelab is also very good (it doesn’t look like a lab though).
Both tilesets have lots of eyecandy and look very 3D-ish as Piccolo said. The textures are well-drawn, there are lots of great animations and you can use the tileset’s for all kind of lvls.
I don’t think I’ll need to write anymore. Download NOW.
So, let’s see what we have here…
There are good things and bad things.
I’ll start with the bad ones:
-No destruct scenery blocks.(I saw something that looked like a speedblock, but I’m not sure)
-No example level.
-The tileset is tricky to use.
-I don’t really like it, but that’s a little less important…
And now the good ones:
-The tileset is big.
-WOW! Do I like those backgrounds!!
-Tileset is interesting(even if I don’t like it)
I give this all a 7.5.
If it wasn’t for those backgrounds, I’d give it a 6.7.
By the way, I saw all your downloads. You should put it all together in one file next time.
Very challenging and difficult EXTREAMLY difficuly almost everything is perfect! could have added more different weapons in beggining though
Great Job Kejero![This review has been edited by Atlas]
Just: no download recomendation, sowwy..
That should not be a reason to not to add a review :)
Well, youve made it.. this one is going to be at my collection for Future Evolution 2 the SP episode! The Tilesets are really some nice improvements and additions of the originals. Well, perhaps a bit to much of them now but i wanna see more improvements of tilesets in the future.. keep up the good work
While I agree with Cracco, in that they aren’t related, posting lots of levels in a row makes them get a very small number of ratings. I should know.
I’m feeling blown away by Corrupted Sanctuary.. which, I’d say, is one of the best tilesets in existance. So I’m not exactly up to writing a real review. But both tilesets are good, Sanctuary is great.
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
This is very bad, I do not want to rate it for that because I fear I will be mean..
Just: no download recomendation, sowwy..
No, I am afraid I will be mean and then Derby will eat me :([This review has been edited by Nitro]
First the Corrupted Sanctuary tileset is a great castle tileset, sometimes you get a deja vu from epics castle tileset, but this one is so cool! It has a 3d-ish look and.. ehm.. well, just read defalcons review.
The Alien Space Lab by FQuist is also cool, but not as cool as Corrupted Sanctuary. Its a spacey green tileset, but a bit simple I guess if you know the right effects on your drawing prog. It has all kinds of messages in it like: “You will be assimilated!” and “We are the Borg!” etcetera.
A big 9.2 from me!
I won’t rate this.
I must say I didn’t like the Alienator tileset levels that much. They were.. small and the gameplay wasn’t superb.
The Nuclear CTF level with the tileset by Dethman was very good. The eyecandy rocked. The only things were the obstacles(the cans) standing next to the bases. This decreased the gameplay’s fluency. Also, the green spring before blue base makes it hard to reach the blue base because you get on another platform. Making it a red spring would have improved the gameplay.
Had you removed all the obstacles and weird passages the level would have been easier to navigate, which would have improved the CTF gameplay a lot.
Hey, the least thing you can do is review it! As long as you don’t rate it.
Huge? this is only 2 levels & tilesets..
The tilesets are good no doubt but not so good I think.
The connections between the ramps and corners in the alien tilset aren’t good.
I love the Corrupted one though, good level (6.7 or so) and the animations and looks of that set are exilent.
Alien: 7.5
Sancutary: 8.7
You supposed to get an avarige of 8.1 but it’s lowered to 8 because of the ‘huge’ meaning only 2 lvls+tilesets.
I am going to get on to a level with Corrupted Sanctuary now though! great work.
And Wisey, pelase stay and make some more tilesets… :(
Finally he gets around to uploading it! I’ve had it sitting in my JJ2 folder for a while. Onto tha review:
Eyecandy: Okay, not the eyecandy here is darn awesome! Go ahead, you’re allowed to drool. There are some lovely stone-grain textures on the bricks, with little shadows in the corners and all. There are knights similar to the ones from Epic’s castle sets, but there’s also a mini-armoury type that looks cool, fires, arrows, extra chains – it’s all there. Red and blue-base markers such as the shields, the flags, and the big GpW flags, add an extra, polished finish to it. He’s got a tile for rain, a textured background (which I LOVE!) and (I think), clouds. There are chains for vines, and sharp hooks for…well, hooks, all of which fit the theme of the set. Darn, he’s even added in crushing blocks since I last saw the set! So much eyecandy!!! dies
Disguise has added all the required blocks – destructible blocks (custom made – looks nice ;D), poles that look like rusted nails, crushing blocks and spikes for hurt tiles, all of which look censored good! So much eyecandy! dies
He’s also added in a nice, bumpy-3d ‘Disguise’ logo, as customary, along with a J2LC logo (Quisty’s domain!!!) SSF (dunno what that is, but GUMMI!!!) and so on. He also added a tonne of hilarious mask messages. I must remember to do that if I ever make any sets…so much eyecandy!!!
Question for you Disguise, I’m still alive, why do I need a gamevoice? ;)
But I already live under a mushroom and roll around the floor while barking and flapping my arms. Now how am I supposed to be original? ;)
Those who are confused, read all the hidden messages.
NOTE: Further review after, rating may change. Still looking at all these goodies. :)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.