RecommendedQuick Review by >CelL<

10 Dec 2011, 16:34
For: Wilderness
Level rating: 8.8

A 9.4 and a 9.5? Sorry, but while this level is solid that is grossly overrating it. It’s a 7.5 for me. Perfectly adequate, nothing major to complain about, but that’s what we’ve come to expect from cooba by now. Don’t think I’m putting level down though, I’m not. It’s a quality piece of work and well worth your time. Download recommended.

RecommendedQuick Review by MilloCz

10 Dec 2011, 15:52
For: Hillside v1.1 (gtblvl_1)
Level rating: 7.1

Funny level!

RecommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

4 Dec 2011, 19:26
For: Err.. CTF Levels?
Level rating: 8.8

VSFC is by far the superior level here, and is the main selling point of the pack in my opinion, despite what the other reviewers have stated. Great event level. TCS has cool aspects to it such as the the freezable celing springs, although suffers from severe Red bias, due to having faster attacking routes than Blue and a more defendable base.

RecommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

4 Dec 2011, 16:56 (edited 4 Dec 11, 16:57)
For: Endless Motion
Level rating: 8.5

Despite drawing quality that’s average at best, this tileset is surprisingly versatile and unique. I recommend giving it a try.

RecommendedQuick Review by GpW XanDeR

3 Dec 2011, 10:41 (edited 14 Dec 11, 15:45)
For: WebJCS 1.3.3
Level rating: 10

Nice program .. Anyway maybe we’ll made a level together ..

RecommendedQuick Review by >CelL<

3 Dec 2011, 02:12 (edited 10 Dec 11, 16:35)
For: Dusk of Serenity
Level rating: 8.6

thios are a level very hgood

Review by wKtK

2 Dec 2011, 10:20
For: SCTF - CTF in Space!
Level rating: N/A

My first lvl’s from years ago :) Didn’t know a thing about lvl-design then XD. Nostalgic :P

I might redo them and host them on my upcoming server XD

Review by Rodrigo_arg

1 Dec 2011, 16:51
For: Kyrotest
Level rating: N/A

Could you please upload the map’s tileset?

Not recommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

1 Dec 2011, 09:00 (edited 1 Dec 11, 09:00)
For: 7th Lava Fall
Level rating: 9

These levels are pretty poor held up to today’s standards. It seems people got excited about the tileset used in these levels rather than the levels themselves. After all, they aren’t just the example levels, they’re the focus of this upload.

RecommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

1 Dec 2011, 08:52
Level rating: 8.6

10? Really? Nonetheless, cool but far from perfect.

RecommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

30 Nov 2011, 23:45 (edited 5 Dec 11, 09:54)
For: Frontier Falls
Level rating: 9.1

I personally feel as if a rating of 10 would be inappropriate as I don’t think the level is really in a whole new league of its own in terms of quality, nor particularly groundbreaking. I feel FawFuL has more to offer. However, it’s still amongst the very best of CTF levels. Highly recommended.

Turns out I had an old version, apologies.

RecommendedReview by cooba

30 Nov 2011, 20:30 (edited 7 Feb 15, 13:22)
For: Frontier Falls
Level rating: 9.1

When playing this level, it’s important to take a look back at FawFul’s history as a JCSer. His J2O downloads page is like a cliched rags-to-riches story: starting with plain bad levels, slowly moving through the beginner phase, which then culminated in the largely hit-and-miss Planetary pack (my rating: 7.9); and finally moving onto his most recent work such as Wicked Wood, one of the most played levels on the clan ladder, Faw’s evolution couldn’t be more obvious. And it doesn’t just end there, as Frontier Falls is at another tier of levels entirely.

While other level makers only theoretize about creating a perfect CTF level, Faw wastes no time and goes for it. CTF, being a gamemode treated more seriously than the others, has its own standards, and thus perfection, or being close to perfection, is very much possible. Is this level balanced? Yes, it’s nearly impeccably balanced. Does it flow well? No flow problems are to be found, everything falls in place. It’s neither too enclosed or too open, and neither too horizontal or vertical. Is it biased? All three characters have their own ways to shine here. Is it versatile? While intended for duels (the winner of the 2011 duel level contest), this holds very well in a 3on3 game, and will work in big games and also the bash.

Is it original? While it’s not anything groundbreaking on the first sight, there’s more to Frontier Falls than just the usual CTF level. The pit “concept” is as old as SILWI is, but seeing how Faw could have used a death pit instead (which would have killed this level), it’s quite refreshing. No Bouncer or Seeker powerups equals no silly spamming, and you’ll have to do your best with RFs and Toasters (which isn’t difficult, given the layout, but still some skill is required). There’s plenty of room for RF tricks, wall jumps, messing around with the carrots with TNT and Toaster, etc. You’d be hard pressed to find any sort of flaw here at all – this is as close to a perfect CTF level as possible.

Even if FawFul had to use an edit of an edit of the original Carrotus tileset, it’s still the very peak of its possibilites. Faw does the smart thing and instead of using every single tile he could, he sticks to the usual Carrotus eyecandy with some additions, such as the multi layered caves (the patches of black tiles giving more depth), the little holes in the ground with wood over them, etc. Instead of littering the level with carrots and pumpkins, Faw uses them sparingly to provide some small, reddish variation from the green and brown. The swirly, ropey pumpkin plants are replaced with the small grapevines lifted from Psych, to a great effect – this feels much more of a standalone world than another Carrotus level.

And of course, there are the titular frontier falls. While this idea has been done before many times (how often do you play JJ2 online PT32?), it has never been used with such effect before. It’s the key part of the visuals, yet it’s not overbearing or annoying (if you like, though, you can disable it with a JJ2+ trigger command). The waterfall theme makes sense with so much vertical gameplay and falling going on. Because of JJ2’s limitations, Faw had to settle for a less complicated backdrop for the top parts of the level. Some may dislike its simplicity but I love it, it feels very natural. Together with the excellently chosen music track, the eyecandy creates a compelling ambience that I immerse myself in every time I play. I’ve said this several times before and I’ll repeat it again: this is the ultimate Carrotus level. There will never be a Carrotus level looking as good as Frontier Falls again.

This is FawFul’s best level yet, this is XLM’s best release yet, this is the best CTF level of the year and one of the best period. It was worth enduring Faw’s comparatively sucky levels just to see him make this one. Congratulations and don’t stop JCSing!

RecommendedQuick Review by Ragnarok!

30 Nov 2011, 01:46 (edited 30 Nov 11, 20:31 by cooba)
For: Frontier Falls
Level rating: 9.1

Old review: Great layout, great level tbh, but questionable balance in terms of powerups and the campy carrot area stops it from getting any higher than a 9… Good job though. Love the theme. Re-rated due to changes made. Bon appetit. Re-rated once again after having played a match here; it was better than sex.

RecommendedQuick Review by Ragnarok!

30 Nov 2011, 01:17
For: Rural Mountains
Level rating: 8.3

I tested this too ages ago, and pretty much agree with everything Laro said, some areas need minor reworks, such as the top right in general, and peppermint is pretty unecessary in this level.

The eyecandy didn’t really wow me as such, this set is very versatile; more coulda been done.

The level plays alright though. =)

RecommendedQuick Review by Ragnarok!

30 Nov 2011, 01:11
For: Asinine Armory [collab]
Level rating: 6.8

I do like what you tried to do with the limiting of routes, etc. but perhaps its a tad overdone. There are pseudo-deadends and one-way paths that really don’t need to be as so with important items in them making it pretty campy.

The two carrots are maybe too close, but cool level anyway.

Review by Ragnarok!

29 Nov 2011, 19:48 (edited 29 Nov 11, 19:48)
For: OLC Jazz1 CTF Pack 2: Electric Boogaloo
Level rating: 8.7

To all who thought it was too easy to obtain seeker powerup in my level; it was.

I apologize but we accidentally uploaded it with spawntime of 3s instead of 30s. Kinda stupid on my part. Sorry again!

Fixed now.

Review by TreyLina

28 Nov 2011, 18:14
For: Woody Mulch
Level rating: N/A

So are you going to include the tileset, right?

Review by minmay

28 Nov 2011, 01:32
For: A Couple 'o Trendsetters
Level rating: N/A

Trigger zones work in 1.23. They just aren’t listed in the JCS.ini that comes with most versions of it. Just add this line to your 1.23 JCS.ini: 246=Trigger Zone |+|Trigger |Trigger|Zone|TriggerID:5|on/off:1|switch:1
Or, heck, just use the converter; if it messes up the triggers, that is a bug in the converter and not an actual difference between the level formats’ or JJ2 versions’ capabilities.

Also, they only apply to the connection that triggers them, so unless the 2vs2 is in the form of four players splitscreening, touching one yourself does nothing for your teammate or your opponents. Test your levels!

(also you spelled claustrophobic wrong)

Review by Violet CLM

28 Nov 2011, 00:15
For: Team Battle2
Level rating: N/A

The tileset and the music? Really?

RecommendedQuick Review by MilloCz

27 Nov 2011, 19:50
For: Stronghold (gtblvl_2)
Level rating: 7.5

Nice lvl!

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