Nice tileset from Disguise. This set reminds me the Holiday Hare sets and Master Disguise’s earlier set, Africa.
The battle level is a bit simple, but it is an example. This sure is a quality set.[This review has been edited by Blade]
I must be real out of shape for playing along with a april fools joke without knowing…
Ok, It dosent have any real bugs that I can see. It could use more tiles, lots of space for them. It has whats the neccisary stuff, all right. It is stuled kinda like Modern City from the Golden Oldes Pack. I say 7.2 sound fair, it being 7:59 Am.[This review has been edited by Rspss Fr]
what is so wonderfull about this? the eyecandy could be much nicer, when you put on mask you’ll see much weird text on trees, clouds and… ..stuff.
those hills with houses look ugly, and the whole set is small. ok, ok… a tileset of me would be much more bad but still…
Just a 1 april fools joke. Well I think this deserves a 7.5. Not enaugh Tiles and extra stuff.[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
Agamas Tileset levels always get high ratings…cant miss it.
I’ll review this for real later :P
[This review has been edited by Bobby aka Dizzy]
hey, is there an STEELIX in it?
let’s watch…
will give a review when i watched it…
well… indeed one of the best pokemon sets ever.
pokemon are not very detailed but good enough for jazz water dont fits very good in the set, as shown in the example lvl.
very much pokemon, and as normal Pikachu is most used.
i’ve seen pikachu sets and charmander sets, but this one is much better.
enough animating stuff too.
Onyx’s head is a little… eh… flat
very, very good set but only one minpoint: There’s no Steelix in it:)
[This review has been edited by STEELIX]
WHY WHY WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah wanted first review! sniff I waited ages for it!
The eyecandy in this set is magnificent! Little flowers, bits of grass. It has a rain tile that can be used too. The little houses look darn awesome (Disguise’s house is far off tho), there are enough tiles for everything!
Masking is brilliant, I haven’t spotted a flaw so far, but the the level plays well and I managed to run around smoothly without getting stuck in anything.
It’s nice, it’s colourful, I can’t find any bugs, it looks darn awesome – DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATION! GO GET NOW!!!
EDIT: I WAS fooled by the hype, but after seeing the set combined with Disguises’s claim that it was ‘better than Corrupted Sanctuary and Nature’s Ruins by far’ (which are my personal favourites), ADDED to the mask messages (with his house, his tree etc)…well you get teh drift.
Realistic rating? There isn’t a tonne of eyecandy, it is well drawn though, but not enough of it. The masking is well done though, but the set really is small and simple. Realistically? Hm…go check. From a 9.5 to a 7. :)
BTW though, I still wanted the first review.
EDIT 2: Woo! Ahm at tha top! :D
[This review has been edited by defalcon][This review has been edited by defalcon]
This is have to be a joke, really. It seems like you haven’t even tried to make a good level…
Eyecandy: Very bad. The level has no background, which makes it look a piece of messy junk.
Gameplay: No good. Even if you have to collect 100 gems, the game will be over in 15 seconds. And there’s no next level.
Ammo: What ammo?
Music: The only good part of the level.
Also you’ve put a wrong tileset in the level info. Gee.
I’ll start with the tilesets. Unlike most edits or anything that I’ve seen before, this is really fixing some of the things that castle missed, including the texture background and stuff like that.
The battle level is fine, and a fun game with good gameplay. I’ve played it online a few times and I haven’t noticed anything wrong with it. An 8.2 is well deserved since this is top notch.
This is possibly the best tileset edit I have seen. It’s not just a pallete edit, it’s an actual improvement to the castle tileset. It looks great, has a textured background, and is more flexable than the original Castle. I’m not too fond of the Castle2E version, just because it is a little too werid with the dark sprite colours contrasting with the bright background. I’m not taking any points off for that though, because the other two versions are great. I see no flaws in the masking of this tileset. In fact, there are no problems at all in the tileset.
As I stated before, the sprite colours are slightly edited, but that is quite common these days. If done well (as in this tileset), it actually looks good as it sets the mood and works much better than ambient lighting, which I find most people play without.
I am giving this tileset pack 8.5 points because it looks great and has no problems. It’s probably the highest score I will ever give an edited/ripped tileset, so I congratulate Blurred for his efforts. Download this.
Another good level by EvilMike. It’s not one of my favs, but it’s still good nonetheless. The gameplay is good, has nice weapon layout, and the tileset was used well. The only thing I really didn’t like about this was the music choice. I don’t think the Jungle music fits here entirely. Other than that, it’s worth your download.
Very good ctf level. A nice tileset choice, and used very well, giving nice eye candy.
IMO, the best part of the level is that it is very open, i’m a sucker for open levels, and it just doesn’t get any better than this, no cramped moving areas, you have huge spaces to move through. If that’s not enough to please you, the level is very fluent and once you get to know your paths you barely ever have to use the jump key. Some float up scenery was also used to get over annoying flat areas that could’ve been used as diagonals in the mask of the set, but i’d better finish about that now, I’m picky about masks and this is not a tileset review ;)
Event placement is good, but there are some debatable issues. There are a lot of powerups, but carrots balance that. One thing though is that the carrots are hard to reach, and if you go for them there’s a very high chance the opposing team will get your flag before you can score a point. It’s a huge risk, and is nice in a way, but some people might not like it. I’m undecided though, as I like the idea to take a risk, but when playing it can be very annoying at times.
That’s it really, a very good level and deserves a thumbs up! 8.5 sounds about right, so here ya go! :D
This level is so smooth and erm … It just ruxors. This will definately be a 2 vs 2 level. Try it out. I didn’t give it a 10 because .. MIKE SUXORS .. Nah, Because there is something that bugs me. I don’t know. Its great though. N00bs could be seeker campers too easy. BUT THIS LEVEL R00LZ YOU ALL. DOWNLOAD IT NOW OR DIE
Another awesome CTF level by Evilmike. It used the Swamps Day tileset by Agama, wich is a good choice, because much custom tilesets are very underused these days, imo. The used music is the good, old Jungle music from the epic jungle levels. Its nothing exiting, fresh or new, but as Mike said yesterday, he did’nt have anything else to use in it, and this one fits fine, imo. This level has superb gameplay, very decent eyecandy, and good item placement. I could just give away a rating and run of, but that would be too easy now wouldn’t it?;) So let me talk just a bit more about these factors and other things in this level.
The used tileset, as i said before, is Agama’s outstanding Swamps Day tileset. The use of the tileset is very good. There are trees everywhere, and leaves in the background. There are some uncommen, good looking arangements with tree branches. At the bottem of the level, water was used. Not the water event, but the water thats in the tileset. Background layers have also been used very well. Nothing looks anoying or confusing, improving gameplay, and making it easy to see where you’r going.
Gameplay and level design are two major factors in a level, and in this level, both are very, very good. The level is made very open, and I’m all for that. This might also give Jazz a small advantege, because he can copter over the large empty spaces. The level plays very fluent. Theres no dead ends or such, and its easy to get around in it. You can see that (probably) a lot of thought was put into placing all the diferent platforms, because its easy to get from one to another. Of course, that could have just been dumb luck =P.
Ammo and other items were also well placed. Scatered well around the entire level, and easy to find. A suficient amount of each weapen was added. You’ll probably never have to walk around with only your blaster to defend yourself. Every weapen was added, apart from ice and TNT. There are 2 full energy carrots, wich were placed ingood locations. 3 Powerups have been added, wich were well located as well.
I must say that i really like this level. This is a must download for each Jazz2 player, be thee CTF fan or not. So go download this right now, and host a CTF server;). Very high 8.5(!) points from me.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]
Kinda off bugy yes. Very much Emptyness in the level. You might had used some eyecandy. Pay next time a bit more attention to your levels.
[This review has been edited by trunksdbz91]
[This review has been edited by trunksdbz91]
[This review has been edited by trunksdbz91][This review has been edited by this is censored stupid !!!!!!!!]
[This review has been edited by trunksdbz91]
Well, yes indeed. This is One of the best pokemon Tilesets around. Finnaly some actually gave some attention to a pokemon tileset.
ok i download this but now now :P
[This review has been edited by trunksdbz91]
coole tileset
the diglet is non funny by end only kaboto why only that ???
7.7 points from me
and Bjarni Cool its not stole you can than better give a hoge rating !!
[This review has been edited by trunksdbz91]
test 2 [This review has been edited by trunksdbz91]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.