I still wonder how you made this Goldy _ (and Elrick). Anyway I wont give it a higher rating because your in the same clan :) But about the level, I didnt noticed any bugs ore other similiar stuff. Eyecandy is fine. Tileset is from the Tileset Master Blade, you always get high ratings when using that Tileset. Its a Great One. And ehm what Can I say more…? You may should had removed those red springs. I dont really like them. Overall a Eight. Its a great and big level. Easy to battle in. Well A download recommendation. Download it! It Rulez.
EDIT: Ow yeah isnt a ‘‘Author’s description’‘ not neccesary? :) Sometimes people lower theyre rating because there is no :)
[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
Who cares if its a remake, it rulez. But anyhow you didnt created the Tileset yourself, you only made the gradients a bit darker and put some extra events in it. Anyway I think it still rulez :)
You made waaaaay to much springs in it. I dont really think they fit in the castle tileset. Eyecandy is ok. Gameplay is below average, the lvl is really big and you really dont know were you gonna land ore what will happen the springs push you to everywere. There are a lot of secrets. I think its overall a eight.
Download this!
(Eyecandy: cool, cool tileset.
Gameplay: very good.
Other: only too many bonusses)
This level is nice and easy to navigate. The music is very beatiful and the eyecandy is perfect, expect that one bug that umbaman mentioned. There’s enough ammo, and it’s shattered well around the level.
This level is SO cool. It’s huge, which is good with lots of players. The tileset and music perfectly mix. It’s pretty spooky, too ;). But the gameplay could be a bit better. At least for me it was quite hard to navigate around, because the tileset uses pretty much only one color and the level is dark. It might be easier to play in evening, when the sunlight doesn’t reflect from the screen.
This level rules. ;)
This program is pretty cool if you ask me, though sometimes it can get a bit annoying if you roast/get roasted very often, but overall I think it’s very fun and worth of downloading. :)
I love it…………………I am speechless…………….I loved it………………You should download this because it RULZ!
Martin……You are good at making levels………..JUST LIKE ME….=)
-JmanJust a remake, but very useful.
Very very very very very very very very good! I love all the puzzles!
Download this now!
I LOVED it. :)
Real big download reccomendation here!
Some dubble post here
[/EDIT][This review has been edited by ShadowGPW]
Make more!
My theory after many discussions with various people is that NTFS file system is exactly that – a different file system, its like using a mac programme on windows and expectign it to work. Hoep that clears a few things up (that is that this was made for FAT32 not NTFS) Anyway….yeah greetz overlord :D.
I give it an 8 because quite frankly its a kinda fun programme, annoying yes but fun >:) plus at least overlord is still doing things for the jj2 community eh?
I gather that toxic bunny was not lieing as he/she was right, they relly don’t make them like this anymore ;-P[This review has been edited by krezack]
-1 Please don´t have that must enemies
-1 I don´t want to go unless go to best trick, dude
Also 8 for you.
Though I dont like Assault. This one is nice…
Man, I wonder how you make such professional Tilesets…
Ah well, J2o is getting better and better with his downloads. I hope everyone would post packs like this. They just Rule! Good Job! People Download it, Its very awesome. JUST DOWNLOAD!!!!!!!1111[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
I agree with >Cell<. These levels have a very good flow and lots of good ideas. I’d give XpandoZ a 10.0 if this level pack wasn’t so small.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.