Very nice!!
(personal note:
îéé÷ì, àúä ìà òîãú ì÷øåà ìæä áéú îùåâòéí?)
Another kewl single player lvl by mr.SPLASH,these time these level uses Haze’s Muckamok tilest(great choice:])Lets now get to the buisnes;
1#Gameplay:I was not bored playing the lvl so it mean it is well designed ;)
2#Ammo Placement:It is OKAY to me,too bad it is only bouncies(or i do not discovered other),you could make at least few bullets of seekz or toaster ;)
3#Enemy placement:It is kinda good
4#Eyecandy stuff:Nice looking level(background rockz;])It uses tilest very well.
What can i say more?It is nice to see and play these lvl so you should download it.
cool lvls you last lvls better
a 7.5 from me
Oh well what can i say. Made it quite some years ago, in MS Paint. And I thought Jazz2 really lacks a real subsurface based tileset.
Some ppl don’t like it, other like it even better than my other tilesets… tastes differ ;)
YAY Im first, I would say: “Good Job”, youve made an own Tileset and levels and release them in a pack. But, unfortunately the tileset is a bit suçky :) Sorry but with an bad Tileset you only can build bad levels. Well an 7.7 for all the work.
Oh man this tileset rules!! Exelent choice of music too (not that that has anything to do with the rating). It doesn’t look SO nice in JCS, but it looks great in JJ2!
A perfect 10! (just to add to the rating)
Upload the other ones too. Fine level by the way.[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
hi mat,
the tileset is cool and lvls to
the clock is funny
Thanks FQuist.
Now: very good! The tileset was very good but now is it Many things of better!
Yeah! A D/L recommadation (or how spell you that ;))
P.S.: Man! Are you the new Agama?[This review has been edited by Taz][This review has been edited by Taz]
Yeah, yeah, make a 1.23 version, willya? Or is it too big now..
Anyway, these levels are fine. I liked the last one the least. There’s also a glaring eyecandy bug in the first level.
These levels play off of the tileset a little too much. But I like them.
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Not a bad level. Eyecandy is overall decent, gameplay is decent as well. I rate this a 7. :)
If the ratings are nice I’ll upload two other packs like this one tomorrow :)
What everyone said…
(I will only give it an 7.7 though)
Very fast constructed lvl. The Tileset was yesterday released, so kinda fast work. Anyway ammo placement is fine, eyecandy could be a bit more. Gameplay is fine too. There is some food in the lvl and suckertubes and H/V-Poles etc.
Well Done, simple but good lvl. A Eight!
Another level using Splash’s highly unique style of level making. We forget him too much.
It’s an adventure through Muckamo, with appropiate villains, using Haze’s excellent Muckamo conversion. He uses these amibent sounds of Slime every time you get near Slime, so that’s cool. I like it in general.
It says I’m bad at biology, which is probably right. But I am a turtle!
Hey, when did I give you permission to name a level after me?:D
BTW, I think this is TSF.
[This review has been edited by AcId]
Great tileset man! The bones are great and the metal blocks also, there are cool things like a skull with glowing eyes, dripping blood, skeleton hands, etc. The only thing I don’t like are the mountains for the backgound layer, they are bladeish, but with less quality…:(
Download Now!
Good levels from Bjarni Cool! it has 6 levels, they aren’t very big, but they are hard! it still has some small errors (some of the bosses run out the screen and don’t come back – try a “stop enemy” to stop this), but Bjarni really made a fun pack. Good job!
You see only toooo much that its made by Skulg ;P.
P.S.: Yeah! Cool level CelL!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.