Downloads containing INTRUDER.XM

Name Author Game Mode Rating
JJ2+ Only: Anniversary Bash 25 Battle Jazz2Online Battle N/A Download file
JJ2+ Only: Enter the ChaosFeatured Download FireSworD Battle 8.2 Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Anniversary Bash 11 Levels Jazz2Online Multiple N/A Download file
JJ2+ Only: 2UP: Veteran vs. RookieFeatured Download blurredd Capture the flag 9.4 Download file

File preview

|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001| Running like a scared  |001|                        |
|002| rat. Trying to hide.   |002|                        |
|003| Smelling the danger.   |003|                        |
|004| Chaotic visions.       |004|                        |
|005| Manipulation. Decay.   |005|                        |
|006| Pressure. Burning.     |006|                        |
|007| Darkness. Intrusion.   |007|                        |
|008| In My Head.            |008|                        |
|009| THE MIND INTRUDER      |009|                        |
|010| by TEQUE/DEE           |010|                        |
|011| 15.05. - 17.05.1996    |011|                        |
|012| Samples:               |012|                        |
|013| Guitar & screams: me   |013|                        |
|014| The rest from various  |014|                        |
|015| scene composers.       |015|                        |
|016| FEEL FREE 2 RIP...     |016|                        |
|017| Why not say don't      |017|                        |
|018| rip my samples...      |018|                        |
|019| Whats there to RIP???  |019|                        |
|020| If you want to protect |020|                        |
|021| your samples, then     |021|                        |
|022| make an encrypted      |022|                        |
|023| exe file with a player |023|                        |
|024| and shut up...         |024|                        |
|025| Greetings:             |025|                        |
|026| Cube,Nitro,Sol,Tremor  |026|                        |
|027| Xenit,Sister,Lance     |027|                        |
|028| Dune,Yolk,Turtle       |028|                        |
|029| Purple Motion,         |029|                        |
|030| Soundwave, and all     |030|                        |
|031| fans of industrial     |031|                        |
|032| music!                 |032|                        |
|033| LONG LIVE:             |033|                        |
|034| Front Line Assembly    |034|                        |
|035| Front 242              |035|                        |
|036| Skinny Puppy           |036|                        |
|037| Nine Inch Nails        |037|                        |
|038| KMFDM                  |038|                        |
|039| Ministry               |039|                        |
|040| GGFH                   |040|                        |
|041| Nerve                  |041|                        |
|042| Neuroactive :)         |042|                        |
|043| Scorn                  |043|                        |
|044| Manufacture            |044|                        |
|045| (c) TEQUE MUSIC 1996   |045|                        |