Downloads containing Bash3Readme.txt

Name Author Game Mode Rating
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Anniversary Bash 3 Pack Jazz2Online Capture the flag N/A Download file

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| Anniversary Bash III Battle Levels         |
| Level Name:      | Made by:     |
| Cold Mini Battle    | Unknown author       | (Warming up)
| Carrottus Squash    | Martin               | (Great stuff)
| Plastic Fortress    | Commander Dats       | (Weird)
| Green Beret         | Bluez                | (Hey, it's a Classic)
| Toxic Waste         | Disguise             | (Cool battling)
| EvilMikes Temple    | Evilmike             | (Ancient spheres)
| Hells Angels        | Martin               | (I was missing some red ;)
| Shine-o-rific land  | Evilmike             | (Back to 1994)
| Cheq                | Unknown author       | (Hmm 1998.. that was a
| 24 hour coffee      | Dethman              | (You can't drink enough of
| Toxic Waste         | ShadowGPW            | (This looks soo cool)
| Burning Desert      | Blade                | (Gr00vY!)
| MyStIc FoReSt CaVe  | Spy                  | (Just look at Wakemans
| Bobo Meets Royality | Dethman              | (It's ugly and old. a
| Corner Catastrophe  | Disguise             | (To make up Bobo meets...)

Question: Why did I download this?
Answer: To hear the music when the bash is on! Just unzip this all in your
cache and have fun!