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JJ2 1.23 vanilla: JJSPACE Tournament BETA Gargoyle Battle 2.6 Download file

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<p align="center"><b><font color="#00FFFF" size="7">Zybu</font><font size="7" color="#FF0000">G</font></b></p>
<p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="2"><i>ZybuG levels presents:</i></font></p>
<p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="2"><i>A Jazz Jackrabbit film:</i></font></p>
<p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="2"><i>Directed by ZybuG Rabbit:</i></font></p>
<p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="2"><i>Produced by Spaz Jackrabbit:</i></font></p>
<p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><u><font color="#00FFFF">The JJSPACE Tournament</font></u></p>
<p align="center"><font color="#00FFFF">In the year 5092, the New Carrotus government
saw that there was too much violence between Devan's old supporters and the
&quot;Resistance Legacy&quot; after Devan's defeat. In order to control the
mayhem, the government started to send criminals to the &quot;Pumpkin
Nebula&quot; galaxy, and there they would fight to the finish. The government
didn't care what happened to the fighters, since all they wanted to do was to
get the violence out of their list of problems. Eventually, the 'sport' became
more serious, and most criminals began to train almost invincible 'players',
that they would send to fight other prison teams. By the year 5183, the
tournaments became an official sport, in which the 'players', who were now
called 'challengers' would travel inside different vehicles throughout the
&quot;Pumpkin Nebula&quot; collecting weapons and ammunition along the way in
order to eliminate the other 'challengers'. The 'challengers' were guided by
their host, the &quot;Pumputer&quot;, before every match. In the year 5217, only
one vehicle was chosen to be the battle arena; the &quot;JJ&quot;. This
spaceship body was named after the computer chip that served Jazz Jackrabbit and
his brother Spaz as a utility that they used to help them throughout their journey
to defeat Devan. The main vehicle was named &quot;JJSPACE&quot;. This crab
shaped spacecraft was capable of traveling throughout the &quot;Pumpkin
Nebula&quot;, and turning into the super speed space-ship; The &quot;JJHYPER&quot;.
Not only the &quot;JJSPACE&quot; served as a battle arena. The &quot;JJWATER&quot;
and other were also sometimes used as battle arenas.</font></p>
<p align="center"><font color="#00FFFF">Now, the 'challengers' must board the
&quot;JJSPACE&quot; at &quot;Space Deck 829&quot;, and from there they travel to
the &quot;Prison Base&quot; Planet. There, they must enter the &quot;JJWATER&quot;,
while waiting for the &quot;JJHYPER&quot; to be ready for liftoff. On board the
&quot;JJHYPER&quot;, they enter hyperspace and arrive at the &quot;Hover
Field&quot;, which was once an army training base. After leaving from there, the
'challengers' that remain alive battle at &quot;Space Deck 236&quot;, which is
the biggest space deck in the &quot;Pumpkin Nebula&quot;. The one who wins the
battle becomes the winner of the tournament, and his entire team is then
released from prison.</font></p>
<p align="center"><font color="#00FFFF">You have been chosen by your team, the
&quot;Dungeon Warriors&quot;, to fight the &quot;Black Carrots&quot;. Bring honor
and freedom to you and your friends! Win the JJSPACE Tournament!</font></p>

