Downloads containing JJ2JCAOCR.mp3

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JJ2+ Only: Battle1 FireSworD Battle N/A Download file

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|  artist | Dj Bjra                                                       |
|       S | ETSUBTITLEOCR02227                                            |
|    year | 2011                                                          |
|   title | Jazz Jackrabbit 2 'Jazz Castle Adventure' OC ReMix            |
| comment | This is my second submission to OC ReMix. This is a remix     |
|         | from a game I played in my childhood and have those fond      |
|         | nostalgia memories of. I think I really captured the feel of  |
|         | my favorite song of the game in this remake. I downloaded the |
|         | game, listened to the first song, felt inspired, opened my    |
|         | program and a few hours later I had this. Enjoy it!Brett      |
|         | Jonesdjbjra@gmail.com               |
|   album |                                            |