Downloads containing LHtoaa.j2as

Name Author Game Mode Rating
TSF with JJ2+ Only: Anniversary Bash 18 Levels Jazz2Online Multiple N/A Download file
JJ2+ Only: Take off and away! V3Featured Download TreyLina Capture the flag 8.3 Download file

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const array<array<jjPALCOLOR>> paletteChanges = {
		jjPALCOLOR(165, 18, 18),
		jjPALCOLOR(190, 21, 21),
		jjPALCOLOR(226, 25, 25),
		jjPALCOLOR(136, 15, 15),
		jjPALCOLOR(193, 50, 50),
		jjPALCOLOR(111, 12, 12),
		jjPALCOLOR(86, 9, 9)
		jjPALCOLOR(23, 79, 255),
		jjPALCOLOR(35, 110, 255),
		jjPALCOLOR(89, 125, 255),
		jjPALCOLOR(0, 72, 255),
		jjPALCOLOR(65, 101, 255),
		jjPALCOLOR(0, 49, 152),
		jjPALCOLOR(0, 23, 47)
array<jjPAL> teamPalette(17);
uint paletteCurrent = 8, paletteTarget = 8;
array<array<int>> previousTiles(jjLocalPlayerCount, array<int>(2, -1));
void disableControl(jjPLAYER@ player) {
	float xPos = player.xPos;
	float yPos = player.yPos;
	float xSpeed = player.xSpeed;
	float ySpeed = player.ySpeed;
	jjOBJ@ obj = jjObjects[0];
	int state = obj.state;
	int var = obj.var[0];
	int counter = obj.counter;
	obj.state = STATE::ACTION;
	obj.var[0] = player.playerID;
	obj.behave(BEHAVIOR::EVA, false);
	obj.state = state;
	obj.var[0] = var;
	obj.counter = counter;
	player.idle = 0;
	player.xPos = xPos;
	player.yPos = yPos;
	player.xSpeed = xSpeed;
	player.ySpeed = ySpeed;
	player.keyDown = player.keyFire = player.keyJump = player.keyRun = false;
bool isTileSpecialTube(int tile, int &out speed, int &out delay, bool rejectSpeed = true) {
	int x = tile & 0xFFFF;
	int y = tile >> 16;
	return jjEventGet(x, y) == AREA::STOPENEMY && (rejectSpeed || uint(speed = jjParameterGet(x, y, 0, 8)) >= 0 && uint(delay = jjParameterGet(x, y, 8, 8)) >= 0);
void coloredSpring(jjOBJ@ obj) {
	obj.behave(BEHAVIOR::SPRING, false);
	jjDrawSpriteFromCurFrame(obj.xPos, obj.yPos, obj.curFrame, obj.direction, SPRITE::PALSHIFT, 216);
bool onDrawAmmo(jjPLAYER@ play, jjCANVAS@) {
	if (jjLocalPlayerCount == 1 && jjRenderFrame & 3 == 0) {
		if (play.xPos > 1920.f && play.yPos < 832.f || play.xPos > 2176.f && play.yPos < 1376.f)
			paletteTarget = 0;
		else if (play.xPos < 832.f && play.yPos < 832.f || play.xPos < 576.f && play.yPos < 1408.f)
			paletteTarget = 16;
			paletteTarget = 8;
		if (paletteCurrent != paletteTarget) {
			if (paletteCurrent < paletteTarget)
	return false;
void onLevelLoad() {
	jjWeapons[WEAPON::GUN8].spread = SPREAD::NORMAL; // They made me write this line.
	jjOBJ@ preset = jjObjectPresets[OBJECT::FROZENSPRING];
	preset.behavior = coloredSpring;
	preset.bulletHandling = HANDLING::IGNOREBULLET;
	preset.freeze = 0;
	preset.ySpeed = -18.f;
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		jjPAL@ palette = teamPalette[i * 16];
		palette = jjPalette;
		for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
			palette.color[138 + j] = paletteChanges[i][j];
	for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
		jjPAL@ palette = teamPalette[i];
		palette = teamPalette[0];
		palette.copyFrom(138, 6, 138, jjPalette, i / 8.f);
	teamPalette[8] = jjPalette;
	for (int i = 9; i < 16; i++) {
		jjPAL@ palette = teamPalette[i];
		palette = teamPalette[16];
		palette.copyFrom(138, 6, 138, jjPalette, (16 - i) / 8.f);
void onPlayer(jjPLAYER@ play) {
	array<int>@ tileHistory = previousTiles[play.localPlayerID];
	int currTile = play.currTile;
	if (currTile != tileHistory[0]) {
		tileHistory[1] = tileHistory[0];
		tileHistory[0] = currTile;
	if (play.ballTime > 17)
	int speed, delay;
	if (isTileSpecialTube(currTile, speed, delay, false)) {
		int dummy, previousTile = tileHistory[1];
		play.ballTime = 35;
		play.keyDown = play.keyFire = play.keyJump = play.keyRun = false;
		play.buttstomp = 121;
		if ((dummy = currTile + 1) != previousTile && isTileSpecialTube(dummy, dummy, dummy)) {
			play.xSpeed = speed;
			play.ySpeed = 0.f;
			play.yPos = currTile >> 16 << 5 | 16;
		} else if ((dummy = currTile - 1) != previousTile && isTileSpecialTube(dummy, dummy, dummy)) {
			play.xSpeed = -speed;
			play.ySpeed = 0.f;
			play.yPos = currTile >> 16 << 5 | 16;
		} else if ((dummy = currTile + 0x10000) != previousTile && isTileSpecialTube(dummy, dummy, dummy)) {
			play.xSpeed = 0.f;
			play.ySpeed = speed;
			play.xPos = (currTile & 0xFFFF) << 5 | 16;
		} else if ((dummy = currTile - 0x10000) != previousTile && isTileSpecialTube(dummy, dummy, dummy)) {
			play.xSpeed = 0.f;
			play.ySpeed = -speed;
			play.xPos = (currTile & 0xFFFF) << 5 | 16;
		} else if (abs(play.xSpeed) > abs(play.ySpeed)) {
			play.xSpeed = play.xSpeed < 0.f ? -delay : delay;
			play.ySpeed = 0.f;
			play.yPos = currTile >> 16 << 5 | 16;
		} else {
			play.xSpeed = 0.f;
			play.ySpeed = play.ySpeed < 0.f ? -delay : delay;
			play.xPos = (currTile & 0xFFFF) << 5 | 16;