Downloads containing Battle1AF.TXT

Name Author Game Mode Rating
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Out of Power AtomicFeline Battle 5.9 Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Out of power AtomicFeline Battle N/A Download file

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Level type:Battle

             This level was quite easy and took a week, not 2 or 3 like my
other ones... Maybe I am getting better, or maybe this tileset is a sinch
to work with. My brother(Initials AE{fat chance I am telling u his last
initial}), border(Initials Y?S), and my best friend (who still wishes to
remain anonymous. Initials YZG), beta tested this level.

Special Thanxs To,
Wakeman (Level Acceptor)
My whole Atomic Clan (especially atmcdragon)
Epic MegaGames (Creators of the best games in the world)