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JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Funky CTF Laguna Capture the flag 5.2 Download file

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Release date : Thursday 14 Sept 2000
Author       : Laguna DW
Other/misc   : Wakeman is biased

Funky CTF                         -CTF- -Created Wednesday 12 Sept 2000
Hello again :) As im getting more into CTF my JCS interest is too. Since 
custom stuff is l33t i used a custom tileset and custom music. Fantasy
is a tileset made by friend of mine who left long time ago. The music file
is Eman.xm (Electrical man). I made this level cause i was inspired by the 
new CTF levels from Mystic Legends. I wanted to make a CTF level with a
custom tileset too so i did :> I followed the wise advice of Aiko and 
searched for a mod at :>

Anyways, have fun, if not, well then not :)

For any feedback, fanmail, presents, mailbombs*, kisses, greetings, etc...
(this is getting repititve aint it?)

Email :
ICQ   : 78597317

Or just bug me at jj2 :)

* Dont take that too seriouis :)