Downloads containing JC2Credits.j2as

Name Author Game Mode Rating
TSF with JJ2+ Only: RabbitCity 2 Remastered P4rr0t Single player N/A Download file

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#include "MLLE-Include-1.4.asc"
const bool MLLESetupSuccessful = MLLE::Setup();
#pragma require "A_CarrFIXday.j2t"
#pragma require "JazzCity2_Airship.j2t"
#pragma require "JC2Credits.j2l"

Created by Parrot86 - RabbitCity 2: The Secret Room Remastered
void onLevelLoad() {
	jjAlert("||Level Name: |RabbitCity 2: The Secret Room Remastered - Final Episode 5");
	jjAlert("||RabbitCity 2: The Secret Room Remastered - Level: |Credits");

	jjTexturedBGFadePositionY = 0.85;
	jjUseLayer8Speeds = true;
void onFunction0() {
	p.cameraFreeze(23*32, 35*32, true, true); //Black Screen - Credits 1
void onFunction1() {
	p.cameraFreeze(57*32, 35*32, true, true); //CutScene Cinematic - Characters
void onFunction2() {
	p.cameraFreeze(91*32, 35*32, true, true); //CutScene Cinematic - People
void onFunction3() {
	p.cameraFreeze(125*32, 35*32, true, true); //CutScene Cinematic - GreenSpaz
void onFunction4() {
	p.cameraFreeze(159*32, 35*32, true, true); //CutScene Cinematic - Player
void onFunction5() {
	p.cameraFreeze(193*32, 35*32, true, true); //CutScene Cinematic - SWAT
void onFunction6() {
	p.cameraFreeze(227*32, 35*32, true, true); //CutScene Cinematic - RedRazz & Charlotte
void onFunction7() {
	p.cameraFreeze(23*32, 63*32, true, true); //CutScene Cinematic - Mom & Dad
void onFunction8() {
	p.cameraFreeze(57*32, 63*32, true, true); //CutScene Cinematic - Devan & Tuf Turf
void onFunction9() {
	p.cameraFreeze(91*32, 63*32, true, true); //CutScene Cinematic - Credits 2
void onFunction10() {
	p.cameraFreeze(125*32, 63*32, true, true); //CutScene Cinematic - Credits 3
void onFunction11() {
	p.cameraFreeze(159*32, 63*32, true, true); //CutScene Cinematic - Credits 4
void onFunction12() {
	p.cameraFreeze(193*32, 63*32, true, true); //CutScene Cinematic - Credits 5
void onFunction13() {
	p.cameraFreeze(227*32, 63*32, true, true); //CutScene Cinematic - Credits 6
void onDrawLayer4(jjPLAYER@ play, jjCANVAS@ canvas) {
	canvas.drawString(19*32+20, 35*32-35, "Credits",STRING::LARGE,STRING::BOUNCE);
	canvas.drawString(52*32+20, 34*32-35, "Characters",STRING::LARGE,STRING::BOUNCE); //CutScene 1
	canvas.drawString(89*32+20, 32*32-35, "People",STRING::MEDIUM,STRING::BOUNCE); //CutScene 2
	canvas.drawString(122*32+20, 32*32-35, "GreenSpaz",STRING::MEDIUM,STRING::BOUNCE); //CutScene 3
	canvas.drawString(157*32+20, 32*32-35, "Player",STRING::MEDIUM,STRING::BOUNCE); //CutScene 4
	canvas.drawString(191*32+20, 32*32-35, "SWAT",STRING::MEDIUM,STRING::BOUNCE); //CutScene 5
	canvas.drawString(222*32+20, 32*32-35, "RedRazz & Charlotte",STRING::MEDIUM,STRING::BOUNCE); //CutScene 6
	canvas.drawString(20*32+20, 60*32-35, "Mom & Dad",STRING::MEDIUM,STRING::BOUNCE); //CutScene 7
	canvas.drawString(52*32+20, 60*32-35, "Devan & Tuf Turf",STRING::MEDIUM,STRING::BOUNCE); //CutScene 8
	canvas.drawString(84*32+20, 60*32-35, "Developer/Creator by |||Parrot",STRING::MEDIUM); //CutScene 9
	canvas.drawString(84*32+20, 61*32-35, "Create new episode in 2015-2018",STRING::SMALL); //CutScene 9
	canvas.drawString(84*32+20, 63*32-35, "|260 levels with MLLE Data!",STRING::SMALL); //CutScene 9
	canvas.drawString(84*32+20, 64*32-35, "|102 Angelscript codes!",STRING::SMALL); //CutScene 9
	canvas.drawString(118*32+20, 60*32-40, "A BIG THANK YOU to our Beta Testers!",STRING::SMALL); //CutScene 10
	canvas.drawString(118*32+20, 61*32-38, "|Putty77 (Finding tilebug) in 2018",STRING::SMALL); //CutScene 10
	canvas.drawString(152*32+20, 60*32-40, "Thank for help to AngelScript code is:",STRING::SMALL); //CutScene 11
	canvas.drawString(152*32+20, 61*32-38, "|zepect",STRING::SMALL); //CutScene 11
	canvas.drawString(152*32+20, 63*32-38, "|||Doors",STRING::SMALL); //CutScene 11
	canvas.drawString(186*32+20, 62*32-40, "|||Thank you for downloading and playing! :)",STRING::SMALL); //CutScene 12
	canvas.drawString(223*32+20, 62*32-35, "THE END",STRING::LARGE,STRING::BOUNCE); //CutScene 13