Downloads containing JC2lvl80.j2as

Name Author Game Mode Rating
TSF with JJ2+ Only: RabbitCity 2 Remastered P4rr0t Single player N/A Download file

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#include "MLLE-Include-1.4.asc"
const bool MLLESetupSuccessful = MLLE::Setup();
#pragma require "JC2lvl80-MLLE-Data-1.j2l"
#pragma require "A_CarrFIXday.j2t"
#pragma require "JazzCity2_Airship.j2t"
#pragma require "JC2lvl80.j2l"

Created by Parrot86 - RabbitCity 2: The Secret Room Remastered
void onLevelLoad() {
	jjAlert("||Level Name: |Airship is falling down of water");
	jjAlert("||RabbitCity 2: The Secret Room Remastered - Level: |8 1");

	jjTexturedBGFadePositionY = 1.2;
	jjUseLayer8Speeds = true;