Name | Author | Game Mode | Rating | |||||
Holiday Hare '18 | SmokeNC | Single player | 8.9 |
#pragma require "HH18savegems.asc"
namespace gem {
int gemsCollected, nextHealth, currAmount;
int maxHealth() {
return ((jjMaxHealth+1) - (jjDifficulty < 3? 5:3));
array<int> gemTotals(4);
bool restoreGems;
bool draw = true;
void upgradeHealth(jjPLAYER@ play) { //onPlayer
switch (maxHealth()) {
case 1: currAmount = 100; break;
case 2: currAmount = 275; break;
case 3: currAmount = 450; break;
case 4: currAmount = 625; break;
case 5: currAmount = 800; break;
if (gemsCollected >= currAmount && nextHealth != maxHealth() && maxHealth() < 6) {
jjChat("/smhealth " + (jjMaxHealth + 1));
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
nextHealth = jjMaxHealth;
if (jjGameTicks > 7) {
jjSample(play.xPos, play.yPos, SOUND::COMMON_HARP1, 0, 0);
jjAlert("||||By the power of gems, your maximum health is increased!", false, STRING::MEDIUM);
if (maxHealth() == 6) jjAlert("|||Congratulations, your health is maximised!", false, STRING::MEDIUM);
void trackPlayerGems(jjPLAYER@ play) { //onPlayer
if (!restoreGems) {
gemTotals[0] = play.gems[GEM::RED];
gemTotals[1] = play.gems[GEM::GREEN] * 5;
gemTotals[2] = play.gems[GEM::BLUE] * 10;
gemTotals[3] = play.gems[GEM::PURPLE] * 20;
gemsCollected = gemTotals[0] + gemTotals[1] + gemTotals[2] + gemTotals[3];
} else {
play.gems[GEM::RED] = jjGameTicks > 1? gemTotals[0] : play.lives;
play.gems[GEM::GREEN] = gemTotals[1] / 5;
play.gems[GEM::BLUE] = gemTotals[2] / 10;
play.gems[GEM::PURPLE] = gemTotals[3] / 20;
restoreGems = false;
void restorePlayerGems() { //onLevelLoad and onLevelReload
restoreGems = true;
void saveGemData() { //this needs to go in an AS function that also acts as the level exit
jjLocalPlayers[0].lives = gemsCollected;
void deleteCollectedGems() {
for (int i = 1; i < jjObjectCount; i++) {
jjOBJ@ obj = jjObjects[i];
int playerID = obj.findNearestPlayer(200000);
jjPLAYER@ play = jjPlayers[playerID];
if (playerID > -1 &&
(obj.eventID == OBJECT::REDGEM ||
obj.eventID == OBJECT::GREENGEM ||
obj.eventID == OBJECT::BLUEGEM ||
obj.eventID == OBJECT::PURPLEGEM ||
obj.eventID == OBJECT::RECTREDGEM ||
obj.eventID == OBJECT::RECTBLUEGEM)) {
if (obj.creatorType == CREATOR::LEVEL) {
if (play.doesCollide(obj, true)) {
jjEventSet(uint(obj.xOrg) >> 5, uint(obj.yOrg) >> 5, 0);
} else {
if (obj.creatorID == 0 && obj.state != STATE::FLOATFALL) {
obj.playerHandling = HANDLING::PARTICLE;
if (obj.eventID == OBJECT::GEMBARREL || obj.eventID == OBJECT::GEMCRATE) {
if (obj.state == STATE::EXPLODE) jjEventSet(uint(obj.xOrg) >> 5, uint(obj.yOrg) >> 5, 0);
if (obj.eventID == OBJECT::GEMRING) {
if (obj.state == STATE::HIT) jjEventSet(uint(obj.xOrg) >> 5, uint(obj.yOrg) >> 5, 0);
if (obj.eventID == OBJECT::SUPERGEM) {
if (obj.state == STATE::ACTION) jjEventSet(uint(obj.xOrg) >> 5, uint(obj.yOrg) >> 5, 0);
if (obj.eventID == OBJECT::BOMBCRATE || obj.eventID == OBJECT::ONEUPCRATE) {
if (obj.state == STATE::FALL && (obj.var[0] == OBJECT::REDGEM ||
obj.var[0] == OBJECT::GREENGEM ||
obj.var[0] == OBJECT::BLUEGEM ||
obj.var[0] == OBJECT::PURPLEGEM ||
obj.var[0] == OBJECT::RECTREDGEM ||
obj.var[0] == OBJECT::RECTGREENGEM ||
obj.var[0] == OBJECT::RECTBLUEGEM)) {
jjEventSet(uint(obj.xOrg) >> 5, uint(obj.yOrg) >> 5, 0);
bool onCheat(string &in cheat) {
if (cheat == "jjnxt" || cheat == "jjnext") {
jjNxt(true, true);
} else if (cheat == "jjgems") {
jjLocalPlayers[0].gems[GEM::RED] = jjLocalPlayers[0].gems[GEM::RED] + 100;
} else
return false;
jjAlert(cheat, false, STRING::MEDIUM);
return true;
bool onDrawScore(jjPLAYER@ play, jjCANVAS@ canvas) {
if (gem::draw) {
canvas.drawSprite(20, 42, ANIM::PICKUPS, 22, jjGameTicks>>2, 0, SPRITE::GEM, 0);
canvas.drawString(36, 42, "x " + gem::gemsCollected, STRING::MEDIUM, STRING::NORMAL);
if (gem::maxHealth() < 6) {
canvas.drawString(8, 70, "|" + gem::currAmount + " |||||for upgrade", STRING::SMALL, STRING::NORMAL);
} else {
canvas.drawString(8, 70, "||||Max!", STRING::SMALL, STRING::NORMAL);
return false;
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.