Downloads containing Lost Ages 2.2 Update.txt

Name Author Game Mode Rating
JJ1: Lost Ages v2.5Featured Download Blackraptor JJ1 Level 9 Download file

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If you have this file in your LOST AGES archive it signifies that your mod
is the 2.2 version. Hurray!

Lost Ages 2.2 is mostly a bugfix patch with minor gameplay tweaks to
several levels in this mod.

The list of changes in this patch includes the following:

-Numerous changes to "Into The Garden", minor area redesign, lots of
eyecandy fixes, changed fireshield area,
minor gameplay changes (ex. changed some blue springs to green, enemy
rebalance, removed or added platforms)

-Added/changed some turtles to Hard Mode in "Prowling Ground", fixed
transparency issue with the food sprites,
improved the walking animation of the LionBearDudeGuy. 

-I strongly considered just scrapping the Carrotus maps altogether, I am
constantly finding bugs in them and 
despite all the updates and polish done they still have the feel of a
"first maps ever with this editor"
-Improved the walking animation of the scorpions in Jungrock, fixed masking
on rock slope

-Fixed TNT animations in a few of the maps that I overlooked because they
don't have TNT pickups in them 
(the player may have TNT carry over from the previous maps)

-Minor gameplay changes to "Crypt of Rais", added a shortcut for

-Minor masking fix and changes to "Dark Dragon Lair"

-Added Hard modifier to 5 bees in "Hot Rabbit Stew:

-Missing hurt events added to "That Tree Level", increased Invincibility
time, some other minor changes

-Fixed some lego men missing destruct events in the Blonoxius maps

-Enemy/Carrot adjustment in "Fear Factory", added missing sounds for +15
orb pickups.

-Minor eyecandy fixes to "Apocalyptic Dreams"

-Edited the "Thanks for playing" text  

-Added some tips to the readme file in appreciation for those that actually
bother to read it

~Blacky on a cold and bleak November day.