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JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Diamonds in Diamondus Captain Spam Treasure hunt 7 Download file

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Level: Diamonds in Diamondus
Author: Captain Spam (Nicholas Killewald)
Size: 130 x 39 (Layer 4)
Level type: Treasure Hunt
Stuff: It's good (RockyRaccoon)
Tileset: Diamondus 2 (Official Epic tileset)
First hosted: August 1, 1998
My reccomended number of players: 4


(Written September 17, 1998)

I wanted to be the first one on Jazz 2 City that had a Treasure Hunt level.
 Man, was I dismayed
when I saw the other levels there first.  It didn't stop me, though.  I saw
the cool tiles
avaliable in Diamondus, and I decided to take this hunt in the night. 
Diamonds in Diamondus
was born.

Using the same general formula I used in the Carrot Shot, I pieced together
a new treasure
hunt level.  The only problem was that there weren't many other levels to
compare this one
to.  I was working blind, and, you know, that's a good thing at times.

My first draft called for WAY too many gems.  I quickly realized that
making a total of about
150 gems in a 100 gems-to-a-win round works great.  You're kinda forced to
shoot people to
get the gems.  Makes it more challenging.  If everyone could get 100 gems,
the games would be
WAY too quick and there'd be no use to shooting each other.  And what's a
good round of Jazz 2
without some good old fashioned shooting, huh?

The exit's kinda hard to find unless you're looking.  It's at the bottom,
about dead center.
You'll find a text string when you've found it and you don't have enough
gems.  You'll also
find a couple Exit signs flanking the exit.

And the secret with my trademark text?  Check every corner, nook, and
cranny.  Well, actually,
just every corner.  You'll find it.

-Captain Spam



I put a few Gem Buttstomps in there.

Some parts of the "Cavern" areas have bustable backgrounds.  Very fun.

I didn't put any fake trivia in this readme.

I counted out an average of 160 gems when I tested.  Granted, Gem
Buttstomps give a random
amount each time, but it's about 160.

This was the first level where I tried some real QUALITY back/foregrounds. 
Carrot Shot has
some, too, but that was mainly thrown in.  Check the cool trees on the
