Downloads containing Flagrabbit - the story.txt

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TSF Only: Flag Rabbit Haze Capture the flag one starone starone star Download file

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||a CTF level Pack by Haze Hackrabbit (aka NeW)

(You don't expect me to make up a story behind all this? Sheez, okay here
it goes...)

The Final days of the Great Rabbit war. Peace is close at hand though there
are several clans which won't accept. For the sake of the nation they are
banished to Carrotus Heck, to remain they're forever or untill they die,
which ever comes first. In the deepest of Carrotus soil, the battle goes

XXX years later...

Carrotus society has restored to it's peaceful state. But the tales and
rumours about the banished clans grow larger each day. Could the clans
still be alive? And what about the treasure and stuff they had taken with
Soon, several organised parties of rabbits will try to enter the catacombs
beneath the earth. Not knowing what they will find. Left over ruins?
Burried treasure? Burned down battlefields? One thing is for sure: if there
is treasure, it will surely be well booby-trapped. Not only that but the
exploration teams aren't exactly coworkers. In fact, they hate eachothers
guts! And they'll do anything to stop the other teams from reaching the
So it's up to you to decide who'll win. Get in, get the most, get out and
be victorious!

Pack description
5 levels:Flagrabbit 1 to 4
(p.s. I don't know whoever came up with that hockey stuff and I don't care.
The level was just an experiment to see what else could be done with the
standard tiles...)
To use the levels select CTF mode and then select a level from the
custom-level list. Well, I recommend playing the levels with some
friends/online. 'Coz there ain't much sense in playing CTF on your own...

You can mail me at:

or visit my site:


Haze Hackrabbit
<--"So Retro is in, eh? Tomorrow I'll wear what I wore yesterday!"-->